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Chapter 185

Chapter 185

“I-I what I exclaimed as I stared at the three girls who I hadn’t seen in several months. Luna, Faith, andOlivia

They ran over to me and attacked me into a group hug while I was still trying to process the situation.Hour did he even manage to do that?

“W-what are you guys even doing here?” I gasped, surprised. “Going to Panama, of course,” Lunacheered.

“I missed you so much. You look different!” Faith commented while she brushed her hand through myhair. “I think it’s your cheeks. You don’t really look like a squirrel anymore.”

“Don’t lie. Her cheeks are still fat!” Olivia spoke as she pinched me in my cheeks.

“I-is this real” I whispered with tears in my eyes. I turned around to look at Christian, who had a nervouslook on his face and was probably hoping for the best.

How did leven feel? Hearing I would be going with my friends made me feel a whole lot more excitedand changed a lot of things.

“Christian, did you do this?”

Christian grew a shy smile on his face and shrugged his shoulders. “Yes, he did!” Luna confirmed. “Hesaid you needed a break and that you missed us, so here we are!”

I smiled at Christian before I flew into his arms and gave him a tight hug. “Thank you, thank you, thankyou!”

Christian seemed relieved and pulled me in closer. I was so determined to do everything I could to stayhere because I didn’t want to leave Siena. I still didn’t want to leave her, but seeing my friends made ita bit easier.

I didn’t reach out to them because I thought they might not like me anymore-but Christian did, and Icouldn’t be more grateful. “You’re leaving in four hours. Your suitcase is already packed-I took care ofeverything.”

“W-what about my passport?” I laughed, surprised. “I took care of everything.” Christian repeated as hepointed his head to the suitcase. “All you have to do is work along

“Yes, what’s the big issue?” Faith commented. “So two days?” I asked Christian. I knew he was up tosomething, but I honestly couldn’t care less. The idea of a vacation with my friends sounded great.

“Just two days, and that’s it,” Christian explained.

I looked from my friends to Christian as I was still trying to process the situation. “I mean, why not—I’m

here for it!”

“Great, Isobel should be here soon,” Christian informed me. Just like that, my brains started going towork. and I slowly began to realize the harsh truth.

Christian was probably up to something and needed Isobel to keep an eye on me.

“Isobel?” I frowned. Christian seemed nervous. “Yes, she’s joining you-

“That’s great!” I laughed before I attacked him into another hug. I was fine with it. Christian worked so

hard to the point he even packed a suitcase in the middle of the night, so being grateful was the least I

could do.

“What is this, from enemies to best friends?” Luna wiggled her eyebrows, referring to Isobel. I was justabout to deny her words, but before I could, the girls had shifted their attention onto Carmen, who hadwalked down the stairs with Siena in her arms.

“Hi, guys!” Carmen greeted them. The girls rushed over to Siena, who seemed to stare at them full ofcuriosity. “Carmen, did you know about this?” I asked my sister. “Of course,” Carmen nodded.

“She’s so big. She looks like you, Serenal” Olivia pouted at Siena.

“Can I hold her?”

Carmen looked at me, and so did everyone else, while I got confused for a second before it finallykicked in. I was Siena’s mom. “Yes, sure-you can hold her.”

Olivia grabbed Siena from Carmen’s hands, and it wasn’t long before Siena giggled in her face. “Didyou guys see that?” Olivia asked, surprised. “She’s laughing at me!”

It was the same thing everyone used to say, but it wasn’t because of them. Siena was a happy babywho loved attention. “Don’t feel special. She laughs with everyone.”

“Oh, well” Olivia giggled, embarrassed. Faith and Luna joined the others to play with Siena whileChristian wrapped his arm around my waist. “So how did I do? Are you happy?” He asked with asatisfied smirk on his face.

“I’m speechless!”

“Good” Christian smiled. “That’s what I was going for

He probably expected me to get angry, but I was done arguing. We were both the issue in ourrelationship, so I had decided to put in a bit more effort and would try to be less negative.

“Where are your suitcases?” I asked the girls. Luna was the only one who heard me and turned aroundto look at me. “I can’t believe I’m about to say this out loud, but your driver already brought it to the jet.”

“Jet?” I questioned. I did not like the sound of that. What jet?

“Yes, private jet,” Luna spoke as if she couldn’t believe it herself. I looked at Christian with big eyes, buthe shrugged his shoulders. He knew I was not too fond of that kind of stuff, but it was who he was, andI had to accept it.

