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Chapter 367

Chapter 367


Just two more days.

Forty-eight hours and I would officially become a married woman-a wife.

After my talk with Vince, all hope had returned, and I was still prepared to fight for his heart. Accordingto him, I was not that bad, and I didn’t see that as a rejection.

I could only see it as a sign to change into the loving wife he wanted me to be.

“Quit dreaming.” Angelo pushed my shoulder.

“I wasn’t, I spoke, looking out the car window.

Angelo Marino had been following me around for hours, telling me what to do and what not to do, howto look and How not to look. Angelo was loud, talkative, curious, and anything but shy.

I couldn’t even take a shit without him guarding the door.

After persuading mom to at least let me take part in one activity, she agreed to let me do the caketesting. Despite the short timeline, mom had found someone who was up for the challenge and couldcreate her dream wedding cake in days.

She was in charge of everything, including flying over my awful cousins and her friends’ daughters tobe my bridesmaids.

“Thanks for joining me.” I ended up thanking Angelo. He was a bit annoying, but still-he didn’t have tobe here. “I know it’s not that exciting, but..”

Angelo pulled a shocked expression. “Not exciting? Are you kidding me? I love cake!”

“You do?”

“I do.” He nodded. “I’m not here because of you-I’m here for the cake.”

I thought his words were a joke, but once we had started the tasting, I wasn’t that sure anymore. WhileI stuffed my mouth with small and innocent bites, Angelo stuffed his face with different cakes.

“Hmm, these people aren’t joking around with their recipes.” He burped loudly, making me bury myhead in embarrassment.

Angelo frowned. “What?” He asked. “Have you never heard anyone burp before?”

I shot up my head. “Are you challenging me?”

“What if I am?”

Aria Morales was not the one to turn down a challenge. For a second, I forgot everything mom and dadtaught me and released a loud burp.

Shocked by my actions, I covered my mouth and quickly looked around to ensure no one noticed. Theroom was filled with the sound of Angelo’s loud laughter.

“What was that?” He cackled. “Oscar said you’re supposedly this perfect, well-behaved lady.”

“I still am!”

I bet the expression on my face looked uncomfortable, but the feeling was otherwise. It was not thateasy for me to be myself around people, let alone burp-but with Angelo, it just felt different.

He was of no relevance to me, a fool-so I didn’t care how he’d see me. I didn’t have to pretend aroundhim.

“I think it’s better to just focus on the tasting.”

“If you say so.” Angelo picked up his spoon and scooped a big piece of cake. “You should taste thisone.”

Forced, I opened my mouth to taste the cake, trying to figure out the taste. “Strawberry?”

“No, stupid.” Angelo tapped his spoon on my lip and leaned in closer. “It’s obviously raspberry.”

I laughed at my stupidity and covered my face, embarrassed. “I knew that. I was just kidding.” I spoke.“Anyway, which one’s your favorite?”

“The last one.”

“I agree,” I said, just wanting to get it over with. I’ll take this one.”

What was the point of doing all this when I wasn’t even here with my so-called fiancé?

No matter how grateful I was for Angelo’s presence-he wasn’t supposed to be the one sitting here.

The sulky look on my face must’ve caught Angelo’s attention because he had dropped everything hewas doing and turned his chair to face me.

“Can I ask you something?” He asked as I automatically reached for a napkin to clean his dirty mouth.“You’ve got such a nice future ahead. Why Vince?”

Displeased with the question, I closed my eyes for a second but did not stop wiping his mouth. TheMarinos disliked the Garcias, but somehow I wanted to believe Angelo had nothing against Vince. Iwanted to believe that he was different from his family.

Why Vince?

Just because.

“I love him.” I didn’t stutter. He didn’t love me. He told me he would never fall for me-but I didn’t mind.

I loved him, and I would fight for his heart until he felt the same.

“You love him?” The side of Angelo’s lips curled.

“Do you even know what that means?” He raised his brow.

I opened my mouth to give him an answer, but I could not find the words.


What does it mean?

It was a question I hadn’t thought about, and I could not explain it. All I knew was that I wanted Vince inmy life, and wasn’t that good enough?

“I just…want to be with him,” I whispered. “Why, are you going to start advising that he isn’t goodenough for me?”

Angelo had a stupid smirk on his lips and shrugged his shoulders.

“If this is about you being uncomfortable living on Garcia territory, don’t worry.” I laughed nervously. “It’llbe Garcia-Morales.”

Dad ensured half the Morales employees would transfer to Vince’s mansion, so we wouldn’t beoutnumbered. It served as another way for him to control our marriage, and although I disagreed, I wasokay with it.

“Why isn’t Vince here with you?” Angelo finally dropped the bomb.

After my talk with Vince, I feared coming off as annoying, immature, childish, or pushy, I was afraid ofrejection and didn’t ask him to join me. He would’ve made up an excuse anyway.

