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Chapter 254

Chapter 254

96 hours until release


Dear Marvin,

The heart didn’t mean anything, and it’s just the way I talk. I know this is not a dating site, and I’m notlooking for anyone to date either!!!

Anyway, about my hobbies. I originally planned on becoming a lawyer, but I work as a mixologist at asmall cocktail bar, so it clearly hasn’t worked out. I’m a bit too embarrassed to admit it, but I don’t reallyhave any goals yet, but what’s the rush?

(If things go wrong, I can always marry some rich guya

Enough about me. You seem way too intelligent to be in prison, and you have a ridiculously long list offelonies. My question for you is, where did it go wrong, and how can I preveni the same thing fromhappening to me?



I smiled at Lena’s message, which she had sent yesterday. I knew she would answer. There wasprobably something that had kept her busy. It was only unfortunate that something had caused her tohave a two- day delay, but it meant she didn’t bail on me.

No one ignored me.

So Lena was a mixologist. That was completely different from a lawyer, but shit happens. My futurewas also different than planned, so I was not one to judge.

Lena’s humor made me laugh, but she was right. If things really didn’t work out, she could alwaysmarry

guy. Judging from her profile picture, Lena was not a bad-looking woman.

some rich

I had no idea whether the picture was taken from her good angle, photoshopped, or if she was acatfish, but if that was indeed her on her profile picture-she looked breathtaking and gorgeous.

The smile on my face faded as I reached her last sentence. Where did it go wrong? It was something Ihad often wondered myself.

It was something that took me back to the day everything went down.

Four years ago

“We’re under attack!” Panther yelled out. “Retreat!”

The DEA had found us.

All of the men rushed to put the product back into the van and got back into the cars while theHernandez men made a run for it. The parking lot was filled with smoke and gunshots, but only onething went through my head.

“Where is Tiago!” I yelled through all the noise. Everyone ran past me, but all I could do was walk in theopposite direction. Panther ran towards me and tried to hold me back. “Marvin, you can’t!”

“Santiago is still out there!” I shouted as I roughly grabbed him by his shoulders. “Santiago…he’s stillout there!”

“Santiago is not going to lead the Castillo’s. You are!” Panther scolded me as he pulled me by my arm.“Marvin, get ahold of yourself!”

I released myself from Panther’s grip and ran to the front while Panther ran behind me. Tiago!” I calledout. I didn’t care whether they would arrest me or not. All I wanted was for Tiago to be safe.



I stopped in my steps and looked at Tiago, who had pulled the trigger. He had shot a DEA agent, andthere was no turning back. “Tiago,” I whispered while Panther put his hand on my shoulder.

Tiago’s hands were shaking, and he dropped the gun from his hands before he rushed towards theagent who was fighting for his life. “I-I didn’t mean to…I didn’t mean to!” Tiago repeated while he lookedback at me.

“Marvin_Panther…we have to save him!” He spoke with a look full of worry. What we really neededwas to get the hell out of here, but Tiago was only sieteen. He didn’t know how stuff like that worked.

“Grab him,” I instructed Panther. He rushed forward and held Tiago by his neck so he could pull himalong “Maddens!” I heard one of the officers call out. The voice was getting closer and closer, so I didwhat I had to do and grabbed the gun from the ground.

“I’m not an idiot.” The officer spoke while the blood gushed from his mouth. He appeared to be fightingfor his life. “Santiago Castillo.” He whispered. The person who did this to me is Santiago Castillo.”

“Maddens!” The officer had once again called out once from a distance. I felt my blood boil afterhearing the officer speak of my brother’s name and knew there was only one thing left to do. “It doesn’tmatter anymore,” I said as I slowly raised the gun and pointed it towards his head.

I was just about to pull the trigger, but before I got the chance to, the officer choked on his own bloodand took what had appeared to be his very last breath. I rushed over to his side and pressed my fingeragainst his neck, but there was no pulse.

