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Chapter 128

Chapter 128

I took a deep breath and gave myself a tiny pep talk before I even had the thought of stepping out ofthe car. There was no turning back, and to be honest, I did not even know where I got myself into.

What if I would end up falling for him while I shouldn’t? For some reason, that appeared to be a stupidhabit of mine.

My eyes moved to Christian, who was patiently waiting in his car and finally noticed me. He smiled atme while I gave him an awkward nod. He already saw me, so I had to get out. I couldn’t drive awayanymore. There was no escaping this.

“Siena, should we just leave?” I asked as I turned around, but as usual, there was no reply. I didn’teven know why I even asked a baby for advice.

Christian stepped out and made his way over while I did the same. I felt weird and shy, as if we werehaving our first date, which definitely wasn’t the case. I quickly moved to the back to get Siena’s strollerwhich gave me a few more seconds to prepare myself. At least, that’s what I thought.

“Let me help you.” Christian smiled and grabbed the stroller from my hands. “Thanks, but I can unfold astroller,” I spoke without meeting his eyes, but the laugh which had escaped from Christian’s mouthmade it even more difficult. “Of course, you can.”

“Aren’t you going to let me look at you?” Christian asked. His words were bold as expected, and I feltas if I had to obey his request. I raised my head to look him in the eye while he reached out to grab myhand. “What?” I scoffed with a slight smile on my face. Why was I so happy?

“Are you going to grab our baby, or do you want me to do it?” He smirked as he walked past me to getto the car door. Christian called out for her while her loud giggles filled the parking lot.

“She looks like a princess, my princess.” Christian smiled at her tiny dress. He raised Siena in the airand. spun around in circles while Siena giggled. “I missed you so much.” He smiled as he attacked herwith kisses.

There was no fear of him taking her away from me, and I didn’t even know why I had the fear in the firstplace. It was Christian. I trusted him-I took a risk in living with him because I trusted him. “She’s gettingtoo big.” He spoke as he put her in the stroller.

“She is,” I replied. “Don’t be so awkward. Come here.” Christian chuckled and pulled me into a hug. Iwas supposed to push him away, at least those were my plans, but I couldn’t help it and leaned myhead. against his shoulder. “Aren’t you going to say anything? Are you just going to keep your mouthshut?” Christian asked.

If he was trying to make me even more nervous, he was definitely doing a good job. “I don’t really haveanything to say to you.” I smiled as I pulled away from the hug. Christian shrugged his shoulders. “Fairenough.”

“So what do you want to do?” I asked as I tried my hardest not to look into his eyes. That seemed -impossible to do at times, especially when Siena had the same eyes. “I just want to take a walk. Thatwould

be nice.” Christian smiled. Both of our hands moved to the stroller before we both let out a laugh.

I missed the sound of his voice.

“You take one side, and I take the other side. How about that?” He suggested. I was stupid enough tonod my head before he made his way beside me and slammed his arm around my shoulder. “I can dothis, right?” He asked in a mocking tone..

“Yes, friends can do this.” I almost gulped. No, exes couldn’t do this. What was he up to?

“Fine, let’s go.” Christian spoke. We took a walk around the city which was less awkward than I hadexpected is to be. Despite us each pushing one side of the stroller, Christian was mainly focused onSiena.

“She never talks back to me.” I sighed as we reached a park and sat down. “It’s nothing personal.You’re just not her favorite parent.” Christian teased me. “Yes, that’s because you spoil her.”

“The same way I spoiled you?” Christian chuckled. The cheating part aside, he did treat me like aprincess. and did everything he could to make me happy. I just did not understand why he felt the needto bring it up. “Even more.” I smiled. “Anyway, how far is your dad with planning his shoot?”

“Invitations should be out by next week,” Christian spoke. “He’s not doing that well, but he really wantsto

do this.”

“I’m so sorry.” I spoke and leaned my head against his shoulder to comfort him. “I know how much youlove him. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay. I was prepared.” Christian spoke, but I knew better. No one could prepare themselves forlosing a parent, it seemed almost impossible, and even though we weren’t together anymore, I still fe tobe there for him.

