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Chapter 351

Chapter 351



I opened my arms to my little brother and pulled him into my embrace. “Luis, how was school?” I asked,pinching his check. He was fourteen-but he was still my baby, no matter how old or tall he would get.“School was good!”

It had only been three years since I woke up from my six months coma, so I had a lot of catching up todo. Every minute was precious, and I, unfortunately, learned that the hard way. I knew it when my ownfather shot me without giving it a second thought.

I had no mother and no father. All I had were my brothers Nic and Luis. Of course, there were otherGarcia’s, especially uncle Bruno and his wife, aunt Nettie-but all they could see when they looked atme was my dad. I hated that man, and I hated mirrors because I could not blame them. I did look likethat man, but one thing was sure. I was nothing like him.

I got into the car and smiled at Luis as he took a seat. His backpack, which had always been waybigger than him, seemed miniature.

“Don’t stare at me!” Luis spoke. “Let’s go.”

Growing up with a monster as a father was something I wouldn’t wish upon anyone. Fabio Garcia wasan embarrassment to all of us, and it was somehow a miracle how Nic, Luis, and I had turned out to bedecent. Nic fled when he had the chance and had only returned after our father left this earth.

My life was perfect until mom passed away. After that, dad had changed a lot and never became thesame. He ruined our name, haunted away our entire family, and even though he paid for his actions,

the scars were still there.

It was almost impressive how dad had managed to build the Garcia’s into one of the top crime familieson the east coast from scratch, just to make us the most hated family in the city in less than a splitsecond.

While he was six feet under, my brothers and I had to deal with the consequences.

“Where do you want to go, Luis?” I asked. “Do you want to go home, or do you want to go to Nic?”

“The Alfonzo’s!” Luis spoke. “Luke and I almost reached the top rank of super dragon imperial, and heasked me to come over to trade some items!”

“I’m sorry, what?”

“A video game.” Luis rolled his eyes. “Just drive. You wouldn’t understand.”

The Alfonzos were one of the most powerful families in the city and the family who took care of Luiswhen I was in a coma. Hearing the name ‘Alfonzo’ was a painful thing to me because all I could think ofwas Serena Alfonzo.

The woman who had been my one-sided love since the day I’d met her. My best friend, Christian,deserved happiness, and he had finally found it with her. They had two beautiful children, and theywere happy. I was hurt but also willing to give up my happiness for their own and would do it all overagain.

I had promised myself to stay away from Serena, but being best friends with her twin brother, Beau-who was the split image of her, was not that helpful. He looked like her, talked like her, and behavedlike her. So

how could I ever forget about her? How could I ever ignore her?

“Excuse me, mister top rank. “I chuckled, smacking Luis over his head.

It wasn’t long before we arrived at the Alfonzo mansion. I could tell by the car, which was covered withcolored markers, that Beau was also present. He had a set of wild twin toddlers who loved drawing onvehicles, which was one of the many reasons why I did not want any children.

They definitely had it from their mom, so perhaps that was the reason why the two of them were nottogether anymore. His ex, Isobel,

was someone I grew up with, just like Christian-but somehow our lives were completely different.

Christian was happily married, Isobel and Beau were co-parenting, and even though it was by choice-1was still bachelor.

I would never allow myself to love anyone the same way dad loved mom. Her passing destroyed him,and it ultimately turned him into a monster.

The idea of losing someone important and taking it out on my children was terrifying. I would ratherplay it safe and not take any risks.

Perhaps Serena was on my mind because I knew I couldn’t have her. I knew she would never be adanger to my vows.

“Look, it’s Ethan and Emma!” Luis pointed at the two toddlers who were running circles around theirdad. “He’s hopeless.” I chuckled at the sight of Beau, who was trying to control his twins.

They obviously had more traits from their mom and were extremely active and loud. “Come on, let’shelp him.

We got out of the car and walked to Beau. “You should control your children. They shouldn’t becontrolling you!”

Beau had finally noticed our presence and stopped chasing the twins. “Vince, I’m happy to see you.”He smiled. “And Luis-it’s been ages!”

After I got into a coma, he somehow became best friends with Christian and even started working forhim.

Before all of that, he used to work for the Garcias. We had grown apart, and a part of me was jealous,but there was also a part of me that was grateful. He had evolved from a cold stone to a loving father,and it had all happened while I wasn’t around.

