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Chapter 357

Chapter 357


“So.” I sat down, rubbing my hands. She would be living here with us, whether we liked it or not-soldidn’t want to create an awkward atmosphere. “Looking good.”

Aria, who seemed to have forgotten all about Luis’ behavior, nodded her head. “It tastes even better.Dig in!” She spoke proudly.

Luis lifted his head to look at Aria. “We usually say grace-

“Hmm, that’s delicious!” Aria spoke over him, munching her homemade pasta.novelbin

Luis wasn’t wrong. We did have a tradition of thanking God and Jesus for not only the food on our tablebut our lives as well.

“Or never mind, just continue whatever you were doing.” Luis mumbled, annoyed. His responsesurprised me. Everyone knew Luis as a kind kid who could even get along with a fly.

Whatever it toas, he clearly wasn’t feeling Aria.

Luis and I shared a look as we took a bite of our pasta.

Judging by the way Aria stuffed her face, I could tell the girl felt no shame whatsoever. She was anoverly confident person who lived her life pretending to be all high and mighty.

It seemed like the rumors were true after all.

“So you’re the computer nerd?” Aria spoke after a while.

Luis swallowed his food. “I’m sorry?”

“You like playing games, don’t you?”

He grew a big smile. “Yes, I do. Do you play-

“Do you still got time left for your schoolwork?”

“Yes, I do. Thanks for your concerns.” Luis spoke sarcastically as the previous smile had vanished fromhis lips. So now she wanted to involve herself in his education as well?

“No problem. That’s what I’m here for.” Aria spoke, failing to hear the sarcasm. “My family and I arehere to fix the mess your dad left you in.” She shrugged. “Fabio Garcia, isn’t it?”

That name….

How could she let his name slide so easily?

The world stopped, and so did my heart. I felt the hair rise on the back of my neck as shivers wentthrough my body, but I couldn’t allow myself to crumble. I couldn’t show my weakness.

I turned to Luis and watched as the color slowly drained from his face. He dropped the gaming deviceto the table and stared straight ahead as Aria, who didn’t know the impact of her words, continuedeating.

Fabio Garcia.

No one mentioned his name in this house.

The man who tried to take my life. The man who destroyed all of our lives.

He was a sensitive topic not even Luis, Nie, and I had discussed.

No one dared say his name, so how could this random woman walk into our home and mention himlike it’s nothing?

“Hmm, Luis-you should also wear white or gold tomorrow!” Aria pointed her fork to my brother. “Isuppose you’re also part of the family-right?”

Luis did not give her an answer as he was still trying to catch his breath. He was close to having apanic attack, and she didn’t even notice. All she cared about were matching outfits.

“So, Aria-what do you like to do in your spare time?” I smiled through my frustrations. Perhaps achange of subject would do us good.

“Let’s see.” Aria chuckled at the opportunity to talk about herself. “I enjoy making money–and I lovegoing to shooting ranges, staying fit-going to the gym. Her voice was filled with passion.

“I always come up with new ways to bring our product to the market, and when I see the numbers goup… it just does something to my adrenaline!”

Yes, she’s something else.

“I see. I frowned. “But how about going to the movies or something like-

“When I was younger, I used to join dad and watch him blow people’s brains out. She cut me off mid-sentence. “Why should I waste my time going to the movies-when I can experience the live-action?”She clicked her tongue.

This time Luis got up from his seat and pushed back the chair. I knew what he was thinking, and Icouldn’t blame him.

She sounded just like our father.

Why would you entertain your brother when you can show him the proper way of running a business,”

Those were his words.

I reached out my hand, but Luis trembled, shaking his head. As if growing up with our father wasn’ttraumatic enough, she just had to throw fuel on the fire.

I took a breath. “Luis-”

“Can I please be excused?” He struggled to finish his sentence. “Please!”

Luis was such a good kid that he still felt the need to get permission to leave the table. That was thekind of person he was. He didn’t deserve any of this.

Aria pressed her lips together. “But you only took a few bites—”

That was it.

“Go,” I gave my permission. It was not and would not be her place to raise my brother. I had been doingit

for years, and I would continue to do so in my way.

“Thank you.” Luis turned on his heel and stormed off, failing to keep his balance

My heart told me to go after him, but my head said otherwise. Luis needed his space.

Giving him a shoulder to cry on would only make it worse.

“Aria, I don’t know how much you know about me or my life,” I spoke, keeping my calm.

“But when you say stuff like that to my brother, it brings back memories of our father.”“

“Oh, god-I’m so stupid!” Aria slammed her hand over her mouth. “I didn’t mean to.” She shot me adarting gaze. “I should go and apologize.”

“It’s okay!” I stopped her. “Just be careful next time.”“”

Unless Aria was the daughter of the devil, I was just going to assume that she really did bad about her


“I promise to be careful next time,” Aria said.

“It’s just it’s been years, so I thought he would’ve been over it now by now.”

Well, you thought wrong.

“So, what made you decide to invite me over today?” Aria wondered. “I really appreciate it, by the way.”

“It was Serena.” I beamed. “She forced me to do this, and I just went with it because….it’s her.”

I would drink a bottle of dog pee if she’d ask me to. That’s how far I would go to please her.

Aria held her head high, not losing her dignity. “So you didn’t want me here.” She cracked a smile. “Youonly did it because Serena told you to.

Of course, I didn’t want her here. I never asked for any of this

“Would you also leave me at the aisle if Serena told you to?” Aria spoke mockingly. She spat her nameas if Serena was the most disgusting person on the planet.

“No,” I answered. “I wouldn’t.”

“How come?”

“Because I need you more than I need her.”

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