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Chapter 27

The next morning I woke up it took me a second to remember where I was staying.

The huge king-sized bed and spacious room were definitely not what I was used to— but I had toadmit,rose and had nothing to complain about.

In case I would end up seeing Christian, I took a long shower and put on some makeup which wassometdone in a while. I definitely did not want to look pretty for him, but I was also not in the mood tolook likBesides that, I was going shopping with Olivia. The credit card Christian had given me wasenough reasothe part and make good use of it. In the beginning, I was heavily against the idea of usinghis money, buhad realized he had more than enough so it wouldn’t matter.

When I heard three knocks on the door I freaked out for a second and thought it would’ve beenChristiaEmmanuella opened the door instead.novelbin

“Good morning sweetie, I’ve prepared breakfast for you so you can come down whenever you’reready.”closed the door again. So this is what it felt like to have a mother.

A bright smiled appeared on my face at the thought of me not having to eat any burned eggs or anyoththe food I had ever made. I wasted no time and made my way downstairs while I took in the smell ofEmbreakfast.

“Good morning, you look energetic!” Johnny spoke and was seated at the large dining table. My eyesmewas sitting next to him and I not only wondered what both of them were doing here but also whereChriFor some reason, I was extremely interested in someone who I was trying to stay away from.

“That ring is…it definitely yells Christian.” Johnny chuckled, looking at the big diamond around myfinger“Going somewhere?” Emmanuella asked and put a full plate for me on the table. “Yes, shopping,”I told hdig in my food.

“That’s right, for the dinner I suppose? Good choice, aunt Cesca is-“ He warned and chuckled, notfinishi“Oh my god, this is so good!” I squealed with a mouth full and continued eating, trying not to thinkaboEmmanuella laughed and patted me on my head.

“The food ain’t going nowhere.” Johnny joked at my behavior. “Yes, it is, to my stomach,” I replied. Theggiggled.

“I’m sorry, but who are you?” I asked, trying my hardest to not sound rude. Once again a giggle left herstuck out her hand.

“Isobel, Christian’s friend nice to meet you!” She introduced herself. “Christian has more friends?” Iaskedsuppose to be a serious question but was received with laughter instead.

“What’s so funny?” I heard a voice ask and looked to the side as Christian walked in. “Joke is alreadyoveJohnny laughed and nodded his head. “When the cat has returned the mice won’t play.”

Isobel chuckled and gave him a slap against his shoulder. “I don’t think it works like that Johnny, itdoesnShe told him. It was so strange to see how cheerful and welcoming they were that it had almostseemed Christian joined us at the table and sat down on the opposite side of me, doing whatever hewas trying tHis eyes immediately went to my finger to look at whether I was wearing the ring or not.“Did you sleep while the other two continued their discussion and I nodded my head. “Yes, I did.”

“I like you better without that circus act on your face…but you still look great.” He gave me abackhandedreferring to my makeup and I didn’t know whether to smile or cry. What was he even thatrude for?

“Isobel, I didn’t know you were coming,” Christian said the very next second, ignoring my existence.Thelooked at him was not the way one looked at a friend and I did not know what was going onbetween thdid know was that her being that nice to me while I was carrying his baby and she obviouslyseemed intewas extremely sketchy.

“I wouldn’t but I figured I’d come and look at the big talk of town myself before you leave for work.”Shesmirked at me.

“I have a meeting with your dad, we can leave together.” Christian offered, but surprisingly enoughIsobehead. “I wanna do whatever she is doing.” She said referring to me.

Johnny had a suspicious look on his face and chuckled before he took a sip of his coffee whileChristian phis ego got hurt at being rejected. “So what were we doing, shopping?” She smiled at me.

“Oh yeah, with a friend, feel more than welcome to join me.” I forced back a smile. I had no idea whathethis fake mask she was wearing, but I only had to deal with her for a few more months.

“Johnny, let’s go,” Christian spoke and glared at Isobel. It seemed like he obviously had an issue with itbPerhaps an ex-girlfriend?

“Don’t forget, be ready at six.” He mumbled and walked out with Johnny trailing behind him.

“So when are we leaving?” Isobel asked and also stood up from her chair. “Now.”