“Hi, Beau!” Luis hugged him

Beau ruffled his hand through his hair and kissed his cheek. “You need to stop doing that. It’sembarrassing” Luis called him out, fixing his hair.

“Yes, he’s like that nowadays.” I laughed at a startled Beau who could not believe his eyes at Luisoutburst.

“I’m going inside, bye!” Luis ran off. “Luke is waiting!”

“Don’t forget to greet Lita and Matteo-I’m sure they missed you!” Beau called out, but Luis was already


“Our brothers and their video games.” He shook his head, disapprovingly.

Lita and Matteo were good people who loved and treated Luis as their own. Having someone like themto look after Luis, who had never got to experience a real family-was more than I could’ve possiblyasked


“Emma, Ethan-stop it,” I called out to the two toddlers. They had been running circles around me, and Iwas slowly getting dizzy. Unlike Beau, they listened to my request almost immediately and raised theirhands, asking me to hold them.

“Unfair.” Beau mumbled as I picked up the twins. They looked at me full of curiosity and brought theirtiny hands to my nose.

“You’re good with kids.” Beau frowned. “You should get some of your own.”


What if I would end up destroying them, the same way dad was out to destroy us?

I would never allow that.

“Why aren’t you inside?” I asked, hoping he would forget his comment.

Beau lowered his head. “Isobel is picking them up, and I was just leaving.” He spoke, avoiding theconversation. I knew how bad he felt about not giving his children the family he felt they deserved.

Personally, his power to end his engagement only made me respect him even more. Forcing yourself tobe happy with someone that can’t treat you with the respect you deserve could never be a good thing.

Isobel was a kind and funny person, but as someone who has known her since we were kids—I wasalso the first to acknowledge what kind of demon she could be if things would not go her way.

“So, how have you been holding up?” I sighed, showing my sympathy. “Are you okay?”

Beau shrugged. “I said this needed to happen in order for me to be happy, and I am-but at the sametime, I’m also experiencing this strange emptiness.” He explained. “So I don’t know.”

“I see.” I patted his back, laughing. Back in the day, he couldn’t answer my questions with more thantwo words. A simple yes or no would’ve been enough.

“Momma!” The twins released themselves from my arms and ran to their mom, who stepped out of the


“My babies!” Isobel hugged the twins as long as possible so she did not have to face her ex. I turned towalk away, but Beau wrapped his hand around my wrist.

“Go, and I’ll kill you.” He hissed softly. At that moment, Isobel raised her head and gave us anuncomfortable nod as the twins went back to running circles around their new target, which happenedto be Isobel’s car.

“Vince, I didn’t know you were here.”

“Y-yes, I am!” I said, scratching my head. I despised awkward and embarrassing situations, so I tendedto keep to myself. If those two hadn’t rushed into a forced relationship after an unexpected pregnancy,they would’ve not been in this uncomfortable situation.

I would never put a ring on a woman’s finger, and all of this was just proving my point.

“Their bags.” Beau picked up the twins’ belongings from the ground and handed them over. “They ate awhole jar of candy yesterday, so no sweets today. They just woke up from their naps. Emma needs tocut her bangs, Ethan’s been throwing tantrums, and I think it might have to do with you treating him asa lord.” He stated. “He’s a toddler, not your equal.”

I snickered.

What was this!

A book report!

Frustrated, Isobel brushed her hand through her hair. “I know how to raise my children. I don’t needyour help, not anymore.” She spoke, embarrassment written across her face.

I would remain single.

I would remain single.

I would remain single.

Beau scoffed. “Apparently you do because when I was around, the kids never even thought aboutruining cars with markers.” He spat. “But that was before mommy told them they could draw whereverthe hell they want.”

Oh, shit.

It’s official, no children for me.

“And whose fault is that, that you aren’t around?” Isobel placed her hands on her hips. Because it sureas hell isn’t mine.”

This was a one-sided breakup, after all.

“I uh…should head inside.” I announced, not wanting to be around these two any longer.

“Yes, and I should go. Isobel sneered. “Emma, Ethan-say bye-bye to daddy.” She told the twins. “Fromwhat I’ve heard, he’s got quite the life now that I’m not keeping him hostage, anymore, so god knowswhen you’ll see him again!”

