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Chapter 123

Chapter 123

“Listen, Serena, I don’t have time for your bullshit-we have a problem, and we’re going to have to worktogether to fix it.” Christian spoke.

He sounded as if he was in a rush, and he sounded serious, so I did the first thing which came to mymind. and parked the car to the side. “What’s wrong? Is everything okay?” I asked, worried.

Why did I even care?

“It’s the ring.” Christian sighed. “I’ll take responsibility for everything that happened-but not the ring.”

Was he serious? Was he really calling me over a stupid ring?

“I know you’re desperate to talk to me-but don’t you think it’s going a bit too far?” I chuckled, but heremained. silent. “Hello, Christian?”

“The ring you threw away, my dad once gave it to me-to give to you. It’s a family piece, and I need itback.” He sighed. I felt sorry for him, but that wasn’t my problem anymore. “Well…you know I threw thering away so.”

“Where!” Christian asked. That was a difficult question. It could’ve been anywhere. “Well, I don’t know,and I’m not watching that video again—“

“Serena, think!” Christian begged. “Please, think.”

I closed my eyes and went through the embarrassing moment in my head. “I think the road, maybe?Behind the road are woods, so maybe you should try your luck there.”

“Good, we’ll go around midnight.” Christian decided. He didn’t ask me. He ordered me around like itwas nothing. I have a baby to take care of our daughter, by the way, you’re right, the ring is absolutelymy fault, and I apologize-but I can’t come.” I politely let him down, but he wouldn’t take no for ananswer.

“Let someone watch Siena. Since your family wants to step up all of a sudden, I don’t think they’ll mindtaking care of her. At least I hope that’s the case.” Christian spoke.

“I told you, I can’t. I’m sorry.” I spoke as I looked back at Siena, who was asleep. Ask you, brother. He’llsay yes.” Christian suggested. He wasn’t going to let it go.

“Christian, Beau has his own life.” I reminded him. I couldn’t always depend on my twin brother. “Beauhas no life. He’ll eat your toenail if you ask him too-

“Wait a minute, why do I have to help you?” The thought had suddenly occurred to me. “That’s easy,”Christian. spoke. “Because I’m embarrassed, I don’t need any more people to judge me, and I’m notletting anyone lose sleep over something you lost. It’s our responsibility, so we should get it together.”

“If not for me, then please for my dad.” Christian requested. This was not the first time he got his wayby using his dad, and the worst thing was that it was actually working. “Why are you in such a hurry tofind it?” I asked. It was weird that he desperately needed my help while we were not exactly onspeaking terms. There was definitely more to the story. “How are you going to ask me for a favor afteryou’ve threatened to take Siena away from me?”

“Serena, is this about your dad again? Because I’m done having this conversation with you.” Christiansighed. “You shouldn’t worry about why I’m willing to fight for my daughter. You should worry about whyyour dad wasn’t willing to fight for you.”

His sentence came as a shock, and I did not know what to say. There was no need for me to yell at him

because his words made sense, and it was the wake-up call I needed. Yes, I was pissed at him forbadmouthing my family and for cheating, but was I seriously angry because Christian was willing tofight for his daughter? Wasn’t that a good thing?

“Serena, please,” Christian begged. “Just help me look for it, and I’ll leave you alone-I promise.”novelbin

I couldn’t.

I’d already seen enough of Christian for the day. Seeing him only made me feel sorry while I wassupposed to be angry with him. He couldn’t threaten my family and expect me to be okay with it.

“I can’t.” I told Christian. To really sorry, and I hope you find the ring, but I can’t. When I told you wewere done, I meant it-I told you not to contact me unless it’s about Siena, so I’m sorry-but I can’t.”

I expected Christian to throw a fit, but surprisingly enough, he didn’t. “I understand.” He spoke. “I’msorry for bothering you. Bye, Serena.”

If this was his way of making me feel guilty, it was definitely working-because I felt like shit. I was doingwhat felt right for Siena and me, but I felt like a terrible person.

