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Chapter 153

Chapter 153

“Thanks for keeping him under control.” I thanked Beau. “I know it must’ve been a burden for you to getall the way back here-but I appreciate it.”

After l’brought Christian back home, I called my brother to keep an eye on him to make sure hewouldn’t do anything stupid. I would’ve done so myself, but I had others plans and did not wantChristian to get involved.

“Yes, of course-anything to help,” Beau spoke and looked at Christian through the glass window.

go his way Christian was smoking a cigarette, and because I knew how stressed he was, I decided tolet him. this time. I didn’t want to see him even more irritated, so if this was what it took to calm himdown-so be


“I still can’t believe Luca was behind all of this, but it all makes sense.” Beau sighed. “I feel sorry forChristian. It seems like nothing’s working out for him.”

“I agree.” I nodded as I gave him a sympathetic look. If it wasn’t his own brother, it was were his owncousin and uncle. He had often mentioned about not telling Luca and Johnny the news about Berto,because he didn’t want to hurt him-but Luca ended up hurting him instead.

He had to lead an entire group of people who were against him, and it was his family which made iteven worse. If I could’ve done something, I would’ve taken away all of his pain, but that wasimpossible. The -only thing I could do was remind him who was in control.

“What are you going to do?” Beau asked. “I know you’re up to something. You always are.”

Sometimes his ability to see through me became a burden as I could not keep a single thing to myself.“I’m making sure there won’t be a bloodbath tomorrow I told Beau the truth. “Somewhere deep down,Dario has a good heart, so I will warn him and ask him to pick a side-”

“Serena, no!” Beau attempted to stop me. “You’re not some hero. If he tells his dad-it’ll be over for all ofus, and the only one drowning in a bloodbath will be us. Is that what you want?” Beau asked as I shookmy head in response.

The only thing I needed was his trust. I was not stupid, and I knew what I was doing. Dario would neverdo anything to hurt me, and after hearing Luca’s words, I was pretty convinced that also he did notexpect things to go that far.

“Beau, you trust me, right?” I asked. Beau took a deep breath and turned his head the other way. “Ofcourse I trust you. I hate it when you do this.”

“But you trust me, right?”

“Yes, I trust you,” Beau replied. “I trust you with all my heart-but I don’t think it’s smart to get involved,”Beau spoke. “You told me that his uncle doesn’t have an issue with you-so why don’t we keep it thatway? What if he finds out you tried to change Dario’s mind?”

“Then so be it!” I spoke, determined. I would not turn my back on Dario, and I had to warn him. Yes, hemade many mistakes, but everyone made them. I tried my hardest to change Christian’s mind-but hislove for me would only go that far. All Dario had to do tomorrow was surrender.

“You’re unbelievable,” Beau concluded. “But you go and do whatever you plan on doing-I’ll cover foryou.”

I could tell by the look on his face that he disagreed with my ways, but instead of arguing-he obeyedmy

wishes. “Thank you,” I smiled and reached to hold his hand. “I’m just trying to protect the both of them,and I don’t want anyone to get hurt.”

“I know,” Beau muttered. “But you should think about yourself first, what if he kidnaps you-

“Then my cuckoo, twin brother will come to the rescue and safe me as he always does.” I smiled andgave Beau a nudge against his shoulder. “I’ll be fine. Just keep an eye on him for me.”

I made my way back inside and walked over to Christian, who didn’t even notice my presence. “I’mgoing out for a bit,” I spoke in a calm tone. The last thing I needed was for him to get angry. “I’m justgoing to grab some stuff at home, and then I’ll come back to make sure you don’t lose your mind.”

“And Siena?” Christian asked after he finally noticed my presence. “No offense, but I think Siena isprobably saver around my parents at the moment.”

It wasn’t that I did not want to take her with me, but I could not risk losing her. I could miss her for aday. but I could absolutely not lose her.

“Right, makes sense,” Christian sighed. “At least I get to have you back. That’s enough for now.”

“It is.” I agreed. “When all of this is over tomorrow, I’ll bring Siena so we can finally live in peace like asemi-normal family would.”

I felt terrible for Christian and could see that his head was not in the right place at the moment. Anyonecould see the guilt in his eyes, but it was not his fault. This could not have been prevented. “Enzo isfine. We’ll get your brother out alive-I’ll make sure of it.” I promised.

Meeting up with Dario was not only a way of protecting Dario but also a way to protect Enzo and eventhat home-wrecker who also got kidnapped. It would come to everyone’s advantage and if I was able to

change Dario’s mind, there was not a lot we had to do tomorrow. “I hope you’re right.” Christian smiled.“But you’re always right.”

“That’s correct.” I smiled back. “I am always right, and that’s why you should listen to me from now on.You should only listen to Beau and me.”

“I know.” Christian nodded. “I feel like this wouldn’t have happened if I listened to you before andreached. out to Dario to talk everything out.”

home Which was exactly what I would be doing at the moment. I knew that Christian would order me tostay and tell me it was too dangerous to do it-so that’s why I kept my mouth shut and decided not to tellhim. anything at all.

