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Chapter 144

Chapter 144

Today would finally be the day. Just as promised, I scheduled a meeting between Christian, myparents, and my brothers.

There was only one thing stopping me, and that was Christian refusing to enter the house. “Come on,don’t be such a baby.” I giggled and pinched his cheeks.

“Stop it.” Christian spoke, annoyed. “It’s not that I’m scared. It’s just that I don’t know how I’ll react-]don’t know if I can sit there and watch them glare at me.”

“You can.” I smiled. “You can and you will, for me.”

I squeezed his hand and gave him a sad look until he finally gave in. “Fine, let’s go.” Christian sighed. Inodded my head and pulled his hand to lead him inside, where my family was already waiting for us.

The angry looks were not that difficult to miss. “What is the meaning of this?” Matteo growled asChristian and I sat down on the opposite side of him.

“You don’t even have to say anything,” I whispered to Christian. “All you have to do is keep your mshut, and I’ll handle it.”

“Handle what?” Emilio asked and looked from me to Christian. “Just let me do the talking.” I whisperedChristian’s words could come off as rude because that was his way of talking, and I did not want tomake things worse. “What is he doing here?” Marcello asked with a confused smile on his face.

“Guys, sit down,” I instructed. “Sit down, listen, and please keep your mouth shut until I’m done talking.”“You’re ordering us around now?” Matteo commented. The bothered look on his face told me that heknew exactly where this was going. “It’s not that different from you ordering us around.” Beau stuck upme. He was the only one I could count on. “Thanks, Beau.” I smiled.

“Long story short, Christian and I are getting back together, and I’ll be moving back home with Siena.”

I observed everyone’s reaction and watched as their surprised look slowly changed to angry frowns. Itseemed like only Beau, and surprisingly Emilio stood by my side. “That’s funny.” Lita laughed.

“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t put a bullet through his head, right this instant!” Matteo glared atChristian.


Keep your mouth shut, Christian, I thought to myself. I told him I would handle it, so I would. The lastthing I needed was for his bad temper to get involved. It would only make things worse.

“Don’t you get tired?” Christian sighed while I mentally smacked myself. So much for telling him to stayquiet. “Don’t you ever get tired of being angry all the time?”

“Excuse me?” Matteo frowned. “Serena is trying to explain something, and you won’t even listen to her,all of you, so maybe I can get through to you,” Christian spoke.

“Serena and Siena are coming back home, where they belong-and Serena is not asking you forpermission. She’s just informing you.” Christian glared. “She’s not your dog.”

Well, that was one way to put it.

“So you expect me to let you take them with you after embarrassing this family by cheating on mydaughter with your assistant and after making a fool out of her? And I don’t know if you remember, but

also threatened us!” Matteo spat. “Serena.” He spoke with hopeful eyes. “Please think this through.”

“I did.” I sighed. It might’ve been a spontaneous decision, but I knew what I wanted and what I wantedwas to be with Christian and to prove Cesca wrong.

“I thought this through many times, and this is what I want-so please respect my decision.”

“Not when this decision will damage the family!” Matteo spoke. I also wondered if this man ever gottired of being so negative. He was so kind at first, but it only took a few weeks before he decided toshow me his true colors.

It was almost the same as with Marcello and Emilio. I remember how thrilled I had been at the idea ofhaving two older brothers, and they used to treat me like a princess, but also that didn’t last for long.

“That’s fine-then I won’t be part of this family!” I raised my voice. If Christian would be willing to go thatfar for me, it would only be that fair of me to do the same.

“All I asked you to do was to sit down and listen!” I spoke. “Are you guys stupid?”

They were not getting in the way of my life anymore. “D-did you just call us stupid?” Emilio asked,shocked, while Matteo was seconds away from exploding.

“Yes,” I nodded. “Christian’s right, I’m not asking you for your permission. I’m telling you. Everything gotblown out of proportion and whatever there is to fix, is between the two of us, and I appreciate yourconcerns but I will be going back home.” I scoffed.

“Yes, Christian is a disgusting. lying, cheating asshole-no offense,” I whispered the last part toChristian. “But that’s for us to work out. That’s not up to you anymore. This isn’t about pride andfamilies anymore. I don’t care about that. It’s about Christian and me.”