“Just ignore,” I whispered in Beau’s ear. She was just trying to get a reaction out of him, to make himseem like the bad guy. I knew how these things worked.

Women were dangerous, but so were men.

A steady relationship was even more dangerous.

“Be good, and daddy loves you.” Beau gave the twins one last hug. The two jumped up and down. “Ilove you!” They said. “Bye, daddy!”

I smirked, impressed. I had always found it funny how parents would teach their children those words.

Because of that very same reason. I grew up thinking I loved my dad and followed him in every stupiddecision he made.

“I love Emma and Ethan, but if I could go back in time and avoid all physical contact with Isobel, Iwould’ve,” Beau spoke as Isobel drove off. “That would’ve been the best situation for all of us.”

I would never allow myself to be like this. Ever.

I’d rather play it safe and remain single. I’d rather love the one I shouldn’t love from a clear distancethan wishing I could go back in time to save myself from misery.

“Are you coming?” Beau turned.

“Yes, you go first.” I checked my phone. “Nic is calling me.”

I got nervous whenever my brother’s name appeared on the screen. We were Garcias, so I neverexpected good news. It was always something…something terrible.

“Brother.” I picked up the phone, waiting for the bad news.

“Hey, where are you?” Nic answered. At times I felt bad about his situation. He had moved here withhis wife and daughter and took the responsibility as the oldest son to clean the Garcia name our late

father had destroyed.

It had been three years, and while I was still mentally recovering from all the damage dad had done tome, Nic had worked himself to the bone.

Nic who had left the house early had no knowledge of leading the family and got all the support heneeded from our uncle Bruno.

He didn’t do it for himself, no-he did it for me. He did it so I could heal and take over whenever I wasready.

‘I will clean dad’s mess for you, and then I will go back to Mexico with Camila and Jonas.

That was his promise, and he was put on keeping it. His wife left her big family and moved to a countryshe wasn’t familiar with to be with Nic, just like he had once done for her.

“Luis wanted to visit the Luke so-”

“Make it quick. You need to come back home.” Nic cut the off. Hearts began to hammer against mychest as I wondered who could possibly be speaking against us this time.

Was it that Marino family who was always in our business?

Was it someone else this time?

“I’m sorry. What for?” I asked. “Is uncle Bruno busy again?”

Our uncle, Bruno Garcia, was all for bringing back the family name and had even managed to get allthe other Garcias on board. The only downside was that he had given himself all the credit and wantedthings to go his way.

“No, it’s something else.”

“I’m waiting?” I spoke after a long silence. This was unlike Nic. He had always been the one to cut tothe chase.

“Hey, do you remember Christian and Serena’s wedding?” He asked carefully.novelbin

“Yes, I was one of his groomsmen,” I spoke sarcastically

“Yeah, sure, sure.” Nic laughed it off. “But hey-do you remember the head of the Morales?”

“How could I not.” I sighed, thinking about the ambitious man. “That man and his wife were givinghandshakes as if they were the highlight of the day.”

“Yes, his name is Oscar” Nic chuckled.

“So, what’s with him?” I wondered. “Is he also one of the many who’s come to complain about ourdysfunctional family?”

“No, it’s quite the opposite, actually.”

“He gave us an offer!” Nic spoke in a suspiciously high-pitched tone, “He promised to help clear ourname, and he plans on combining all of our forces!”

For a second, the world stopped. “H-he did?” I gasped, wondering whatever we had done to receivethis kindness. “Nic, that’s amazing!”

“With three big families having our backs and vouching for us, we could finally expand!” I concluded.

Even the Alfonzos and the Lambertis weren’t enough for people to even consider going back intobusiness with us. Christian and Beau being my best friends, didn’t help my case. Words spread that theonly reason those families had our backs was because of those two.

Perhaps the Morales’ was the blessing we needed.

“Yeah, there’s one condition, though.” Nic cleared his throat. Once again, there was a long silence as 1waited for Nic to continue.

I could hear Nic pacing back and forth over the phone. What could Oscar Morales have wished for?

Did he want a cut of our profits?

One of our heads?

My toes?

“Nic, whatever it is-just say it—”

“Okay, then I guess I’ll just have to say it.” Nic took a long and deep breath. It couldn’t possibly be thatbad, now could it?

“He told me he wants you to marry his heir and only daughter, Aria Morales.”

Well, fuck me.

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