I was glad to know he was finally willing to listen and realized that I was one of the best things thathappened in his life. I was a fresh breath of air and had another mindset, unlike his resentful family.

“I made a promise to stop smoking because I didn’t want to end up like my dad-but look at me.”Christian chuckled. “I’m so sorry, Serena.”

“Don’t be,” I reassured him. “You’re stressed out about your brother. I get it. One smoke won’t kill you.”

“That’s how it also started with my dad,” Christian whispered before he forced a smile onto his face.“Please get back soon, so I can think of something else other than Enzo.”

His words hurt me and brought me back to the time when Beau was held captive at the Garcia factory. Inever told Christian about my plans to save him because I knew he would call me stupid and stop mefrom doing so, and those were his exact words after he found out the truth about everything.

I didn’t understand at the time and called him selfish for not agreeing with me–but now the tables wereturned. I knew how much he wanted to save his brother and that he wanted to do it right away, but I

couldn’t let it happen

His uncle was there, and if even more Lamberti’s got involved, it would turn into a bloodbath. “Ill beback soon. Just listen to Beau’s endless rants and wait until I return.” I spoke and kissed his cheek.

I felt terrible for leaving him alone when he needed me the most, but I felt the need to warn Dario. If hewould listen to me and would surrender himself tomorrow, Christian would let him go.

I felt even worse for using Dario’s obsession with me to lure him to the park. He probably thought Icalled him over to discuss business, which was the case-only this time it would be a different kind ofbusiness.

Luckily I arrived at the park before Dario and sat down at a spot at the center which was surrounded bymany people. I knew Dario wouldn’t hurt me, but it was just to make sure, in case he suddenly decidedto change his mind.

Beau knew my exact location and knew who would be responsible for my disappearance, so I was notafraid and definitely not threatened.

happen. After a few minutes. I saw a joyful Dario making his way over. He had no idea what was aboutto and I was wondering for how long that smile was going to last. “Hi. Serena!” Dario greeted me andsat down on the opposite side.

“I bought you some coffee and a cupcake. Dario smiled and pulled out a bag. I grabbed the drink andthe food from his hands as I did not want any of it to go to waste. He bought it for me, so I might as welleat it. “How are you doing?” Dario asked.

I took a bite from the cupcake and shrugged my shoulders. “Better than you in a minute,” I spoke with afull mouth. “What?” Dario smiled, confused. I shook my head and ate in silence as he patiently waitedfor me to take my last bite.

That was a delicious cupcake.” I smiled after the last bite and wiped my hands clean. “I’m glad youliked it, Dario spoke. Looking at him. I would’ve never thought he could be that two-faced.

“So why did you want to meet up?” Dario asked. He seemed nervous and probably figured this wasn’t adate. “Is Christian making you sick already-

“No.” I yawned. “You are, you are the one who’s making me sick, and you’ve been doing that for a while


The look on Dario’s face had changed, and the color was slowly disappearing from his face. “I knoweverything.” I told Dario as I looked straight into his eyes. “I know about your real dad, your brothers,your purpose. I know all of it.” I spoke. “I know you’re a Lamberti.”

“And I also know that you know that we’re aware, and I have this suspicion you told me your sob storyso I could relay the message to Christian.” I suddenly concluded and by the looks of it, I was right.novelbin

Dario’s surprised expression had slowly changed to a satisfied smirk. “You’re smart.” He frowned. “Idon’t have anything else to add. You got me.”

“I’m glad you’re aware of my intentions. Changing the lock to my office to Christian’s birth date was tomake it easier for you.”

He needed help. Was Dario really being manipulated or was he the one manipulating? Maybe 1underestimated Berto’s influence on Dario.

“So you played this childish game and wanted me to ask about your past I realized “Other than metelling Christian he hurt your poor feelings, what else were you planning to go gain from this?”

“An apology” Dario immediately answered. “I offered film an opportunity to apologize for his pastmistakes, but he clearly doesn’t care-

“Because he didn’t do anything!” I told Dario. “He didn’t care because he didn’t do anything, so stopbothering him!”

If he really had an issue, he could discuss with the ones who were involved. Maybe Christian was rightafter all, maybe it was time for him to move on from the past.

“Tell your dad to stop bothering Christian and if he’s really that tough, he’ll show himself. It’s over,Dario. Luca told us everything-it’s all over, He told us about Enzo and Gina.”

Dario laughed at my statement and shook his head. “You’re really cute, but it isn’t over,” Dario spoke.“All of this is far from over, and maybe that was your first mistake.”

“Trusting Luca” Dario chuckled. “Let me guess, he doesn’t know you’re here right? Because if he did,you wouldn’t be here right now. This is all part of his twisted game.”

Dario’s words were unexpected and came as a shock. Luca seemed sincere and he really seemed toregret his actions, but still-why would Dario lie to me?

“What do you mean, I can’t trust him?” I asked just to be sure as Dario stretched out his arm andleaned back in his chair.

“Since my little brother planned on screwing us over, I’ll tell you exactly why you can’t trust him.”

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