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Chapter 235

Chapter 235


It hadn’t even been a full day, but I already felt like going crazy. Were they really going to keep me tiedto a bed for as long as they could?

Escape…for some reason, that word sounded perfect and difficult all at once. I would not be able toescape this hell hole, even if I wanted to, and would get myself killed before I could even step foot outthe door.

I stared at the massive clock on the wall, realizing Luca could walk in any second. The only times Iwouldn’t be cuffed to the bed would most likely be breakfast, lunch, dinner, and bathroom breaks.

Although freedom sounded very tempting, getting through Luca was not easy and seemed like animpossible mission. Should I just risk my life and make a run for it?

I heard the lock on the other side of the door and prepared myself to face Luca. Just as expected, hebarged in with a bundle of clothes in his hands. “It’s time for dinner. You need to change.”

He walked straight to the bed and freed my hands without giving me a single glance. Would it bebecause of guilt or disgust?

“I managed to get you a long dress this time,” Luca spoke softly. “This one has sleeves.”


1 got up from the bed and grabbed the clothes. “Thank you, that’s nice of you.” I smiled, entering thebathroom.

After changing clothes, I followed Luca back to the same dining room where Berto had shot someonedead just hours ago. How could I even eat something, knowing someone’s lifeless body had been onthis very floor?

Luckily, Berto was nowhere to be found. Even then, I was still frightened and was not in the mood forany surprises.

“Can I sit next to you?” I asked, one second removed from pleading.

Luca raised his brows and pulled out a chair. “I can’t see why not.”

Sitting at the table, I felt my hands sweaty and couldn’t control my nerves. All I had to do was eat, smileand keep quiet. That would be possible, right?

“You’re right on time.” A cold presence entered the room. Afraid to look at him the wrong way. I kept myeyes fixated on the table and did not dare look up.

“Don’t be shy!” Berto called out. “Get up, spin-let me look at you!”

Luca nudged my shoulder. “Do it.” He whispered.

Ashamed, I followed his orders and showed off the dress as Berto took a sharp breath. “That’s not thedress I prepared for you.”

“I-1-1-“I stared at Luca, begging for his help.

“It’s cold, dad,” Luca spoke. “We can’t freeze her to death. If Christian sees her like this-


“She’s mine!” Berto exclaimed, making me flinch. “Christian this, Christian that!”

Luca rushed to pull me back to my seat while Berto mumbled a few more complaints. “Since when didChrissie gain that much power?” He shook his head. “It annoys me.”

He had never been shy about his hatred for the Lambertis, and in a way, I pitied him. I couldunderstand his anger, and he had some valid points. Unfortunately, that did not excuse his actions.

“You will eat this time, won’t you-Serena?” Berto spoke once the food had arrived. I stared at the fancydish before me, nodding my head.novelbin

Seeing the food made me think of Christian and how well he knew me. He had never forced me to eatanything I didn’t like and had always been thoughtful from day one.

Just like that, he would pay close attention whenever I did or did not empty my plate so he couldmention it to Emmanuella.

We ate in complete silence, but that was not for long because Berto started tapping his feet on thefloor. “I couldn’t join you for lunch because I was working on a special project.” He spoke as if I hadasked him.

My heart stopped beating for a second. Special project? Wasn’t this man going to stop? That was thedeal, right?

“Don’t worry. I’m not planning anything crazy” Berto shrugged. “Although, I would love to kill father.” Hewhispered the last part.

Anyone could tell I wasn’t the biggest fan of Franco either, but wishing dead upon that man? That wenta bit too far, didn’t it?

Berto’s eyes searched for mine. “Serena?”


“Am I scaring you?”


I opened my mouth, trying to find the words to say-but Berto had already moved on to a differentsubject.

“That old man, Mauro-was also scared of me.” Berto shared. “You should’ve seen his face when I toldhim I would burn him alive.”

1 felt the goosebumps creeping on my arms. The way he spoke about Dario’s deceased uncle mademe want to throw up. How could someone be that heartless?

“I was actually thinking about blowing up that entire building with all of you in it, but Luca convinced menot to do it.” He said, looking tense. “Now that I think about it, I’m happy I did not hurt Lucio.”

I felt an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach upon hearing the news. The same building with my Siena

inside of it?

So despite claiming to care about Lucio, he was willing to blow up everyone at the photo shoot–just todestroy the Lambertis,

Who would’ve thought Luca had enough heart to stop his dad?

“I really did not want anyone to get hurt.” Berto shook his head. “All I wanted was the family businesswhich belongs to my sons and me, but somehow the Lambertis managed to get Dario to betray me.”He furrowed. “He’s doing everything his mother was against.”

Right, the gold-digging devil who had started all of this

Berto placed his fork on his plate and moved his head to look at me. “Or no, actually, it was you.” Hestated. “You took my son away from me. You took Dario away from me.”

No, not again.

“You separated me from my son, just like father separated me from the love of my life.” Berto placedhis hands on the table to raise himself from his chair.

“It was you—*

“Sir, your guests are here!” One of the guards entered the dining room, saving me from whatever wasabout to happen.

Wait for a second, Guests?

What guests?

At least that meant I wouldn’t be the highlight of the evening for much longer

Berto fixed his collar and grinned. “Ah, nice, bring them in!” He waved his hand to the table. “All of youare dismissed. This is a family matter.” I supposed he called out the guards and the maids,

Scanning the table, I felt stupid for not noticing the extra sets of plates proving he did have guests

My eyes fixated on the door as I waited for Berto’s guests to walk in. What could’ve been so importantfor him to dismiss the guards and the maids?

I didn’t know what to expect

Would it be some scary hitman to finish me off

Disgusting older men who would all have their way with me?

Frightened. I shut my eyes, trying not to overthink the situation, but when I opened them, I froze in my


It couldn’t be. There was no way

Right at the door stood Christian, and he wasn’t alone. My brother. Dario, and Vincenzo were alsopresent.

A feeling of relief and fear went through my body all at once as I couldn’t decide whether this was agood or bad thing.

I couldn’t possibly be dreaming, right?

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