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Chapter 29

Christian intertwined our hands and held me close as he led me to the huge front door of the mansion.

“You can’t let them see you nervous, they’ll eat you alive.” He whispered in my ear. A man at thedoorstepolite nod and welcomed us. “It’s very nice to see you, sir.” He greeted Christian. Sir? Must benice to beEven at the front door, they had people working for them, that was crazy. I tried to dobreathing exercisewas hoping for once to not screw things up.

“Serena seems like you’re the topic of the evening and cousin.” Johnny who had been waiting for us intgreeted us. “Johnny.” Christian smiled relieved.

“You sure you wanna go in? Because you could still run.” Johnny joked, but as usual, his jokes wereonly nerves. “Stop it,” Christian told him and slapped his shoulder.

We walked further and Christian pulled me along while I tried to take in every little corner of the room. Ito think about the price of all these items.

We stopped in front of a big door and Christian looked at me while he squeezed my hand. “Don’t bescaanything stupid, don’t say anything stupid— just don’t be stupid and follow my lead.”

There he was again, same old Christian. “You know, I liked you much better in the car,” I told him buthe words.

He opened the double door and instantly a dozen faces had turned towards us as the room grew silent.was indeed the topic of the evening. My nerves were starting to kick in and just as I was about to lookdofamiliar strong hands on my shoulder. It were the same two hands that had always comforted me.

“Serena, I’m glad you could make it!” Lucio smiled and gave me a tight hug. I was surprised because itsehad forgotten all about what had happened, but I still hugged him back. I was happy that he washere ana change of mind about the baby.

“Never look down, always look up, and don’t let anyone walk over you.” He whispered in my ear and atthad realized that he had saved me from total disaster.

I looked up just as he told me and a woman’s eyes were looking right back into mine. That must’vebeenI could tell she did not like me. “I don’t think you all have to stare at her like that.” She toldeveryone, maback to their business. Woman, you were the one staring at me.

Only now I took a chance to look at everyone and it seemed like he had a large family, if all thesepeople“Christian, I’m happy to see you!” A girl smiled and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “Metoo, mgirl joined their hug. It was not that difficult to figure out that those were his twin sisters. Thesmile on hithat they were dear to him so it would be best for me to stay on their good side.

“What are you guys doing here, do you have a break from school?” Christian wondered but the girlssho“We had to meet our future sissie in law and your baby, right Stella?”

“Right!” The other girl mentioned before they had both turned to face me. “I’m Stella, it’s so nice tomeethe girls shook my hand before the other one pushed her away. “And I’m Mia, the older twin— andI’m syou’re here and please give him more babies!” She spoke with her eyeballs almost falling out.“Yes, manyadded.

They definitely had a lot of energy. I wondered if Christian felt bad over lying to his own family aboutthebecause these poor girls probably thought I would stick around.

“You girls are scaring her,” Lucio spoke and pulled them away. “Sorry, dad.” Stella pouted but I did notmrather choose this over some stone faces any day.

“It’s okay, I’m Serena!” I finally got the opportunity to introduce myself. “You are extremely beautiful bytbaby looks like you and not like…him, there will be no issue,” Stella commented and gave her brothera dhope you know that we all look alike.” Christian laughed at her. It felt great to see him get along withhismade me even feel a bit jealous. Would my family also be like that?

The smile on his face had not remained for much longer when the same woman with the hawk eyesappthe look on her face gave me enough time to prepare myself for whatever was coming.

“How is the cheek?” The woman asked Christian, completely ignoring every bit of my existence. Thechee“It’s fine, mom,” Christian told her. “Good, I hoped you iced it.” She said and patted his cheekbefore shedaughters. “Girls it’s my turn to interrogate her so if you don’t mind.” She told them andpointed her heaguiding them to leave.

“Cesca,” Lucio warned her but all she did was shrug her shoulders. “I just want to meet the mother ofmyyou saying I can’t?” She glared at Lucio who had immediately taken a step back. Yes, she wasdefinitely thouse.

“Of course, it was very nice to meet you,” Stella smiled once more and left with Mia and Lucio. Mynerveand Christian squeezing my hand in a protective matter did not make it that much better. Himeven holdenough prove the this woman was most likely a monster.

“I am Francesca, the true boss of this household and the most important woman in Christian’s life.” Sheherself and pulled away from my hand from Christian so she could hold it.