“So, how was your meeting with…Dario?” Christian asked. I removed my head from his should frownedmy eyebrows. “Are you genuinely curious, or are you interrogating me?”

“Genuinely curious” Christian smiled. “I’m really proud of you, and I’m genuinely curious.”

Well, don’t.” I huffed as I thought about the meeting. It was boring, difficult to pay attention, and theywere all using these terms I don’t even understand. It made me feel stupid-”

“You are not stupid!” Christian defended me. “It’s just because you’re not that good at keeping yourfocus, but don’t call yourself stupid ever again. I believe in you.”

“You do?” I asked. Christian nodded his head. “Yes, I always have.”

It was surprising that he did not mention Dario or tried to get any information out of me. That was a first.

“How are things at home?” Christian asked. This was supposed to be an escape from all of that and notreally the best subject. This morning was the most awkward it had ever been in the house. Everyonegot on each other nerves, and I hadn’t even told them about Christian.

“It’s really not going anywhere, and I feel so stressed.” I sighed. I could finally talk to someone whoknew what I was talking about. “Still about the Beau thing?

“Yes, I can’t even sleep at night because I’m so bothered. I wanted a happy ending, and this is what Igot.” 1 complained. “We used to get along so well, I don’t know what happened, and it’s stressing meout. He’s different from my other siblings, he’s my twin, and I need him!”novelbin

“Deep story.” Christian chuckled. “Just hold on for a bit longer. I promise you things will get better.”

His words were ridiculous. There was no way for everything to get better-but the thought was reallyreassuring. “I hope so. There’s only much I can deal with.”

“Did you…tell anyone you’re with me?” Christian asked. I knew where he was going with this questionand didn’t even want to hear about how much the Lamberti’s despised me. “Only Carmen, you?”

“Yes, that’s why I told you to keep it between the two of us. I like it better this way” I spoke. They didn’thave to like me, and my family didn’t have to like him. As long as they both still accepted Siena, Icouldn’t care any less. “I hope you understand that I still have to visit your family once a week.”

“I do, and I’ll be there,” Christian promised. Things were so peaceful between the two of us, and thiswas all I wanted. All I wanted was for the two of us to find a solution for Siena. “Don’t you feel more atpeace now that we’re friends?”

“Are you still going on with that friend thing?” Christian frowned. “I can obviously see that you still loveme, and I still love you, so what are we doing here?”

His words startled me, and I had not expected him to be that honest, but I stood by my decision. “We’redoing what’s best for Siena. Trust me, the moment we get back together, everything will only getworse.”

“The best thing for Siena is for her mom and her dad to be in a happy relationship,” Christian spoke,but I didn’t want to argue with him, not today.

“But we were never happy!” I snapped. “Happy people don’t cheat on each other. I’m not saying I don’tlove you, but please consider my feelings!”

“You’re right. I’m sorry.” Christian apologized. It was probably so I couldn’t walk off, but I secretly hopedthe message got through to him. If he would’ve pushed it a little more. I probably would’ve agreed withhim, and I did not want to do that. I did not want to do that to Siena.

“I don’t want to run behind your ass and keep watch over you every single time you walk out the doorbecause that’s what’s going to happen, and I don’t want Siena to see how you’re going to yell at mebecause that’s the kind of person you are,” I told him. The look on Christian’s face made my heart hurtbecause I did not want to offend him, but it was the truth. “We need to stop loving each other, I needreassurance, and you need your space.”

“And how do we do that?” Christian asked, confused. That was a good question. How could I ever stoploving him?

“I don’t know, see other people?” I shrugged. Those words were difficult to get out, but maybe if I wouldsee Christian with someone else, I would finally get over him.

“See other people?” Christian mumbled. That suggestion was obviously not an option to him.

“Yes.” I sighed. “Meet other people. It’s the best for everyone involved.”

“So you think you know what’s best for me?” Christian asked. Before I could say something back,Siena let out an aggressive squeal. “Did you hear that?” Christian laughed.