“Marvin!” Panther called out. I joined Panter and Tiago and hid behind the van. Tiago washyperventilating and clutched his heart with his hand, while Panther placed his hand over Tiago’smouth. “Shut up, kid!” He growled. “I-is he dead!” Tiago muffled.

I gave him an apologetic look and peaked in the mirror, so I could observe the agents who ran towardstheir fallen soldier. One of them shook his head to the others as he confirmed his death.

One of the agents held his finger in front of his lips and pointed towards the van while the other agentsslowly raised

their gun. We had just killed one of them, so they were livid. In the worst-case scenario, they wouldshow us no mercy and kill us all right now.

“Surrender yourselves, or we’ll attack with full force!”

I took a deep breath and looked at Santiago, who seemed close to passing out. He wasn’t supposed tobe here. He was supposed to be at school to finish his senior year. He was way too young to be here,

Panther looked at me and shook his head. I knew what Panther was thinking, but it was not going tohappen. Throwing Tiago under the bus was the same as losing my little brother because I knew hewould do something reckless and wouldn’t survive whether it was here on in prison.

Throwing Panther under the bus would also be a reckless decision. I was way too busy to take care ofTiago, so Panther had always been the one to help me out. While everyone was loyal to my father andtreated Tiago like a coward, Panther was loyal to me, so he was one of the few who I trusted aroundSantiago. Besides that, Panther was one of the Castillo’s best soldiers, and we couldn’t lose him.

“I will count down to three!” One of the officers called out.




“I surrender!”

There…I said it.

“Marvin, you can’t!” Panther hissed while Tiago looked at me with wide eyes. “Please step aside withyour hands in the air and give us your name!”

“Marvin, what the hell are you doing?” Panther whispered, worried. I ignored his calls and smiled atSantiago. “You’ll be fine. Just breathe-you’ll be fine.” I told him while I ruffled my hand through his hair.

I took a deep breath and stepped aside from the van while I walked forward with my hands in the air.“Marvin Romero Castillo,” I spoke loud enough for everyone to hear. The officers gave each other alook and dropped their guns.

I knew they wouldn’t shoot me if I’d surrender because they were pretty confident they had the powerto get information out of me. They would see Santiago as useless, while I could be of value to them.

“Check behind the van to see if there are more.” One of the officers spoke to my surprise. I had to thinkquickly, so I dropped my hands and lunged at the nearest officer to give him a punch with my fists.

Everyone’s attention shifted towards me, and before I knew it, everything went black.

Lena’s question came as a surprise, and I was a bit embarrassed. That was a feeling I hadn’t felt in along time as no one was bold enough to ask me that question.

Then again, no one had ever taken the time to talk to me like that. Lena seemed like a bright personwith at good heart.

Would she know who I was? I’m sure she’d find something if she would dig deeper and google myname.

But that wasn’t Lena, no. She seemed naive, which was something I hated about my brother, but thistime I could accept it. This time I actually thought it was cute.

The idea of being able to see through her without even knowing her made me laugh.

Hi Lena,

It’s not really a surprise that you have so much to say, considering you had plans to become a lawyer.

Not everyone is cut out to be a mixologist, so you should be proud of your job. You said you wereashamed because you don’t have any goals, but there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.

Look at me? I’m behind prison walls, with the only goal being to walk freely again. You are right, Lena.(If you’re still on the lookout for that rich guy, I can hook you up with one of my many cousins.)

I do have a long list of felonies, and I am way too smart to be in prison.

The truth is that the truth hasn’t come out yet and that I don’t belong here. I’m not the bad guy manymake me out to be

Where did it go wrong? It went wrong when I started to care for people. It went wrong because I thinkwith my heart and not with my brains, and I would do it all over again. My advice is to live your life as ifit’s your last because you don’t know what will happen in the future

I don’t want to sound like a creep, but I would like to get a better image of you so I can picture youmore clearly. (Once again, I don’t want to sound like a creep.)


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