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Chapter 224

Chapter 224

“Isn’t he adorable?” Isobel gushed over Beau, who was busy playing with Siena. He laid her down onthe grass and pulled her legs while Siena burst into fits of laughter.

“Sure.”I breathed. If him calling my daughter an evil little demon was adorable to her, then so be it.

Today was the first day in a while I finally got to spend some time with my family. I couldn’t rememberthe last time we were complete, but having my parents and all of my siblings together for dinner feltgreat.

Maybe I was annoyed by the fact that Beau and Isobel could spend some time together while Christianwas working again. I invited him and even Dario-but apparently, the two were too busy with their so-called plan.

I knew it was all to take down Berto, but I couldn’t help but wonder-what if I was indeed pregnant andhad to take care of two babies all by myself? Christian promised me all of this would almost be over butwas it really?

I had yet to take the pregnancy test, and it was all because a small part of me was still in denial. Maybeit was just a cold or some crazy virus, and I was just overreacting.

“I just love him so much. Isobel cooed. “I can’t wait until our babies get here.”

A warm smile grew on my lips as Isobel rubbed her hand over her stomach. It was hard to re afterhearing her speak about my brother. If those two could work out their differences, it embarrassing ifChristian and I couldn’t.

“Neither can I.”

Beau stopped playing with Siena and made his way over. I scoffed as he ignored my existence and measide to kiss Isobel. I didn’t want to see that, not even for a second. They were too affectionate anddisgusting. Or I was just too jealous…

“You’ll be a great dad. Isobel praised him. Beau leaned closer. “I’m sorry, what was that?” He spoke.“Did you just give me a compliment?”

“Yes.” Isobel nodded. “I said you’re a good daddy..to me.”

Jeez. I covered my mouth to stop myself from gagging, but it didn’t stop there as I was forced to watchmy brother make out with Isobel. “I’m just going to pretend as if I didn’t just hear all of that.”

“Uh, hello!” I coughed loudly, pulling Beau’s arm. “My eyes, thank you!”

“Oh, sorry Serena.” Beau chuckled, slamming his arm around my shoulder. “I almost didn’t see youthere.”

“Yes, and it seems to be some kind of pattern!”

“That’s not true,” Beau spoke, offended. Isobel stepped back as she clearly had no intentions ofinterfering.

“Isobel, come and look at all these baby clothes!” My mom yelled from inside.

“Coming!” Isobel yelled back. “Do you guys remember when your mom used to hate me?” She askedproudly.

Beau and I shot each other a look. “Do you remember when we used to hate you?” Beau teased her.

“Yes, you still hate me.” Isobel giggled, making her way inside.

Beau and I sat down at the table. “What’s with the look on your face?”

+5 Bonus

“Nothing just a bit sad Christian couldn’t make it,” I told him. Being apart from him was hard, and notknowing about whatever they were planning made everything so much more difficult.novelbin

Beau shot me a pitiful look. “He wanted to be here….really, but-

“Work, work, work-yes, I know it.” I rolled my eyes.

“He’s doing it all for you and Siena.”

“I know, I leaned my head against my brother’s shoulder. “But I miss him, and I miss you too.”

“Serena, I’m here.”

Yes, and so was everyone else. “I know, but I feel like I barely see you anymore.”

Beau ruffled his hand through my hair. “Stop overreacting. We see each other almost every day.”

“No, we don’t,” I whispered to myself. A lot had changed. This whole situation with Berto had suckedthe life out of everyone, especially since he was someone unpredictable who couldn’t care less aboutany of our lives.

“I’m scared, Beau,” I spoke. “I feel like we should spend time together while we still can and I don’twant to lose anyone.

“While we still can?” Beau chuckled. “And why would you lose anyone?”

I looked at him with a sarcastic expression on my face, but by the looks of it, his question seemed to beserious. “Christian’s uncle is a monster…you know that.” I reminded him. “And things have beenextremely quiet-”

“Don’t worry. We’ve got everything under control. Beau cut me off. He sounded a whole lot likeChristian, and it was probably because it was Christian’s order.

“Do you, really?”


I stared into Beau’s eyes, hoping he would crack-but he didn’t. “Just don’t do anything stupid, okay?” 1forced a smile. “Don’t try to play the hero like you always do, and don’t forget to put yourself first.”

