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Chapter 203

Chapter 203


“Carmen, Luke?”

Christian stared at the two terrified children in front of him and lowered his gun. He was just as terrifiedand did not have the nerve to look at his uncle.

The only thing he could see was an army of men and the same boy Carmen had been dancing with theentire night. Logan. It had turned out Beau was right not to trust him after all. Christian’s worstnightmare became a reality. Berto had connections in every corner.

He had already built his empire, and he had done it behind everyone’s, including Dario’s back.

“I knew I couldn’t trust Kenzo.” Berto sighed. “And you should also know that I’m not that easy to fool,Chrissie.”

How could I have ever been this stupid? Christian wondered. The last thing he had expected was tolead Carmen and Like straight into the hands of the enemy. “Logan, you know what you have to do ifthese idiots make one wrong move, Berto spoke.

Logan chuckled and squeezed his hand into Carmen’s waist as the warehouse was filled withheartbreaking whimpers. “I know what to do, sir.”

“Get your fucking hands off, my sister!” Luke smacked Logan’s hand. One of the men from behindgrabbed him by the back of his neck. “Luke, calm down.” Christian spoke.

He knew he had a temper, just like all the other Alfonzo men, and did not want him to do the wrongthing.

“So why are you doing this?”

Berto had on a mask which covered his face.”Give me Luca and the money, and I won’t blow off theirheads,” Berto spoke once again. “I have nothing to lose, so shoot me if you want-but know that I’ll bebringing these kids to hell with me.”


“All of them, including the kids at the party. If you do not give me Luca, their blood will be on yourhands.”

Christian’s heart stopped at the idea of the innocent teenagers who were in the house. He was verydetermined to keep everyone else out of it and did not expect things to turn this way. Neither was heprepared to give up Luca.

“Luca is not here,” Christian managed to get out before something unexpected happened. The doorhad once again opened, and this time Johnny walked in with Luca at his side.

Christian’s mind went numb as he stared at his two cousins with only one thought going through hishead. He betrayed me.

“This is what we’re going to do,” Berto continued. “You give me Luca and the money, and no one willget hurt…at least not today.”

At least not today? Just thinking about that statement made him realize that it was not an option. Heknew that Serena would once again end up being a pawn in a war, and this time Siena would too.

Luca smirked at Christian while Johnny pointed a gun to his head. “It’s over, Christian. Luca spoke.Dario followed the same routine and pointed his gun to Johnny’s head.

“Dario, stop” Christian sighed. “He won’t hurt me. Drop the gun.”

Despite everything, he still wanted to believe Johnny had the right reasons and was not ready to giveup on him.

He looked at Johnny with a painful expression as he tried to think of the reasons why his cousinmight’ve betrayed him.

“Johnny made a deal with me. Berto announced “He doesn’t want to join me because he chose youover me, but he did agree that I should have Luca and the money.”

“Why” He asked. Johnny let out a sigh. “Carmen and Luke are not supposed to be here. That’s on you.”He explained. “I told you I was on your side, and I told you to cancel that party, but now it looks like wehave to do things the hard way.

“What do you mean?” Christian wondered. He looked at Johnny trembling hands and could tell he wasabout to snap any second. “I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want you to ruin it.

Johnny held Luca in a slight chokehold as he changed the direction of his gun and pointed it towardsBerto. “Now that he’s here, we can kill him.”

“Johnny, what are you doing?” Luca laughed nervously. Dario did not lower his gun and pointed it atJohnny’s head as he worried for Carmen and Luke. Berto’s words were clear. One wrong move, andtheir heads would roll

“Johnny, stop” Christian pleaded. His eyes moved towards the army of men pointing their guns atCarmen and Luke’s heads. Carmen was crying as if her life depended on it, while Luke was able tokeep. his calm. Christian promised not only Serena, but also her family to keep them safe, and hewanted to keep it. He could not let them get hurt.

“If he shoots me, I will shoot them, Berto announced once again. He had a slight smirk on his lips andfolded his arms.

