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Chapter 362

Chapter 362


I straightened my clothes with my hands one last time as Bruno entered the room, searching for eventhe slightest hint of dust.

“You look…….presentable, you’ve cleaned this place, you’re on time.” He nodded approvingly.“Respect and order. These are the qualities you’ll need if you’re going to lead the Garcias and theMorales’ so I’m impressed.”

Leading the Garcias and the Morales’ was enough news to give me a headache. It was not a surprise,it was bound to happen someday, but I had not expected it to be this quick.

“The wedding preparations are going well, and Oscar and Aria have asked me to go through a fewthings with you.” Bruno pulled out a long list, nearly reaching the floor. “And where’s that big brother ofyours?”

“Still packing, I suppose,” I said, sighing. “I guess he has a lot of stuff.”

“Meh.” Bruno scrunched his nose. “I appreciate him stepping up, but he hasn’t done much for theGarcias anyway.” He patted my back. “You are the real deal, and you will bring greatness to thisfamily!”

Yes, under his orders.

“So this list of yours.” I wondered. “Do I have a say in this or-

“No, absolutely not.” Bruno cut me off as soon as I started. The Morales are a powerful family, andyou’re still at the bottom of the rank carrying the Garcia name-so no.” He made it clear. “All you need to

do is nod and sign.”

“Sign what?”

Uncle raised his finger. “These!” He pulled a big stash of papers from his map. “Don’t worry. I alreadywent through it with my lawyer.”

“Just give me a pen, and I’ll sign it.” I waved him off. I was so over it that I didn’t even care at this point.They could’ve asked me to cut off my balls, and I would’ve actually done it.

After getting settled, we sat at the table to read the Morales’ list of terror.

Stunned, I let my eyes wander over the most shameless demands I had ever read in my life, and itwasn’t even half of it. It was really smart of them to try and get their hands on our funds-but what abouttheir funds?

“Uncle, just give me that pen and let me sign.” I stuck out my hand. “I might as well sell my soul to thedevil.”

“Vince, I told you I looked it over with my lawyer, and he’s the best.” Uncle had a confident look in hiseyes. “There’s a clause, so you don’t have to worry.”

If Bruno claimed there was nothing to worry about, it truly meant there was nothing to worry about.

There was a lot that could be said about uncle Bruno. He was a hungry man who enjoyed nothing morethan attention and power, but at the same time, he was a man that cared deeply for his family. Hecared for us in a way our father never could.

I guess you could say I had a love-hate relationship with him. Of course, I knew he was looking out forme, but he could sometimes be an annoying demanding prick.

“Uncle, why are you doing all of this?” I wondered why he had even returned after dad had left ourfamily in shambles,

Bruno grew an embarrassed smile on his lips. “Everything that has happened until now has all been myfault.” He said, shrugging.

“I should’ve stayed behind, stopped my brother, taken care of the family and my nephews-but I’ve failedyou all of you.”

“No, you didn’t.” I did not want to hear another word. “You not being here gave us something to lookforward to whenever you came back to visit.”

After dad had lost his mind and all of our family members took their distance, the only ones who caredabout us were our late uncle, who dad had murdered in cold blood-and uncle Bruno who had put asidehis fear to visit us every holiday.

Only after uncle’s announcement about wanting to restore the Garcia name, all of our family who hadpreviously turned their backs on us had shamelessly returned to show us their faces.

Uncle Bruno, who wasn’t that good at showing affection, swallowed his breath. “I know you might thinkI do not have your best interests at heart, but I love you and am trying to clean this family for you.”

And for yourself.

“I know.”

“Throughout this marriage, I want you to observe the girl and use your brains.” He said with a seriousexpression. “Aria might seem dense, but you should not underestimate her. Regarding business, she isa natural leader and her family’s future.”

