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Chapter 214

Chapter 214

It took a few seconds, but it seemed like Christian had finally gathered some courage to ask me thetruth. “Did you tell him,’ sounded the same as did you break our promise, and I couldn’t handle it?

“Where were you yesterday?”

“I told you…I just needed some air.” I whispered, afraid for his reaction. I lowered my head so I didn’thave to look at the disappointment in his eyes while Christian stepped closer. At least he had Siena inhis arms so that meant he wouldn’t do anything crazy.

“Did you tell him?” Christian repeated himself. “I’m not asking you to pick a fight. I’m asking, so I can fixthings before they get worse.”

“I-I…” I spoke, defeated. He didn’t seem angry, and that was a good thing, but why couldn’t I tell himthe

truth. “I-I-”

“I told him about Johnny. It was me.

In shock, I turned around to face Dario, who stood in the doorway. Those words were supposed toleave my mouth, but instead, they left his. “Dario?” Christian spoke. “W-why would you even dosomething like that?”

Dario’s eyes met mine for a split second before they went back to Christian’s. “I told you that I don’tagree with Johnny’s actions, and I’m not trying to bully him because, at the end of the day, he’s mybrother-but Beau had the right to know, don’t you think?” Dario explained calmly.

“Carmen and Luke are his siblings. They are Serena’s siblings, and they’ve both been loyal to you, sowe should show some respect in return.” He continued. “Don’t you care about their feelings? Are theynot as important as Johnny’s, is that it?”

I could tell Christian held himself back because of the baby, but Dario was right. He got myfrustrations.. while Christian didn’t, and the worst thing was that I hadn’t even told Dario about thosefrustrations. “I’m sorry if you feel like I somehow disrespected you, but

“No, you didn’t,” Christian spoke. “It was just a simple question, and you gave me an answer, that’s all.”

Besides Siena, there was something else holding him back. Christian was known to be a short-tempered. monster whenever things wouldn’t go his way, but this time it was different. Was it becausehe didn’t want Dario to go back to his dad? Was it because he was traumatized at how things endedwith Vincenzo?

“The idea of running a business together is that you don’t do things alone.” Christian forced a smile onhis face. He was seconds away from exploding, but somehow managed to remain calm. “Serena, areyou coming?”


Christian frowned his eyebrows and glared at Dario, while I felt stupid and was afraid he misunderstood-my words. “No, what do you mean, no?” He scoffed.

“I just want to check on my brother, that’s all,” I reassured him. “I don’t want him to ruin your dad’s day,so I’ll talk to him and you’ll talk to Johnny. Okay?”

He seemed at ease with my explanation, but his suspicions towards Dario had not changed. “Then areyou coming?” Christian asked him, with a disgusted look on his face. He didn’t want me to be aroundhim.

“No.” Dario shook his head. Christian released a deep sigh as the tension was only getting worse.

“You know what, fuck it!” Christian snapped out of nowhere, while I quailed at his sudden outburst. “Youtwo can f-”

Dario quickly stepped forward and held him by his arm. “The thing from yesterday!” He spoke in ahurry. “I’m sorry, and I’ll take care of it.”

He made eye-contact with Christian as if he was trying to explain something with his eyes, whileChristian stared back in complete silence.

“Right now?” Christian he spoke, surprised, after a few seconds. I looked back and forth between thetwo as I was curious about their conversation from yesterday. “Yes, right now.”

“Good” Christian chuckled. He shot me a slight smile, before he walked off with Siena in his arms andleft me behind with Dario. I was waiting for Dario to speak, as he usually began the conversation, buthe did. nothing. All he could do was stare at me as if we were at a business meeting.

“So?” I mumbled.


“I know it’s none of my business, but he probably shouldn’t be swearing around the baby.” Dario spoke.I felt weirded out by the serious tone in his voice. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why he’s like that.”

I took a step forward while Dario surprisingly stepped back. “I know, don’t worry about it.” He clarified.“It’s not your fault.”

It’s not your fault.

How was I supposed to believe those words when everything was my fault?

“Why did you do it?” I asked. “Why did you take the blame for me? How do you even know I did it?”

“I know, because I would’ve done the same.”Dario shrugged. “Christian already dislikes me, so itdoesn’t really matter.”

