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Chapter 335

Chapter 335


I held my phone in my hands-waiting for Victoria’s text. It had been days, but there was still nomessage about the stick.


I flinched hearing the voice of the person I despised the most and almost jumped from my chair. “P-Panther?” I brushed my hair to the side, appearing as casual as possible. “I thought you were….out.

“Yes, out.” He slowly stepped closer and released a chuckle. “You would like that, wouldn’t you?”

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I held in my breath as Panther stood in front of me with only afew inches between us.

“Did I do something to make you feel uncomfortable?” Panther’s finger moved to a strand of my hair.“Elena, do I seem scary to you?”

“No, of course not!”

He shot me a strange look and knocked his fist on my forehead. “So all this time, I’ve been worryingover nothing? I’m glad to hear that.” He said. “Especially since I’ve had your back since the beginningand kept your secret for a long time.”

A shiver curled down my spine.

What was the meaning of his words?

Had all my plans not to act suspiciously been in vain?

Anxiously, I stared at him as I waited for his words.

Panther cackled loudly and pinched my check roughly. Why so serious?”


“Plans for today?”

I shook my head.

“So you’re not spending time with your friend today?” Panther said nonchalantly, eager for me to makea mistake.

That was enough confirmation that he was either following me around or at least felt a bit threatened todo something about the situation.

He didn’t know about the stick. He couldn’t-because if he did, he would’ve turned the house upsidedown. Other than my identity, which would also jeopardize him for lying to Marvin-he did not have asingle thing on me.

“W-what friend?” I frowned, folding my arms. Panther, who had probably expected me to confess andcry for forgiveness, seemed startled that things were not going his way.

“Nothing.” He smiled with trembling lips. “Come on. I’ll take you out today-we’ll visit Marvin at work.”

I knew what he was thinking.

She thinks she’s safe because she has Marvin, so I’ll take the DEA agent’s daughter to his workplaceand show her what kind of monster he is.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” I opposed to the idea, knowing it could change my opinion on the loveof my life. I was aware of what kind of work he did because he owed up to it-but I did not feel the need

to watch it in live-action.

“Why not?” Panther smirked. “If one day you’re planning to become the main woman of this house, youshould know what he’s been up to.”

All I could do was glare at him.

“Don’t worry, today is not really an eventful day-so we can go.” Panther stated, not giving me a chanceto decide. “I’m ready when you are.”

“Ready when I am?” I chuckled in disbelief, pulling out my phone to share my live location with Victoria.If he did decide to kill me, he could try-but I could only promise one thing. He would go down for it.

The drive was the most uncomfortable situation I had ever experienced in my life. With neither of ussaying a word, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Panther sensed I didn’t trust him anymore, just as I had sensed that he had been keeping an eye onme.

What if he suspected Tiago of opening his mouth and would end up hurting him?novelbin

No, he couldn’t-at least not yet.

“We’re here, come on.” He stopped the car, interrupting my deep thoughts.

I stepped out of the car and felt my head spin at the uncomfortable scenery.

This area looked nothing like the Castillo estate. If anything, this seemed like the part of town Dad andAlex told me to stay away from.

I let my eyes wander around the poor state of the neighborhood before staring at the grey andgruesome packhouse in front of me.

“Come on!” Panther wrapped his hand around my wrist, pulling me along with him. I felt so out of place.It even made me tighten my grip around Panther.

Dad used to tell me stories about how he and Stevie took down these disgusting labs and howsometimes they would find underage and trafficked girls inside.

Do you guys do that?’ I remembered asking Marvin a few weeks ago. I could only breathe because henearly gagged at my words and told me The Castillo’s would never be as pathetic to force anyone towork for them.

His words at that time were loud and clear. It’s the same way my grandmother was dragged to thestates, so it’s against our protocol.” He said.

But did that really make them all that better? They were still creating and selling drugs that ruinedpeople’s lives. People with families and children.

No, Elena, stop it.

Whatever his plan might be, this is exactly what Panther wanted.

