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Chapter 168

Chapter 168

We arrived back home without zero information or knowledge abht how to get to the money, and eventhough Christian appeared to be in a good mood, he also seemed stressed out about it.

“If your grandpa gave someone the order, we can just find out and ask the person if they know anything

“He’s dead, Serena.” Christian dropped the news. “My grandpa’s right hand is dead, and he’s beendead for over ten years now.”

“Oh.” I spoke, flustered at the unexpected question. “How about we buy an ouija board and talk tohim?” I suggested and attempted to cheer him up. It seemed to have worked because Christian wasable to laugh. at my joke. “You’re so stupid sometimes.” He mocked me. “It’s never too late to go backto school.”

“Hey!” I yelled at him. “Don’t you think calling me stupid is a bit too much?”

“Yes, I’m sorry about that.” Christian apologized. “But what else do you expect me to say when you’retelling me to use an ouija board?”

“You’re really no fun,” I huffed as I thought of more ways to get to the money. “How about we tell yourgrandpa about it?”

“No!” Christian opposed without giving it a second thought. “Listen, if I’ll tell him my uncle is still alive.the entire family will fall apart, and I want to prevent that for now-so unless my uncle somehow decides.to reveal himself. I’m not going to do that.” He explained. “Besides that, I think my uncle and I bothagree to let my dad rest in peace.

“Right.” I agreed. “Please help me because I’m not following you anymore. Do you want him to revealhimself or not?”

“I do.” Christian sighed. “But not to everyone, just to me.”

“I see. We’ll find a way. We always do.” I reassured Christian while I stared into his eyes. I couldn’t stopthinking about how he introduced me to everyone. He called me his wife, and he didn’t even let out asingle stutter.

“Why did you introduce me to everyone as your wife?” I finally addressed the situation. “Because youdon’t look like my fiancée, you look my wife.” Christian chuckled. “We’re going to get married anyway,so what’s the big deal?”

I couldn’t help but smile at his confidence and noticed that something was different about him. Hewasn’t hiding me anymore, but he bragged about me and even went as far as calling me his wife. “Iappreciate it, but don’t you want to get married?” I asked. “Like, officially married.”

“Officially married?” Christian forced a smile. “If you want to do that, then we’ll do that.”

I observed the fake smile on his lips and wondered what the issue was. “Is it because your dad won’tbe there?” I asked. Christian sighed and shrugged his shoulders. “I wanted to get married while he wasstill here, but I screwed things up.”

“Oh.” I awkwardly spoke. Maybe I should’ve just let it rest instead of creating this awkward situation.Yes, he screwed things up-but he didn’t need a reminder of that every single second.

“And what’s

up with Dario?” I changed the subject. “His dad must’ve already called him by now. You should checkup on him because we don’t want him to change his mind.” I advised Christian. “And did he

“I don’t know, isn’t he your friend?” Christian frowned. He didn’t seg jealous or irritated but somewhatafraid. “He’s your cousin, so…” I mumbled. I thought about giving Dario a call, but I figured it would’ve

been for the best to give it a rest as also he had gone through a lot. “How about you give him a call?”

“M-me?” Christian spoke, surprised. “Why should I call him?”

“Because he’s your cousin?” I giggled. He seemed genuinely confused and scared, which wassomething I hadn’t seen that often. “I don’t think he wants to come to the photo shoot,” Christiansulked. “I was just worried about him,” I explained.

“Let’s call him now,” Christian suggested and grabbed his phone before I could say another word. “N-now?” I stuttered, surprised. “Yes,” Christian spoke. “You’re obviously worried about him, and as crazyas it may sound, so am 1.”

I smiled at Christian’s understanding gesture and reached out to hold his hand. “Thank you.”

The phone went off, and we patiently waited for Dario to pick up the phone. “Do you think he’ll pickup?” Christian asked with a startled look on his face. “Maybe I pushed him too much?”,

He was so insecure and probably thought his cousin didn’t want anything to do with him.

“Hello?” Dario answered. Christian threw the phone to me while I passed it back to him and mouthedfor him to speak. “I-it’s me, Christian.” He almost gulped while I laughed at him. I decided to save himout of his misery and grabbed the phone from his hands.

“And Serena!” I called out. “Serena?” Dario spoke, surprised. “I was just about to call you!”