Isobel was not joking when she said that she was going to do whatever I was doing, and even took it asffull-blown conversation with Vernon, my driver. Once again I got confronted with my lack of social skillsawait until the baby got here so I could get my check and get out of here.

I had texted Olivia to warn her beforehand, so she wouldn’t see any unwanted surprises. “I’ll pick youupVernon spoke and drove off.

“Serena!” I heard a voice call out and was pulled into a tight hug by Olivia. “You look so much betterandring!”

She looked from Isobel to me and was probably waiting for her to introduce herself, but Isobel tookmatthands and stepped forward. “Nice to meet you, I’m Isobel and did you guys work together at the

strip clwhile knowing damn well that was not the case.

“Uhm no at the factory, we’ve already seen each other before,” Olivia called her out, causing her toshrug“Hmm, my bad.”

While we went shopping I made great use of Christian’s credit card and bought much more than I hadprwithin a half year. It only took me one day to figure out that expensive clothing is indeed my taste andthlot better when you did not have to look at the price tag.

Although Isobel was with us she luckily did her own thing and kept her comments to herself. After wewehad some time left before Vernon was here to pick me up so went to a nearby cafe. It wasn’t longuntil Oto the bathroom and Isobel took the opportunity to interrogate me.

“Must be hard, getting pregnant like this.” She sulked, showing me her fake pity— but I wasn’t going tohad dealt with girls like this too many times before. “Nothing hard about not having to get up to go towknow,” I told her, implying we lived the same life at the moment. She did seem like the typical spoiledric“Listen, let’s not beat around the bush, do you have a crush on Christian?” She sighed as if she hadwantthat all along. “I’m aware of your fake engagement because he told me, so…”

So he told her?

For him to have told her about his plans must’ve meant that they were indeed very close, but I did notkrich girls were his type.

“I don’t have a crush on him, and since you know of our plans you must also know that after the babygeso do what you gotta do,” I told her to make things clear. Her face had finally relaxed and herexpressionnatural.

“Good, because I like you and I wouldn’t want to ruin anything.” She smiled while I was wondering whysdesperately trying for a man who she would most likely never get. After Olivia had returned and wewereVernon had picked me up and drove me home. Home, it sounded so foreign to me.

The first thing I did was try on the new clothes I bought and felt like a princess. Who would’ve imaginedwould be living like this because I definitely didn’t?

I took a quick nap but got startled when I looked down at the time and saw that it was already five,meanhave that much time left. My eyes went to the drool mixed with the foundation which got smearedover and in disgust I turned it around.

All it took were fifteen minutes to wear the dress and the shoes I bought, while the remaining forty-fivemmy hair and makeup. I couldn’t cook, I couldn’t clean, but at least I could make myself look betterthan Ito me, that was one of my charms.

Satisfied I looked in the mirror and appreciated my new outfit. The red cocktail dress hugged my bodypshowed the small baby bump I already had and the red diamond heels were also a perfect match. Ihad ematching clutch and a hair bow more expensive than my rent, but this was what Christian wantedso I wocomplain.

I should’ve accepted a check from the first time, if I had done that a long time ago I would’ve lived liketactually having to live here.

When I saw the time on my phone I made my way down the stairs and just before I could reach theflooragainst Christian. “My body is not a magnet, you need to stop doing this.” He told me in a serioustone bup and his eyes widened. “W-what, do I look terrible, did I overdo it?” I asked him but he quicklyshook h“No, but I see you’ve made good use of the credit card.” He told me without as much ascracking a smileseemed embarrassed by his backhanded compliment.

Only now I took the time to observe him but unlike me, he always looked handsome so there was notmHe always looked like a snack while I was an occasional snack whenever I felt like it.

“Did Isobel give you a hard time?” He asked as if he had already known what she would be like, but Ishowhile he eyed me suspiciously. Of course he knew his special lady friend better than I did.

“So, are you ready?” He asked me and stuck out his hand. I looked at it for a second but eventuallyaccepit doesn’t look like I have a choice.”

“Serena, can you promise me something?” Christian asked. I looked into his eyes, wondering what hisreqto be.

“Can you promise me that you won’t give up on this situation, whatever happens, tonight— because Iprwill protect and defend not only the baby but also you.” He spoke.

And for him to warn me like that could only meant one thing.

That it was indeed time for me to shake

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