“Even before Isobel and the babies?” Beau joked. As expected, he didn’t take me seriously. All he everdid nowadays was a joke around, and it wasn’t exactly helping. Maybe it was a way of hiding his fear,but whatever it was-I was not okay with it.


“Okay, fine-I promise!” He laughed. “But if I do happen to die-”

I smacked his shoulders and widened my eyes, threatening him not to finish his sentence. Just thethought of it made me dizzy.

“I’m not saying I will!” Beau pointed out. “But if I do, I want you to put something real on mygravestone.”

“Something real?”

Beau nodded. “Something like, at least I don’t have to listen to my girl’s nagging anymore.”

+5 Bonus

“Oh wow, you’re sick.” I couldn’t hold back my laughter. Somehow his words made a lot of sense. “Idon’t think Isobel will like that.”

“Just don’t die…I love you.”


“Yes.” I smiled. “I don’t know if I ever mentioned it before, but I love you-and I can’t imagine my lifewithout you as my twin.”

Beau pulled a disgusted face. “I hate it when you’re being nice. It’s weird.” He awkwardly patted myback. “But thanks.”

“I heard you visited Vince.” He changed the subject. Strangely enough, I could never understand whythose close to me had a hard time opening up.

“I did.””

“Did you know he was the first one to notice a resemblance between us?” Beau mentioned. Thinkingabout it, it was not that surprising. Vince was known to have sharp eyes.


Beau smiled. “Yes. He called you, Beau, with a wig.” He said. “He described your meeting at the storeas love at first sight-and he was so hopelessly in lo—”

“Don’t finish that sentence, ever.” I squinted my eyes. There was nothing worse than your best friendhaving a crush on you

I looked at my brother, trying to find the resemblance-but I couldn’t see it. All I could see was thenervous look in his eyes. I wasn’t stupid and could tell he was trying to keep it together for me.

Was Christian really okay?

“Is Christian okay?” I asked him. “Is he getting enough sleep? Is he eating enough? Is he-”

“He’s fine, Serena.” Beau sighed. “I know what you’re thinking, but I am only being awkward becauseyou’re staring at me.”

“Right,” I spoke, embarrassed. Christian was okay. That was all that mattered.

“Can I tell you something? But you have to promise not to tell anyone.”


I took a deep breath. “I think I might be pregnant again.”

Beau blinked his eyes. “Think?”

“Yes,” I nodded. “I’m too scared to take a pregnancy test

There was a moment of silence as I waited for my brother’s reaction. “Well,” Beau chuckled. “I hopeyou’re

“Excuse me?” I spoke, worried. My biggest fear was my brother judging me. It was not a secret that Ihad some difficulties taking care of Siena at the beginning, and that I was too afraid that I wouldn’t beable to bond with her.

A lot had changed, but the memories were still there.

“I don’t want to see you in pain ever again, and Siena is evil.” Beau smiled. “But if you are pregnant, itwouldn’t be a problem-because you’re a good mom.” He said. “You’re doing a good job, you shouldknow


“I’m a good mom,” I repeated. I tried to be, but was I really?

“Look,” Beau pointed at Siena, who was playing with her toys. “Does that not look like a healthy andhappy baby to you?” He said. “Yes, she’s a bit aggressive and evil-but she’s a Lamberti, so that isn’tsomething we can change.”

“Evil?” I frowned. “Your babies will be Isobel’s offsprings.

“True.” Beau shrugged nonchalantly. “Anyway, how about you do it right now.”

“T-the test?”

“Yes.” He spoke. “I would like to experience a live reaction.”

“I’m not a hundred percent sure….it’s just a feeling.” I tried changing his mind. “And weren’t you theIsobel?”

“No, she completely threw me off guard.” Beau corrected me. “I was driving, she told me the news, andI almost crashed…that’s it.”

“Poor you,” I mumbled, remembering my own experience. It was funny how finding out about thepregnancy was the worst day of my life, while giving birth to Siena was the best day of my life.

“How did you feel?”

“Scared,” Beau admitted. We weren’t only twins, but we shared the same reaction as well.