“You were?” Christian and I spoke at the same time. Forget about Christian not being jealous. Heseemed pissed. “I mean….the both of you,” Dario said while Christian gave me a look.

“My dad called, and I didn’t know whether to call you or Serena but, yes.” Dario sighed. “He called.”

“What for?” Christian asked. “He told me to come back. He told me that he took it too far this time andthat he wants

to start over-”

“Don’t believe him,” Christian spoke. “Whatever you do, don’t trust him and stay where you are.”

“Yes, I know,” Dario spoke to our surprise. “I called to warn you because he sounds incredibly unstable.God knows what he’ll do to me if I go back there.”

“And Luca?” Christian continued. “Did he ask something about Luca?”

It was quiet for a few seconds before Dario let out a deep breath. “I managed to calm down thesituation, but once my dad knotes I’m on your side, he’ll come back for him.” Dario mentioned.

“Christian, I think it’s time to give him Luca.” He spoke, but by the look on Christian’s face, I could tellthat it was not going to happen. “No,” Christian replied. “I’m keeping Luca.”

“Very well then. I’m not going to argue with you.” Dario sighed. “I actually called to tell you that I’vebeen thinking about your offer, and I want to do it.” He spoke. “I want to meet your dad and be part ofthe family…and I’ll come to the photo shoot.”

Christian gave me a shocked look before he stared at the phone. “I mean…if the invitation still stands,of course.” Dario nervously spoke.

“Yes, of course, it does!” I spoke for Christian and gave him a nudge. 977 Christian answered. “You’rewelcome anytime. I mean, are you sure?”

“Yes,” Dario spoke, determined. “I’m ready to meet your family.”

“That’s great.” Christian smiled. “I’ll go over to him tomorrow, and I’ll tell him about you. How does thatsound?”

“Good,” Dario replied. “But what are you going to say about my dad?” Dario wondered. I looked atChristian and waited for his answer as I was wondering the same thing.

“Just that you’re Berto’s son, that’s it,” Christian spoke. “I don’t want anyone to know too much and Iwant your dad to reveal himself to me and only me-just worry about meeting the family.”

“What about your dad?” Dario asked. “Isn’t this going to be too much for him?”

Christian took a deep breath. “My dad is dying, meeting you would be like a gift to him.”

It was quiet on both sides, and I looked at Christian with a sympathetic look on my face. I knew Luciowould be happy to accept Dario and so would Franco, but the reality seemed so harsh. Anyway, I’ll tellhim the news tomorrow and get back to you if that’s okay,” Christian confirmed again.

“That’s fine, that’s perfect,” Dario spoke. “I should really go now, but I would like to thank you foreverything.”

Christian looked up and frowned his eyebrows while I whispered for him to thank him back. “Y-yes, youtoo.” Christian spoke before he hung up the phone.

“What was that?” He asked me, shocked, while I cracked a laugh. He seemed so confused andweirded out by having a friendly conversation with Dario. “You’ll come with me tomorrow, right?”Christian asked.

“I wouldn’t want to miss it!” I smiled. Telling his dad and grandpa about Dario would no be easy, but Iwouldn’t want to miss it. We got interrupted by the sound of Enzo’s loud voice and turned around to looat him.

“Christian!” Enzo greeted before he attacked him in a hug. Christian pulled a disgusted face andpushed Enzo off while I giggled at their cute moment.

“What’s wrong with you?” Christian asked while Enzo forced himself to kiss him on the cheek. “It’s agoo day today, brother,” Enzo spoke. “Mom and dad forgave me, grandpa told me he missed me-andlife is just going well.”

“Despite your black eye.” Christian scoffed. I could see through him and noticed how happy he was to hthe news, but so was I. At least one thing was working out.

“Hi, Serena-hi, Christian!” Carmen greeted him while she ran in with Siena in her hands. “Look at herShe looks just like a bobblehead!” Christian laughed. He grabbed Siena from Carmen’s hands andleane her head against his chest.

“Siena had a good time with grandpa today!” Carmen informed us. “Both grandpas, we had a great timyou guys should come next time.”

Christian gave Carmen a warm smile and a wink before he shifted his eyes to Enzo. “Was my brother 1to you?”