That was the only thing going through my head as I drove back home. I’m a terrible person, and as ifthat wasn’t enough already-I still had to tell Matteo the truth about my visit.

“Dad?” I called out as I stepped inside the house, but all I could hear was yelling. “They’re at it again.”Luke spoke.

“What do you mean, who?” I asked him as I made my way upstairs. I was not in the mood for Siena’snap to get disturbed by whatever was going on. “Dad and Beau, who else?” Luke chuckled.

“Where is everyone?” I asked Luke, who had followed me to Siena’s room. “Mom is out. Carmen andLuis are at school, and as I told you, dad and Beau are arguing, again.”

“Why are you here? Don’t you have school?” I kept interrogating him. I was desperate for him to leave,50 he could not ask me any questions about where I had been because it was no secret that I was abad liar. “L do have school, but I skipped my classes. I didn’t feel like going.” Luke shrugged hisshoulders.

I was shocked by his honesty and did not know how to answer. Apparently, stuff like that was normal inthis household. “Oh, okay.” I smiled at him while he frowned his eyebrows. “Did you do anything specialtoday?” Luke asked.

“Okay, you got me-I went to the Lamberti’s so Siena could see Christian!” I let out. I expected ascolding from my sixteen-year-old brother, but he did nothing. “Please wait before you tell dad. He’s notreally in the mood.” Luke sighed.

“You are not my father!” I heard Beau’s voice pierce through the hallway. “Come on, let’s go,” Iwhispered and led Luke out of the baby room. “I think I should do something about this. So how aboutyou go to your room and do whatever it is you planned on doing?”

“I’m not a baby anymore.” Luke chuckled. “But you’re right. It’s your idiot of a twin brother-so you canfix it. I can’t stand him anyway.” He yawned and made his way to his room.

It seemed like Beau had been causing a lot of trouble, and I could only take that much. It was difficult tobreathe like this, and I had no time for myself. I went from one mess to another mess, and it wasstarting to get too much for me.

I took a deep breath and walked downstairs, where my dad and Beau were still going at it.

“You threw me away like dirt, and you haven’t been a father to me in years, I don’t need you to tell mehow to live my life!” Beau exclaimed.

“Guys, is everything okay here?” I whispered as I tried to involve myself in the uncomfortable situation.Beau grabbed my hand and shook his head. “It’s a good thing you’re here-it’s about time we have thisconversation!”

“Beau, not now. Siena is asleep.” I attempted to stop him, but all his attention was on Matteo. “You tellSerena you love her and how sorry you are, every single day-but I haven’t heard any of those words!”

“Not once!” He yelled out. “Not from you, not from Emilio, not from Marcello. Not from anyone here!”

Wrong move, Beau, I thought to myself as I began to realize that I had to tell my dad about Christianafter this. Why did my brother have to be such a hothead?

“Beau, let’s go-we can discuss this another time when you’re more calm, okay?” I spoke as I pulled hishand, but he wasn’t planning on leaving anytime soon.

“No!” He yelled at me, but this time Matteo lost his temper. Did Beau yell at me? As if all the other stuffwasn’t enough, my twin brother yelled at me. “Don’t yell at your sister!” Matteo warned him.

“You’re doing it again?” Beau spoke, defeated. “I’m telling you about my feelings, and you’re stillmaking everything about her.”

“Then what do you want me to do?” Matteo asked. “Do you want me to tuck you into bed and to kissyou goodnight? Do you want me to read you a bedtime story?” Matteo mocked him. “Because I’msorry, but those years are over, and you have to accept that. All I’m asking is for you to find someoneelse instead of that snake!”

So it was about Isobel. The tension in this household was tiring, and I wondered whether it was evergoing to stop. Was this how crazy Christian and I looked to everyone else?

“You know, “dad, you have so much to say about Isobel, but you send me away to Fabio like a piece ofmeat-you’ve never cared for me as you’ve cared for Serena. None of you have!” Beau spoke as heglared,

at me.