“That’s not true!” I told him. Christian didn’t dislike him. He didn’t have a bad thing to say about him.“He likes you, I can tell.”

“You can tell?” Dario snickered. “Because I heard you came with the suggestion to involve me with thefamily business.”

We looked at each other in silence, each waiting for the other to say the next word. “Although you didn’thave to do that, it was nice of you,” Dario spoke. “So, thank you.”novelbin

“No problem.”

“And just so you know.” He continued. “Everything I said…I meant it. I disagree with Johnny’s actions,and I do think he should apologize-so no, you’re not wrong.”

I was unable to do anything other than a smile after hearing his honest opinion. It felt good to havesomeone by my side, someone I could count on, and someone who listened to me. Dario held out hishand, and it took me less than a second to accept it.

I looked down at our intertwined hands with a delightful smile on my lips before I looked up at him. He

slowly rubbed my hand with his fingers and gave me an unimpressed look in return.

“I want you to know that I’ll always support you…as Christian’s fiancée.”

Christian’s fiancée…

+5 Bonut

I pulled my hand away from his and took a breath. Just by the tone in his voice, I could tell that heknew. He was aware of my feelings.

“W-what do you mean, aren’t we…friends?”

“You know what I mean,” Dario sighed. “Please don’t make me explain.”

“Explain what? My feelings for you, is that it?” I asked in all honesty, while Dario looked at me as if Iwas crazy. “B-because it’s a misunderstanding” I recovered myself, but Dario didn’t believe a word Isaid.

“It’s not a misunderstanding, and it’s all my fault.” He spoke sympathetically. “When I first met you…Iwas angry, and I wanted to destroy your relationship with Christian-so I did whatever necessary—”

“Yes, and you apologized, and we moved on!” I stopped him from talking. “I don’t like you like that-and Idon’t know what Christian told you, but it was a misunderstanding-”

“Serena, listen!”

I flinched at the sudden change in Dario’s tone and froze up. “I took advantage of your kindness, and Ibefriended you because I felt bad. I felt guilty.” Dario spoke. “I made you fall for me, while I shouldn’t. Idon’t like you that. I’ve never liked you, and I could never return those feelings-so I think it’s for the bestif we…took our distance.”

I felt my heart drop at his words and looked at him in fear as I took in his sudden request. He didn’twant to hang out with me anymore, and deep down, he was the only person who truly understood myfeelings. “Then why did you do it?” I held back my tears. “Why did you take the blame?”

Dario opened his mouth for a split second before closing it right after. This was all some stupid game,he didn’t know what he was talking about. That was it. I could see the regret in his eyes.


“You’re right!” I told him. “You’re right, I do like you, and that’s why you can’t do this to me. You’re theonly person who understands me in this twisted family-so please don’t do this to me.

“I…” Dario was lost for words. “Christian understands you, and he loves you so much…you don’t evenunderstand how much he loves so and you can’t do this to him-I won’t let you do this to him.” He spokeas the soft expression in his eyes had suddenly changed into an angry frown, confusing me even more.“I took the blame because I feel sorry for you.”

“Sorry for me?”

“You’re weak, pathetic, unstable, all over the place, manipulative, and I feel sorry for you-I really do.”

Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes as I listened to his hateful words. Once again, I tried tofind a hint of a lie behind those sharp eyes, but this time I couldn’t find anything. “I’m sorry. I’ll take itback-all of it, and we can forget this ever happened and start over-

“No!” Dario raised his voice. “I’m sorry your life with Christian is miserable, but please don’t drag meinto it, not when we were just starting to get along. You should appreciate what you have.”

“Goodbye, Serena.”

Dario lowered his head and sped off before I could say another word. Even if I wanted to saysomething. I couldn’t because he had a point. He perfectly described me, and he did not miss a singleword.

I had someone like Christian, someone who wanted to be with me and cared for me, I had a daughterwho needed me, but all my attention went to things that didn’t even involve me.

What was happening to me?

Was this the beginning of the downfall Franco and Cesca always accused me of?

I closed my eyes as I couldn’t hold myself back anymore and let the tears roll down my check.

