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Chapter 198

Chapter 198


“A bit rough, don’t you think?”

Christian turned around and looked at Dario He was the last person Christian wanted to see at thatmoment, especially after Serena’s confession. It wam’t new to Christian, but it felt different to hear itfrom her mouth, and he did not want to be anyone’s second choice

“Beau would’ve dragged you through the hallway if he heard you-

“And how much did you hear?” Christian wondered. He wondered if he was around long enough tohear Serena’s confession. “I heard you called her a bad mom, and I don’t want to get involved, butthat’s not true, and you know that.”

Don’t want to get involved? Christian could hardly believe that statement as all issues started withDario. He had kept his calm and did not want to let a woman come between his relationship with hiscousin. He believed Dario could be valuable to the family business and wanted to keep whatever messwas happening separated from it all.

“You’re a bit mentally abusive, don’t you think?” Dario commented. Christian sighed as he thoughtabout his harsh words. Of course, he didn’t think Serena was a bad mom, but he was pissed aboutDario and needed to release his anger.novelbin

Mentally abusive? Those words sounded terrifying to him and was another reason to doubt theirrelationship. He didn’t mean any of his words and the last thing he wanted was for her to be unhappy.

“Let’s go.” Christian walked past Dario. He was afraid he might’ve punched him if he would’v stared athim for just a bit longer. Dario followed Christian outside as they made their way towards Beau.

Christian stood in front of the club and felt his heart drop as he looked at the building. This was where itall happened. This was where Serena caught his attention for the first time. What he didn’t know backthen was that, that same person would have the ability to ruin his day.

“Did you call my sister?” Beau asked. Christian felt sorry towards Beau and didn’t want him to worry.He knew Dario was right and that Beau would kill him if he had heard his words. “Yes, I did.”

“So, how did it go?”

“Good,” Christian replied. He patted Beau on his shoulder. “We should go.”

“So, what’s the plan?” Dario asked. Christian felt annoyed by just hearing his voice and repeated thesame words in his head. He is my cousin.

“Beau’s coming with me, and you can go to the warehouse to keep everything in check,” Christiansuggested. He knew he couldn’t blame Dario for his issues, but he also knew he didn’t want to resenthim, so he would do everything to prevent that from happening.

“Don’t forget about Kenzo.” Dario reminded him. Christian had forgotten all about his cousin, and thatwas unlike him. He was starting to feel the effect of Serena’s words and became sloppy in just a matterof


He needed his cousin to make the call to his uncle, and his cousin was terrified of him.

“I think he’s a bit more comfortable around me instead of you-”

“You’re are going to the warehouse,” Christian repeated. He could tell that Dario disagreed with him,but knew he wouldn’t dare to speak up. “Sure, if that’s what you want.”

“No, Dario is coming with you.” Beau spoke up. “If this is about that picture, you need to stop lettingyour feelings get in the way of everything.”

Christian felt offended by Beau’s comment, but he wasn’t surprised. Of course he protected her, hewas her twin brother, so that wasn’t that much of a surprise.

Dario could feel the tension and had an uncomfortable look on his face.

“Listen, I don’t want to cause any trouble–”

“You know what, it’s fine, you’re coming with us.” Christian sighed as he slowly returned to his senses.He would at least try to push everything aside. Berto was his only priority at the moment.

The moment they arrived back at the mansion, Christian stormed towards his office and locked thedoor, so he could think about his feelings, but the only thing he could think about was Serena. Thethought of her being into Dario disgusted him. Am I not good enough for her? Christian thought tohimself.

Even though he was trying, it wasn’t easy to put his feelings aside. It wasn’t easy to focus when therewas other stuff going through his head. He was shocked by his own statement to end their relationship,but he meant every word of it.

He was serious.

If her heart was not with him, there was no reason to keep her hostage.

All he wanted was to give Serena and Siena a real family. Something he knew Serena never had, buthe felt like a failure. The old Christian would’ve punched Dario to death, but the new and improvedChristian knew it wouldn’t do anything. It wasn’t as if Dario asked for it either.

Christian let out a deep sigh and moved his eyes towards the bottles of liquor in the cabinet. “Don’t doit,” He whispered to himself. He closed his eyes and repeated the exact words over and over again.“There’s another way to deal with this stuff, don’t do it.”

Christian removed his eyes from the liquor and flinched as he got interrupted by several knocks on thedoor. “Who’s there?” He called out.

“It’s me.” Beau opened the door. He had a suspicious look on his face and could tell something waswrong. “Look, I wasn’t trying to disrespect you or anything-I’m just here to help you.”

