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Chapter 171

Chapter 171

“Can you believe this Stena Tromplained while I drove off but Auldn’t hear her uncal babbles andquickly realized she weren’t here with me

That was great I didn’t even here Siena to talk to. When Frold Christian about wanting is be moremonteed. this was not what I meant I couldn’t even enjoy my time with my family because I had to doChristian’s Joh

I couldn’t only complain though Sering Dario also had its advantages, and I had nothing edinstchecking up on my friend who threw his dad aside just to help us. How would Daria fret about orringmut

After a while. I finally got to the motel location and made my way to the correct room. I knocked on thedoor and patiently waited for Dario.

“Serena?” Dario gasped in surprise. His confused look went to a big smile as he grabbed my hand andpulled me inside. “Serena, what are you doing here?”

1 laughed at his enthusiasm and pulled him into a quick hug, but he wasn’t ready to let go of me yetand held me tighter. “Surprise,” I spoke as I struggled to release myself from his grip

“I’m sorry!” Dario apologized. “It’s just that I hadn’t expected to see you here!”

He was so excited to see me, and I didn’t want to ruin it, so I let out the part that Christian send me todeliver a message. “How are you doing?” I asked as I looked behind him. “I think this is the smallestroom I’ve ever been in, in my entire life.” Dario laughed as he walked further.

“But it’ll do. It’s just for a while until…

“Until the Lamberti’s accept you?” I chuckled at the nervous smile on his face. “Christian told themabout you, and they would love to meet you,” I told Dario. “How does tomorrow sound to you?”

Dario was speechless and pulled me into another hug while I couldn’t help but laugh at his goodenergy. “Tomorrow is amazing. Tomorrow sounds great!”

“Good.” I nodded. Despite everything that had happened, he seemed to be in good spirits, and Iwondered why. “You look happy today.” I commented. Dario grabbed my hand once again and lookedinto my eyes. “It’s because of you, Serena,” Dario admitted.

I felt my cheeks heat up at his unexpected answer and almost felt guilty for not being able to returnwhatever he felt for me. I had always been loyal to Christian, and it would remain that way.

“Where is your uncle?” I wondered as I took a step back. Dario, fortunately, got the hint and lowered hishead. Did I make things awkward?

“He’s out,” Dario spoke. “Christian made sure someone’s with him at all times, so I can finally breathefor once.” He said, relieved. It was good to see Christian kept his promise to keep his uncle safe,because who knew what Berto was up to.

“Christian is amazing.” I whispered to myself as I thought about his character development. He hadchanged from someone who despised Dario and did not want me near him to someone determined tomake everything right and protect his cousin.

“You’re right, Serena.” Dario smiled. “Christian is amazing, I don’t know what my dad and Luca tried toget into my head, but he’s not the monster they claimed him to be.”

“Monster” I spoke, surprised Yes, Christian wasn’t perfect, and acne could are that, but he was not amonster. If anything, he was even too friendly at times and c

wanting preder

people he shouldn’t protect, like Gina

“Yes,” Darto sighed. “My dad and Laca had a lot to say about Christian, and none of them were good”

“But he forgave you, right?” I asked Dario “Why don’t you want to go back to your dad?”

*Forgave?” Dario laughed. “That man didn’t forgive me. He’d kill me if he heard I’m meeting theLamberti’s. All he cared about was Luca. He’s already done with me.”

“So then he’ll come back for Luca?” I asked as my mind went back to our conversation from yesterdayDario had clearly warned Christian, but he did not want to listen.

“He will. Luca is the only one he has left who has the opportunity to take over the Lamberti’s” Darioexplained.

He played it off and pretended as if he was okay, but I could clearly see that he was hurt and feltreplaced. I also grew up without parents, so meeting them was very special, and he had to betray hisdad because of me. “Dario, I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be.” Dario shrugged. “I don’t want to see that sad look on your face ever again” He spoke as hepulled me into another hug. “You really love hugging me, don’t you?” I giggled.

