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Chapter 241

Chapter 241

“One, two-three!” Christian threw a happy Siena in the air, ignoring my pleas for him to stop. With myhand on my heart, I leaned against the wall as a sound of relieved laughter escaped my lips.

“Seel” Christian held her by her leg, turning her upside down. “She enjoys it, so I do not think it’s yourplace to interfere!” He spoke, pretending to drop her.

Not wanting my child to crack open her skull, I rushed to their side and grabbed her from his hands.“Okay, that’s enough for now.

Today would be an eventful day, but unfortunately, one I wouldn’t get to experience. While Christianwould soon be headed to the location to deal with his uncle and Luca, I would be stuck at home.

It wasn’t all too bad because I got to spend time with Siena-but although I had promised not to involvemyself in any business, I couldn’t help but be curious.

“What’s on your mind?” Christian raised my chin, inspecting the sad frown on my face. My mind told meto let it go, but a part of me still wanted to try whether it was possible to make him change his mind.

“I want to go with you.” I put Siena back on her knees to have a serious conversation with Christian.

He chuckled, lowering his head as he let go of my chin. “What was that?”

“Your uncle and Luca? I want to go with you, I repeated, knowing very well he heard me the first time.

“Not a chance.” Christian shook his head. “You’re pregnant. Siena needs you-and I don’t want the babyto get hurt.” He placed his hand on my stomach.

Instead of arguing, I just accepted his word and gave him a simple nod. We had been through somuch. Arguing about minor disagreements was not even an option or a priority anymore.

There was still one thing on my mind. “What will happen to Luca?”

“Let me get you some more water-


The dark glow in Christian’s eyes made me sick to my stomach. I had no opinion about Berto and trulybelieved he was to blame for his own misfortune,

But when it came to Luca, whatever his plans were with him was my business, and I did not want himto do something he would later regret.

“You know what will happen to him.” I heard the words I didn’t want to hear. He couldn’t even say it outloud.

“Can’t you just forgive him? I feel bad.”

“After all those names he’s called you and all the damage he has done to this family?” Christianscoffed, giving me a disgusted look as if I was the problem. “Listen, how about you just call your friendsand do something fun.”

“Which friends?” I wondered. If I had any real friends, I wouldn’t even have been here in the first place.

“Faith and Luna?”

-We don’t even text anymore.”

They were the only reason I didn’t mind working at the club, but as time passed, I realized that all theywere at that period were colleagues. We didn’t have anything in common, and after Christian had sent

us on a nice trip, they didn’t even have the decency to call and check up on me.

Christian went into deep thoughts. “Olava?”

“Her name is Olivia, and she lives too far away.”

“Right.” He squinted his eyes. “Those three villains you used to hang out with?”

Those three girls threw me aside right after I got back together with Christian. They didn’t take me anymore seriously than I did myself.

“You said it yourself. They’re villains.” I said.

“And they had all distanced themselves from me after we got back together..because they see me as ajoke.”

Advising me to remain friends with those girls was at least one thing Cesca was right about-because Idoubt any of the other families would still want to hang out with me. Regardless of my relationship withChristian.

My heart broke seeing the guilty expression on Christian’s face. “I guess I’m responsible for that.” He



“No.” I scrunched my nose. “Somehow, my brother always seems to be the topic of the conversation.”

Not to forget, every time I looked at her, I got reminded that she was the same woman who had sleptwith Christian and wanted to get rid of my daughter.

Sure, she had changed, and I was happy for her and my brother-but I wouldn’t say I was ready to bebest friends with her. We were on speaking terms.


“Not the same interests, and she’s like a baby to me.”

“My sisters or Dana-”

“I know them, but I do not know them.”

Christian opened his mouth to come up with another name that most likely wouldn’t make sense. “Ohwow, you really do not have friends.” He finally concluded, scratching his neck

That took him some time.

“Don’t be like that. I have you!” I spoke, hitting his shoulder. “Saying it like that makes it seem like I’mthe crazy one-

“And you’re not!” Christian cut me off, holding me by my shoulders. “So don’t ever say something likethat again.”

I was glad to know at least one person entirely had my back. Even my brothers, including Beau, side-eyed me for my impulsive behavior, but not Christian. I had no idea if it was because of love, but latelyhe just went along with it.

“You know what,” Christian spoke. “You’re right. We do have each other-and I do want you to comewith


“Wait, really?”

“Yes, totally.” Christian sounded overly excited, but I knew it was fake. “I can call my mom to watchSiena, and we can go together. He didn’t want me there, but I didn’t mind.

I wanted to be there, and he came with the offer.

Ultimately, we had dropped off Siena at the Lambertis and were on our way to the location.

“I’m not afraid, you know,” I told Christian after a peaceful silence. “To see your uncle again or to watchwhich fate awaits them?”

Christian grew a devilish smile on his lips. “I’m sorry, but I don’t remember asking.

