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Chapter 287

Chapter 287


Today was Anya’s funeral, and it pained me to know that I couldn’t even be there. She was a goodperson with a good heart and had a long life ahead of her.

A part of me felt guilty for obeying my dad’s wishes, but more so for planning on seeing not only DanielStanfield but also Elena today.

“I thought I told you to stay out of trouble.”

I laughed at the familiar voice and raised my hand to greet Daniel. He had a bouquet in his hands andwore his rare everyday clothes.

Seeing him in something other than a uniform was refreshing for a change. “How can I stay out oftrouble if others won’t let me?”

Daniel chuckled as he placed the flowers on the nightstand. “That’s true.”

“So I heard you called for me.” He spoke, sitting down. “Although you were my favorite inmate, I hopeyou know I’m risking a lot by just coming here.”

“Then why did you?”

Daniel grew an embarrassed smile on his lips and shrugged his shoulders. He came here because heowed it to me. We both knew that. “So, what can I do for you, Marvin?”

“I’m not going to waste any time. I heard Danny Hernandez is in your unit-

“Oh, no, no, no!” Daniel argued. “I don’t know what’s going on with this Hernandez versus Castillo beef,but I have a family-so I’m staying out of it.”

“So he’s in your unit?” I played with the string in my hands, ignoring his words. Perhaps these were thewords of a spoiled little kid, but I didn’t take rejection very well. Daniel, who clearly felt pressured, tooka long sip from his water bottle and wiped his forehead. “I knew coming here was a bad idea.” Hemuttered under his breath.

“What do you want, Marvin?”

I thought back on my time in prison and the Castillo’s who stood behind me. To execute my plan, Ineeded someone I could trust and someone willing to do anything. “I want you to tell me which of theCastillo men seems the most trustworthy.”

“Castillo men?” Daniel scoffed. “You have no shame, discussing this with a prison guard.”

“As far as I’m concerned, you’re not wearing your uniform,” I remarked. Unfortunately, Daniel had a lotto say. “Listen, I know you care a lot about your family…your wife Melany, and your three children?”

Daniel widened his eyes in surprise. “Are you threatening me?” He asked with trembling lips. I felt badit had to go this far, but I didn’t have a choice. My position as heir was on the line, and I had to actquickly. This plan couldn’t fail. “No, never.” I made it clear.

“I’m just giving you the opportunity to take care of your family, that’s all.”

Daniel released a sigh. “Manny Che’s the most loyal.” He suggested. “That man would lick your buttcrack if he had to.”

“Manny C?” I repeated, thinking about the newbie who was pretty much glued to my side to the pointhis presence used to annoy me. I reached for the envelope on the nightstand and handed it to Daniel. It

was the envelope which I had prepared the day prior. “In that case, I need you to give it to him.”

“What’s in this?” Daniel asked, frowning at the paper in his hands.

“It’s not meant for your eyes. All you have to do is deliver it-and I’ll give you a big reward.”

“What happens if I open it?”

Too many questions….

“Then I would, unfortunately, have to kill you,” I spoke, ending the discussion as soon as it started. Thecomplexion of Daniel’s face paled as he took in my threat.

“I’m just kidding. What’s up with the face?” I spoke after noticing the poor man was close to fainting.Daniel laughed, relieved. “You’re quite the comedian, aren’t you?”

I tried to be, but I was not in any position to make jokes. It was time to become serious.

“I’m sorry about your sister-in-law.” Daniel showed his sympathy. If anyone was supposed to be sorry, ithad to be me. I was so put on going to Tiago’s wedding, despite knowing the risks, and I had failed toprotect everyone.

I was so deeply in denial that I even tried to convince myself that it couldn’t have been the Hernandez,but this time I was going to fix everything.

“Yes, me too,” I said. “I am also sorry.”

Surprisingly Daniel stayed with me for several hours and kept me company until it was time for him toget back to his duties. Correctional officer or not, it felt nice to talk to someone normal for a change.Perhaps that’s why I enjoyed talking to Elena.

