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Chapter 133

Chapter 132

“I knew it,” Christian whispered while I was still trying to process everything. “You knew what? Is thatreally Dario?”

“I thought you told me the two of you never met?” I spoke, confused. I didn’t know what the meaningwas of any of this. “That’s what he wanted us to believe,” Christian said.

“Serena, I feel like I should thank you for asking me about my childhood pictures. Otherwise, I wouldn’teven have noticed.” Christian chuckled, but I was still as clueless as one could be.

“Thanks?” I mumbled. “But what’s Dario doing at your uncle’s birthday party?”

“Serena, there’s something I have to tell you.” Christian sighed. “When I went to visit Isobel’s grandpa,he told me that Dario came by to tell him not to fix things. He had the opportunity to help you with Beau,but he didn’t. He tried to bribe him.”

“W-what?” I stuttered, unsure of where this story was even headed. “I heard that Dario had been askingquestions about my uncle, and I had a feeling there was more behind it-”

“So what you’re trying to tell me is that he lied in my face and pretended to feel sorry for me while hespecifically asked the Sala’s not to do anything?” I spoke with clenched fists. I felt stupid for trustinghim. but Christian told me this all along. I just didn’t want to listen.

I knew he had something against Christian, and I told him he had to stop, but this time it wasunforgivable.

The words, sorry, were finally making sense now.

“I’m so stupid,” I whispered. “I was worried about letting you around Siena while Dario was literallythere. You warned me about him, and I went against you-

“You’re not stupid. You’re too good for this world” Christian spoke. I knew he was trying to make mefeel better, but I already should’ve done something after seeing the first red flag. No sane person wouldgo as far as taking pictures of their enemy. “So what you’re trying to tell me is that you’ve met Dario asa child, and somehow he’s back to ruin your life?”

“I think he’s a Lamberti,” Christian stated. “I think he’s somehow my uncle’s secret son. I don’t knowwhy he would be at the party or why he would hate me-

“Because everything that went to you was supposed to be his, if your grandpa had never removed youruncle and if your uncle had acknowledged him as his legitimate son.” I sighed-all of this made sense.

“That’s what I think, but I don’t know for sure.”

“Christian, I’m so sorry.” I apologized. I really thought I could trust Dario. He had been nothing but kindto me, but it turned out that was all an act too. I bet our meeting at the grocery store wasn’t even acoincidence.

“Don’t be. You didn’t know.” Christian reassured me. “You’re never the problem. You know that-, andDario has nothing against you. He has something against me.”

“He told me he felt sorry for me, but now you’re telling me that he bribed Isobel’s grandpa to sabotageeverything. What do you mean?” I spoke, surprised. “He’s against me whether he realizes it or not.”

“No, he isn’t.” Christian sighed. “I would like for him to be, but he isn’t. Sabotaging Isobel was to get tome

so that I couldn’t do you a favor,” Christian explained. “He’s not a threat to you. Otherwise, I would’veinterfered a long time ago.”

“So what now?” I asked, defeated. It was not as if I could suddenly stop working with him, not whenother people were already involved.

“You go on as usual, and you do not let him know that we know about this,” Christian spoke. “Does heknow the two of us are hanging out again?”

“No, he doesn’t. I just told him to stop bothering you, but that’s it.”

“Should I tell him that I hate you so that I can get more information out of him?” I suggested, butChristian shook his head. “No, that’s not a smart move,”

“Anyone can see that you still love me.” He chuckled as my cheeks flushed red. Was it really thatobvious?

“I don’t want you to get involved. I want you to focus on your charity-Dario has some good connections,so you might as well make use of it.” Christian spoke, but that wasn’t enough for me. He was right, Icould make use of him and throw him aside when I was finished, but I wanted to help.

“Okay, then how about I get him to talk about his past? More questions about his mom and dad—”

“Then he’ll only talk about Mauro,” Christian spoke. “He would never open up, not like that. He likesyou, but even he has his limit.”

“Then what can I do? I want to help.” I spoke. I was just as curious as Christian and did not appreciateDario lying to me. “You can go into his office and find some usual information.”

“God, I asked you how I could help-not how I can get killed.” I rolled my eyes. I offered my helpbecause I thought it would’ve been a small request, not this.

“This is why I didn’t want you to get involved-”

“I’ll do it!” I told him. I was sick and tired of people not involving me in things because they thought Icouldn’t handle it. After everything I’d been through, searching through Dario’s office was nothing. Apiece of cake. “If you insist.” Christian smiled.novelbin

“I had no idea you were like this.” He complimented me. It proved enough that there was so much wedidn’t know about each other. If we were really one, he would’ve known that I was always open to doingstuff like this. “In the meantime, I’ll find prove. I’m sure that he’s my uncle’s son.”

“What about Johnny and Luca?”

“I haven’t told them,” Christian spoke. “I don’t know what their reaction will be, so I think it’s for thebest.”

“I understand.” I nodded my head. Luca had a temper, and Johnny never spoke about his father, so itprobably wouldn’t end well. “It’s not like you can ask your dad either. He needs his rest.”

Christian chuckled and brushed his fingers through my hair. “I feel like you’re the only one whounderstands me at times.”

This was supposed to be a fun day, and it was actually pretty crazy how a photo book had ruined it.

“So, are we going to invite him to the family shoot?” I asked to ease the tension. Christian let out alaugh and shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know about that.”

“It’s weird, right?” I spoke. “He had so much shit to say about the Lamberti’s. It turns out he might evenbe one himself.”

“Don’t we all have shit to say about the Lamberti’s?” Christian smiled, but his words broke my heart. Noone could choose the family they were born in, and yes-there were horrible Lamberti’s, but there were

also nice ones.