“Y-yes.” Carmen stammered with a slight blush on her face. Enzo slammed his arm around Carmen’sshoulder and nodded his head. “Of course, I took care of her. When have I not taken care of any of mysisters?”

“A lot of times” Christian chuckled “Just make sure you don’t get her bad side because that means I geton Serena’s bad side, and I don’t want that

“The same way Serena is getting on Siena’s bad side? Enzo laughed She abandoned poor Siena tospend her day with you and play mob wife, so I don’t think we should listen to her opinion”

Christian was close to attacking Enzo, but I gave him a look begging him not to do anything as I took inhis brother’s words. Did I really abandoned my daughter, or was it just Enzo being Enzonovelbin

“Don’t worry. He was really nice!” Carmen luckily changed the subject after seeing the look on my faceEnzo, who did not seem to notice the impact of his words, told us another story while I was focused onthe disgusting smell of Siena’s diaper. “I think we need to change her diaper,” I spoke to Christian.

1 reached to grab Siena from his hands, but he turned away instead. “TH do it.” He smiled. “I’m notready to hand her over yet, so I’ll do it.”

“Oh, okay,” I spoke, startled. “I can also do it, no problem!” I told him. Enzo’s words hurt me and I feltthe need to prove myself. I also missed Siena and didn’t want to let go of her, even if it meant changingher diaper. “No, you rest-and I’ll take care of it,” Christian spoke again, but I shook my head and stuckout my hands to grab the baby.

“How about you go rest, and I’ll do it?” I forced a smile onto my face, but Christian took a step back andshook his head. “How about you guys go together?” Enzo laughed out loud.

“I can’t believe you guys are discussing who is going to change Siena’s diaper.”

Christian and I looked at each other with embarrassed looks on our faces. It was only day one oftagging along with Christian, and I finally knew how he felt. I felt terrible for leaving Siena alone andwanted to

for that time, just to make myself believe that I wasn’t a bad mother.



“Come on,” Christian spoke as I followed him to the stairs. “So this is how you feel?” I asked. “Yes,”Christian replied. “It’s not that I never wanted you by my side, but this job isn’t easy.”

We entered Siena’s room, and I stood back while Christian changed her diaper. I had a lot on my mind.and still tried to process Enzo’s comment. Did I really abandon my daughter to play mob wife?

“Do you ever feel like a bad parent?” I asked Christian. “Sometimes.” He shrugged. “I felt like a badparent for ruining Siena’s chances to grow up in a normal family-but I’m okay now.” He spoke.

“Her poop smells disgusting. She doesn’t have it from me.” Christian scrunched up his nose while anunaware Siena giggled. “Really funny,” I rolled my eyes. He was probably trying to cheer me up, but itclearly wasn’t working.

“Just don’t pay any attention to Enzo’s comment.” Christian sighed. “You should know what he’s like bynow. He says and does stupid things he doesn’t mean.”

“I know,” I mumbled. I knew it probably wasn’t his intention to hurt my feelings, but the words were stillsaid. “Serena, listen.” Christian smiled as he walked over to me with Siena in his hands.

“Go on, take your daughter.” He smiled while he handed her over. I held Siena in my arms andobserved the curious look on her face. “It’s a baby, Serena,” Christian spoke. “She is not going to hateyou because this, you love her, and you’re a good mother.”

“I don’t know.” I sighed. “Maybe I should just give up on whatever I’m doing and try to become ahousewife again.”

Siens et con giggles while Christian polled a weird face House He chucket Teen Siena in laughing atvota. ”

Just becauer vem surreeded in making soxip once does not mean you can become a housewifeChristians mocked me. He brushed his fingers through my hair and planted a kiss against my forehead

I already told you that I like having you around. We’re the best whenever we’re together Den’t you thinkChristian spoke while I nodded my head in response.

“I think this is the therapy we need, spending time together” He confessed. “It’ll help us get along betterand it’ll also make things easier for Siena.”

He was right, we got along today, and it was all because we spend our time together It would only helpSiena in the future because all I wanted was to give her two loving parents who got along. I need you tostop listening to my brother,” Christian told me.

“From now on. I want you to focus on you, me, Siena, and that’s it.”

? guess you’re right.” I smiled. There were more important things in the world than Enzo calling me abad mom, and the first thing would be tomorrow.

The truth about Dario would finally come out.

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