“And after that are his grandma’s, sisters, nieces, aunts, cousins, our dog— and our goldfish…and thenpof yours and then…you.” She said, definitely trying to get her point across which had worked. I wasnot w“Nice to meet you and thank you for inviting me, I’m Serena.” I tried to stay as politely as possibledespitshe had shown me. “So I’ve heard you were a stripper?”

That comment took it one step too far and it was obvious that she was out to get me. “Mom, stop,”ChriFrancesca remained unbothered.

“What, it’s just a question. Did I hurt you, Serena?” She asked with eyes almost pleading me todisrespecwasn’t going to fall for it, at least not now.

“Of course not ma’am.” I showed her my million dollar smile. “Please call me Cesca, I don’t go throughafor you to call me ma’am.” She cringed and turned back to Christian.

“Your grandparents couldn’t make it today, both of them, so before you meet them you have more thanfix…this.” She said gesturing my everything with her hands. This woman was harsh.

Christian ignored her comment. “Of course they do.” He chuckled. I guess it was difficult for him tomeetgrandparents. “Running a business is not easy and out of all people, you should know that. I’msure Seleyou being gone all day.” Cesca smiled.

Christian gave me a look which pretty told me to let it go, which I would because she was still hismotherwhat I was truly thinking he would not be that happy. “It’s Serena.” I smiled back.

“Okay, Serena now if you’ll excuse me I have food to prepare.” She rolled her eyes and walked awaywithsmile on her face. Just as Christian was about to open his mouth Enzo stood in front of me.

“Hey squirrel, let’s catch up soon, okay?” He said and gave me a small cheer only to turn back aroundanothers. I laughed at his enthusiasm. As always Enzo made sure to make his presence known.

“You did good, I’m proud of you— but this is not the end and she’ll try to get a reaction out of you, sojuher and you’ll make me even more proud.” Christian told me. I felt my cheeks glow red but before Igot tto thank him for his comment someone else was already standing in front of us. I stared at the guyin froa warm and welcoming smile on his face.

“Nice to meet you, Emilio.” He stuck out his hand and I gladly accepted it. It was not that hard to seewhexcited to meet me. “Cousin?” I asked, trying to see the resemblance between him and Christian butthe“No, almost like a brother?” He asked and looked at Christian who nodded his head and seemed abit tenervous. “I’m Serena, it’s nice to meet you.” I introduced myself to him.

He held my hand for a bit longer and stared into his hazel almond shaped eyes. “Serena, it’s really nicethave to say, you look very beautiful.” He complimented me and gave me the small bag which he wascarhand. “This is a gift from my father, Matteo Alfonzo, he couldn’t be here tonight.”novelbin

I opened the little bag and grabbed the butterfly-shaped necklace out of it. My eyes got watery at themhad suddenly came back. Years ago I had a necklace like that which meant a lot to me but lost it. Itook aand shrugged it off, that past is behind me now and it would stay behind me. “Is there an issue,don’t yoI can ask my father to replace it.” Emilio spoke with a worried look on his face and I shook myhead.

“No, just pregnant and emotional…it’s beautiful,” I told him and he nodded his head. “It is, this exactbutsymbol of the Alfonzo family, and we want to show you that you’re now part of it. Christian is like mylittwill be like my sister.” He told me and that was enough for me to recover myself before I wouldcompleteinto tears. Family.

This Alfonzo family, whoever they may be— went as far as this while I would be leaving soon and I feltguChristian who had not said a single word and crazy enough seemed bothered by the attention I wasdrawhis throat. “Thank you, Emilio, I appreciate it.” He said and pulled him into a hug before hechanged the While the two were talking I quickly took the time to shake everyone’s hand as if I wassome kind of quewhat they came here for. They came her because they were curious as to what anormal girl like me woulChristian. A few family members had even bought me baby clothes, and minushis mom and Gio who ha

me, everyone seemed to be alright. Even if some of the looks they gave me were not sincere, theyplayedthat was all I could ask for. Just play pretend until I’m gone.

“Dinner’s ready, Selena sweetie you come and sit right here!” Francesca called out and forced me to sitoside of her. Christian who had been keeping an eye on his mother, ended the conversation he had

with Eimmediately sat down next to me while I mentally prepared myself for the horror dinner whichwould takWhat did I get myself into?

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