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Chapter 360

Chapter 360


My eyes widened as I couldn’t escape the curious smile on Christian’s lips. Not many peopleintimidated me, but for some reason, he did.

It wasn’t because I was scared of him, but because he could break my family’s pride with just onesnap.

Beau confronting me to tell Christian about how I disrespected his wife had opened my eyes and mademe realize that I should at least be cautious with my words.

“I-I uhh..” I panicked. “I said she looks beautiful and gives me a run for my money on my birthday.”

“Yes, she is gorgeous.” Christian’s face lit up. “I still don’t know what I’ve done in my past life to get thislucky.”

“And you.” Christian eyed Beau. “You should greet your babies before that thing over there burns downthis place.” He scolded him, referring to the Sala girl whose eyes grew darker by the second

“Yes.” Beau nodded like an obedient puppy and strolled off. The thought of him being an Alfonzo andtaking orders from a Lamberti just didn’t

make sense to me.

Even then, I would instead argue with him if that meant I wouldn’t be forced to interact with a soberChristian.

He was not as fun anymore as he had been at the wedding-

Unsure of what to do, I grabbed a drink and pushed it into his hands. “Here!” I spoke. “Only if you wantto, of course.”

“Sure.” He smiled. “It’s a nice party.”novelbin

“Thank you so much.”

He chuckled slightly at my polite answer. “And you look great.”

“Thank you, that’s nice of you.”

Christian repeated my words with a charming smile on his lips, showing me there was also a polite wayof mocking me. The Alfonzo siblings could learn something from that.

“Cute.” He mumbled, making me look up in surprise. I wasn’t trying to be cute. I was trying to behavelike a proper and respectful adult. The perfect daughter daddy trained me to be.

“I know it’s not easy to move to another city and start all over, but if you ever need any advice orsomeone to talk to—I’m only one call away.” Christian offered his guidance.

“That’s good to know.” I took a breath, knowing there was at least one person interested in my well-being. “I heard you took over your dad at a young age, so I’m sure we can relate.”

“I know. That’s why I want to look out for you.” Christian confirmed as he stared across the room. Ifollowed his eyes and noticed Vince at Serena’s table. The two were laughing and slapping each otheras if they had just discussed the funniest thing on earth.

Did it not bother Christian one bitt

Christian had an unbothered expression, showing me this didn’t affect him at all. “So, how is Vincetreating you?” He took a sip from his drink.


I thought he was until his so-called friend exposed him for talking crap behind my back. Call me crazy,but I still believed there to be some misunderstanding.

“Good?” Christian spoke. “He better, and if he doesn’t, you’ll come to me—understand?”

My head moved in an instant nod. I felt guilty for what I said about his wife, and I felt sorry for him, butonly for him. He appeared to be Serena’s number one fan, so I didn’t even want to think about whatwould happen if he knew the names I had called her. Would he still have my back?

“I heard you’re your dad’s most special treasure and a hard worker.” Christian praised me. I wasn’t bornyesterday and knew almost all praises ended with an insult.


“But you’re still very young and got a lot of growing up to do.”

There it was.

“I know you can’t wait to marry Vince, but you should think about whether you really want to tie the knotat such a young age and-”

“I’ve thought about it long enough, and this is what I want,” I spoke, determined. “I want to marryVince.” I chose to believe what I wanted and brushed aside Beau’s warning.

A simple misunderstanding. That was all it was.

“Are you sure?”


“Then it’s good,” Christian spoke, surprised. By the looks of it, being a dad and marrying in his mid-twenties was not how Christian had planned his life. Even then, he clearly loved Serena and hischildren.

I was not the same. Unlike him, I wanted to get married, and I didn’t have the urge to live my life. All Iwanted was to marry Vince, start a family, continue the family business-and trust me. I would get my


Christian’s way of not questioning my words did something to my heart. He didn’t ask a hundredquestions. He just listened and accepted my terms. “They said you were cold and angry, but I actuallylike


“That’s funny. They said the same about you.” He pointed out. “It was actually Serena who encouragedme to come and talk to you.”


I had become so sick of that name and was too tired to give a reaction. “Really?”

“Yes, she’s afraid the families might not take you seriously because you’re the Morales’s onlydaughter.”

Christian did not miss an opportunity to talk about his perfect wife. “She really admires you and thinksyou’re a fresh breath of air?” He chuckled. “I think those were her words?”

She was right about that. I still didn’t like her, but I had to acknowledge her way of thinking. As thefuture head of the Morales and the Garcias-It would only be fair to take the compliment.

“What do you think?”

“Oh, whatever my wife thinks.” Christian sighed, grinning. “She was too scared to talk to you becauseshe thinks you’re too intimidating.”


Would it be because of the dress altercation? I’m sure Carmen must’ve twisted the story and told hersister a different version.

Christian shot me a look of curiosity. “You were born into this while she was brought into this.” He


So it wasn’t about the dress thing after all.


The conversation was cut short by Vince, who had forced himself between us. If it weren’t for Beau’swords, I would’ve thought he was being overprotective, but now I was unsure. The way he stoodbetween us seemed almost like he was saying, we do not talk to her.”