“I know,” Christian nodded. He was willing to do anything to get him off his back. “Are you okay?” Beauquestioned as he stepped forward. “You stormed off, and you seemed angry, and if it’s because of me,I would like to apologize-”

“I’m fine,” Christian spoke. Beau walked a circle around Christian and observed the look on his face.“Does this has anything to do with Serena and Dario?”

Christian opened his mouth to deny his accusation but quickly closed it again. “Serena confessed herlove for him as if it’s nothing.” Christian chuckled. It even felt strange for him to mention.

“Interesting, and what did you do?”

Christian took some time to think about his answer. The last thing he needed was for Beau to hate himeven more. I called your sister a bad parent. It seemed like an awful thing to say.

“I told her I was done”

“Done” What do you mean, done” Beau spoke, surprised. It was not the words he had hoped for, and itcame as a complete shock. He could not understand how the same Christian who fought so hard tokeep Serena by his side could say something like that.

“Done with our relationship,” Christian spoke. Beau looked at him for a second before he cracked alaugh. “What?” He asked. “Please tell me you’re kidding. You can’t be serious.”

“I love her a lot, but I can’t force her to be with me.” Christian opened up. “She told me she feelstrapped, and I can’t blame her for that.”

He didn’t want to trap her and he also didn’t want to keep apologizing for the same mistakes, becausehe knew Serena deserved better than that. All he wanted was for her to be happy.

“I hurt her a lot, Beau-”

“And that’s why you can’t break up with her.” Beau stopped him from talking. “She went against ourfamily

you think to be with you, and so did you. She believed in you after you treated her like shit, so whateverabout doing-it’s not going to happen, at least not on my watch.”

“Siena deserves better.” Christian mentioned.

“What Siena deserves is a family,” Beau spoke, determined. He could not respect Christian decision.As long as it wasn’t Serena’s decision, he would not accept it.

“Did you know your sister threw a bottle at me last week?” Christian told Beau. “Does that sound likesomething Siena needs?”

“You probably deserved it and I’m sure Siena would agree with me.” Beau shrugged. “I found thecounselor as you asked me to and all you have to do is say the word.”

“I feel sorry for the counselor,” Christian spoke, embarrassed. He could not understand how acounselor could change the fact that Serena fell in love with his cousin and had no issue admitting it.

“Also, I appreciate the effort, but I won’t be taking relationship advice from anyone who lets their girl callthem poopy.”

“And you can judge all you want, but at least we’re happy.” Beau spoke proudly. Christian chuckled andlowered his head. The fact that someone as crazy as Isobel was capable of keeping her life together,while he couldn’t, felt embarrassing,

“Look,” Beau placed his hand on Christian’s shoulder. “I know my sister, and I know she doesn’t loveDario half as much as she loves you, and I don’t know what happened, but whatever she just told youover the phone-it’s not true.”

Christian went into deep thoughts. Could Beau be right? Did it even matter after the rude words andunnecessary


He looked at Beau with a regretful expression on his face. He couldn’t believe that someone like thatstood behind him, without knowing all the things he said about his sister. “You’ve always been honestto me-so now it’s my turn.” Christian sighed. “Beau, there are some things I told Serena-”

“No,” Beau spoke. “I don’t know what you’re about to say, and you’re unpredictable, so keep it.” Hedecided. “For some reason, every single thing you have to say about my sister bothers me, and I don’thave time to hate you at the moment. The only thing we should focus on is Berto.”

Christian smiled. “You’re right. We’ll discuss it after everything is finished.”

“Am I interrupting something?” Dario walked through the door. Christian and Beau gave each other alook before Christian took a breath and smiled at the sight of Dario. He is always so cheerful and polite,Christian thought. Perhaps that’s the reason why Serena was so into him.

“No, of course not.”

“Good,” Dario spoke. “Grandpa just called. He wants you to know that they’ll be finished transferringthe money around midnight.”


For some reason, Christian couldn’t help but feel jealous whenever that word left Dario’s mouth. Heknew he didn’t have the right to get angry because it was also his grandpa. So what was the issue?

He had yet to discuss the decision to share the family business with Dario, and despite everything, hehadn’t changed his decision about that matter. He still believed Dario to be a good person who couldtake some burdens off his back, so he could focus on his family and fix whatever was left to fix..

“That’s good,” Christian spoke. It seemed as if everything was going according to plan. The party wouldbe in a few hours, the money was being taken care of, and Berto had no idea about their plan to catchhim.

“We’re on the winning team, so what’s the look on your face?” Beau asked Dario.

“There’s another issue.” Dario sighed.

“Johnny is downstairs, and Luca came along…and for some strange reason he’s in a really goodmood.”

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