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Chapter 19

“Goodmorning!” Olivia sang while I got into the car. We had become close in just one day, and textedthI felt a bit threatened in the beginning, and thought she was cold, but she was just a cute person whowamy friend. I couldn’t shake off the feeling of me eventually having to tell her about my pregnancy andthmy plan to stay at the factory for too long. “You’re in good spirits.” I smiled and appreciated her brights“Of course I am, we have a day off tomorrow!” Olivia cheered. Only now had it occurred to me that Istarof work on a Thursday, instead of the usual Monday, but I had no right to complain. Extra daysmeant ext“And are you used to getting up early?”

I looked over at Olivia and let out a sigh. “No, I never had to get up this early at my previous job.”

“Oh, what did you do?”

My mind went numb as I mentally smacked myself for getting into this situation. “I- uhm, a club,” I toldhAs someone who was terrible at lying it was always for the best to tell the truth with a slight twist.“Rightyou could sleep in back then, I’m jealous.”

“Right.” I played along. After a while we had arrived at work, but unfortunately I was on my own today. Ipapers and was ready to take back everything I said yesterday. It was definitely not an easy thing to doaaround while punching holes through papers was a bit harder than I had expected it to be.

What kind of papers were they even?

I couldn’t help but scroll through some pages of the papers I was working on and quickly analyzed thewa smart thing to do, crazy!” Olivia suddenly whispered as she lowered the papers with her hand.

“There are eyes here everywhere, and I like you, so just do your job and make sure you don’t end liketheyou.” Olivia chuckled, but it didn’t exactly seem as if she was joking.novelbin

“The girl before me?” I questioned while Olivia shrugged it off. “Yes, she got fired, calm down you’reshathrew her arm around my shoulder and pulled me away from my position. “We have a break, let’sgo.”

We sat at the same table as yesterday, and one of the best things was that my food was already paidfor. was weird I didn’t question it because that meant I had to spend even less money which I wastotally fine“So you did dance in college, me too I did ballet, you must be good right?” Olivia interrogatedme. Fromhad already sensed that she was a girl who loved to get to the bottom of everything.

“I sucked, I’m actually more of a hip-hop dancer and I used to be a cheerleader,” I admitted andloweredto have all these plans and thought I was the best, but when I stepped into the real world Icouldn’t keepcosts and the other students who were all well-rounded. That was the very first time Ithought about whawould’ve been like if my birth parents were able to give me the same opportunities. Ifthere was somethwould’ve probably been talking about school.

My baby’s life wouldn’t be like this, because I would be working until my legs would give out to givethedeserves, the life I never had. I always liked to think that my parents had the same mindset and inthe enwhat was best for me, and if that wasn’t the case, I would make sure to go that extra mile.

“That’s okay, outside of the club I’m a bit stiff so maybe you can teach me someday.” She shrugged hershe continued to eat her fries.

After a while we were done eating and were already on our way back as we made our way through thehpeaceful out here without a boss breathing in your neck each second.” I commented.

“I told you, they see and hear everything around here, so don’t let it fool you.” Olivia repeated the samebefore.

“Speaking of the devil,” Olivia whispered. I looked up ahead and saw two men heading towards ourdirecboss, but you know him.”

“I do?” I whispered to myself as I thought about her words from the other day. She said I was someonepboss, someone precious to someone I had never met before.

My memories had finally returned as the two men stepped closer and I finally was finally able torecognizIt was the man whose suit I had ruined at the club, the same man who I met at theconvenience store whpregnancy test, but what was his deal with me?

Of course I knew a Vince, Vincenzo.

The other guy who I had also met at the grocery store, followed the same routine as back then andstayeVincenzo gave me a wink and showed off his perfect smile. “Are you treating her well?” He askedOlivia, time since we’d met, she seemed a bit frightened. Was he really that scary?

“Of course.” She told him, before she locked her hands with mine in an overprotective matter. Vincenzolour hands and let out a chuckle. “You can get back to work now, Serena I would like to talk to you.”

Olivia froze up for a second, before she released my hand and stormed off in anger. What was herproble“Serena, it’s so good to see you here.” Vince smiled as he reached for my hand. I was pissedand the onlythink about was how I had robbed someone from their rightful spot, because of favoritismand pity. Eversaid about me having the right qualities, despite me screwing up the interview finallymade sense. I didnown, I had a push.

Did Christian have something to do with this after all? No, of course, he didn’t. Christian did not wantmeAll he cared for was that check of his.

“Yes, thanks for…this,” I spoke unsure and noticed a slight frown on his face. LI was grateful for the jobbuwas going to go on my knees to bow down and thank him for saving my life he was wrong. Now thatI kunrightfully got here, everything had changed. How could I teach my baby to work hard when I got inhefavoritism?

“So how were the test results?” Vince eagerly awaited my answer. What was me being pregnant to himaIn a few weeks I would be gone from here, and who knows perhaps leave the city too because therewerebad memories left in this place.

“Well, I’m here so…” I told him as I once again twisted the truth. Vince appeared to me as someonewho hero, and I didn’t need another guy to hand me checks. He grew a smile on his face and nodded.“That’sGood for me or for him?

Knowing he was friends with Christian made me uncomfortable because I had no idea if he believedmy just playing around with me. Did Christian even tell someone about the pregnancy?

“When I saw your name and your picture I pulled every single string I could to get you this job.” Heprouhe expected me to bow down and thank him. It really bothered me whenever people thought theywere someone but did not realize that the only person they were truly helping was no one other thanthemselGiving me this job.

Paying for my lunch.

Forcing Olivia to take care of me.

Did Olivia even like me or was she just simply following instructions out of fear for her boss?

Whatever he had been doing for me, I was sure that I would’ve been able to do that too if I tried a bithaperfectly fine on my own.

He looked like a high school boy staring at his crush and his intentions were clear. He probably had athiand must’ve thought I was some easy catch.

“I should get back to work,” I politely spoke and tried to remain professional throughout the entireconvsmile on Vince’s face had vanished and he seemed confused. He couldn’t even see that his

actions were him one last nod and walked away until I had reached the corner and could finally releasethe breath I haback.

“Beau, did I do something wrong?” I heard him ask the other guy and waited to hear his answer.

“I’m pretty sure she isn’t stupid and knows her interview sucked, sometimes you have to let people dothown.” Beau told him. Those words were enough for me to finally walk away. At least one of them hadbraAfter a long day of work Olivia brought me back home again and I made my way upstairs. I staredinto thmirror and placed my hand on my stomach. It seemed like I was getting used to the feeling ofbeing pregexhausted, but that was most likely because of work.

I made my way out of the elevator and walked to my apartment door with my head lowered while Ianticmoment I could finally lay down on my bed, but that plan got ruined when noticed a figure standingat ttraveled up to meet the person I did not want to see.


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