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Chapter 181

Chapter 181

Unlike Christian’s expectations, the drive to the hospital was as quiet as it could be, with the only soundbeing Siena’s babbling.

“So, how did you like the family?” Christian asked but felt stupid right after. It almost sounded as theweather is nice today, but he couldn’t take the silence anymore.

“Good…good.” Dario nodded. “Everyone was nice. Grandpa is so much different from what I expected.Grandma is also nice-and your mom? The best-

“My mom?” Christian laughed. Not many people liked Cesca, and he was aware of it. Sometimes hedidn’t even know how he felt about her. “That’s a first. The majority dislikes her.”

Dario had a surprised look on his face. “Why?

“I don’t know where I should start, Christian replied. Knowing his mom, there was probably an entire listof reasons why people were not that fond of Cesca.

“She seems to love your dad a lot.” Dario noticed.

Yes, they are each other’s everything.” Christian chuckled. “There was a time I used to think that shedidn’t love him, but she loves him beyond words. She isn’t that affectionate, but she shows it with her


“And her eyes,” Dario commented as he looked over at Christian. “The way your parents look at eachother…it’s the same way you and Serena look at each other.”

Christian tightened his grip around the steering wheel and tried to remain calm. He felt insecure by justhearing him speak about her, and it bothered him, but there was not a lot he could do. Dario was hiscousin and making him feel like part of the family was his priority.

“Is that so?” Christian spoke, sarcastic. He felt relieved to see they had already arrived at the hospitaland was eager to get out of the car. It was hard to interact with his cousin when all he mentioned wasSerena. “We’re here.”

“We are,” Dario sighed. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been at a hospital-the elevators scare me.”

Christian had an amused look on his face and turned his head to look at Dario. “You too?” He asked indisbelief. “My dad and I don’t like them either!”

“Must be some family thing” Dario grinned. Not long after, the two made their way into the hospital andwere headed towards Dana’s room. “Guess what? You get to push the stroller again!” Christian teasedhim as he pushed the stroller into Dario’s hands.

“Why are you always letting someone else push it?” Dario nervously asked. “Are you allergic to thematerial?”

“No.” Christian chuckled. He ordered Beau to push it because he felt as if it was his job to prepare himfor fatherhood, but with Dario it was different. “I’m just asking you, because Siena is also your cousin.”

Dario looked down at Siena with a smile on his face as he took in Christian’s words and realized hewas allowing him to be part of the family, Christian trusted him with Siena, and that was a lot. “I get it.”

“But shouldn’t we at least bring a present?” Dario wondered.

“No.” Christian shook his head. “Dana emptied all the stores already. My brother said no morepresents.”

“I heard Gio is the coldest out of the three,” Dario spoke. It was well known that Gio was rude, grumpy.and angry all the time-but it wasn’t like that anymore. “He has changed…it’s because of Serena,Christian informed him.

The same brother he used to avoid had changed into a kind and reliable person, and everyone couldthank Serena for that.

“I sec.”

“Just don’t look at him the wrong way, don’t say anything offensive, don’t do anything offensive-and oh

– Christian began. “Don’t flirt with his wife. He will kill you.”

“I got it.” Dario breathed. Christian knew that his brother was nothing like him and would not hesitate tokill his cousin. “Look, we’re here.” Christian smiled as he knocked on the door.

They walked in and watched as Dana munched her food while Gio held the baby in his arms.“Christian, it took you some time.” Gio chuckled as he made his way over to look at Siena. “Look who’sin a good mood as always.” He cooed while Siena squealed at his presence.

Christian felt guilty for leaving his brother in the dark about everything and couldn’t believe he had totell him about Dario over the phone, but he did everything for a reason. He wanted his brother to focuson Dana and his three children. All he wanted was for at least one of them to live a happy life.

“Say hello to baby Micah,” Gio smiled and brought the baby closer so Christian could take a better lookat him. “He looks like…an alien,” Christian concluded.

“Hey!” Dana shouted before she threw her slipper into Christian’s direction, but he could dodge it just intime. “I can’t remember us ever calling Siena an alien!”

Dario was shocked by Dana’s actions and stood back as he realized these were indeed people heshouldn’t be messing with. Even someone like him knew when to stop, and this was it.