Dario flashed me his perfect smile and ruffled his hand through my hair. “You know why I betrayed mydad, Serena?”

“Yes, because you knew what he was doing was wrong.”

“Not only that.” Dario spoke. “It’s because I treasure our friendship more than any power, and I didn’twant to lose you.”

His words confused me, and I was unsure of how to take them. Dario was a flirt, and that was what hewas best at, but he was also good at making it clear that I was nothing more than a friend. I had noissue with that because that was exactly what I wanted-but sometimes, his words confused me.

“Lucio told me to give this to you.” I smiled as I handed him the golden ring. Dario grabbed the ringfrom my hands and gave me a surprised look. “He’s really excited to meet you tomorrow.

I reached inside my purse to grab Franco’s silver necklace and handed it to Dario. “This one is fromyour grandpa,” I told Dario. “Also, he is very excited to meet you.”

“Is he?” Dario laughed, surprised. “My dad made these people out to be selfish and cruel-but here theyare giving me presents already!”

“Although, I don’t really know what to do with them.” He chuckled. Neither did 1, but it was probablyjust. old people being old people.

I raised my head to look at Dario but freaked out a little when I noticed he was already looking at me.“Something’s different about you, am I right?” Dario smirked and stepped closer. I was eager to take astep back, but it was not possible, so all I could do was hold in my breath.

“M-my makeup, maybe?” I suggested. “I’m usually bare-faced, but not today.” I awkwardly giggled whileDario took one more step closer and moved his hand to my hair. He let his fingers brush through myhair and had a gentle look on his face.

“What about your hair?” He continued. “You straightened it, right, Dario smiled. “It looks good”

1 let my hand brush through my hair and let out a nervous laugh He was right about my hair andmakeup, and it was just a tiny thing, but he still noticed. It felt good to get complimented, but the onlyissue was that it came from the wrong man.

“Don’t make me fall for you, Dario.” I played off the noticeable blush on my face with a joke. Dariolaughed and politely stepped back. “Wouldn’t dream of it. I don’t think my cousin will appreciate that.”

“Speaking of my cousin, what is he up to?” Dario asked. It was funny to hear how he acknowledgedChristian as his cousin. “He’s with his family,” I informed Dario. “To be honest, he tried to get rid of me,and that’s how I ended up here.”

“Oh?” Dario scoffed. “I was starting to feel special, but I clearly had no reason to.”

“I’m sorry.” I sighed at the honest, disappointed look on his face and pulled him into another hug tocheer him up. “Please don’t think that I’m not happy to see you.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m just kidding.” Dario smiled as he pulled away. “He probably send you herebecause he’s ready to see my dad and wants to keep you safe just in case.”novelbin

“What?” I almost exclaimed at Dario’s unexpected words. So Christian was keeping something fromme. “I was not supposed to tell that, was I?” Dario stressed. “Just forget about it-”

“No, no-please talk!” I pleaded. Whatever Christian was doing sounded incredibly stupid, and I did notwant to miss out on that information. “Come on, you can tell me.”

Dario had an unsure look on his face, but I knew he wouldn’t lie to me. “I won’t tell Christian. You havemy word.” I promised as I looked him in the eyes. Dario took a deep breath and gave me a nod.

“My dad usually spies on Lucio during his morning walk in the garden,” Dario explained. “He means noharm, which is crazy considering it’s my dad.” He chuckled. “If there’s one thing he cares about, it’sLucio. He just wants to see his brother, that’s all.”

I took in the information and thought about Christian and whatever he had planned. Berto had no issuewith Lucio and was even kind enough to wait with whatever he had planned until Lucio was at peace,

but the situation with Christian was different. Berto made it clear that he did not want anything to dowith him.

Christian was an emotional person who didn’t always use his brains but, more so, his heart whichbrought him into dangerous situations. What if he would freak out and approach his uncle?

I only had one wish, and that wish was for Christian to be careful.

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