His words seemed unlikely. It was hard to imagine that the same young woman who had forced me tomarry her and had gotten herself arrested over a dress was the mastermind behind her family’ssuccess. She couldn’t be. There was no way.novelbin

“As for saving this family? Just sit back and watch how a woman does what your brother couldn’t.”Uncle had never agreed with Nic temporarily leading the Garcias

He had only agreed to it because he knew the other families, such as the Lambertis, shared a greatbond with Nic and would not question his intentions. That had been an important part in allowing theGarcias to continue their business.

“Back when your grandfather was still alive, he used to have this saying.” Bruno leaned forward in hischair, grabbing my attention.

“What was it?”

He smirked, clicking his tongue. “Use until there is no use.”

Use until there is no use?

The look in his eyes, forcing me to think about his words, made me feel overwhelmed. I wasn’t good atsolving riddles and had no interest in doing so.

“I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

“Do you wish to remain married for the rest of your life?” Uncle shot me a daring look.

Was he talking about Aria?

Was he also saying that I should make good use of that girl until our family was well enough to let go ofher?

He said the exact words I had said before, but those same words coming from his mouth left a badtaste.

Using Aria for my own benefits?

A girl who didn’t know any better and was hopelessly in love with me?

Hearing it from Bruno’s mouth gave me a reality check. That wasn’t me.

“Are you saying that—”

“Ah, Ah!” Uncle waved his hands. “I did not say a word.” He said. “I’m just being cautious, because I’veheard Oscar has hired Angelo Marino as Aria’s advisor

I clenched my jaw. “Angelo Marino?”

The Marinos were one of the families who did not want us in the city. What would they want with theMorales? Was this another scheme to get us out of here?

“One word from him could blow off the entire wedding.”

Blow off the wedding without having to break someone’s heart? That sounded like honey to my ears. “Ithought you agreed that it wouldn’t be that bad.”

“Yes, to divorce her later-but if she doesn’t walk down that aisle and says I do.” Uncle clicked histongue. looking up and down. “We’re all screwed.

What was the worst that could happen? Aria running off with Angelo Marino, marrying him-gettingmanipulated by him and starting a rebellion to kick us out of the city?

Yes, giving it a second thought-that would be awful.

“I’m not worried about my future because I’m already an old man, and I’ve lived my life.” Unclecontinued. “I know the Marinos despise us for the way your late father has treated them, so I’m worried.for my nephews’ well-being.”

His words came to me as a surprise as I had always made him out to be a Morales’ booty licker, hungryfor power and acceptance-but it turned out even he had his limit.

“You’ve found yourself a treasure. Now it’s up to you to learn enough so you’ll not need to rely onanyone in the future.” Bruno clarified. “Not the Morales, not Christian, not your brother, and not theAlfonzos.

“I understand.” I nodded, thinking he had a point. In this business, a falling out with one of the familiesyou were on good terms with was not uncommon. That’s why it was so important to strengthen ourname so we would always be able to protect ourselves.

“So, what do you say?” Uncle asked. “Are you ready to get married?”

A few days ago, I tried to sabotage the engagement, and just a few hours ago, I was willing to doanything

not to go through with it.

I had changed my mind. Getting married was not just an option. It was a must. Uncle was right. It wasthe only way to save the family.

“I guess I’m ready to become Vincenzo Garcia-Morales. I couldn’t get used to that name. I was surethat was Oscar’s doing and not Aria, who’d gladly take my name.

A smile crept across my face, thinking about what the girl must’ve had seen in me, for her to marry me.

I wasn’t perfect and I wasn’t husband-material. Far from it.

I wasn’t looking forward to marrying Aria-but I didn’t want to be a villain either. Some of the things I hadsaid about her were shocking, and I had no idea those words could even leave my mouth.

If she was going to be my wife-the least I could do was treat her with some kind of respect.

Loving her was impossible, so I had already ruled that one out, but I could try to put in a bit more effort.I could try to tell her not to disrespect my friends or my family.

I had complained about the situation, but I had yet to tell her my true feelings—and it was about time todo that. Aria had to know that I disagreed with her actions, and I was not pleased with how she handledthings.

She had to know that although I was ready to marry her, I wasn’t ready to play pretend and it wouldmost likely never happen.

She had to know the truth.

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