I could see those present in the packhouse were, luckily adults, backing up Marvin’s statement.

A group of men stopped what they were doing and shot me looks of curiosity as Panther led methrough

the house.

“There’s nothing to see here-go to work,” Panther told them, pulling me along further.

A while later, Panther opened a door leading to a garage. “I think Marvin should be over-”

“I’ll pay you back every cent!” A voice cried out, right at that moment.

A man was pushed to the floor. He curled up in a fetal position, blood covering his face before receivingkick after kick. I almost yelped as a man lifted his leg to stomp on the other man’s body.

“I’m done with your lies!” The man called out. At that moment, I realized that it was Marvin’s voice. Hewas the one kicking the man.

I watched as two men behind him let out laughter, encouraging him to continue.

“Oh my bad, I was sure nothing was happening today.” Panther whispered, chuckling. “I completelyforgot about the liar Marvin has to deal with.”

I froze at his words.


So this was what happened to liars? This was the punishment for people like me.

“Hold him up for me,” Marvin growled, his demanding voice almost unrecognizable. He had alwaysbeen sweet, patient, and gentle with me. Was that all an act?

No, it wasn’t.

It’s what Panther wants me to think.

Marvin knelt to the man’s level. “I gave you multiple opportunities to give us back the money while youlooked me in the eyes and lied.” He said. “And do you know the thing I despise the most in this world?Liars.”

Panther stood behind me, forcing his hands on my shoulders to ensure I got in every single word andcould not escape. “Personally, this is my favorite part.” He brought his lips to my ear.

“Please, please, please!” The man looked up, pleading. Memories of Marvin’s past words crept into mymind.

“There’s nothing better than someone you despise pleading for mercy.”

“Marvin, please, it won’t happen ever again.” The man rubbed his hands together. “I’m sorry, okay? I’msorry!”

Begging you to spare their lives.”

“Please don’t kill me. I’ll do better-I swear!”

As you cock the gun and stare into their hopeful pathetic eyes

Marvin released a low chuckle and pulled out a gun before pressing it to the man’s head. “You lookpathetic.” He tilted his head as he cocked the gun.

“To hear their last request to spare their families.”

“I have a wife, a son, and a daughter-you can’t do this!”

“and then….”.


+5 Bonus

I felt my heart pound in my ears as a cold wave went through my body at the sight of the lifeless bodyon the cold ground.

Marvin did this. My Marvin did this.

Don’t fall for it, Elena-you knew what he was capable of

“Do you see what happens to liars?” Panther squeezed my shoulder. “That’s why I’m happy that thetwo of us got each other’s back.”

“I keep your secret, and you keep mine.” He said. “So you can either mind your business, or you candeal with the consequences.

“And don’t worry about Misty threatening to find out our little secret-I also took care of that.”

His words made me stumble backward, knocking over a few rods in the process. The room was filledwith loud echoes, and Marvin turned around.

His eyes bored into mine, worried.


The two men he was with had turned their heads and shot Marvin a questioning look.

“Elena?” Marvin repeated, changing his expression from surprise to complete worry. “What are youdoing here?”

“I-I,” I looked back at Panther as a smug smile appeared on his lips. Marvin’s beautiful white clotheswere covered in blood, and so was his face. Rather than feeling scared, I felt angry, disgusted, andbetrayed.

Angry for knowing this was the fate that awaited me for lying, disgusted because I had finallyexperienced what he truly stood for, and betrayed that I couldn’t stop my heart from loving him.

I was disgusted, but that didn’t mean I would change my mind. I was still put on protecting Marvin fromthe monster he was with while knowing he was most likely the same.

What the hell was wrong with me?

Where did it go wrong?

Were dad and Alex right?

I turned without saying a word and brushed through Panther to make my way out.

“Elena, wait!” Marvin followed me, only making me walk even faster until I almost ran. I could be aroundhim, not now

And somehow, he man’? the terme.

It may not him. It’s me,

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