“Don’t cry, I hate it when you cry.” A voice spoke. I looked up and faced Beau, while my first thoughtswent to my conversation with Dario. For how long had he been standing there?

“Beau? Did you see all of that?” I spoke through tears. Beau made his way over to me and caressedhis hand through my hair. “I saw…everything.” He admitted. “It’s okay. Cry all you want.”

Those were the only words I needed to hear, before I released all of my sadness and sobbed into mybrother’s arms. “I’m so sorry.” I apologized. “I should’ve never told you. I should’ve never put you in thatdecision-and I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Beau reassured me. “You didn’t do anything wrong, and it’s okay.”

“So you don’t hate me?” I asked, confused. Was he showing me mercy because I was his sister?Anyone with a pair of brains would’ve taken this opportunity to tell me the harsh truth. “Hate? I’m yourbrother?” Beau frowned.

“Listen, I can go and kill Dario right now-if that’s what you want.”

I was shocked by the serious look on his face and gave him a nudge against his shoulder. “No, what’swrong with you?” I managed to crack a smile. I should be the one he would want to kill, not Dario.

“Your loss.” Beau sighed. “Christian is walking towards us, so just smile and wipe your tears.”

I took a small breath as I heard him mention Christian’s name and wiped away my tears as Beau toldme to. The last thing I wanted was to worry Christian over something which shouldn’t even have to be aproblem.

It wasn’t long before I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to face him. I could read the worryall over Christian’s face and felt guilty for ruining his day. “Serena, what’s wrong?” He asked “Who didthis to you?”

His eyes moved to Beau, who shot him a glare. “What are you looking at me for?” He snarled as heprepared himself to leave.

“Beau-wait!” Christian called out. “Yes, is there something wrong?” Beau spoke dryly. I was curious asto what he was going to say, and so was Beau. “I shouldn’t have lied to you about what happened, andI apologize,” Christian said.

Beau chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. “Are you?”

“Beau, I am sorry, but please don’t-”

“Kill your cousin? Ruin your dad’s day? Leave your side so I can’t keep an eye on you and yourmistreatment towards my sister? Don’t worry. I won’t.” Beau lost his temper. It seemed like his choice of

words had surprised Christian.

It was nice of Beau to say that Christian was the one mistreating me, but as far as I was concerned-itwas the other way around nowadays.

“I don’t know what you’re all so scared of, I’m not some wild animal, and I can control myself.” Beauchuckled.

“So we’re good?” Christian asked.

“Everything I do-including working for you is for Serena…so, yes,” Beau told him. “As long as the two ofyou are unfortunately still together…I’m good.”

Beau took off and left us behind shocked. He was angry, anyone could see it, and it was all my fault.None of this would’ve happened if I would’ve kept my mouth shut.

I knew my brother, and I knew that he could only keep his cool for so long. One wrong word fromJohnny’s mouth, and it was game over. I couldn’t blame him for that because, at the end of the day-hegrew up with the Garcia’s who did not know how to let things go.

“It seems like both of us got our hearts broken.” Christian joked as he pulled me closer. I placed myhand on his chest to pull him away and thought about his words. Was he talking about Dario?


“I-I mean, by your brother.” Christian clarified. Of course, he was talking about Beau. Who else shouldhe be talking about? I looked into Christian’s eyes as a smile grew on my lips. Who cared about Dario?Why was ! even thinking about him when I had Christian?

“Where is Siena?”

“She’s fine-she’s in good hands,” Christian spoke. “It’s you I’m worrying about. Why were you crying?”

“I wasn’t crying,” I spoke rapidly, with a convincing smile on my lips.

What was I going to explain it to him? I cried because your cousin chose you over me and rejected me.I cried because your cousin broke my heart and I don’t know how to get over it..

“If you want me to ignore your tears for now, fine.” Christian laughed. “I love you, Serena, and therewon’t ever be anyone who loves you half as much as I do. I can see that you’re not happy-so please,whenever you’re ready-talk to me so I can fix whatever is bothering you.”

“Suddenly?” I spoke, flustered. I still wasn’t used to him being this honest about his feelings and it reallydid look like he was trying to become a better person.

“No, not suddenly,” Christian smiled. “It’s something which has been on my mind for a long time.”

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