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Chapter 205

Chapter 205


Christian leaned against the door frame and stared at Carmen, who was peacefully asleep. It wasseveral hours after the party and as much as he wanted to do it, the traumatic experience wassomething he could not remove for her. It took a lot of patience, but she was finally asleep.

Christian felt guilty for staying at home, while Beau, Johnny, and Dario were already preparing for everyworse case scenario. Even then. Christian believed the business was in good hands and trusted Darioto the fullest. Someone had to watch Carmen and Luke, and it had to be him. Beau would lose it if hewould find out about Johnny’s decision to sacrifice his siblings.

Christian was not in the mood to sleep and did not want to leave the twins alone. Enzo was around, buthe didn’t know about anything, and Christian didn’t want him to fall back into his old habits. Especiallynot when his brother was finally healthy again..

“Do you think she will be okay?”

Christian turned around and stared at Luke. He felt terrible about everything they went through andespecially about his request to keep quiet, but it was for the best. Berto planned to destroy the family,and Christian wouldn’t let him. The last people who knew about what had happened, the better.

“It’s Carmen.” Christian smiled. “Of course, she’ll be okay.”

“Probably, yes.” Luke nodded. He stepped forward and looked at his sister. Christian noticed thetroubled look on his face and slammed his arm around his shoulder. “I’m proud of you.” Christianpraised him. “You were probably scared, but you stayed strong for Carmen.”

“That’s not true,” Luke shook his head. He was in denial, which was one thing Christian did not want forhim. “I didn’t even do anything. I couldn’t because I’m too weak.”

“That’s not true,” Christian spoke. “You did what you could, and you shouldn’t grow up too fast. You’re agood brother.”

A slight smile appeared on Luke’s face. He had a different opinion, but it felt good to hear a complimentfrom the person he respected and looked up to.

“So that Logan kid, how does Carmen know him?” Christian wondered. He didn’t want to interrogateLuke, but there were still missing pieces to the puzzle.

How advanced was Berto with his plan, and how could Logan even force himself into Carmen’s life?

“She told me she met him at the mall…I’m sorry, this is all my fault-”

“No, it isn’t,” Christian reassured him. “This is what Berto does and what he has been doing, he haspeople everywhere, and no one can escape from that.”

Did someone approach you recently? Or did you make any new friends?” Christian questioned further.Luke tried to think of an answer, but his mind went blank. “No, I don’t think so.”novelbin

“Good.” Christian spoke, relieved. “That means he probably send Logan to keep an eye on the both of


“Yes, but why?” Luke blinked, surprised.

“The two of you were at the wrong place at the wrong time,” Christian explained. “Berto has eyes.everywhere and had it not been you and Carmen, it would’ve been someone else.”

Christian’s biggest worry was that his uncle was already several steps ahead of everyone, while theywere just getting started. Berto had years to come up with a plan, and he was obviously succeeding.One thing Christian had learned the difficult way was that his uncle always had a backup plan.

“The thing with Johnny-” Christian began. Luke shrugged him off and gave him a nod. “Yes, I know. Wewon’t tell Beau anything, just like we won’t tell anyone about what happened tonight.”

It was an unfair request, but Christian couldn’t help it. He needed Beau, and he also knew that Beauwould direct his hatred towards Johnny if he would ever learn of the truth. “I’m taking you and Carmenhome tomorrow morning.”

“I understand,” Luke nodded. “And I’ll also make sure to keep it from my parents.”

“Thanks.” Christian chuckled. “I shouldn’t even be asking this from you, but thanks. I appreciate it.”

“So, how long have you known about your uncle?” Luke asked. Christian led him out of the room andclosed the door to let Carmen sleep in peace. He told Luke everything he needed to know and did it in


“So that’s why Dario is suddenly in the picture,” Luke concluded. “I’m so happy that I have three olderbrothers, so I’ll never have to go through this. Dad will never give me the business, and that’s a goodthing.”

“Is it?” Christian laughed. Even though he had two older cousins who deserved the position more thanhe did, two older brothers, and a thirsty uncle, it still hadn’t changed a thing. Despite being one of theyoungest, he was still the head of the family.

“Anything can happen, Luke.” Christian patted him on his back. “Come on, get some sleep.”

Christian gave Luke one last smile and watched as he walked off to his room. Christian had his ownplans and made his way straight to his office. He wanted to be on top of everything, and he had tomake sure that the ones who did know about Berto were on their A-game.

Berto was still a mystery, and there was still so much they needed to find out. Dario had disowned himfrom the Orlando’s, which left them with many questions.

Where did Berto live?

Where did he find his army?

Are there more?

What was his game plan?

Just thinking about it made Christian’s head turn. He did everything in his power to not get anyone elsein the family involved, but it had all failed. It would only be a matter of time before Berto would revealhimself, and all Christian could hope for was that his uncle would keep his word.

All he could hope for was that Berto would not show himself until Lucio had found peace.

Christian pulled out his phone to look at his screen and smiled at the sight of Serena and Siena. Hisown little family, as he liked to call it.

They weren’t perfect. He knew that better than anyone-but he wanted to become a better person, andhe had promised himself to work towards the kind of father and husband he needed to be.