“So you are making these kind of decisions without us?” Lita asked. These people just didn’t know howto stop. “Yes? There’s nothing to discuss. I’m just being kind by telling you.” I chuckled in disbelief.

“What about the video?” Marcello worried. “It’s everywhere!” Emilio added.

It was so sad that also he was under the influence of this terrible family, because a few days ago, heand Christian had a great time.

“Guys, between a viral video of me fighting or everyone knowing mom and dad send little Beau andSerena away because they didn’t want to fight for us-which one is worse? I’ll let you decide.”

Everyone kept their mouths shut as there was nothing left to say. They kept talking about the familyname. and the family pride, which had already been destroyed in the first place. “Serena, I’m justlooking out for you and my granddaughter.” Matteo sighed.

“I appreciate the way Christian fought for your life, and I appreciate him helping out Beau and yes, itwas a big help to us-thank you for that,” Matteo told Christian. “But I don’t think getting back together isthe right idea, and I also don’t appreciate you asking my son to work for you.”

“He didn’t do that.” Beau defended Christian. “How many times do I have to tell you that I asked somyself!”

“Beau asked me because he’s getting sick of you. I think we all are.” Christian spoke. Just shut up. Justkeep your mouth shut.

“I know you hate me and don’t want to see me again, don’t worry-I’m not that big of a fan of you either.

We don’t have to see each other ever again, but I’m taking Serena and Siena with me,” Christianstated.


“Don’t be ridiculous. That’s not true.” Matteo muttered. “I don’t hate you, I held you in my arms sincethe day you were born, and I loved you like a son-but I can’t ever forgive you for cheating on my

daughter while she was pregnant or for threatening us after everything we’ve done for you. I just don’tthink it’s a good idea.”

“Just how you decided me seeing my daughter was also not a good idea?” Christian chuckled.“Because I’m not stupid, and I know you encouraged Serena to make that decision.”

Christian was waiting for Matteo to speak, but Matteo looked at me with a pained expression on hisface. He was probably wondering what was wrong with me for getting back together with him, but I wasdoing what felt right.

“It’s sad because Serena grew up without you, and now you want Siena to go through the same thing.I’m not taking them away from you. If I really wanted to do that, I would’ve done that a long time ago.”Christian spoke. “Don’t let Siena pay for my mistake.”

“Serena.” Lita looked at me. “Please think this through, okay?”

“You can stay here with us, your family, and we’ll never hurt you—”

“I don’t want to.” I glared at Lita. “You’ve done more than enough, I don’t want to, and I’m done withbeing brainwashed by all of you. All I have to say to you is that you have two options, you’ll eitheraccept this or I’ll never speak to any of you again-I’ve only known you for a while, so it won’t evenmatter.”

That was a lie.

I didn’t want to lose my family.

“Fine,” Matteo whispered. “You go ahead and live your life as a Lamberti, but please don’t crawl back tome when everything backfires.”

That was it?

They weren’t going to fight for me?novelbin

“Dad, I don’t want to choose between the two of you.”

“You already have.” Matteo sighed as he stood up from his chair. “Go back to that cheater if that’s whatyou want, I’ll stay out of it-just like you asked me to!”

“This has to end!” Christian spoke as everyone turned their heads to look at him. “This thing is notgoing. anywhere, and my dad would be so disappointed in all of us. This has to stop!”

Matteo took a deep breath and sat back down to listen to Christian’s words. “I’m so sorry for everythingI’ve ever done, and I don’t care if you want to forgive me or not, but our families are falling apart, andwe can’t let that happen,” Christian explained.

“That’s not true.” Emilio sighed. “We’re still doing business together-”

“For how long?” Christian asked. “I’m sorry for embarrassing Serena and your family, and I’m sorrythreatening all of you, and I’m sorry for being selfish, but I want to take care of Serena and Siena-so I’masking you for a second chance.” Christian requested. Everyone was flustered, and so was 1, because1 wasn’t used to him apologizing in a row.

“Keep talking” Matteo cleared his throat. “Matteo, I actually don’t want to argue with you,” Christian toldhim. “You’re all like family to me, and I’ve spend more time with all of you than I’ve ever done with myown family, Lita-I don’t want you to hate me either.”

“I don’t.” Lita sighed. “Of course, I don’t hate you. Hate is a big word.”