Dario had no idea how to ask for Gio’s attention and stared at his cousin, who seemed to ignore his


“Where are Gigi and Pia?” Christian wondered. Gio pointed to the curtains. “Playing doctor.” Heexplained while Dana’s eyes finally moved to Dario.

“I’m sorry, where are my manners!” She spoke with her mouth full. “I’m Dana. Nice to meet you!” Sheintroduced herself. Gio was finally able to meet Dario’s eyes and gave him a warm smile.

“I feel like I should probably give you a hug.” He commented and handed the baby over to Dana. “H-hug?” Dario spoke, surprised.

Gio pushed aside Siena’s stroller and opened his arms to pull Dario into a hug. “Yes, of course-I don’tlike Johnny or Luca, but there is hope for you!” He spoke as he pulled away and placed his hands onDario’s shoulders.

“Dana?” Gio called out and looked behind him to talk to his wife. “Do you like Johnny and Luca?”

Gio didn’t even have to finish his sentence, because Dana had already shook her head. “Johnny’s a bitbetter than Luca, but both are trash.”

“Guys.” Christian sighed. Dario was confused and didn’t know what to make out of it.

He knew Luca was not the same sweet kid he once knew, but Johnny didn’t seem all that bad. “W-whydon’t we like Johnny?”

“He’s lying” Christian interrupted his brother. “Johnny’s my favorite cousin-yes, he’s a bit oddsometimes, but that’s what makes him Johnny!”

“He likes to pretend as if he’s classier and better than all of us,” Gio complained. “The guy eats hishamburger with a knife and fork. I can’t take him seriously.”

“Yes I need him to calm down. He’s not from the royal family, he’s a Lamberti!” Dana agreed.

“Right.” Dario chuckled. He made a quick note

to never eat a hamburger with a knife and fork and took a deep breath. The Lamberti’s were just as hismom described them, loud and bold.

“Do you want to meet your cousins?” Gio asked in a hurry, but before Dario could answer, his head wasalready turned. “Gigi, Pia-come here!”

Dario blinked his eyes as two little girls showed themselves from behind the curtain and made their wayto Christian. Gigi ran into his arms while Pia crawled towards him to do the same. “Uncle Chrissie!

Christian froze for a second as he thought about his uncle’s nickname, but quickly recovered himselfand pulled the two girls into a hug. “I missed you so much.” He smiled and poked the two in theircheeks.

Dario flinched at the sound of Siena’s squeals and pushed his head into the stroller to see what shewas doing, but all the baby could do was laugh. “So you’re also just as loud as them. You fit right in.”Dario muttered.

Pia stuck out her hands to Dario, who had a startled look on his face and almost cringed at the idea ofthe two-year-old getting too close. “Up!” She demanded with a pout on her face.

“You need to hold her. She can’t walk by herself.” Gio rolled his eyes while Dario stared from Christianto Pia with frowned eyebrows. “O-oh, okay.” Dario spoke

“Who is that?” Gigi asked while she pointed her finger at Dario. Christian picked her up, while Gigididn’t hesitate and placed her hand on Dario’s check.

“He is pretty and he looks like a prince!”

“He’s not a prince, he’s your uncle.” Gio correctly her. Christian observed Dario and noticed howoverwhelmed he was by the presence of the two little girls. He’s not that confident anymore, Christianthought to himself.

“Does he have money to buy us ice cream?” Gigi asked with a hopeful look on her face. Dario lookedright into the eyes of Pia, who couldn’t stop staring at him.

“I don’t know, ask him.” Gio shrugged.

“W-what?” Dario frowned, confused. He grew up in a quiet environment and never experienced.something like this before.

“Sir, do you have money?”

Dario cleared his throat and looked from Christian to Gio, who were also waiting for his answer. “What

Christian smiled at Dario’s surprised reaction and could still not believe that there was a time where hedidn’t like the guy. Dario wasn’t the cold person he thought he’d be, no. Christian thought he hadsomething stupid and innocent.

“How about I watch your baby while you watch my babies,” Gio suggested. Christian shrugged andgave him a nod. “Come on, let’s get the two of you some ice cream!”

“Are they always like that?” Dario wondered while the two made their way to the cafeteria. “Yes,”Christian smiled. “You’ll get used to it after a while.”