He couldn’t wait to see Siena and he couldn’t wait to hold Serena in his arms again. Even though theyweren’t in his life for a long time, he felt empty without them. Christian was just about to put away hisphone, but stopped in the process as Serena’s name appeared on the screen.

“Why are you not asleep?” He frowned as he took a look at the time and picked up the phone.

“You should be asleep. Are you okay?” Christian asked in a hurry. He heard the same warm, familiargiggle, which made his heart melt.

“I didn’t think you’d pick up.” Serena spoke. “I’m fine, but I was just so nervous, and I needed to knowthat you were alright-”

“I’m fine,” Christian answered. He knew how Serena could get whenever things weren’t going as well,and he didn’t want to make her nervous. “How did it go with Berto? Do you have him?” Serena asked.

Christian was unsure of what to say and let out a deep breath. It wasn’t as if he could lie to herbecause she would find out either way. “Christian!”

“No…no. I don’t have him,” Christian admitted. It almost felt as if Serena had stopped breathing for asecond. “What do you mean, you don’t have him?” She asked, irritated.

Is she disappointed in me?

That was the only thought going through Christian’s mind. He didn’t care about what others thought ofhim, but he cared about Serena’s opinion.

“I will explain everything tomorrow, not now.” Christian sighed. How would he be able to tell her that heput her siblings in an uncomfortable situation? One that could’ve been prevented if he had just listened.

“Y-yes, okay.” Serena tried to remain strong, but Christian could hear the nerves through the phone. Itdidn’t matter what anyone said. He had never changed his mind and believed Serena deserved anormal life.

“I know you’re probably disappointed in me.” Christian began. “And I know that you’re scared, and I’mreally sorry. but I promise you that-”

“Disappointed?” Serena chuckled. “Christian, you have only disappointed me once, and you know whythat was.” She spoke. “I’m not disappointed. I admire you and everything you do for this family.”

“I don’t deserve you,” Christian whispered. That was the only thing he could say without a single doubt.“I treated you like shit from the moment you’ve been here, I’ve disrespected you, betrayed you, andyou’re still by my side. I don’t deserve you.”

“No!” Serena spoke, annoyed. “I know where this is going, and we’re not having this conversationagain!” She made herself clear. “We will do whatever necessary to stop your uncle because we’re ateam and I won’t let you dump me, so whatever you were thinking of saying-don’t!”

Christian laughed at Serena’s unexpected rant. “I was only going to say that I love you and that I needyou, because I can’t live without you, but thanks for the encouragement.”

“Oh…” Serena spoke, embarrassed. “Well, now you know how I feel about us, so.”

That’s right, Christian thought. He believed that he was responsible for Serena’s feelings towardsDario. For

every horrible name he had ever called her, Dario had praised her in return, and that was not his job.That’s mine job, Christian told himself. From now on things would be different.

“What are you doing?” Serena asked.

“I’m trying to think of ways to stop my uncle…but it isn’t really going anywhere,” Christian answeredtruthfully. He had always respected Serena’s advice.

“It’s not going anywhere because you need to go to bed.” Serena scolded him. “You’re not a robot. Youneed your sleep.”

“I know, I know.” Christian smiled. “But right before you called me, I was staring at a picture of you andSiena, and

I was thinking, how nice would it be if we could fit a few more babies in that picture?”

“You’re so annoying!” Serena teased him. “You just won’t stop talking about it, will you?”

“Just think about it!” Christian explained. “Wouldn’t it be amazing if we would get a son who looks likeme?”

“Like you?” Serena commented. “Cold, arrogant, annoying, irritating, aggressive, and evil?”

“H-huh?” Christian stuttered, confused. He could not tell if she was telling the truth or doing it onpurpose. “I’m kidding!” Serena laughed. “Oh no, you sound so sad. It was a joke.”

“Was it really?”

“Yes,” Serena reassured him. “If we would have a son…he would be just as brave, caring and hard-working as you.” “Is that really how you see me?” Christian asked. After all those things I said to you?”

“Yes, it is.” Serena confirmed. “I mean, you’re not perfect…and you’re not always that nice to me, butyou also have your good sides.”

“What do I need to change about myself?” Christian asked. It was nice to get his mind off everything,and this was exactly what he needed. Serena.

“I don’t want you to change. I want you to stay Christian.” Serena told him. “But if you really want toknow, I think you should think before you say something…especially in arguments.”

Christian appreciated Serena’s honesty and couldn’t disagree with her. He was still shocked by thenames he had called her and could not stop thinking about it. He wasn’t stupid and knew that ‘sorry’

would not cut it, not this time.

“I agree.” Christian smiled. “And I’m glad you’re so honest.”

“And I’m glad you’re cool with it.” Serena yawned. Christian felt bad for keeping her up this late.“Serena, 1

you need some sleep”


“But…will you be okay?” Serena spoke, exhausted. “I can’t go to sleep unless I know that you’ll befine.”

“I am fine,” Christian answered “But I’ll be even happier if I know you’re asleep.”

“Okay.” Serena mumbled. “I should go to sleep, because that means I get to see you sooner…and Ireally can’t wait to

See you.”

“I know.” Christian smiled. “Neither can I.”

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