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Chapter 110

Chapter 110


“Who is there?” Lucio asked after hearing three knocks on the door. “It’s your favorite son!” Christiancalled out.

Lucio smiled and sat up straight. “Gio? Come in!” He joked. Christian rolled his eyes and opened thedoor to enter the bedroom. “No, it’s Enzo.” He chuckled. After hearing his son’s name, the look onLucio’s face had changed. “Then you can go again.” He spoke.

Christian sighed and walked over to the bed to hold his father’s hand. “I know you miss him a lot.”

“I don’t.” Lucio growled. “I won’t forgive him, over my dead body.”

The sound of those words was a nightmare to Christian. He did not wished to see his dad stressed andwanted him to make up with Enzo, but he also didn’t want a repeat of what happened at the Garcia’s


“Where are Serena and Siena? Are they sick of me already?” Lucio chuckled. Christian smiled backand shook his head. “I decided to come clean about my mistakes after all, so now we’re on a ‘break’whatever that’s supposed to mean.”

“Oh?” Lucio furrowed his eyebrows. “But she’s still wearing her ring, right?”

Christian smiled and thought of Serena and how thoughtful she was. She was still pissed, but she didnot want to worry Lucio-so she asked for her ring back. “Yes, she’s still wearing it-she’s just pissed, andshe wants to poke me in my eyes, but you don’t have to worry. She’ll be home next week.”

“She left home?” Lucio sighed. Christian did not want to burden his dad with this news, but the thoughtof Christian losing Serena bothered Lucio. “How are you taking it? Please tell me you’re keeping ittogether?” Lucio worried.

He knew all too well about Christian’s lousy habit and was not in the mood for a relapse. “Dad, I toldyou I’m done drinking and smoking. I have Siena now, so I have to find another way to deal with mycrap. Whether I like it or not.”novelbin

Lucio nodded his head and ruffled Christian’s hair the same way he did when he was younger. “Whatare you doing?” Christian laughed as he pushed away his hand.

“I hadn’t done that in years, I felt the need to do that at least one time before-”

“Dad, don’t do that.” Christian took a deep breath. “Don’t say stuff like that. I can’t take it when you saystuff like that. Please don’t!”

“Okay.” Lucio smiled. “If you don’t want me to say stuff like that, then I won’t say stuff like that. Let’s livein the lie you want.”

Lucio stroke the back of his hand against Christian cheek with a satisfied smile on his face. He wasworried for a while and thought Christian was going down the wrong path-but everything changed whenSiena was born. The same Christian who had always been rude, cold, and unapproachable had turnedinto a kind, warm and loving father.

Others had called Lucio to tell him Christian was weak and would fail, but Lucio jumped on everyopportunity to defend him. He did not mind him being soft. As long as he had his life together, he didnot care. “Did you bring your laptop?” Lucio asked as he pulled out his bed tray table.

“Come lay next to your father. You liked that when you were little.” Lucio smiled while Christiancrunched. his nose. “The bed you and mom made us in? No thanks.” He spoke as he pulled out a chair

and placed the laptop on the tray.

“I feel like I’m going to school again. This is ridiculous. I’m prepared-I’ve always been prepared.”Christian rolled his eyes. “I know, but I want to do this so I can go in peace-”

“Dad,” Christian warned him. He didn’t like the sound of Lucio dying and did not want to talk about it. Itwas not like in the beginning and a lot had changed. Lucio became skinnier and sicker by the day.Even though all of the Lamberti’s knew the truth-the other families did not, and it would only be a matterof time. Hiding it was not possible anymore.

It took Lucio several hours to go through everything he had ever taught his son, and he would do itagain and again until he did not have the power to speak anymore. “The Lamberti name is in yourhands, not in Gio’s hands-not in anyone else’s hands, in yours.” Lucio ended his rant.

“And I know you don’t want to hear it-but after I’m gone, you will hear of uncles and cousins who wereside-eyeing us and waiting for an opportunity. It’s not theirs, it’s yours-but grandpa will help you.” Luciopromised. “Your grandfather chose you, so he will help you.”

Lucio felt terrible for burdening Franco, who had retired a long time ago, but also Franco did not wanteverything his late father build up to go up in flames, so he would be there for Christian.

“It’ll be fine, I promise-and after that, I’ll give everything to Siena.” Christian nodded his head. His driveto continue the Lamberti businesses came from Siena. He was willing to do everything so Siena andSerena could have a good life.

“It would’ve been nice to see you get married before I completely give out-it’s so unfortunate.” Luciosighed. Christian felt terrible because he knew it was one of his dad’s biggest wishes-but he also knewhe brought it upon himself. No one told him to go and cheat on Serena, he did it all on himself, and hewas ready to take responsibility.

After seeing his father’s health, he realized not coming clean about it being Gina was for the best. Hehad a choice to tell Serena the truth, but he also had a choice to spare Lucio-and even though he lovedSerena, his first choice would’ve always been Lucio. Serena will survive, he will not, Christian thought.“So, what are your plans for today?” Lucio asked.

Christian got the hint and knew Lucio wanted him to leave. Lucio was embarrassed by his health anddidn’t want anyone to see him like this, but Christian didn’t care. “I’ll give you your yogurt and yourmedicine, and after that, I’ll get out of your hair.” Christian smiled as he opened the cup of yogurt.

“Say, ah!” Christian teased him and played with the spoon. “I’m not an infant. I’m your father.” Luciogrowled while Christian laughed. He had not closed an eye since yesterday and missed taking care ofSiena-but being able to take care of his dad made him happy. Taking care of others was his favoritething to


“I’m sorry.” Christian apologized after seeing the angry look on Lucio’s face and fed him his yogurt. “Ilove you so much, son.” Lucio suddenly smiled.

