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Chapter 245

Chapter 245

Hours had passed, but Christian had yet to move a musele. Many had either left the graveside in tearsor had stepped out to take a breather, but not Christian.

“It’s okay to cry, Christian.” I wrapped my arm around him, leaning into his chest. “If you want to yell,bawl-punch someone….I’m here.” I spoke. “Okay, maybe not the punching part—”

“I know.” I felt Chistian’s soft lips pressed against my temple. “I should be crying, but people are relyingon me, and I can’t let them down.” He tried convincing himself. “Tears are a sign of weakness.“

His words to me were nonsense, but I respected his wishes. He felt obligated to be the bigger man thisfamily needed him to be and held back every bit of emotion.

Others depended on him to prepare a perfect service for Lucio, and he did. Gio and Enzo were older,Franco who had lost his son had more experience-but as the heir, everyone expected Christian to doeverything as if he was not grieving as well.

Christian didn’t mind. There was no good way to explain it, but in a way, he had become more mature,more serious, and more responsible.

I had learned to respect his boundaries. If he didn’t want a shoulder to cry on, that was okay-but Iwanted him to know I was there for him.

“You know.” Christian began. “Knowing dad is not in pain anymore is a blessing.”

He pulled me closer. “I have prepared myself for months, fearing this moment…but I’m fine.”

“Are you really?”

“Yes,” Christian simpered. “And it’s all because I have you, Siena, little Christian.” He touched mystomach. After plenty of guesses, we were both expecting to get a son.

“Your mom is also doing better than expected. She’s so strong.” I praised Cesca. After seeing herreaction to Lucio’s passing, I had not expected her to get back on her feet-but she was doing perfectlyfine.

We moved to the Lamberti estate to keep her the company she needed, and she surrounded herselfwith great company and friends, especially Lita, who had been helping us a lot.

“I think we’re all fine because we knew what to expect,” Christian explained. “Dad would’ve made fun ofall of us for crying.”

“He would-wouldn’t he?”

“No doubt.” Christian beamed, trying to remain positive. “Anyway, we should head home and preparefor

the feast.”

Any other person might’ve confused this get-together as a birthday party, mainly because of thenumber of people, music, and food-but that was the way Lucio would’ve wanted it.

He was a people person and would not want anyone to mourn his death. He asked us to celebrate hislife, so we did.

“Serena, you should try this.” Franco pushed a sweet dessert into my mouth. “This was my boy’sfavorite!”

“That’s delicious!” I smiled politely, not wanting to disrespect the ridiculous taste of sugar in my mouth.

Ever since I had once accidentally caught Franco crying in Lucio’s old study, his behavior towards mehad softened a lot.

Who knew a hug and a late-night talk could change everything?

The old man went through the room to let everyone taste Lucio’s favorite sweet while I stood in thecorner without any company.

Christian, who had been by my side for more hours than I could count, had disappeared with Beau,Vince, Marc, and Dario, who had dragged him to the kitchen for a drink. The four horsemen who werealways out to ruin my Christian.

When Christian suggested that he didn’t drink anymore, they told him to stop being a wimp, and Ihadn’t seen him ever since. So much for being a good influence.

My eyes searched for Siena, who was across the room with Emmanuella. Besides being withChristian’s relative, she had been Lucio’s loyal maid for a long time and had been of great help.

I couldn’t forget her reaction when she had reunited with Siena, who had grown a lot since she had lastseen her.

She is your split imagine, but I can tell she’ll end up having Christian’s personality. Cesca hadconcluded like everyone else.

“Well, this is awkward-isn’t it?” The woman who had been standing beside me for quite some timeaddressed me.

I wasn’t good at talking to new people, and I didn’t know how to make friends. I admired her courage tospeak up.

Not knowing how to hold a normal conversation, I opened my mouth to say something but closed itright after and gave her a nod. I was never going to make new friends like this.

“Serena, right?” The woman asked, not giving up just yet. “Dario said I should stand next to youwhenever I feel awkward because you’re also awkward.”

