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Chapter 353

Chapter 353


“Thank you, daddy!” I cheered, jumping up and down, I had finally heard the news I had been waitingfor.

The Garcias agreed to our proposal. I would marry the love of my life, and I would become his wife.

“I know, muffin.” Dad smiled proudly. “When has dad ever let you down?”


“That’s right, never!” He pulled me closer while mom stood behind with a sour expression on her face.She was not fond of the idea of having Vincenzo Garcia as her son-in-law, but I luckily managed topersuade her with some good arguments.

If we could turn the Garcia name around, all families would be impressed with us.

“Aria, you barely even know this guy,” Mom spoke, unamused. “I told you Cesca and Lita have sons-

“I’m going to marry Vince, mom.” I made it clear. “And nothing you’ll ever say or do will change how Ifeel about him.”

You heard her, sweetheart.” Dad shrugged at mom. “So I’m thinking we should announce yourengagement at your birthday party-to get the news out there.”“”

“I agree!” I nodded enthusiastically. The more, the merrier.

Having the opportunity to marry someone as handsome and kind as Vince was indeed something tobrag about.novelbin

I heard nothing but amazing things about his personality. Others described him as strong, handsome,kind, determined, and respectful, especially towards women. My future husband was perfect.

“Do you want me to hire someone for the preparations? Dad suggested.

“For what, the birthday or the wedding?” Mom asked, trying to sound uninterested.


“I’m her mother, so I’ll do it.” She brushed her hair to the side. I was her only daughter, and she lovedattention, so it was only fair for her to prepare the wedding.

“Now that it’s my engagement party as well, I need to buy a hot dress!” I came to the realization. “So Iwas thinking, V-line, sparkling and short?” I posed, pouting my lips. “Short enough for Vince to get anosebleed?”

“Look at my baby, all grown up!” Dad gushed, pinching my cheeks. “No man could ever deny hercharms or beauty. That’s why the Garcias have instantly agreed to it!”

“I wonder where she got it from.” Morn gave us a one-sided shoulder shrug, making dad let go of my


“From you, of course.” He opened his arms, pulling her into a hug. I cringed as mom stood on her tippytoes and kissed his nose.

“Okay, first of all-bleh I pulled a disgusted look. Tothermore, I need Viner’s number

what color to wear. I want in to manch

“Of course, muffin. I’ll text you his number. My dad mely

for you, my love-for you, I’ve got

ent play

“Grost” 1 gagged as a high-pitched giggle released from between mon’s lips. Even after all these years,they were still very much in love and behaved like newlywell

It would be the same for Vince and me I were of it

“Anyway, I’ll be out to find my perfect dress for the announcement” I excused myself before headingdownstairs

No matter how many times I would repeat it in my head. It will seemed unreal. I was actually gemingmarried to the man I wanted to be with. With a broad smile. I grabbed my phone to text the only friendhad made until now. Stella


Drew shopping!






I’m sorry, I can’?

I’m with Serena


No problem, have fun xx

Serena this, Serena that

That bitch was like a cockroach that just wouldn’t go away

It was already bad enough that I had no choice but to invite her to my birthday party because she wasno only Christian’s wife but also an Alfonzo

What if Fince looked at her the same way he did at the wedding?

How could someone’s wife be my rival? That part was still beyond me.

“To the mall, at once I lowered my sunglasses before snapping my fingers. One thing loved about my

comfortable life was that daddy always made sure I got whatever I desired. I never had to ask forsomething twice.

“Yes, Miss Morales!” The driver ran to the car to open the door for me.

“And give it some gas-will you?” I skipped to the back. “I’m in a bit of a hurry,”

“You got it, miss.”“


A while later, I had found my store-a designer boutique that would undoubtedly have my perfect dressfor my special day.

“Can I offer you a champagne?” One of the employees welcomed me. I pulled back my sunglasses totake a better look at the woman. She didn’t even ask me for my ID. I guess getting engaged gave me amore mature look-a special glow.

“Forget the champagne.” I shrugged her off. “I need you to show me your most expensive dress,”

T-the most expensive?” The woman stuttered. “Please follow me!”

I followed the woman to a golden gown and froze at the magnificent piece of clothing in front of me.“Wow

That was it. That’s my dress.

“This is a $35.000 designer evening gown.” She spoke. There is only one piece left.”

“It looks amazing. It looks perfect!” I gasped, touching the ends with my fingers. If I wore this at theannouncement, Vince would not be able to take his eyes off me.

“Take it.” Someone dared to finish the sentence. “I’ll take that dress!”

Startled, I turned my head and stared at a girl whose outfit was almost similar to mine. My eyestraveled from her pink crop top, to her tight jeans and stopped at the identical designer bag in herhands. Was this a joke?

“Miss, we haven’t seen you in a long time.” The employee pushed me aside to greet the girl.

“Excuse me, miss.” I expressed my annoyance.

“I think you’re interrupting something here.”

“So 35K, you say? My dad will double it.” The girl continued, ignoring my words. “So do I pay in cash,card, or do you want me to write you a check?”

The saleswoman cackled loudly. “Whatever works for you, miss!” She covered her mouth with herhand.

Double it? bet dad could triple it.

“Hello, that is my dress?” I tilted my head and waved at the unbothered girl.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” The girl spoke, finally addressing me. Perhaps she didn’t fully understand, but that wasokay. As long as she apologized, there would not be an issue.

“I’m sure you can find something else over there…in the lower range section which suits you.” Shesurprised me instead. So there would not be an apology!


“Does the dress come in a box?” The girl yet again ignored my existence. In my city, something like thiswould never happen. Not in a million years. No one would even dare to disrespect Aria Morales,

“Yes, it comes in a box-

“I’m not letting you walk away with that dress!” I spoke loudly, protecting the piece of clothing with myarms. “There’s no way in hell!”

The girl placed her bag on the sofa and cracked her knuckles. “I know you’re not talking to me.” Shechuckled in a mocking tone. “Do you even know who you’re talking to?”


“Do you know who you’re talking to?” I raised my voice and placed my bag on the floor. “The dressdoesn’t even suit you, so I suggest you just let it go.”

“Thanks, but I’ll take the dress.” The girl waved her hands. “You wouldn’t be able to afford it anyway.”

Okay, that was it.

Calling me broke is where I drew the line

“I’ll give you one chance to apologize, and if you don’t-there will be some serious consequences,” Ispoke calmly, killing hee with kindness. I’d be damned if I would accept this knockoff version of myselfcall me broke.

“Oh, wow!” The girl threw back her head in laughter.

“And what will those consequences be? Please show me. I would like to know!”

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