“I know. I love you too, dad.” Christian chuckled. Ramiro had prepared him for this, and unlike before,Christian knew how to handle love. It was an unknown feeling to him-but after Serena and Siena cameinto his life, that thought had changed. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you,” Lucio whispered.

“What? Don’t say that!” Christian stopped him from talking. “It’s true. The only time I spend with youwas to deal with our enemies. When you were younger, you cried, begged me to show them mercy-asked yourself why your dad was such a monster, and I’m so sorry. If I could go back in time to be abetter

father, I would.”

“I wouldn’t want another dad, even if I were born in the next life, I would still want to be a Lamberti, noweat!” Christian spoke as he shove the spoon into Lucio’s mouth. “You can go and sleep. You don’t haveto be awake for me.” Christian reassured him after he was finished.

“I’m not tired.” Lucio yawned. Christian held back his tears and rested his hand on Lucio’s forehead.His worst nightmare was for his dad to close his eyes for the last time. It was for his dad to close hiseyes, only for them not to open again. He couldn’t bear the thought of it.

Right before closing his eyes, Lucio fell into a fit of coughing and grasped for his throat, while Christianimmediately reached for a cup of water. “You’re okay. I’m here.” He whispered as he held the cupagainst Lucio’s lips.

“You’re always here.” Lucio smiled as he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep. Christian sat backto watch his dad for several hours. He did not know for how long, and he did not care, but he waswilling to look after Lucio for as long as he could.

He only left his side when Francesca came in to drag him out and he kissed his father’s head to saygoodbye.

“Is there really no way for dad to forgive Enzo?” Christian asked as he joined his mom at the kitchentable. “I don’t want them to end things like this, Enzo did a lot, but he risked his life to help us-and Iknow he and Isobel got us into this mess in the first place, but…”

“Christian, I want the same thing-but we have to think about his health” Cesca sighed. Christian lookedat the eye-bags under his mom’s eyes, but he couldn’t feel bad-he could only admire her. He knewLucio was in good hands, and he knew his mom would be taking care of him until his last breath.

Others had often said how Cecsa never cared for anything other than her handbags and that she didnot truly love Lucio, but just like Lucio, Christian knew it was a lie. There was no one else who loved hisdad as much as his mom did.

“How is my granddaughter doing?” Cesca smiled. “Good, she’s fine.” Christian sighed. All he wantedwas to take care of Siena, but he couldn’t. He could still not understand how a four-month-old babycould change his life, but he was okay with it. Siena was the first thing he thought about when he wokeup and more. precious than his life.

Siena was his life and his motivation to become a better person.

“How is Serena?” Francesca carefully addressed the situation. She heard just enough to know theywere on a break, but she did not know why. “There’s no good way to say this, but I cheated while shewas locked in a safe house,” Christian spoke.

Francesca raised her hand to slap his cheek, but she lowered it at the last second and took a deepbreath. “I cheated, and she wants to keep it between us. She’s protecting my image while she shouldn’thave to.” Christian realized.

“That’s because she’s stupid enough to love you. Trust me-I’m speaking from experience.” Francescarolled her eyes. “Listen, I’m not going to say anything else, but you better fix it,” Francesca told himwhile Christian nodded his head. “I know I used to despise that girl, but I don’t think you’ve ever lovedanyone as much as you love her. So fix it.”

“Trust me, mom, I’m on it.” Christian sighed. He was trying to ‘fix’ his mistake, but Serena gave him thecold shoulder he deserved, and he did not want to push her. Serena leaving the house was alreadyhard enough, but he did not stop her. He did not lock the doors like the old Christian would have, andlet her

go her way because he knew he had no right to do so.

“Did your dad talk to you about the Dario situation?” Cesca asked as Christian frowned his eyebrows.“No? Did something happen?”

“Never mind, if he didn’t tell you, then it’s not that important. Your dad told me he and Serena aregetting along, but you should tell her not to talk about any business-related stuff with him.” Cescaspoke.

“Serena wouldn’t do that. She doesn’t even know about all of that because I don’t tell her.” Christianchuckled. Unlike all the women from the other families, Serena did not care about anything and mindedher own business.

“Good, that Dario guy is definitely something.” Cesca chuckled. “Why, is he dangerous?” Christianimmediately asked as he worried for Serena’s safety. “Dangerous?” Cesca scoffed. “Those people areso clean it’s crazy. They’re not dangerous, but definitely a bit shady.”

“Shady, how?” Christian questioned. Francesca laughed and took a sip of her wine. “Rumor has itthey’ve been following you around ever since the whole Fabio thing and know your entire daily routine.Not just you, all of us. They even have us on camera. Turns out they knew about your dad all along,but for some reason they’re keeping that part to themselves.”

“What, I don’t understand?” Christian asked, confused while Cesca rolled her eyes. He understood asmuch as Dario keeping tabs on his life and sticking his nose where he shouldn’t.

“Your cousin Samantha got exposed for cheating on her husband with one of the guys from anotherfamily. That Dario guy send her husband a picture of the guy leaving her house.” Cesca chuckled.“Extremely embarrassing, right?” She laughed while Christian felt as if his world had fallen apart.


His first thoughts went to Serena, who was with Dario and his second thought went to Gina. If thisrumor was indeed true, it meant Dario was already aware of everything. “You came clean to Serena, sohe can’t ruin your life any more than you’ve already done so yourself. He doesn’t care about somerandom girl.” Cesca laughed and expected Christian to join in, but he didn’t and he couldn’t.

“Wait, right?” Cesca asked with a worried look on her face.

Christian was prepared for the Orlando’s and knew their ultimate goal was to stir issues and to break.alliances, but the pictures went a bit too far.

Christian buried his head between his hands and could only think of one thing, Serena.

This time Dario Orlando was one step ahead of him.

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