“And why do you think that is!” Matteo yelled in his face. “I’ve tried to fix things with you, and I gave youeverything. All I’m asking from you is to find someone else to love. Anyone but her, do you know howthat makes us look? I can trust your sister, but I can’t trust you.”

“Serena can do everything, and you never question her decision while you create an issue out of everylittle thing I do!” Beau commented while I was still confused as to why I was even brought up in thisconversation. “And just so you know, we’re grown-ups. I don’t have to be here, and I’m not going tofollow your orders like Serena, she might be your puppy, but I’m not.”

“Don’t bring her into this. Your sister is going through a lot right now, and she never lied to me.” Matteostuck


for me as he angered Beau even more. “I can ask Serena where she went, right now, and she’ll tell methe truth!”


“I’m not breaking up with Isobel. I don’t care how much you hate me or if you want me out of your life.I’m not breaking up with her. Yes, she made mistakes-but she has learned from them, and she’s tryingto become a better person, and I’ll help her along the way. I love her. I love her more than I could ever

love you.” Beau spoke. My brother wasn’t a man of many words, but unlike me, he was very clear inwhat he


He left Matteo flustered and went through his rant without stuttering even once. If only I were able to dothat. If only I had the nerve to tell my family what I really wanted.

What I really wanted was to make up with that idiot who broke my heart so Siena’s parents could atleast be on speaking terms, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want my dad or my elder brothers to see me as ajoke. “What about your sister?” Matteo asked.

All that was written over Beau’s face was guilt, but if it was for me-he didn’t have to. I also forgave her along time ago, and she was the least of my concerns. “Serena, talk some sense into your brother!”Matteo spoke, but I couldn’t.

“I took Siena to the Lamberti’s today.” I blurted out. “Christian had to see his daughter and…I had tosee Christian.” I whispered the last part. “W-what?” Matteo muttered.

“I went along with the one day a week rule because you influenced me to do it. Christian did a lot ofthings. He even threatened us, but despite everything, he also threatened to fight for Siena, and that’sthe kind of dad I want in her life.” I spoke in one breath without meeting Matteo’s eyes. “He is willing todo something which you couldn’t. He is willing to fight for his family.”

“Serena…” Matteo whispered. I didn’t look him in the eye because I would only feel sorry.

“You’re my dad, and I do love you-but Beau is right. You were too afraid and too obsessed with yourstatus to fight for us, and that’s on you. You can’t control our lives anymore.” I told him. I was going tosay what I had to say, and this time there was no stopping me.

“Here you go, your perfect daughter.” Beau chuckled after an awkward silence. “She’s no different fromme, so I expect the same treatment.” He snarled as he walked off.

“I did not expect this from you, Serena, you’re putting your daughter in danger, and I’m reallydisappointed,” Matteo spoke. “You are disappointed in me?” I chuckled at his brave words. This manhad no shame. “Beau is right. You threw us away like dirt-but I’m putting my daughter’s life in danger?How exactly?”

I was waiting for an answer, but nothing came because there was nothing to say. I was twisted fortaking on Matteo’s and Lita’s advice while they didn’t bother looking for me for over twenty years.“Serena, I don’t want to argue with you, please, not you,” Matteo spoke, He seemed a lot more likeChristian than he thought.

“No, from now on, I want to decide how to live my life, I love you, but we are not going to do this. Havea nice day, dad.” I managed to get out and stormed off to my bedroom.

Matteo was the actual issue and had even managed to damage my relationship with Beau. I was donewith letting these people live my life. That man even got me as far as taking away Christian’s rights asa father while the both of us promised each other that Siena wouldn’t suffer.

Even when he politely asked me for my help with the ring, I turned him down because I thought about.my family’s reaction. I lost it, so it was my responsibility.

I took a deep breath and grabbed my phone to text Christian. Adding another crazy thing to the listwouldn’t even matter anymore.

I’m in. Pick me up at midnight.”

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