Now would be the right time to see her again.

I grew a smile just by thinking about her and looked through the glass window to make eye contact withPanther. Unfortunately, my eyes locked with Victor, who raised his hand to greet me and bargedthrough the door without an invitation.

“So the rumors are true, you’re a thing with the prison guard?” Victor commented, letting the door slambehind him. The pain I had was already enough, and looking at Victor’s face was not exactly the best


“What do you want, Victor?” I almost growled. If there was one thing I was good at, it had to be holdinggrudges, and I would never forget the last words which had left his mouth. I will never forget how heworried more about Mario’s acceptance than my life.

Victor shrugged. “I’m here to check up on my brother.”


“As you can tell, I’m alive. So you can go,” I told him, pointing to the door. Victor ignored my requestand stepped closer. “I was expecting something like, thank you for protecting Tiago when I couldn’t.”

“Thank you for protecting Tiago?” I said, shocked. “We have lost Tiago the moment we’ve lost Anya.You know that!”

Victor chuckled. “That’s true. He didn’t even come to visit.” He recalled. “Do you know what his reactionwas when I told him you were awake?”


My eyes moved to the mocking grin on Victor’s lips. “He said,to?”

My heart dropped after learning of my brother’s words. I couldn’t blame him, and I understood thatAnya was his priority at the moment-but someone like Victor wasn’t able to understand. Someone likeVictor only cared for commotion and enjoyed pitting two brothers against each other.

He twisted Daniel’s yellow flowers between his fingers, waiting for me to react, but I wouldn’t give himthe satisfaction.Not today.

“Can I ask you something?”

Victor turned around. “Ask away?”

“Why are you still here?”

The mixture of Victor’s shocked and offended expression on his face was a delightful sight. It was timefor him to realize that I wouldn’t play along with his game. Victor’s hands trembled in anger, as did hislips.

“I’m the only brother who-

“You’re not my brother,” I spoke loud and clear. He was not my brother, and he would never be mybrother. “You might be a roach who has forced himself into this family-but you are not my brother.”“

A breath escaped from Victor’s lips as he held the wall for support. “And Panther is?”

I followed Victor’s eyes and looked through the glass window, only to find Panther with my sisterKarina, and my nephew, Cisco. Of course, Panther was family. He was one of the few who was able toget through my stubborn sister.

“I don’t think Karina and Panther are allowed to call each other brother and sister.” Victor cackled. “Sohow is your search for Cisco’s dad going?”

I stared at him with a puzzled look on my face, demanding answers. What was that even supposed tomean?

Desperate enough, I had almost reached out my hand to stop Victor, who was already at the door. “I’mheading out to do something you’re not capable of doing, taking care of the family business.” Heannounced. “Good day, brother.”

While my mind was still by Victor’s words, Panther entered the room with a bright smile on hisface.Why was he smiling? Did it had something to do with what Victor said?

Why couldn’t Karina and Panther be siblings?novelbin

Why would he start about Cisco’s dad?

Was I overanalyzing things again?

“What did he want?” Panther interrupted my thoughts. My mouth felt dry, just by thinking of the thoughtof Panther keeping something from me, but then I remembered that it was all Victor’s plan. This waswhat he wanted, and that man was known for his lies.

Panther wouldn’t betray me, not him.

“It’s nothing.”

“Did he say something?” Panther continued. If anything, he was making himself look suspicious. “No.”

“Did I do something?”


Panther seemed relieved with my answer. “Oh, okay.” He smiled while I was left to wonder whetherthere was something behind that look on his face.

“The girl? I need you to bring her here.”

“Elena? Now?” Panther asked, startled. I tried my hardest to let go of my doubts and took a breath.

“Yes, now.” I nodded. “I appreciate you being her pen pal for the last few days, but I think it’s time forme to take over from here.”

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