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Chapter 191

Chapter 191

Christian was eager to spend some alone time with Siena. He fed her and put her in a bath while hewaited for the hours to pass. Not being around Serena and not knowing about her exact whereaboutsmade him. nervous, and all he wanted was for her to be okay.

“Do you want to sleep next to me, Siena?” Christian asked while he wrapped a towel around her. Sienastared at him with curious eyes. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Christian chuckled.

He grabbed an outfit for Siena and made his way to the room so he could dress her. He tried hishardest to concentrate, but his eyes moved back to the clock. “Just three more hours before we cantalk to mommy.” Christian sighed.

Siena let out several sounds and moved her hands up and down. “I know,” Christian smiled before hepicked her up. “I like her too.”

He felt stupid for talking to a baby, but he was used to bothering Serena-and she wasn’t here at themoment. He looked down at the trash at Serena’s side of the bed and scrunched his nose. “Yourmommy is disgusting.”


was full of candy wrappers and soda cans. Serena’s unhealthy lifestyle bothered him, and he oftencalled it, the Serena diet. He wanted her to remain strong and healthy, but Serena had her ownagenda. “Will also be like mommy and invite mouses into my room?” Christian commented while hepicked up so trash.

Taking care of Siena while he had to clean the room and prepare a squad for tomorrow was all toomuch for him, and it wasn’t the ideal picture. “I think it’s time for you to take a nap,” Christian spoke as

he rocked her back and forth.

Siena looked at him with wide eyes and had no intentions to go to sleep. “Or you can lay down andplay with your feet while daddy makes some phone calls.” Christian sighed.

He worked as hard as he could to make a lot of phone calls within one hour. He called Franco to puttogether a squad for tomorrow, and just as discussed, it would be a squad where the family was notinvolved.

Christian wanted to put a peaceful end to his uncle and wanted him to get back to his senses and didn’twanted a bigger family brawl.

He had texted Dario and asked if there was any process, but all Dario shared was that he was stilllooking for the key. All Christian wanted was to find the key, so Franco could move on to the next stepand move the money from the club.

“Are you still keeping it together, Siena?” Christian smiled and kissed her cheek. Siena laid on herstomach and was having the time of her life. “You’re getting so big.” Christian smiled. “Please don’tgrow up too


He stuck out his finger so Siena could hold it and observed the smile on her face. There was nothing tosmile about, but Siena was always in a good mood. “I’m sorry we can’t spend that much time together,but I’m doing it all for you.”

“Daddy has done a lot to protect you,” Christian spoke. “I even cried like a baby when you were born-Christian got interrupted by the sound of his phone and grabbed it in a hurry after reading Serena’sname.

He hadn’t even noticed that the five hours had already flown by.

“Serena!” Christian called out. “Serena, how are you? Where are you?”

“Chris!” Serena called out in the exact same tone. “I’m in Panama, where you send me-

“Stop being smart. You know what I mean.” Christian laughed. He had never expected Serena couldcheer him up like that, but just hearing her voice was enough. “We’re on our way to the resort, andyou’ve picked a really cute driver, by the way.”

“Is that so?” Christian chuckled. “Then I’ll make sure he’s ugly next time.”

“Where is Siena?” Serena asked. “Can I hear her voice?”

Christian had a relieved smile on his face and was happy he didn’t have to make up any excuses thistime. He tickled Siena and made her laugh so Serena could hear her voice. “I miss my baby.” Serenacooed. “She sounds so cute!”

Christian placed the phone near Siena’s car and laughed at her giggles as she heard Serena’s voice.“Where’s my brother, and why isn’t he picking up his phone?” Serena asked. “Isobel is threatening tokill him, so that’s a good


“He’s planning your sister’s party.” Christian laughed at the thought of poor Beau, who could not enjoyhis freedom. “That was my job,” Serena mumbled. “And what have you been up to? Have you foundthe key?”

“Well.” Christian began before he shared everything with Serena. He was done keeping importantsecrets from her and knew there was no point in hiding it.novelbin

“Sounds serious.” Serena reacted after she took in the details. “Just please be safe tomorrow, okay?”

“Okay.” Christian smiled. The idea of Serena worrying about him made him soft. “And I want you tomake sure to relax, and I want you to have fun.” He responded.

“It’s kind of hard to have fun without you,” Serena spoke. All I can think of is you and Siena, and I reallymiss you. How about we do this together next time?” Serena suggested. “Just you, me, and Siena.”

Christian felt guilty and changed the subject as soon as possible. “What are your plans for tonight?”

“What?” Serena whispered, surprised. Christian failed to hear the disappointment in her voice andcontinued talking. “Are you going to the spa, hitting the club?”

It was silent for a few seconds before Serena decided to answer. “Why would I go to the club?” Shespoke, irritated. Christian felt flustered and wondered whether he had said something out of pocket.

“Because you’re on vacation?”

“Because I’m on vacation?” Serena repeated while Christian tried to figure out what he had done.“Whatever, I think you’re a bit weird.” Serena sighed.


“It’s just…I’m telling you how much I miss you and the baby, and you’re telling me to go to the club-”

“Serena, we’ve been apart for like six hours.” Christian rolled his eyes. He knew it was strange comingfrom his mouth, considering he had literally been waiting for her call-but he did not felt the need toargue about

“So you don’t miss me?”

“Of course I miss you!” Christian spoke, surprised. He was confused why the conversation was evengoing down that road when it was not what he meant. “Why do you always have to be that dramatic allthe time?” He questioned before he immediately regretted his words.

“I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant.” He apologized right after. The last thing he planned on doing wasruining her vacation, but something told him it was already too late for that.

“Listen, I have to go okay.” Serena spoke in a sad tone. “I said I’m so—“

“Can I hear Siena one last time?” Serena cut him off. Christian took a deep breath and held the phonenear Siena while he tickled her once again. He did not want to argue with Serena and held himselfback.

“Serena, I do miss you, and I love you a lot,” Christian confessed. “I’ve been staring at the time forhours, waiting for you to call me.” He spoke. “So I’m sorry if I’m making you think otherwise-but it’s justa misunderstanding.”

“Good.” Serena laughed. “I thought you were happy to get rid of me.”

“Of course not!”

Christian almost couldn’t hear himself over the loud voices and heard someone tell Serena to put downher phone. “Serena, listen-I have to go now,” Christian spoke. He would love to talk to her for hours, buthe didn’t want to ruin her vacation.

“Already?” Serena sighed. “I guess you still have a lot to prepare for tomorrow.”

Christian heard the sadness in her voice and could not say anything back without feeling guilty, but hewas doing it for her. He wanted her to have a good time. “You can call me tonight or in the morning-whatever suits you.”

“Whatever suits me?” Serena scoffed. “Bye, Christian.”

“Serena?” Christian called out, but it was already too late. He frowned at his phone before he looked atSiena. “Did I say something I shouldn’t?” He wondered, but those thoughts got interrupted by a text


It was the text he had been waiting on for quite some hours, and it was from Dario.

Christian let out a relieved sigh as he read the text and finally felt as if things were moving along-


Found the key!

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