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Chapter 284

Chapter 284


I peeked at Panther, who was driving the car, and wished for all of this to be over. After hearing thenews about Anya, I was in such a daze that my mind could not work properly. Perhaps that was why Iwent along with Panther.

Only now had I realized that he was not some helpful man but a criminal. I almost gasped, thinkingabout the reason why he would willingly want to drive me home. Was he going to get rid of me becauseI knew too much? What was it exactly that I knew?

Panther sighed. “Don’t worry. You’re safe.”

He must’ve read my uncomfortable body language. “Marvin somehow ended up taking a bullet foryou… which means you might mean more to him than I thought.”

Panther was right, and there was no denying it. I had made Marvin out to be a monster, but he waseventually the one who had saved my life. He could’ve run over to his brother, but he didn’t.He took abullet for me.

One person who unfortunately couldn’t be saved was Anya. I stared at Panther, wondering how closethe two must’ve been. He must’ve known her for years, but I could not see an expression on his faceand could not tell how he felt about her wrongful death.

“W-will Marvin really be okay?”

If I weren’t that curious, I wouldn’t be talking to Panther-but a lot was going through my head. Marvinwas in a coma, and Tiago had clearly lost his mind. I just had to know.

Panther nodded. “Yes, he doesn’t like unfinished business.”

Of course, he didn’t. Someone came after his family, and the person claimed to be from theHernandez. Of course, he would fight his way through so he could get revenge because that was thekind of person he was. “I understand. The people who did this to Anya can’t just get away with this.”

Surprised, I turned my head as a laugh escaped from between Panther’s lips. “I was talking about you,Elena.”

I felt my body go numb as I listened to Panther’s words. “Huh, me?” I pointed to myself. What did thateven mean? Again, was it because I knew too much?

“I didn’t know I’d be able to smile tonight, but you somehow managed to make me do it.” Pantherspoke. It was the first time since he had shown some emotion about the unfortunate event.

“Were you and Anya close?” The words left my mouth. I was supposed to ignore him, but I just couldn’tleave without answers. If the two were close, it meant that I could give the key to Panther. After seeinghow Mario Castillo looked at me, it was better for me not to show my face anymore. I had to stay out ofthis.

“She was like a sister to me.” Panther whispered. His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, and thelook in his eyes grew dark. He seemed angry and perhaps a bit hungry for justice. He clearly cared forher.

Should I give him the key instead?

“Anya…she seemed like a person who thought everything through.” I continued. I could only give himthe key if I could decide whether to give him the key or not if I knew what kind of person she was.

“She was.” Panther confirmed. “She was the type of person who knew exactly what she wanted, bossy,very clear with her words-never made mistakes.”

To him, it was most likely a reason to vent about Anya, but to me, it was something different. It was thething I needed to hear to realize that the key was meant for Marvin and only for Marvin. I had to give itto him personally, whether I liked it or not.I could at least respect Anya’s dying wish, and after that, Iwould never visit him again.

“Can I give you my number?”

Panther, who was shocked by my question, looked at me for a split second with widened eyes. “I toldyou, Marvin will wake up soon-”

“No, not like that!” I clarified. He must’ve gotten the wrong idea. Panther released a relieved breath.“You almost had me there for a second.”

I smiled nervously. “Right,” I mumbled. “I was just going to ask you to give me a call when Marvinwakes up if you don’t mind?”

“No, of course. He’d like that.”

Would he really? I was the reason why he was in that hospital bed in the first place. I complicated thesituation by following him, and if I didn’t freeze-he wouldn’t have to fight for his life.

“Ah, you can just stop here!” I spoke in a hurry as we had reached the neighborhood. Despiteeverything, I didn’t want my dad to die-and that was exactly what would happen if he would’ve seen mein a car with Panther. I had a lot to explain, and I didn’t want to add more to my plate.

What would even happen if Panther were to recognize my dad or Alex as DEA agents?

What if Mario Castillo were to find out about my true identity?

“Okay?” Panther frowned. He stopped the car and pulled out his phone. “Give me your number.”

I typed my number as if my life depended on it and was in a rush to get out. It was a good thing it wasdark outside as I didn’t want anyone in the neighborhood to see me. “Here you go,” I gave him back thephone, right before my hand reached for the handle.

“Hey, wait!” Panther placed his hand on my arm, stopping me in the process. Would he be onto me?

I looked down at his hand, causing him to release my arm. “I’m sorry,” He cleared his throat. “I just wantto make sure that we’re on the same page about…you know…tomorrow?”

My heart stopped for a second after realizing the subject had changed to the police investigation.Unfortunately, I became a witness because I was at the wrong place at the wrong time, and I could notescape my fate,

Panther wasn’t even in the room when it happened, but it somehow seemed like these people weretrained to lie, and I was sure they had something up his sleeves. What was his business with meanyway?

“I’m only aware of what I’ve seen.” I forced a smile.

“And that is?”