“Did he say that?” I cackled, not even noticing what I was doing. “He’s one to talk. I’m not nearly asawkward as him!”

“Right!” The woman agreed. “He can’t even take a compliment without doing that weird thing with his-”

“Eyes!” I finished her sentence, laughing. “The blinking thing?”


“Wait-how do you know Dario?” The thought had suddenly occurred to me. By the looks of it, she knewhim very well. A bit too well.

“Oh, I’m his…girlfriend.” The woman slammed her hand against her forehead. “I’m sorry. It’s all-new, soit still sounds weird.”

Dario was seeing someone? Good for him.

“I didn’t know he was seeing anyone.” I showed my excitement. She knew my name, which made me

wonder if Dario had also told about the feelings he’d once felt for me.

“I’m Jade.” She waved her hand in my face. “It’s really, really nice to meet you.” She spoke, making agrand gesture with her hand. “You’re gorgeous. I can tell why Dario had a crush on you!”

So she did know? She just didn’t care.

Shocked by her easygoing personality. I grabbed both her hands and looked into her eyes with adesperate expression.

“This might be a weird question, and you might run away and call me crazy-but would you like to be mybest friend?” I didn’t realize my words. “O-Or we can work towards it?”

What was I even doing?

Thinking this was the part she would most likely make a run for it, I looked away from her eyes. “Im sosorry. Please forget I ever said that-

“Sure. I can’t see why not!” Jade cut me off. “We can be best friends. Just give me your number.” Shehanded me her phone while I did the same, still not believing my words from earlier.

“So, are your family mobsters, or are they normal like mine?” Jade asked, handing me my phone.

Wow, they were together-together.

Dario taking a risk and having enough courage to tell Jade about his occupation must’ve meant he wasreally into her.

“Unfortunately, my family is far from normal.” I scratched my head, hoping that would not be adealbreaker.

“That’s okay. Normal is boring.

Jade shot me an innocent smile, but all I could think about was that Dario wouldn’t be around for muchlonger. A few months from now, he would move to the west coast, and she would most likely tag alongand forget about my existence. The same thing happened to my other friends.

“We should go on a playdate with our babies-”

“Babies?” I asked, shocked. “I didn’t know you have children?”

Was that the reason why Dario hadn’t told us about her? Did he have a secret baby without telling us?

“A one-year-old from my previous marriage.” Jade added to my curiosity.

Why was she married?

Is her ex-husband still alive?

Do they get along?

It was none of my business, but since it was about Dario-I was making it my business.

“He passed away before the baby was born.” Jade read my mind, answering my question about herlate


My eyes turned wide. “I am so sorry!”

“No, don’t be!” She shook her head. “Dario is okay with it, and he gets along with her well.”

“Oh, that’s good.”:

Way to make things awkward, Serena.novelbin

Of course, I had to open my big mouth again.

“I see the two of you have met!” Dario appeared, slamming his arm around Jade. “What do you think ofher?”

“She seems like a good and loyal friend.” Jade looked into my eyes. “I like her.”

Dario winked at me, probably grateful to have introduced his girlfriend to the most boring woman in thishouse.

He brushed Jade’s. “Come-I need to introduce you to my grandma.” He pulled her away.

Dario who had moved on with his life, had completely forgotten about me, and maybe it was for thebest. We both needed to start from scratch.

“Who the hell is that?” Christian asked in an unfriendly tone, wrapping his arms around my back. Hehad returned at last.

“Dario’s girlfriend.”

“Good. Does this mean he won’t stare at you anymore?”

It had been bothering him for a long time-but he hadn’t expressed a single word. Maybe he thought Iwas terrible enough to bring up his past mistakes to keep him in check-but I wasn’t like that. Notanymore.

“Yes,” I gave him the answer he wanted. “You don’t have to worry about him anymore.”

“Come on enough about Dario. I need to talk to you.” Christian guided me to the balcony. I didn’t askhim questions and followed him as usual, thinking he might want to talk about his feelings.

We made a party out of everything, but it was still a bittersweet day. None of us had forgotten aboutLucio.

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