“You taught me how to take my first steps, and you’re the only sane friend my mom ever had, so pleaselet’s stop all of this. Let’s start over again.” Christian suggested. “What are we even arguing about? Theonly one who has the right to kill me or to be angry is Serena.”

“I agree,” Beau spoke. “And Serena forgave him, so it’s time to end all of this. You guys are alwaystalking about doing what’s best for her, but can’t you all see she’s broken?”

“What he said.” I agreed with Beau. “All I want is for all of this to end and for all of us to get alongagain.” I smiled.

“I was so happy when I found out that our families were so close and so happy to know Christianpractically grew up here, and all of this is my fault-”

“It’s not your fault!” Everyone spoke in unison. I laughed at their encouraging words, but I was partly toblame. I could’ve handled this issue with Christian, but I was the one who decided to involve my familyin this and asked them for advice without knowing the impact it would have.

“All I want is to start over,” Christian spoke. “Let’s forget about everything and start over.”

Matteo looked at Emilio and Marcello, who shrugged their shoulders. “What about letting Beau work foryou? Don’t you think that’s a little disrespectful?”

“It’s not,” Beau spoke. “Let’s keep it real. I’ve never really been one of you.” He chuckled. That wastypically Beau. Only he knew how to ruin a peaceful moment. “I mean, it could be a good thing-someone has to keep an eye on him.” Matteo shrugged.

“So, does this mean you’re giving me a second chance?” Christian asked. His actions made me lovehim even more. I was not used to him using gentle words and knew he probably cringed at themoment, but I. knew he was doing it all for me.

“Christian, I need you to listen very well.” Emilio sighed and leaned over the table. “If you ever hurt mylittle sister again, I will kill you with my own bare hands. I will stab you and bury you alive. Am I makingmyself clear?”

“I understand,” Christian spoke, completely unfazed. Christian remained fearless. As long as it wasn’tBeau, there was no reason to stress. “I feel a bit sad, though. I don’t want you to go.” Lita sighed.

“First Beau, then you, Siena-I thought I finally had you back.”

“You can come over whenever you want. The door is always open.” Christian reassured her as hereached for her hand. “That’s because you don’t lock your front door,” Beau muttered.

“I will, I promise.” Christian smiled. “So when is Serena moving back?” Marcello asked.

“Next week.” I said. They did not have to know the reason and they did not have to know that I wouldn’treturn until Christian got rid of the bed. “Carmen will be so sad. She really loves Siena.” Marcellospoke. “She used to be so lazy, but she was finally doing something.”

“And what about Beau?” My mom asked. “When is Beau starting?”

“Tomorrow,” Christian replied. That was right. We still had to discuss the Dario situation. “What aboutMarc or your cousin, Johnny?” Emilio wondered. “Will they be okay with this?”

“The three of you are like the three musketeers. They won’t get jealous, right?

“I’m the boss,” Christian chuckled while Matteo gave him a slight smack on his cheek. “Lucio’s stillbreathing, don’t get ahead of yourself!”

It was nice to see how things were slowly getting back to normal as Matteo was able to joke aroundagain. “Where’s Siena?” Christian asked.

“She’s with Carmen,” I explained. “She really loves her, Carmen seems like a completely differentperson.”

“She’s getting good grades, goes outside-makes friends,” Marcello added. “That’s why I feel bad forher. Maybe you should just let her move in with you.”

“Maybe we should.” Christian nodded. “The house is big enough, and she’ll make a great babysitter, soshe’s more than welcome to stay if she wants to-”

“No.” Lita pouted. “I can’t lose another child. She’s staying here.”

“The house is so quiet at times. That’s why I need you all to give me more grandchildren, Serena. It’stime for another baby-don’t you think?” Lita suggested, but all I could see in front of me was anightmare. What point of no more babies did they not understand?

“That’s what I told her, but she doesn’t want to have more children!” Christian explained. Perhaps it wasindeed better when they didn’t get along.

“Beau is giving you two.” I reminded her as I scratched the back of my neck. I had to remove myselffrom this situation.

“Anyway, it was a nice talk. We should start packing, don’t you think?” I asked Christian and grabbedhis arm to pull him away.

“We should.” Christian smiled as he followed behind me.

“I want you to move in as soon as possible.”

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