“I don’t care!” Johnny yelled out as he tightened his grip around Luca’s neck. This is going to end today.and you’re not getting Luca either. I only brought him here so you two can watch each other get


A thousandth of thoughts were going to Christian’s head. Johnny was willing to kill Luca and Berto. HisJather and his brother

He couldn’t help but think that all of this would end if they would’ve just get it over with. He initially didn’twant to touch his uncle, but he started to think that it might be the only way.

Get rid of Berto and Luca, sacrifice Carmen, Luke, and the children at the party. He could twist itaround and make up a lie as none of the men would talk because they were too loyal. He might loseSerena and Beau’s trust in the process, but it was necessary to save Siena.

No, no, no, Christian told himself. He felt disgusted by his own thoughts and shrugged them off.

“Johnny, there are children at that party-put down the gun.” Christian decided. He was not a monster,and he did not want to be. He wanted to do things differently and believed pain should only be given tothose who deserved it.

“Listen to him, drop the gun,” Dario repeated while Johnny hissed in annoyance. “Shut up, I’m alreadykilling one brother, and I’ll kill you too if I have to!” He yelled. “You’re the one who started all of thisanyway!”

“Johnny…” Christian began. He wanted to talk some sense into him, but he didn’t know what to say,Johnny had lost it, and Christian couldn’t even blame him. He knew his cousin had gone through a lotand was not in the right state of mind.

“Christian, I know you want me to shoot him-so just give me the order,” Johnny spoke. “You knowsacrifices have to be made, and no one will find out about these two.”

The sound of Carmen’s whimpers turned louder as she closed her eyes to prepare herself for what wasabout to come.

“Come on, Christian.” Johnny pushed him. “Do you really think Siena will be safe if you give him Lucaand the money? Do you really think it will end there?”

No, it wouldn’t, and Christian knew that very well. His uncle had two reasons to go after Siena. The firstreason would be to get to Christian, and it would be a matter of time before he would find out who thatmoney really belonged to.

“Carmen. Luke, and a bunch of other children will be safe, and that’s enough for now,” Dario spokeagainst Johnny, Christian took a breath and stared at Carmen and Luke, who were terrified. Thetension was growing, and he had to do something now.

“What’s wrong with you? They’re Serena’s siblings. Put down the gun. Christian spoke in a calm tone,but Johnny shook his head.

“Sacrifices have to be made, and Serena will probably never talk to you again, but Siena will be safe.”Johnny explained. “I know this man better than anyone. He will come back and destroy you until youdon’t want to live anymore.”

“Don’t do it!” Dario spoke. For Christian, it was already heartbreaking enough to know that both of hiscousins really thought he was capable of doing something like that.

“Tell me to do it!” Johnny told him while Dario stepped closer and looked him in the eyes. “Think aboutSerena, think about Beau in that car, Carmen and Luke and all those children.”

Christian’s mind went to Serena and Beau. One was the love of his life and his soulmate, while theother was like his precious younger brother. His lover and his best friend, and he didn’t want them tolose faith

in him

“Do you guys want me to pull out a chair, so you can decide what to do?” Berto laughed out loud.Christian felt embarrassed. His uncle saw him as a joke and that was the reason why he was able to dothis in the first place.

“Think about your family and your daughter” Johnny continued. “Uncle Lucio will drop dead tomorrow ifhe finds out you’ve been lying to him this entire time.”

The last thing Christian wanted was to hurt his dad, and that’s why he knew he had to make the right.

decision. Lucio was the kind of person to sacrifice his own life to save a dozen others, and Christianwanted to be the same. He wanted to make him proud.

“Christian, this is not you.” Dario reminded him. In the short time they had spent together, he could tellwhy Serena had fallen for him. Dario still saw him like a stuck-up idiot, but he could also see the goodin him. Behind that cold personality he could sense his kind heart..

“That’s where you’re wrong. He has always been a selfish person.” Johnny chuckled. Christian felt as ifa dagger went straight to his heart.

A selfish person? Christian thought.

What’s the point of doing the right thing, if everyone else sees me as a selfish person?

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