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Chapter 369

Chapter 369


The three of us sat silently around the table: me, Joe Coreo, and his tempered daughter, who hadthrown a

cake at me.

I had invited them over to talk, but it was really bothering Morales. Showing family they were not theboss over me was a priority, especially after that stunt Aria had pulled yesterday.

The second she mentioned my father, something inside me snapped, yet I remained calm. Making afuss would make me look like the crazy one, and the Garcias desperately tried to remove that image.

Unlike Aria, I was willing to fight my battles and did not need guidance from someone like AngeloMarino.

All that crap about how I should be grateful to receive her hand in marriage was bull that hadundoubtedly come from his mouth. It sounded like something a Marino would say, and all of them werethe same. There was no exception.

I should’ve punched him yesterday, something to show him not to cross me-but I didnt to lose controland become like my father.

Angelo and I were playing two different leagues. He was just ‘one of many grand

who held no power-while I was about to become the head of two families.

Fighting the weak would make me look pathetic.

Instead, I would use my voice to fight for the weak and ensure these innocent families-such Correos-would not get bullied under my watch.

As for Aria?

I had visited her home, feeling nothing but hatred, and left, feeling sorry for her. She was a stringpuppet who did not know any better. It was as clear as crystal that whenever someone fed her theirwrong opinion, she would do a right-click, save’ and wait for the right moment to use it.

Luckily, it was not too late to fix her, and I would be the one to do that for her.

“I want to apologize for my daughter’s actions.” Joe spoke for the first time, clearing his throat.

He nudged the angry-looking woman next to him, encouraging her to apologize. An apology wouldn’tfix anything; a cake in my face was the least of my concerns.

At the moment, it was Aria and our marriage. Repairing her malfunctioning brain would take some time.

“I’m sorry,” Livia’s eyes bored into mine.

I had not forgotten her name. How could I?

The adorable way she carried herself had managed to bring a smile to my face..

Livia wasn’t a tough person and I could see right through her.

Behind that Emmy-worthy look hid a warm person, tired and stressed-but still looking out for her family.If anyone could relate to her, it had to be me.

It was amusing, but at the same time. I felt the urge to tell her to watch herself. Not everyone would beas unbothered as me, and getting into it with the wrong person, someone unstable like Aria, could costher her life.

Livia rolled her eyes. “I’m sorry that you’re an idiot and that you’re so full of yourself that you’ve invitedus over, fishing for an apology-”

“Livia!” Joe called out his daughter’s name.

“No, that’s okay.” I didn’t have the time or energy to get into it. “I must admit, I am an idiot, and I can’targue with that.”

At last, I pulled up the envelope filled with the cash Joe Coreo owed the Morales and gently placed iton the table. “But I didn’t invite you over to make you apologize,” I explained. “I should be the oneapologizing, and I want to do so by paying off your debt“

In a flash, Joe Coreo snatched the envelope from the table and opened it to look at the cash. “I-I can’tbelieve this!” The man gasped, counting the money.

His daughter placed his hand on top of his, shaking her head. “Dad, don’t take it. You know what thesepeople are like.“

These people?

Her words seemed to have done something as Joe distanced himself from the money and pushed thecash back into my hands. “I’m sorry, but I can’t accept this.” He spoke above a whisper.

He wanted it just as badly as I wanted him to have it

He needed it.

“It’s yours.”

Livia scoffed. “We said we don’t want it.”

“Take it!”

For how long would she stick to this act?

“It’s an order.”

“An order?” Livia said, disgusted. “Who does he think he is-the king?”

“No-no, not an order!” I took back the words, which sounded like something my friend, ChristianLamberti, would say. “A gift.”

There was no need to tell Joe twice, and before I could even blink, the envelope was back into his grip.“How can I ever repay you?” The man smiled ear to ear

Seeing how he had swallowed his pride and was able to accept the money must’ve meant this manhad gone through a lot.

“I’m not like my father or my fiancée.” I lowered my head, too ashamed to look them in the eyes. “But Ido have one request.”

