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Chapter 344

Chapter 344


We were on our way back. Panther sat in the front passenger seat, Tiago in the back.

As we were about halfway, there was an unspoken tension, and it was a good thing there was. By now,they were allowed to notice that I wasn’t in the mood at all

It smelled of treachery.

Stopping at a stop sign, I tapped my fingers against the wheel, thinking about my next step. Hell, Ididn’t even knew what my next step would be. I only knew that there was no way in hell I could returnwith Panther.

I couldn’t have him ratting out Elena.

I just could not…

“Tiago,” I began, finally breaking the silence in the car. “I took care of Anya’s grave while you weregone.” I wasn’t sure why I had said it, but it felt necessary. If it’d make him feel like shit later on, good.

He nodded as a somber look crossed his face. “Thank you, Marvin,” he replied. “I knew I could counton you. I always can.”

Yes, but can I count on you?

Those were the words I so desperately wanted to ask, but I already knew the answer. I couldn’t counton him. He had shown me time and time again, but because he’s my brother-I continued to give himchances.

I glanced at Panther, who had barely moved a muscle for the better part of our drive. He looked out thewindow, not allowing me to see his expression.

After all, he was the one who put the two of us up against each other, and it wasn’t all that surprisingthat he would rather have us hate each other.

“Panther, why don’t you come with us next time?” I asked him, “Anya adored you. She always paidextraclose attention to you.

Panther was silent, his body tensed up, and his fingers tightened around the edge of his seat. He didn’trespond, but I could see the dirty look on his face. Not the one of guilt, no-one of disgust. It was answerenough.

I thought I was a monster, but this man?

He was close to being a demon.

“Mary?” Tiago changed the subject, right when things were just starting to get interesting. “What reallyhappened between you and Elena?”

“She told me some information,” I said, hoping he’d catch on. I was done playing games with both ofthem. I felt Panther’s gaze on me, but I ignored it. “From that information, we both concluded it’s simplyimpossible for us to be together.”

Tiago frowned, not understanding a word. “Sorry to hear that.” He sounded genuinely

I glanced at Panther again. His expression was blank, but there was something in his eyes….a flickerof something I didn’t enjoy seeing. “So am I.” I replied, giving him a sharp look. “I’m sorry for manythings. 1 think we all are-

“Why did you come to pick me up, Marvin?” Tiago interrupted my sentence. Everything from beforewere just formalities, and now he was after the answers he had been searching for from the moment Ihad arrived at that doorstep.

I swallowed hard, clenching the wheel tighter. I didn’t want to give an answer, better yet-I had hopedthose two idiots in the car were smart enough not to make me answer that question.

I started driving instead, filling the car with the sound of engine. Meanwhile I could feel Panther’s andTiago’s eyes on me, still waiting for an answer.

“Dad would’ve never let me leave unannounced.” Tiago murmured, breaking the silence once more.“He sees me as an embarrassment.”

A bitter laughed escaped from my lips. He seriously wasn’t hoping I would pity him, was he?

Dad was definitely onto something. He was an embarrassment, and did not have the right to walk withthe Castillo name.

“What are you getting at, Marvin?” Panther spoke in a cold tone. Unfortunately for him, he wasn’t theone setting the tones here. Not this time.

“I don’t know yet.” I took a breath, my gaze shifting between the road and those two idiots. “For now,I’m improvising.”novelbin

“Improvising about what?” Tiago sounded utterly confused.

“Improvising about what should happen to those I loved the most.” I spoke just above a whisper.“Those who played quite the part in the biggest betrayal mankind has ever seen.”

I glanced at Panther and Tiago. They were silent, their faces both startled. That’s when I finally knew Ihad them.

“The rule within the Castillo family,” I raised my voice a bit louder. “Is that liars get killed. But when it’ssomeone close to you….like your little brother who sent you to prison and your best friend who firstgets your sister pregnant, then conspires against me and threatens the woman I love how do I dothat?”

Time stood still as did the sounds of their breaths. Irritated, I stepped on the gas. The car lurchedforward as the speed increased.

“Come on,” I yelled, through the fast speed. “Since you all want to decide everything-how about youguys decide that!”

“Marvin, slow down!” Panther shouted, reaching out towards the wheel. “I can explain!”

“Shut up!” I roared back at him, my heart pounding in my chest.

Through the rear mirror, I caught Tiago. Unlike Panther, who was still busy making excuses, Tiago’sface was full of regret. It was a silent apology, one that didn’t matter anymore-but his silence spokelouder than any words could.

It was almost like a way of asking me to calm down, to talk this out like brothers. For a split second, Ifelt an ache in my heart- but it was quickly swallowed by anger. I really wished it wouldn’t have to bethis way.

“Marvin…” Tiago whispered, making me turn my head. “I-I don’t know what to say,”

“How about you-” Before I could react, Panther lunged towards me, his hands fighting for the wheel. Istruggled against him, but his grip was too strong. The car moved from side to side.

Seeing my life flash in front of me, I tried to regain control of the car. But it was too late. The car veeredoff the road, and everything turned into a blur.

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