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Chapter 187

Chapter 187


“You go ahead. I have to make a quick call” Christian told Dario as the two had finally reached thewarehouse.

Christian gave Beau the task to help Carmen prepare for the party because he didn’t want to abandonher. A happy Carmen meant a happy Serena, and he did not want to risk anything

He smiled at Serena’s text message before his eyes moved to Dario. “I think I’ll pass. I still feel a bituncomfortable.” Dario told him.

Christian wanted to call Serena before her departure and had hoped for it to be a private conversation,but he knew that if he was willing to share the business, it also meant he had to trust his cousin.

“Sure, whatever you want.” Christian sighed as he gave Dario a side-eye. He dialed Serena’s numberand waited for her to answer her phone.

“Chrissie. I was just about to call you!” Serena spoke enthusiastically. Christian was surprised at hercheerful tone and looked at Dario, who couldn’t help but laugh along. It was a complete contrast fromjust a few hours ago.


She didn’t want to say goodbye to Siena, and even Christian felt guilty. “You sound much happier thanwhen, you left.”He commented.

“Yes!” Serena spoke. Christian focused his attention on the voices in the background. He thought aboutIsobel, who must’ve been uncomfortable because she wasn’t like Serena or her friends. “I’m actually



“Where’s Siena? Can I hear her voice?” Serena asked in a hurry. Christian widened his eyes and waslost for words. He didn’t want to tell her that her tears were for nothing and that also he could not takecare of the baby at the moment.

“Siena?” Christian mumbled while he tried to come up with a reasonable explanation as to why shecouldn’t speak to the baby. “She’s asleep.”

Dario stared at Christian with raised eyebrows and wondered why he would even lie about somethinglike that. “Asleep?” Serena huffed. “Why do we have a boring baby?”

Christian heard a deep sigh from her mouth before she turned back into her cheerful self.

“We’re leaving in just thirty minutes. Can you believe that?” Serena spoke full of excitement.

Seeing Serena happy meant a lot to him, and he had always admired how the smallest things used toexcite her. “Yes, I planned the trip,” Christian joked.

“True!” Serena spoke, while Christian could once again not help himself and laughed at Serena’sreaction. “What’s funny? Why are you laughing?” Serena asked.

“It’s because you’re cute,” Christian admitted with ease while he focused on the sound of Serena’sendless giggles. “I don’t know how I’m going to survive two days without you and Siena.” She spoke.

“I’m going to miss you so much…I actually don’t even want to spend a day without you.” Serena toldhim. “I think I’m obsessed with you,”

Christian grew a smile on his face and looked at Dario. He was happy Dario heard those words, anddespite everything, he needed him to know that Serena was his. He was willing to share the familybusiness, but he would not share Serena.

“I agree. You’re a bit obsessed with me.” Christian chuckled. “But I want you to have fun. You deserveit.”

“I do?” Serena asked, surprised. Christian had already expected that reaction and knew that Serenathought otherwise. She enjoyed staying at home and wouldn’t leave the house to do something fununless someone dragged her out.

“Of course, you do.” Christian smiled. “You deserve the world…so I need you to have fun.”

“Yes, she will!” Christian suddenly heard a voice call out. He had recognized that voice instantly andknew it was Luna, who always had a lot to say. “We’re going to shop, party, get drunk-drink shots fromsome random guy’s abs.”

“Stop it!” Serena yelled out, while Christian couldn’t believe his ears. “You girls are going to do what?”

“Nothing!” Serena defensively spoke. Christian didn’t worry about her friend’s words because hetrusted Serena. He desperately wanted to believe that she wasn’t like him and that even though hedeserved it, she did not have the heart to hurt him.

“Okay, I have to go now-bye, please give Siena a kiss for me!”

“Serena, wait!” Christian spoke. He had never realized how good it actually felt to hear her voice, andhe did not want to end the phone call.


“Please call me when you land.” Christian requested. He almost felt embarrassed by that question, buthe couldn’t help it. “Of course I will!” Serena promised. “But I really have to go now!”

“I love you,

“Christian told her as thousandth things went through his head.

What if the plane would crash?

Did he dress her warm enough?

What if she would enjoy her days and realize she didn’t need him anymore?

He felt weak for worrying over those little things, but that was the kind of effect Serena had on him.That was the kind of effect she had on everyone.

“I love you too,” Serena responded before she hung up the phone.

“So,” Dario yawned as he turned his head to look at the backseat. “Our Siena is not asleep, she’s noteven here, so I would like to know who the hell you’re talking about.”

Our Siena? Christian thought. Even worse than sharing Serena was sharing Siena. He was not goingto do that.

“Serena cried because she couldn’t take Siena. Do you think it would’ve looked good if I told her 1dropped her off somewhere?” Christian spoke.

“She knows what you’re doing, doesn’t she?” Dario shrugged. Everything was always so simple to him,and he believed the truth would’ve made everything much easier for everyone. “She does know.”Christian

she’s the snake, do you?”

“Aunt Lena?” Christian almost burst out laughing. That woman has worms for brains. It couldn’t be herHe spoke as he took another look at the list. “But her son….his name is Kenzo, and you haven’t methim


“Because he wasn’t at the party.” Dario finally realized. Christian told him everything he needed toknow on the way to the warehouse, so putting two and two together was not that difficult.

Christian had a good feeling that if anyone were up to the task, it would’ve been Kenzo. His cousingrew up without a father figure and his mother. Lena, who lived a reckless life, wasn’t the best example.

“He’s just turned seventeen. He’s like a tiny, scared chicken and very easy to manipulate.” Christianchuckled as he pointed out the name.

“So what? We’re going after a seventeen-year-old?” Dario laughed, but the expression on his face hadquickly changed after seeing just how serious Christian was.

“We can’t find the key before we eliminate the snake, Christian told him. He was not a big fan of goingafter his family or teenagers, but he didn’t have a choice.

“You’re not going to interrogate the poor kid, are you?” Dario asked. He was capable of many things,but going after a seventeen-year-old wasn’t one of them.

“I just want to talk with him, that’s all,” Christian spoke, but Dario didn’t like the sound of that. He knewBerto Lamberti was capable of frightening grown men, so he couldn’t even imagine how frightened theteenager must’ve been.

“You know,” Christian began. “Relaying information about the warehouse is a severe crime in thisfamily

“It’s a kid.” Dario whispered. Christian was confused and didn’t understand why Dario wasoverreacting. He never said he wanted to kill his cousin. He just wanted to talk with him.

“If he’s working with my dad, I think we shouldn’t take it too hard on him,” Dario stood by his point. “Weshould sit him down and tell him that we can help him.”

Christian was speechless and listened to Dario’s words. “I know we have to eliminate the snake first,but I won’t blame a teenager for my dad’s actions,” Dario spoke as he placed his hand on Christian’sshoulder.

“So I need you to promise me.” Dario sighed. “I need you to promise me that you’ll listen to whateverhe has to say, and I need you to promise me that you’ll let me lead the conversation.”

Christian laughed at Dario’s request and realized just how different they were. While he wanted to getthings done quickly and would approach his younger cousin in a bit more aggressive way, Dario hadplans to do it in a more friendly way.

I can learn a lot from him, Christian thought as he gave Dario a nod.

They balanced out each other’s personalities, and that was exactly what Christian needed. That wasexactly why he was prepared to share the family business.

“Fine, we’ll do it your way.”

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