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Chapter 107

Chapter 107

The hours had passed, and I was still locked in my room. No one bothered me, and I was sure it wasbecause Lita most likely told them not to. Otherwise, Luis or my dad, who jumped at every opportunityto see me-would’ve said anything by now.

“Siena is asleep.” My mom whispered as she walked in with a cup of tea. It was already late, and shehad taken care of Siena for the entire evening. “I don’t know how to thank you.” I smiled and grabbedthe cup from her hands.

“I’m not doing you a favor. I’m taking care of my granddaughter-I should be the one thanking you.” Shespoke and held her hand against my check. “I’ve missed so much time with you, but Siena reminds meof you, so I feel like I can make up for it.”

“I know.” I smiled and held her hand. “And tomorrow, you can tell me the real reason why you took ofyour ring because I think there’s more going on than just a small argument.”

“Just giving you a heads up-she will probably scream during the night.” I frowned my eyebrows andavoided her question. As crazy as it might’ve sounded, I wanted this issue to remain between Christianand me.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take her-you’ve done enough for the day,” I told her. It felt nice to have someone elsetake care of her, but if it wasn’t Christian, it felt extremely uncomfortable and wrong. It made me feellike a bad mother who was neglecting her child for no good reason, while that was the last thing Iwanted.

“If you say so,” Lita spoke and kissed my forehead. “Just make sure you get some sleep.”

After Lita left, I grabbed my phone and stared at the screen, waiting for Christian to call-but he neverdid. I was the one who told him not to contact me until I was ready, but why was I desperately waitingfor

his call?

I had no one to talk to. Luna, Faith, and Olivia were too busy and no-go. I was not in the mood to hear,1 told you so, and I did not want them to badmouth him. I was the only one allowed to do that.

Falling asleep again felt like an impossible mission, but after several hours of trying. I finally managedto do it. Unfortunately, it was only for a few hours because not long after-Siena was screaming likenever


I rushed to her room to pick her up and tried to calm her down, but it wasn’t working, and it seemed asif I was only making it worse. Siena was always quiet in Christian’s arms-so whenever this happened,he would usually take care of it so I could sleep through the night.

With a crying baby in my hands, I made my way to the kitchen and prepared her bottle. I felt terribleknowing everyone in the house was probably awake by now, but I couldn’t help it. “Just work along.please.” I pleaded as if she could understand me.

“Do you need help?” Lita rushed down the stairs, but I shook my head and turned away from her. “It’smy child, and I know how to take care of my baby. I don’t need help!” I spoke annoyed as I tried toclose her


“I know. I’m just offering you help.” She sighed. “I don’t need help!” I snapped while Siena started cryingeven louder. Lita stepped back and sat down on the chair as she watched me struggle.

“Here you go!” I smiled at Siena and tried to give her the bottle, but she turned away and cried evenlouder. “Maybe it’s a bit too hot-let me help you.” Lita offered again.

“I’m not a bad mom. I know what I’m doing!” I yelled as tears left my eyes. “No, you’re not-but you’rescaring Siena, so I’ll take it from here,” Lita spoke and grabbed her from my hands.

“She’s nervous because you’re nervous, and she misses her daddy-you have to calm down,” Litaexplained and gave her the bottle. This time Siena kept quiet which made me even more insecure andwas proving my point.

I had so much to say about Christian, but at least he could take care of Siena.

“I’m sorry.” I cried and buried my face in my hands as I leaned against the wall and sank to the floor.“Sissy, what’s wrong?” Carmen called out and ran towards me, with Beau and Matteo following behindher. “What’s with the yelling, baby? I have work in the morning.” Matteo yawned.

I was a mess, and everyone could sit back and watch the show. This was embarrassing. “You guysshould go back to sleep. We got it.” Lita demanded. My eyes met Beau’s, who gave me a worried look,while Matteo listened to Lita and made his way upstairs. He had been working all day and wasprobably exhausted while I came here with a screaming baby.

Beau ignored Lita’s request and sat down next to me. “Do you want me to call Christian?” He askedwhile I broke down even more and shook my head. “No, not him-please.” I cried and leaned my headagainst his shoulder.

“Why?” Carmen asked. “It’s obvious you miss him. Just makeup with him and get over this stupidargument.”

“I agree.” Beau nodded his head. “You seem lost without him. I don’t like seeing you like this.”

“I don’t want to see him right now!” I yelled while Lita held her flinger in front of her lips. “Calm down.She’s almost sleeping!” She pointed to Siena. “I’m sorry,” I whispered and wiped away my tears, butthey were never-ending.