“An innocent person getting shot two.” I corrected my sentence. I didn’t want to die, and I wasn’tplanning on it either, so I knew what was expected of me. Giving the key to Marvin was something Icouldn’t run away from, so I had to work along. I had to work along so they wouldn’t start digging in myfamily or hurt the ones I cared about.

“That’s good, really good.” Panther shot me a satisfied smile. “You can go now.”

Relieved, I exited the car. Anyone in my position would’ve probably taken baby steps towards theirhouse, but I was scared for my life and sped off in a hurry. As expected, Alex leaned against the door,and I was grateful that he didn’t see Panther.

My brother looked at me without saying a word and stepped aside so I could enter the house. “Whereis dad?” I asked. Alex shrugged his shoulders, and right at that moment-my dad entered the hallwaywith a bottle of liquor in his hands.

“So, you’re here?” He placed the bottle between his lips and took a long sip. Satisfied, he wiped hismouth and nearly stumbled as he walked towards me. His eyes were tired and gloomy.

He grabbed me by my shoulders. “Elena, what is all of this?” He shook my body. “Why were you there?Why did they say you were his wife?”

“Do you even know what kind of position you have put me in? You ungrateful piece of sh-”

“Not now, Dad,” I spoke calmly. It was never a good sign whenever he would get like this, and yellingback would only worsen things. “Yes, now!” He squeezed my shoulder. I yelped in pain as I pushed himoff. “Ow, you’re hurting me!”novelbin

“I’m hurting you?” My dad gasped. He held one hand against the wall and his other against his heart ashe almost fell to the floor. “I’m hurting you?” He repeated. “I’m the one who is about to lose everythingI’ve ever worked for because of you-but I’m hurting you?” He shouted.

“You’ve been lying to me this entire time, and you’ve been running around like some cheap. somecheap… some cheap…

“Some cheap what, dad?”

My heart almost sunk after hearing his words, and I didn’t even want to know what he was about to callme. “You’re just like that woman.” My dad whispered. “You’re just like her. You’re just like that woman. Ishould’ve known.”

That woman?

Tears of disappointment were pricking my eyelids. I have had a lot of nicknames, but being comparedto my mom wasn’t something to celebrate. Making up fake scenarios without knowing all of the factswas something that only my dad could do.

“Wow, I’m glad to know that this is how you feel about me.” I held back my tears. Alex showed me aregretful look and rushed over to my dad’s side.

“Dad, relax!” He told him. “You know that’s not true. Just relax.”

My dad chuckled. “Relax?” He ran his hand through his hair. He looked at me with dark eyes and

trembling lips. “Go upstairs, rest-and we’ll figure it out tomorrow.” Alex pleaded. “Come on, let her rest-she deserves it.”

It was silent for a few seconds. “Okay.” My dad finally gave in. “I’ll leave it alone for now because I can’teven look at you right now-but you’ll tell me everything in the morning!”

With an exaggerated sigh, he turned on one heel and stormed away. This was the angriest I had everseen him, and despite his heartless words, I could not blame him. My dad clearing a bottle was notsomething new, but he had never done it to this extent.

“I appreciate it.” I thanked Alex as he frowned his brows.

“Don’t thank me.” He spoke. “I don’t even know what you’ve been doing this entire time. Were you evenbartending?”

Nice, so even my own brother didn’t trust me.

“I didn’t lie. I really was bartending!”

“For the Castillo’s?”


“Or as…his wife?” Alex looked at me in disgust, and I gave him the same look in return.So we were stillnot saying his name,

“His name is Marvin,” I told Alex. He saved my life, so calling him by his name was the least I could do.Alex threw back his head in laughter. “Man, you’re fucking sick in your head!” He cackled.

“Please tell me he’s not your husband, please!” He yelled at me.

I flinched at his loud tone and shook my head. “H-he’s not, h-he isn’t!”

Alex looked at me in disbelief. “You know dad’s right. You are just like her.”

“I have to give my statement tomorrow.” I ignored Alex’s words as I did not need another comparison tomy mom. “And Alex, dad needs help.”

“No, Elena-he needs justice and closure!” Alex stated. I could already tell that changing his mind wouldnot be an option, and dad had already dragged him down with him. “The guy who is supposedly yourfiancée is the same guy who murdered Stevie Maddens.”

“Alex, I know—”

“The man who brought us to school, the playground-

I knew that.

“I’m tired. Can we please do this tomorrow?” I sighed, defeated. Alex bringing back memories of mydad’s former best friend and partner didn’t do me any good.

Alex lowered his head, and I could tell that my brother did not have the energy to continue this anyfurther. “That’s fine, but I don’t think you have the right to be tired.” He spoke in a low tone.

He brushed past me and left me behind, startled. As if things couldn’t get worse, I had to preparemyself for a double interrogation for tomorrow-one from my dad and one from that officer who seemeda tiny bit too interested in me.

If anyone had the right to be tired, it was me.

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