He didn’t have to tell me his thoughts because I was already aware. He didn’t want to see me in painever again, whether it was physically or mentally, but I was at that point where I just didn’t careanymore.

“I know you didn’t ask anything. I sighed, grinning widely. “I’m just trying to talk to you.”


About how you’re planning to kill your cousin while being the first one to give Enzo and Isobel, who haddone the

same—a pass.

“Nothing.” I grabbed my phone and searched for Enzo’s name. I knew I said I wouldn’t get involvedanymore, and maybe I was crazy for thinking this way-but I didn’t want to see Luca die.

I wouldn’t have been alive without him, and it was clear that he needed some help to get back on theright track. He wasn’t completely ruined.


Hey, I know we haven’t seen each other in a while, but I have a favor to ask.



Are you aware your brother is on his way to deal with your cousin?


I am.


Are you also aware he’s being punished for the same stunts you’ve pulled?


Why is he being punished while you get to walk out free? Are you not going to do anything, or are younot ashamed of yourself?




If you have a heart and conscience, you’ll come here and save your cousin.


Never mind.

I knew not to expect much from someone like you

Harassing my brother-in-law wasn’t the most incredible thing to do, and perhaps I was takingadvantage of Enzo’s warm heart, but this was the only way to stop all of this.

Now all he had to do was show up and stop Christian from making a mistake.

“We’re here, Miss ‘I have no friends,” Christian called out, tapping my shoulder. Shocked. I stared atthe phone in my hands and quickly put it away before he could see anything.

“It was not a joke–you really are my only friend!” I nagged him, getting out of the car. My bright moodhad vanished upon seeing the cold and empty space we had found ourselves in.

The building looked dirty, abandoned, and not even qualified enough for a monster like Berto.

“And this is why I didn’t want you to come.” Christian held my hand. “It’s not healthy for the baby, andwhatever is going to happen today-”

“I was tied to a bed for hours, so please don’t tell me what is and isn’t healthy for my baby,” I spoke.“And regarding any events of today? I won’t walk out the room, and I’ll be seeing everything frombeginning to


“Okay then.” A hopeless breath escaped from Christian’s lips. Back in the days, he would’ve arguedwith me, but apparently, he also didn’t have the energy anymore.

He led me through the door and gently pushed me inside a room that seemed worse than before.

+5 Bonus

The only thing grabbing my attention was a weak Luca, who had been locked behind glass, and Berto,who had been tied to a chair.

The same man everyone had been so afraid of had cuts and blood all over his body, eyes closed anddid not look like he had much longer if he wasn’t dead already.

“He’s not dead….yet.” Dario walked in, swinging a knife covered in all red in his hands. “Let’s say he’ssemi- conscious, but that’s how I wanted it.” He shrugged. “I want him to feel the same thing my unclefelt. 1 want him to remember how it feels to be burned alive.”

Unlike his behavior from the past few weeks, Dario was in a cheerful mood and carried the samecharm he had when I had first met him. The only crazy thing? His father’s death was the was the key tohis happiness.

“Oh, hey-Serena!” He acknowledged my presence. “Do your dad and brothers know you’re here?”

Christian frowned. “Do you want me to die today too?”

“No.” Dario held back his laughter.

Dad would’ve never agreed to any of this. It was a good thing he wasn’t here.

Dario placed down his knife and followed Christian, who walked towards the glass while I did the same.“It’s not too late to leave,” Christian told me, but I had already decided.

“I’m not going anywhere,” I spoke, entering behind the glass. As it was soundproof, I had not been ableto hear Luca’s heavy breathing until now.

The poor guy was scared to death and counting down his last minutes.

“Christian, please-I’m begging you.” He raised his head and got up from the floor, barely being able towalk. “1-1-1 helped you, I-Isn’t that right?” Luca spoke from a clean distance.

Christian went silent, and so did Dario. One disagreed with his statements, and the other didn’t careabout what would happen to his brother because he had already got to his father.


The thing which had saved Luca from not being six feet under already was Dario knowing he stood forMauro and tried to stop their father.

“Isn’t t-that t-true, Serena?” Luca extended his arm, falling by doing so. The fall didn’t stop him fromcrawling forward, and I unexpectedly felt his grip around my ankle. “Serena, t-tell him!”

Christian roughly kicked his cousin’s chest and grabbed him by the hair.

“Don’t touch her.” He snapped, throwing Luca to the cold ground.

I was used to Christian’s temper and wasn’t surprised anymore. The only shocking thing was his lack ofempathy.

He didn’t care, and I could see it in his cold eyes.

The scene in front of me got cut short by the sound of my phone, and I looked at the message I had



I’m almost there. Don’t let him do anything crazy!

My eyes widened. All there was left to do was stretch some time.

“Please just give me another chance please!” Luca sat on his knee, not daring to get up.

“I can’t.” With an uninterested breath, Christian pulled out his gun and slowly pointed it at the center ofhis cousin’s head. “I’m done giving you chances.”

Come on, Enzo!

Where are you?

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