“Sometimes, I wish you were a bit more basic,” I nagged Christian rolled his eyes and gave me anannoyed. look. “You seemed like the person to miss your flight. I’m just playing it safe.”

“There’s no need for him to be basic.” Luna smiled at Christian. “He makes the perfect brother-in-law!”

I laughed at how she praised Christian and wondered if he had told them about all the shit we had beenthrough. If Luna even knew, she would’ve still gone on the trip, but not after giving him the beating he


“What’s funny?” Luna asked while I shrugged her off and connected Christian’s hand with mine. “Youguys can go ahead and play with Siena. I need to have a talk with Christian.”

“A talk?” Luna grinned. “How about we talk? When is baby two coming?”

“Come on,”

“Well” 1 sighed. “You looked up all kinds of cute questions about babies, and to be honest, it evenmade my heart melt.”

Christian pulled away to look at my face. “Ah, you’re allowed to see that.” He spoke, relieved. “No.problem.”

“What do you mean by that?” I asked, confused.

“Is there something else I’m not allowed to see!*

Christian let out an awkward laugh and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “Of course not, let’s go.”

“What was in your search history?” I asked him while he pulled me along. “How to get rid of myfiancee?


“That’s really none of your business” Christian chuckled before he covered my mouth with his hand.

“There you guys are!” Isobel spoke as we walked into the living room. I was so busy with Christian, thatI hadn’t even heard them. My eyes moved to Dario, who held Siena while the girls were glued to him.

I totally agreed with them. I would’ve probably done the same if I was single. “It looks like Dario andSiena are getting along well.” Beau smiled.

“It’s because there are women around. I can’t believe we’re looking at the same guy who said he didn’twant to have any children.” Christian spoke.

It was probably for attention because that was how Dario worked-but it didn’t change anything. It stilllooked adorable, and he would probably make a good daddy.

I shrugged off my thoughts and almost got chills by that statement. How could I even think aboutsomething like that? I was losing it.

It was hard to ignore the smirk on Isobel’s face, and I knew she was onto me, just like the last time. Ifshe could see it, it meant Christian could also see it, which was another reason for me to stop doingthat.

Dario was his cousin.

I gulped as Dario, and the girls made their way over to us and instantly reached out for Christian’shand. “I see you…were enjoying yourself.” Christian greeted him while Dario let out a laugh.

“Yes, Siena is so cute-I just love babies” He spoke while Christian and Beau let out a laugh. “Isn’t heperfect?” Faith gushed while Luna and Olivia agreed with her statement.

They weren’t wrong.

He was handsome, charming, funny….

“Are you wearing that on the plane?” Dario made eye contact with me. I was close to freaking out andwas lost for words, but Christian pulled me in closer and pressed a kiss on my temple.

“Yes, because I don’t want her to freeze to death.”

girls and secretly agreed with Dario. It was not as if we were going to the North Pole.

“At least she won’t freeze to death!” Christian smiled as he pressed another kiss on my cheek. I staredright into Dario’s eyes and noticed how his expression had changed. Was it just my imagination, or did Isee a slight hint of jealousy?

No, of course not. Christian was his cousin, and he made it very clear that he didn’t want to be on hisbad side, not anymore.

“It’s just crazy to me how the two of you are perfect for each other.” Luna sighed. That could’ve beenhere with Johnny or even my brother, but she decided to run away instead.

“Yes, the two of you are.” Isobel agreed while Beau rolled his eyes as he prepared himself for her rant.“1 can’t count on Beau for anything. He’s even too lazy to grab me a glass of water-but if Christian or

Serena would ask him for a glass of water, he’d-*

I closed off the sound of Isobel’s endless complaints about my brother and squeezed Christian’s hand.What was the point of freedom if Isobel would probably complain about my twin for the following twodays?

My eyes moved to Dario, who seemed terrified by Isobel’s presence, but so was everyone else. Hecaught me staring and smirked at me while I froze up and didn’t know what to do. I didn’t even doanything, but I felt unfaithful as if I was not supposed to smile at him.

I relaxed my face and covered up my insecurities by showing Dario a smile in return. His smile greweven. brighter as he grabbed Siena’s hand and made her wave at me.

I let out a giggle, which had seemed to grab Christian’s attention. He pulled me in closer and looked atme with curious eyes, but I knew he wasn’t stupid, and I knew he was aware of who I was laughingwith.

He looked at Dario before he moved his gaze to me and cupped my chin.

“I love you,” He suddenly spoke while he stared into my eyes and waited for an answer in return, but Ialready knew what I was about to say. I felt the same way, and nothing could ever change that.novelbin

“I love you too.”

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