“Is that really your business?” I snarled at Angelo, who was taken aback.

“When I see you entering the house, crying-then, yes.” He raised his voice a little. “I’m making it mybusiness.”

Defeated, I lowered my head. That night Vince took me back home. Angelo, who had noticed the tearsin my eyes, didn’t say a word. He shut his mouth, gave me a water bottle, wiped my tears, and called ita day.

Vince had also wiped my tears, but only because he didn’t get the chance to say everything he had tosay.

“You’re the one doing him a favor.” Angelo gave me a lot to think about.

He was right. I was doing him a favor, but he was the one with all the complaints. Forcing him to marryme was wrong-but all the other stuff?

Angelo sighed, resting his hand in my hair.

“Remember that you are in charge in this relationship. He needs you. You pull the strings-so don’t lethim get away with everything-

“You really think so?” I asked to make sure I wasn’t going crazy. Vince was handsome, charming, andhonest—but I could also tell he was a natural-born leader who wanted everything to go his way.

He wanted me to sit back and watch how he did absolutely nothing. According to several sources, hewas too soft. He didn’t do anything for the Garcia business. He didn’t know who was working for him,wether they were good, loyal-nothing.

Vince was a party animal, surrounded by the most beautiful women, and even after hearing all of that-Ihad still defended him.

I can fix him.’

“Those are just rumors.”

‘He’s a good person with a good heart.”

What had he actually done for me?

Was it really love, or was it desire?

Did I even want to marry him?

“I believe you have to be more confident.” Angelo grabbed a piece of cake and pushed it in my face,leaving me startled.

Only idiots would do something stupid like that.

“And now my hair is ruined!” I complained, getting up from my chair. It was an excellent excuse to walkaway from this situation.

“I need to clean this-and do not follow me.”

“You should laugh more often. It suits you.” Angelo spoke in the car. We were on our way back home.

“I do smile.” I said, lying to his face. Other than the fabricated smile mom and dad had forced upon me.I could barely remember the last time I had felt any joy

True joy.

“I had this different image of you, but you keep surprising me.”

“What image?”

“I don’t know… I thought you’d be stiff and boring.” Angelo’s words were as honest as always.

“Stiff and boring?” I sat up straight, pretending not to be hurt. Those words had been haunting me foryears, and I had done everything I shouldn’t have to prove people wrong.

Angelo stretched his arms, leaning back. “That’s what all the guys said about you.”

“That’s funny,” I spoke. “And what more did these guys say about me?”

“Hmm, let me think.” Angelo bit his lip. “They said you were a virgin because you’ll not allow any man totouch you.”

Sure, because why not?

“I’m glad to be leading such a women-friendly environment.” I gave Angelo a sarcastic nod.

He tapped my leg, making me look at him. “So are you?” His eyes were forcing an answer out of me.

“No.” I blinked.novelbin

Angelo shrugged his shoulder. “Figured.” He said. “And just so you know, I do not agree with them.” Itwas his own way of trying to make me feel better. “I like you.”

I gasped, clutching my heart. “Thank you.” I squealed sarcastically. “Knowing you like me makes mefeel so much better.”

His acceptance felt like nothing to me. That’s how much I cared.

“When is the last time you’ve been in a real relationship?” As expected, Angelo continued hisinterrogation. “Not a forced one like with-

I gave him a look, threatening him not to finish that sentence. “I don’t think I’ve ever been in a realrelationship.” The truth left my mouth. “I guess the idea of me taking over my dad makes men feelthreatened.”

Throughout the years, I’ve dated several guys, but none of them caught my interest. None of themgave me the feeling I had when I first met Vince.

My dream man had his fair share of flaws, but that didn’t change my feelings. Vince was one of the fewwho hadn’t said anything downgrading about a woman leading the business.

“How about you?” I wondered, observing Angelo. He didn’t ping me like the relationship type.

“I just got dumped.” He said, embarrassed.

“You did?”

Angelo had great looks with an okay personality. He was rich and asked many questions, but overall,he was fun to hang around with. Who in their right mind would dump him?

“We’re here.” He pointed outside, eager to step out of the car.

“You do not have to run away from the subject!” I teased, slapping his shoulder as I followed him.

“Be careful.”“ Angelo lifted the box in his hands, looking worried. “If these cupcakes touch the ground,you’re buying me new ones!”

“New ones?” I mocked him, opening the front door. He was so odd. Just everything about him mademe laugh. From the way, he spoke to the way he observed others and carried himself.

“Yes, new- Angelo stopped in his steps, staring straight ahead while I followed his eyes. In the hallstood Vince, with his arms crossed, waiting for my arrival. I mean-I think he was.

“Vince?” I smiled, brightly. I hadn’t texted him because I didn’t want to annoy him-yet here he was.

But why?

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