When Christian and I got engaged, I didn’t even think twice about taking that surname. Also, I had a lotof crap to say about the Lamberti’s, but I never thought it would be a burden to carry the family name.

It was no different from Maddie and Isobel carrying the Alfonzo name.

“I have something to tell you, but it’s a secret,” I told Christian, who patiently waited for me to speak.“Isobel is pregnant and engaged to Beau.”

“And she didn’t tell me?” Christian spoke, offended. “Don’t take it to heart, they just found out, andthey’ll probably wait until tomorrow to share the news.”

“Beau and Isobel with a baby?” Christian frowned. “That’s funny.”

“Beau is actually really good with Siena. I think he’ll make a great dad.” I praised him. He was but hewas very overprotective in a good way and would make a perfect dad.

an asshole,

“Isn’t it crazy how Siena has so many people to play with?” Christian smiled. “She doesn’t have anysiblings, so it’s nice to know she has cousins.”


grew up without a family, and even now, I wasn’t that close with my cousins. They all grew up together(while I suddenly came into the picture, so we didn’t really interact.

“Christian, we have to fix the bond between the Lamberti’s and the Alfonzo’s. We have to do it forSiena’s sake.” I told him.

Siena wouldn’t go through the same struggles I went through, and I was determined to make sure of it.Siena was an only child, so I wanted her to grow up with all of her cousins, and I didn’t want there to beany family feud.

“I agree, and I know you don’t want to hear it-but we should start by getting back together,” Christianspoke and grabbed my hand. When was he ever going to stop?

“I love you. You love me-it shouldn’t be that hard.” He sighed. It shouldn’t, but I didn’t know if I wasready to take that risk. I didn’t want to argue with him ever again.

“Do you really want to see me with someone else?” Christian frowned. “Do you really want Siena togrow up with step-siblings? Do you want her to become like Dario?” Christian teased me at the end, butall these questions made my head spin.

I didn’t want to see him with anyone else.

I did not want a stepmom or step-siblings for Siena.

I did not want her to end up like Dario, who was obsessed with the Lamberti’s.

“H-how do you feel about relationship therapy?” I asked, embarrassed. I felt ashamed to bring up thesubject, but Christian had a point. I could not see him with anyone else.

“Therapy?” Christian chuckled. “Do I look like I want to go to relationship therapy?”

“Never mind then.” I scoffed and turned away. We obviously needed it, and this was yet again proof. Hedidn’t intend to hurt me with his words, but he did-and I had enough of it.

“You want us to be together. I’m trying to find a solution-and you don’t want it.” I sighed. “Do you reallywant us to get back together?”

The look on Christian’s face had changed, and my words had finally hit him. “Yes, I do!” He spoke.“Well, it’s not going to happen at the moment.” I made clear.

“I know we obviously missed a few steps, but we shouldn’t jump back into a relationship again. First,we become friends, then we become best friends-and then we can look from there.” I suggested.

Christian let out an annoyed sigh and ignored my words. We obviously needed the help, but he was indenial. “You say we don’t need therapy, but you’ve just offended me twice within a few seconds.”

“Twice?” Christian spoke, surprised. “I-I didn’t know, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize. It’s just how your head works. You hurt people, and you don’t even know.” I scoffed.“If you really want to fight for our relationship. I need you to listen to me and I need you to open up.Give me a reason for your statement-don’t just complain about everything!”

“I don’t feel comfortable with therapy,” Christian confessed as he took a deep breath. “I don’t believe init, and I don’t feel comfortable with it. The thought of it makes me nervous, and I’m sure we can findanother solution.”

“Good.” I smiled. Getting an actual explanation sounded much better than him nagging all the time.“Then what do you suggest? And please, don’t say you want us to get back together-I need a realsolution.”

“Come back home.” Christian smiled. “I want you and Siena to come back so we can work on being afamily.”

“What about our families?” I asked. My dad would never agree to this, and the Lamberti’s wouldn’teither. It would only make things worse.

“I’ll drop everything so I can be with you and Siena-I’ll let Gio take over the family business if he trulywants to. You and Siena are my family.” Christian spoke. His words sounded sincere, which made mefeel even more guilty.

He was willing to drop everything, but I wasn’t. I wasn’t ready to let go of my family. I couldn’t do it.Christian had a family his entire life, but I didn’t, and the fear of losing them scared me to death.

“I know you can’t do the same.” Christian smiled as he cupped my cheek. “There’s nothing to cryabout.” He spoke and wiped away my tear, which I hadn’t even noticed. “Let’s talk about somethingelse, first Dario and now this-it’s making me sick.”

“I agree.” I chuckled. “That’s more than enough drama for today.”

For the rest of the day, we watched a movie, spoke about meaningless things, and played with Sienaas a normal family, but it somehow made me feel even more guilty.

We had such a great time when it was just the three of us, but I also shared good times with theAlfonzo’s. I was always so convinced that I could do this alone, but seeing the love Siena and Christianshared for each other was more important than anything else.

Siena deserved to see her parents in a happy relationship, but as long as our families didn’t like eachother I could not see that happen anytime soon.

I knew I had to make a decision, but I couldn’t do that right now. Therapy was my decision, but it clearlywasn’t an option, and I would not force Christian to do something he didn’t want to do.

Instead, I would focus on the ways how Dario had screwed me over and deal with him first.

It might’ve sounded crazy and weak, but I was okay with not knowing about Gina. At first I couldn’thandle. Christian lying to me, but sometimes I couldn’t help but wonder how things would’ve been if I

had never known about Gina.

If Dario never told me about Gina, I never would’ve lost my cool, and things wouldn’t have turned outlike this. I was willing to forgive Christian, until Dario stuck his nose where he shouldn’t.

Dario provoked Christian and wanted him to say something bad about the Alfonzo’s and I was toostupid

to realize.

All of our issues started with Dario.

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