“I came to pick up my sack of potatoes.”

“Your what?” A thrown-off Christian asked, equally as confused about his actions.

Vince turned to me with a smile and a nod. “You wouldn’t understand.”

“I’m afraid I wouldn’t” Christian shook his head, going along with his friend. “I think it’s time for me toget back to my wife, but it was nice talking to you, Aria Christian returned to his seat.

Vince, whose smile had suddenly vanished, forced his hand into mine.

-Should we go back to our seats?” He offered. 1 remember thinking he was so perfect, but I guesseven someone like Vince had flaws.

I didn’t mind, though. Everyone had their flaws, and I was willing to look past his. If he didn’t like me, Iwould do everything in my power to change that.

“Let’s go.

“Are you okay?” He asked as we were walking.

“Did they say something? Should I go after them?” He continued. “Have you changed your image ofme- do you not wish to marry me anymore?”

Because you didn’t want to marry me in the first place?

“What?” I played it off. “I’m fine, and they were really nice.” Well, Christian was-but I couldn’t say thesame about his other friend.

“R-really?” Vince had a slight hint of disappointment in his voice. He wanted me to hate him, but I couldnever After everything he had been through. I couldn’t bring myself to hate him.

I was sure he had his reasons for the things he said, but he had never rejected me or my offer, so thatwas something we would eventually get over.

“Come on, let’s go.” I led him back to our table, where dad and Bruno had already been waiting for us,waving their hands.

“Hah, the two of you are just in time for the announcement.” Dad clapped his hands, not wasting timeasking for the guest’s attention. They seemed to be in a hurry.

I brought my mouth to the ears of the younger Garcia. “Luis, you should put down your gaming thingy.”

“First of all, I would like to thank all of you for your presence, and I’m proud to celebrate my one andonly daughter.” Dad pulled me closer.

“My heir, my muffin, the second most beautiful woman on the planet-with the first being my wife, myprincess, my-

“Daddy!” I hissed, flustered. I wasn’t embarrassed because he was only telling the truth. I just wantedto get it over with, that’s all.

“Sure, sure.” Dad chuckled. “I’m also very proud to introduce all of you to my Aria’s fiance and myfuture son-in-law, Vincenzo Garcia.”

This time dad wrapped his arm around Vince, so casual it had almost looked like the two had knowneach other for years. The room was filled with surprised faces and people applauding while I couldn’thelp but scan the expression on Vince’s face.

He smiled. It was a bright smile, and I could not care any less whether it was sincere or not. As long ashe kept treating me the way he had been. I was okay with whatever he felt like doing behind my back.

“With that being said, after their marriage, I will respectfully stand down and leave everything to mydaughter and my new son, who surely has a few things to add as well.”

Wait, what?

This time everyone’s mouth dropped open, including mine. I knew I would take over the family one day.but I had never expected it to be that soon.

All I had to do was marry lince?

That was it?

Vince had a tensed and awkward smile on his lips, but his uncle laughed loudly, patting his back. “Ofcourse, he has something to say!” Bruno announced, still amazed.

Dad was the king of spontaneous decisions, so I was sure no one was aware of this.

“Yes, I’m delighted to be here with Aria on this special day-and I’m so grateful to my in-laws, especiallyOscar Morales, who has welcomed me into this family with open arms, Vince sounded as if he wasreading from a script. He took a glance at me. “I couldn’t have wished for anyone more beautiful,determined, and…opinionated than Aria, and I can’t wait to marry her.”


“Come on, Vince, a bit more!” Beau got up from his chair, yelling.

I had no idea I was capable of disliking someone that much, but he was really pushing it.

Vince stuttered uncomfortably while his friend had a teasing smile.

What more could Vince say if his feelings weren’t even sincere? I was sure he had precisely plannedout what to say, and I was sure Beau knew about it and wanted to make me look ridiculous.

“I-L.” Vince hammered, searching Serena’s eyes, who gave him a reassuring nod. “If I could, I’d marryher next week!”

Beau went into fits of laughter and nudged the dress thief, Carmen, who leaned into his shoulder tocatch her breath from cackling. I felt my blood rise as the Alfonzo boy raised his glass and tilted hishead with a slight sarcastic pout.

Okay, that was it.

“Then let’s do it!” I called out. “Why wait any longer? Let’s get married next week!”

“What?” Vince whispered over the howling laughter of the guests.

“Why wait? Let’s just do it!”

Dad coughed slightly, scratching his neck. “Muffin, a week might be too fast.” He opposed it, but I didn’t


The Alfonzo siblings could laugh all they wanted, but I would marry Vince. That was final.

“Yes, listen to your dad-muffin. Vince widened his eyes. “How could he possibly organize his daughter’sdream wedding in a week? That’s impossible.”

“Impossible?” Dad shrieked. “Nothing is impossible for the Garcia’s.”

“I know that I just—”

“It looks like you’re challenging me, young Garcia.”

“No, sir—”

“And I love a good challenge!” Dad opened his arms widely, grinning. “We will have the wedding nextweek!”

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