“Because I’m still not over Lita and Matteo handing me over to Fabio,” Beau spoke. “I don’t want to bea bad parent, and I don’t want to be a worthless dad…I don’t want to be like them.“

He forgave them, but he didn’t want to be like them. For some reason, I could relate to that. AlthoughBeaut had it worse than me, I could not ignore all that I had been through.

“Is that why you’re forcing yourself to be with Isobel?” I wondered. “Because you want your children togrow up in a stable household?”

“No, I’m with her because I learned to love her,” Beau spoke. “Yes, she’s crazy-but not always.”

“I feel the same about Christian.” I grew a smile on my lips. “Yes, he’s crazy-but not always.”

After all the pain he had caused me, I decided to give him a second chance because I didn’t wantSiena to grow up in a broken family. Only after a short while, I came to the conclusion that it wasn’tbecause of

Siena, but because I didn’t want to lose him.

“Come on, let’s just do it,” I told Beau. Having my brother by my side wasn’t all that bad. I didn’t have todo it alone this time.

“Really?” He asked, surprised. “Yes, come on.” I picked up Siena. “You want to see a live reaction….solet’s just do it.”

We took Siena back inside and made our way to the bathroom. Although a pregnancy would not be thebest option, I felt less anxious than the first time, and that was a good thing.

After a few minutes had passed, I walked out with the stick in my hands. “So what did you do?” Beauasked. “Do you like pee on the stick, or do you pee in a cup and then….” He went into deep thoughts.“Does it smell like…pee?”

I frowned at his weird question. “Do you want to smell?”

Beau stepped back. “N-no, I’m good. Thank you.” He blushed. “What now?”

I put the test on the cabinet and sank to the floor while Beau did the same. “Now we wait.”

Only a few minutes had passed, but it felt like forever. The last time I waited for a pregnancy test, myeyes were covered in tears. This time I had my brother by my side.

“Wouldn’t it be nice if we could raise twins at the same time?” Beau grinned. I turned my head to look athim. “No?” I spoke. “What are you even talking about.

I was already stressing over the possibility of raising two small children, let alone three.

“I’m not crazy!” Beau stated. Twins run in the family.”

“Yes, they do and I’ll skip the curse.

“So, do you want a boy or girl?” He continued. Having someone to talk to instead of staring at the wallfelt


“I wouldn’t mind another girl, but I really want a son,” I spoke, excited. “Wait, what are we even talkingabout? I’m not pregnant!”

Beau ignored my outburst. “I hope it’s a boy, so you can name him Beau?”

At that moment, I realized he was doing all of this to calm my nerves. Ashamed, I stared down at myshaking hand. I thought I was calm, but that clearly wasn’t the case.

“Are you going to name your daughter Serena?”

“No?” Beau responded. Our conversation got interrupted by the sound of a beep. Beau got up from thefloor and pulled my arm.

“No!” I pouted. It was not too late to turn back around and pretend as none of this happened.

Come on. You can do this.” Beau grabbed my hand. “It’s not like you can run away from this, so youmight as well just get it over with.”

I took in Beau’s words and raised myself from the floor. “You’re annoying.”

“I know, come on.”

With baby steps, I made my way to the cabinet and reached for the pregnancy test. A gasp escapedmy mouth as I looked at the two thick and obvious lines.

“Oh my god!” I squealed. Beau flinched before looking over my shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s positive!”

“Really?” Beau pulled the test from my hand. I let out a squeal of excitement and threw my armsaround his neck, pulling him into a tight hug.

“W-what’s happening, are we happy, or are we upset?” He spoke, startled. Before I could stop myself,tears rolled down my cheek.

“Happy!” I sniffled. “I mean no, I don’t know!”

I had not expected to react the way I did, but it all happened naturally. Even though I was secretlyhoping for the test to be negative, I could not hide my excitement. Maybe it was all meant to be.

“Don’t you have to tell Christian?” Beau pulled away.


He had always been vocal about wanting more children, but we both knew that it wouldn’t be thesmartest thing at this moment.

“No, let’s keep it between us for now, I told Beau.


“Because I don’t want to stress him out,” I explained. “I don’t want him to get distracted, and I want himto enjoy this moment.”

“Good point.” Beau wiped my tears. “Do I need to cry with you?” He asked, confused. “I’m sorry…Iwant to help, but I’m not really good at this.”

“No.” I reassured him. “You’re here and that’s more than I could ever ask for.”

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