“I heard your daughter is a tutor?” After collecting information about the Coreo, I found out Livia was a

private tutor for several wealthy families, capable of getting anyone accepted to the most prestigious


Luis was only in middle school, but after seeing his horrendous grades, I knew he was in need of atutor, and I was willing to give him the best.

“Beauty and brains.” Joe smiled proudly, praising his daughter. “She’s the best.”

“I’m sure she is.” I agreed. “I’ve been thinking about homeschooling my brother, and I have yet to findhim

a tutor

“I will stop you right here.” Livia sighed, brushing her hair with her fingers. “It’s not going to work, andI’m fully booked-I’m sorry.”

Forcing her to become Luis’ teacher wouldn’t do any good and was exactly the path I did not want totake. It wasn’t my meaning to scare people away. “Don’t worry about it.” I accepted her words. “It’sokay.

“Livia-he saved our bakery.” Joe tried persuading his daughter. “From what I’ve seen, Vincenzo isindeed not like his father or Oscar. He seems like an honest man.”

Great, that was my only wish.

I didn’t want to be compared to that man, and I sure didn’t want to be like my father-in-law.

“It’s alright, sir-really.” I handed Livia a Business Card. “But if you do happen to change your mind-please give me a call,” I said. “And whatever you’re earning right now? I’ll triple it.”

Livia’s eyes widened briefly; I guessed it was because of the money. “I have a baby.” She blurted.“Seven months old poops and cries all day.”

“Then you can take him with you,” I spoke, hoping she would change her mind. She could have tenbabies for all I cared. All I wanted was a good tutor for my brother.

Livia’s cheeks flushed red, and she leaned her head on her chin. “Why me?” She studied me,searching for

an answer.

It’s because after stalking you and your clients, I’ve come to the perfect conclusion that you might bethe right fit.

“I like your way of thinking.” I pointed out, smirking. That whole the people’s speech of yours?”

Joe followed our conversation, puzzled.

“You should really run for president with that one!”novelbin

Teasing the girl was probably not the right strategy to recruit her as a tutor, but I couldn’t help. That onehad me chuckling for hours, and judging by her sheepish smirk, she felt the same way.

Joe beamed. “It seems like that speech of hers got through to you-so I would love to hear it one day.”

“No!” Livia shook her head. “Absolutely not!” She spoke, gasping. “Please don’t bring that up everagain- and I’ll think about your offer.”

“Thank you.” I clutched my heart, trying to appear at that extra level of gratitude. I didn’t want tocompare the three-but Livia’s way of speaking made me want to learn more about her, the same I hadwith Serena. Meanwhile, Aria Morales made me want to disappear.

I would’ve loved to keep my word and had truly intended on making the whole marriage thing work, butnow I couldn’t see that happening anymore.

“I’m afraid you’ll have to excuse us. We’ve got a stressful week ahead.” Livia locked her arm with Joe’s,testing me with a mischievous look in her eyes.

Usually, I was the one excusing people and not the other way around. Still, behind that seriousexpression, I could see a small smile, hinting she was playing with me.

“So do I.” I said. “So don’t worry about it-I was going to excuse you either way.”

Livia rolled her eyes, curling her lips. “Thank you so much, Sir Vincenzo Garcia.” She squinted hereyes. “We’re so thankful you’ve decided to let us go so you can terrorize the city and steal everyone’shard- worked money.”

“Livia!” Joc scolded his daughter, sending me into fits of laughter. “S-she d-didn’t-”

“It’s okay.” I told him, appreciating his daughter’s sarcasm. As dangerous as it was, her lack of fearamused me. “I’ll give you my number. Please think about my offer.”

“I will.”

“Thank you.

“By the way, if you’re not occupied shooting people and burying their bodies in the woods, what is itthat you’re doing?” Livia asked, folding her arms. Joe, who had already given up on protecting hisdaughter, sighed deeply and buried his head in his hands.

“It’s something a bit more terrifying than that. The thought of Aria and our marriage made me want todelete my existence.

“I’m getting married.”

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