“Yes, it’s because her dad is not giving her any attention and is bothering me instead!” I smiled.Christian picked her up while Siena had a satisfied smile on her face. “I don’t want her to grow up. Iwant her to stay like this forever.” Christian confessed.

“I know what you mean, but it would be nice for her to say something back.” I sighed. I couldn’t wait tosee her walk and talk so she could finally give us her opinion.

“I’m happy we’re raising a girl and not a boy. I wouldn’t like there to be another version of me.” Christianspoke. “Who knows what you’ll tell him. That he doesn’t deserve a second chance?”

“You think you’re so funny.” I rolled my eyes at him and ignored the smug smile on his face. “This thing.

isn’t going to work. We both know you don’t want to see me with someone else-so please stop beinglike this.” Christian laughed.

He was so overconfident, and it bothered me. “You don’t want to see me with someone else either.”

“That’s right.” Christian nodded his head. “I don’t want to see you with some other man, but unlike you,I’m not in denial.”

As expected, he could see right through me, and he might not realize it yet, but this was for the best. “Idon’t know who this other man is who you’re referring to, but there is no other man.” I clarified.

“Good for you.” Christian scoffed. “I wouldn’t mind if it were Vince, but sleeping beauty won’t be wakingup anytime soon, so you’ll have to do with me.”

“What?” I laughed, but all that laughter stopped when I thought about Vince. He was indeed in a deepsleep, and it didn’t look like he was waking up anytime soon.

“I miss him,” I whispered. “I miss Vince, and I miss his stupid jokes.”

“I do too.” Christian sighed. To this day, he still blamed himself, but it wasn’t his fault. It was either hisbrother’s life or Vince’s life, and at the end of that day, it was his decision, and no one could blame himfor


“He will wake up soon, and he will meet Siena.” I smiled, “I’m sure of it.”

“Very nice.” Christian sighed. “He should join us so we could all be in a love cube together.”

Love cube?” I laughed. Christian’s sense of humor was always pretty interesting. “There is no lovetriangle or cube, and nothing is going on between us or anyone else.”

“Whatever you say, Serena.” Christian shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t want to sound like a bad father,but I have to go.” He excused himself.

A part of me was sad because I really enjoyed our time together. It could actually work out as friends. Iwas sure of it. “You’re doing a great job. You must have so many responsibilities now-but you’re a reallygood. dad”

“Don’t praise me for doing my job. It’s just a standard. Christian chuckled. He was right, it was astandard, and it was his duty, but unfortunately, not everyone was a good parent. “Come on, let’s go.”

We walked back without saying a single word to each other, but it felt comfortable. If my dad were here.he would’ve told me to keep my eyes on Christian so he could not run away with Siena, but he wouldnever do that. He made it very clear today. All he wanted was to see his daughter.

“I’ll handle the stroller, go and kiss her goodbye.” I smiled as I took my distance. I took my time asChristian put her in her car seat so I could slowly observe the two. The idea of seeing him as a dad wasstill so strange, but he did such a good job.

How could I even think about taking that away from him?

Just because we had a toxic relationship did not mean Siena and Christian would have the same.

“So.” Christian smiled after he closed the car door. “So,” I smiled back.

“When can I see her again?” He asked. A few days ago, I would’ve said never, but a lot had changedsince then. “You can see her whenever you want to see her, just call me, and I’ll bring her to you.”

“Good.” Christian chuckled, “I was thinking, maybe you and Siena can come over?”

It was starting again, I was supposed to say no, but I couldn’t. “Uh, sure,” I spoke, but after seeing thesmile on Christian’s face. I knew that it was all worth it. His happiness still mattered to me.

“We can come over, no problem,” I smiled. Christian stared at me, and I was waiting for him to pull mein a hug, but he did nothing. All he gave me was a pat on the shoulder.

“It was nice seeing you, ‘friend’ I’ll see you later.” He smirked as he used my own words against me.was the one who started it.

And for some reason, I regretted it.

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