This was all Christian’s fault. Why did he have to hurt ine over and over again? Why couldn’t we be ahappy family?

“Dad hates me.” I sobbed while Beau and Carmen both denied my accusations. “He doesn’t. I’ll talk tohim. later he didn’t mean it like that.” Lita reassured me. He probably did, and he was right. I also didnot have an answer to his question.

Whenever Christian was near, she stopped crying, so why couldn’t she do the same with me? Was Inot good enough as a parent?

“Give me one good reason why I should not call Christian, and I’ll leave you alone,” Beau spoke. I tooka deep breath, but the words just couldn’t leave my mouth.

“You shouldn’t call him because you shouldn’t call him, and he’s asleep, and I don’t need him,” Imumbled through my tears. “I did not understand a word from what you’ve just said.” He smiled andwiped away my tears while Carmen did the same.

Beau taking care of me was already embarrassing enough, but a sixteen-year-old doing the same wasdevastating. “I know you’re usually not like this-and I don’t know what happened between you andChristian, but you can’t go on like this!” Lita spoke. “I want you to think about Siena. In every decisionyou make, I want you to think about how it will affect her.”

I scoffed at Lita’s words. It was easy for her to say. It was easy for everyone else to say. “Trust me, Iam.”

“And how is it working out?” Lita glared at me. “I’ll take her back to bed. We can discuss this whenyou’re

“She’s not angry, just worried-we all are,” Carmen told me after Lita had disappeared. “You haven’t leftyour room the entire day, did not eat anything, did not drink anything-just tell us what happened so wecan fix it.”

“You can’t fix it. I can’t even fix.

Not even an apology could for this.

“Did he put his hands on you?” Beau asked. “Because I kill him!”

“No!” I rolled my eyes at Beau. I really could not tell them anything. They were all so aggressive, andnone of them listened. “We’ve just decided to end things. There’s nothing left to fix.”

“What do you mean? I thought it was a break?” Beau questioned.

“But why?” Carmen continued. She just couldn’t take a hint. “You guys were so happy last week. Don’tyou

love him?”

“Do you think he loves me?” I asked sarcastically. He had a fantastic way of showing it.novelbin

“Yes, he loves you, and anyone can see that. He loves you and Siena so much-so please call him sothe two of you can fix this. You look miserable!”

“No, I don’t.” I sobbed and tried my hardest to remain strong. “Serena, what happened?” Carmensighed. I moved my eyes to Beau, who could not take a hint..

“Girl stuff, do you mind?” Carmen commented. Beau looked taken aback and shook his head. “No, ofcourse not-do what you have to do.” He smiled and kissed my forehead. “I’ll see you in the morning.okay?”

“So, spill?” Carmen whispered once he left. “Christian cheated,” I told Carmen before I was hit withthousand questions.



With who?

“Not now.” I sighed while Carmen caressed my hair. “That asshole, he seemed to love me so much,and he was all about me-and in the end, it was all an act.” I scoffed.

“It wasn’t.” Carmen defended him. She shouldn’t have protected him-and he didn’t deserve it, butsomehow she did it. “Christian is not the same person he used to be. You know that.”

“I know, that’s the worst feeling because I want to hate him-and it shouldn’t be an excuse.” I cried. “Buthe’s changed so much since Siena is born, and I really can’t live without him, and Siena can’t either.”

“You’re right. It’s no excuse, but anyone can tell he loves you-”

“So I should forgive him?” I asked, hoping she would push me not to. My friends would’ve told me tokeep my pride and to dump him, and that was initially my plan-but I was a mess without him. I knew itwasn’t right to depend on a man-but I was not even capable of taking care of Siena on my own.

He was my support, and I was his support. We made a perfect team.

“I’m not saying you should forgive him-but you obviously have a lot to say-you should at least meet upwith him.” Carmen said.

“You’re younger but wiser. This is embarrassing.” I smiled. She was right. I still had a lot to get of mychest and left in a hurry without saying what I had to say. My head was all over the place, and it didn’tdo any good to Siena. “You’re still the prettier sister.” Carmen smiled back.

“Call him right now.” She suggested. “R-right now?” I stuttered. “It’s 3 AM?“

“So?” Carmen chuckled. “I’m sure he’s just as much as a mess as you are. He can’t survive a day withyou. and Siena. You know that.”

“I know.” I sighed. Carmen was right, and even if it wasn’t for me-I had to do it for Siena. I told him 1would contact him whenever I was ready, but being in the state I was in-I would never be.

There was only one thing left for me to do, and that was to call Christian, so we could at least endthings on a good note.

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