“I hope so.” Dario sighed and looked into Pia’s eyes. She was glued to Dario and buried her head in hisshoulder. “Pia, this or this?” Dario asked, but Pia raised her head and gave him a frown.

“I can talk!” She spoke to his surprise. “I’m three!”

“Almost, you’re still two. Christian corrected her. “Come on, tell him what you want.”

“I want a strawberry ice cream cone with sprinkles!” Pia spoke without a single stutter. “Big peoplesize!”

“I want the same!” Gigi told Christian.

Dario gasped and stared from Christian to Pia. How can she talk like that?”

“Well, she’s almost three.” Christian laughed in his face. “You really don’t have the slightest clue aboutchildren, do you?”

Dario had an embarrassed look on his face and shrugged his shoulders. “Well, I never worked at adaycare,

so excuse me.”

After the two got the children their ice cream, they sat down at a table. Dario was once again surprisedby. Christian, who had pulled out drawings and pencils for Gigi and Pia. “You’re really good withchildren, Christian,” Dario admitted. “You keep surprising me.”

“Well,” Christian shrugged.

“Did you always want to be a dad?” Dario wondered. “A dad?” Christian laughed.novelbin

“No, never-I’ve always loved children, but I always told everyone that I didn’t want to have any.”

“How come?”

Christian was quiet for a second and wondered whether it was necessary to open up to his cousinwhile he hadn’t even opened up to his own brothers. “Fear,” Christian answered.

“My dad…we get along now, but growing up, he wasn’t the best.” Christian shared. “I never got toexperience him bringing me to school, or giving me hugs, telling me he loved me-

“Neither did I., Dario interrupted him. “But my dad did what Lucio couldn’t do for you, am I right?”

Christian thought about his uncle and how he always tried his best to take care of him and his brothers.He hadn’t even realized it, but it was true. His uncle was always there for him.

“You should let those children be children.”

“You shouldn’t raise him like that,”

“Your sons needs a father figure, not a dictator.”

Those were the words his uncle Berto used to tell his dad over and over again. Christian couldn’tunderstand why his uncle had turned against him. For what reason?

“I don’t hate you for it, I admire you for how you’ve turned out, and I can see how much you loveSiena.” Dario smiled at him. “I don’t know a lot, but I can clearly see that you’re a good dad.”

“Thanks,” Christian smiled. “I appreciate that.”

“You do, don’t you?” Dario chuckled, “By the way, what’s the thing about you sending Serena toPanama


“We need to look for the key, and I don’t want her to get involved,” Christian explained. “Uncle Bertohas been quiet, a little bit too quiet, and I know he’s up to something”

“Probably,” Dario spoke. “He blocked my number, so he must know about me reuniting with theLamberti’s, but there’s no way he’ll let it rest.”

“I know, but don’t worry. Your uncle is well protected.” Christian reassured Dario. Christian was anxiousand had no idea what his uncle would do next, but he did know one thing. Berto could not reach Lucaand had nothing to lose anymore, so whatever he was planning would be big.

Dario took a deep breath and leaned back with a smirk on his face while Christian gave him aquestioning. look. “What’s up?”

“It’s time for us to talk about Serena.”

“What about Serena?”

“She’s still a close friend, so I want to talk about that day…when you saved your assistant and didn’tevent bother looking for Serena.”

“It wasn’t like that.” Christian defended himself. Serena’s life was not in danger, so it was a naturalreaction to him. “See, it is.” Dario sighed.

“I know that it’s none of my business, and I might not know a lot about babies, but I know a lot aboutrelationships, and I can tell Serena was pissed at you.”

“It’s over-we’ve already discussed it,” Christian told Dario, but he was nowhere near finished.

“Did you tell her that the girl didn’t matter and that you only love her?”

“Yes, that’s what I did,” Christian spoke, annoyed. “That right there is the issue!” Dario told him.Christian gave him a confused look and was waiting for his explanation.

“Didn’t you also tell Serena you loved her right before you cheated on her with the exact same girl?”

“W-well.” Christian stuttered. He froze up and thought about the day after he betrayed Serena. Hethought about how he looked her in the eye and told her he loved her-right after hurting her. He finallyrealized that Serena still had trust issues and that those words wouldn’t be enough.

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