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Chapter 105

Chapter 105

“Chrissie!” I called out while Siena tried to do the same. “You can’t even talk yet. What are you doing?”I laughed as I picked her up..

“She’s in a good mood” Christian chuckled and leaned against the door. “Yes, she’s in a better moodthan

you are.”

“Serena, we have to talk” He spoke with a serious look on his face. “Are you mad about the Dario thingagain? It’s tomorrow-I was just hanging out with the girls and took a walk with my parents.” I reassuredhim and kissed Siena.

“Look, she even happier today!” I told him before I walked towards him and handed her over. “She isHe spoke dryly and ignored her while she tried her hardest to get his attention. “What’s wrong with youtoday!” I scoffed and took her from his arms.

“Anyway, she needs to eat, and she needs to take a nap-I don’t know what’s wrong today, but you haveto get over it, okay?” I smiled and walked past him as I made my way to the stairs.

The glow he used to have had vanished just like that. He wasn’t the same ball of happiness he hadbeen for the past months, and it had been like this for a few days.

I understood the unfortunate situation with his father, but that was no reason to treat Siena like that.

After I gave Siena her bottle, I laid her down for a nap and made my way to Christian’s office. If hewouldn’t cheer up himself, I would help him.

“Tell me what’s wrong-it’s boring without you.” I barged into the office without knocking on the door andslumped down in the chair.

Christian took a deep breath and closed his laptop before looking up with a sad look on his face.“What’s wrong with you?” I laughed at him. “Did you go bankrupt?”

“Serena, we need to talk.” He sighed as he stared into my eyes. “I know, that’s why I came here-what’sit this time.” I smiled, thinking about the options.

Would he be jealous again?novelbin

Would it be because I took Siena today?

“Serena, before I tell you this-you have to know that I love you so much and that I never planned onhurting you.” Christian began. “I need you to know that I don’t think I’ve ever loved anyone as much as Ilove you and Siena and there’s no one else for me.”

My heart sunk at his words, and every bit of hope had left my body. These were definitely no goodwords. to start any conversation.

“What’s it?” I nervously asked as I prepared myself for the worst.

Was he going to break up with me?

“Christian, what’s it?” I asked him with a devastated look on my face. Christian gave me a sympatheticlook. and took a deep breath while I was eagerly waiting for his next words. “Serena” Christian sighed.

“A while back, while you were in the safehouse, I made a stupid mistake, and there’s no excuse forwhat I’m about to tell you.” He spoke right before he took a deep breath.

“Please don’t tell me you cheated, anything but that.” I stopped him from talking and hoped for the best,but the look on his face said otherwise. “I’m sorry.” He whispered and reached out to hold my hand

“When, with who?” I asked, startled. It felt as if my soul had left my body, and I had no idea how toprocess this news. “I don’t understand. I’m lost.”

“Cheated as in talking to someone else, kissed someone else, or slept with someone else?” I asked asI got up from the chair. I didn’t even know why I asked that question because it wouldn’t matter.

“I’m sorry.” He spoke once again and stepped from behind the desk while I took a step back. “I askedyou a question.”

“Was it the night you went clubbing? The night I told you to have fun?” I asked calmly while I still waitedfor a clear answer. Christian avoided my gaze and looked anywhere but my eyes. “It was, wasn’t it?”

“If you’re saying. I’m sorry, again, I will kill you. I need answers!” I raised my voice at him. “You sleptwith someone else while I was pregnant, locked in a safehouse, and you’re only telling me this now,after deceiving me and promising me a future together, yes or no?”

“Yes,” Christian admitted and took a step forward. “I did, and I’m so sorry, and I know that I’m a terribleperson and that I don’t deserve you-”

“I don’t want to hear it. Here’s your ring.” I sighed and pulled it from my finger. I was not going to argue.I was not going to fight back-1 wasn’t going to do any of that. “Serena, please don’t do this.” Christianpleaded.

“Take your ring. We’re done.” I told him before I pushed it into his hands. “And just so you know, I’mleaving, don’t follow me.”

I stormed out of his office and made my way to our bedroom while he followed me and called out myname. “I told you not to follow me!” I yelled at him as I made my way to the closet.

“Serena, let’s talk about it,” Christian spoke, but I pulled my suitcase out of the closet and pushed him.aside. “I don’t want to talk to you.”

“If we’re going to talk about it right now, I will kill you, so I’m not going to talk about it, now move!” Iyelled as I pulled everything I could out the closet and threw it in my


“I’m taking Siena with me.” I informed him after I managed to close the suitcase and pushed it out ofthe room. “No, you’re not!” Christian spoke and placed his hand on top of the suitcase. “Yes, I am-move.”

“No, look at yourself-you’re not in the right state of mind!” He spoke as he pushed away my hand. “Youcheated on a pregnant woman, but I’m not in my right state of mind?” I questioned him and grabbed thesuitcase from his hands. “I carried Siena for months, I’m her mom-so I will take her!”

“You’re right. I’m sorry.” Christian apologized and moved in front of me to stop me from walking. “Letme at least help you.”

I rolled my eyes as he followed me to Siena’s room and picked her up. “So, when are you comingback?” He asked me while I frowned my eyebrows. “I told you we’re done.”

“What do you mean, done?” Christian asked. He was genuinely confused, and it angered me evenmore. How could he not know the consequences of his actions? “Done as in there’s no us and there’sno coming back, we’re done.”

“It’s fine. I’ll give you all the time you need.” Christian nodded his head. “I’ll give you all the time you

need, just don’t give up on me-that’s all I’m asking.”

“I don’t need any time. We’re done” I spoke and reached for Siena, but he pushed away my hand. “Iask Vernon to take you wherever you want to go Come on.”

1 scoffed and glared at him.” I can’t even look at you-you disgust me.”

Christian took Siena downstairs and walked to Vernon while I followed him with my suitcase. “Youdidn’t pack anything for Siena-”

“I don’t care. I need to get the hell away from you.” 1 glared at him. He was right, I didn’t pack anythingfor Siena, but that was okay. All I wanted was for him to get out of my sight.

“Yes, I understand.” Christian sighed. If he had only listened before.

“Vernon, please take her wherever she wants to go and make sure she’s safe,” Christian spoke.Vernon had a confused look on his face and looked from me to Christian. “No questions, please.”Christian sighed.

“Sure,” Vernon replied and grabbed the suitcase from his hands. “What’s wrong? Don’t you wantanyone to know you’re a cheater?” I chuckled at him. “I’ll contact you to see Siena whenever I feel likeit, but I don’t want anything to do with you for a while.”

“Serena, I’m sorry.” Christian apologized, but I could absolutely not hear another apology again. “Don’tapologize to me. Apologize to Siena.”

Christian looked down at Siena, who was still fast asleep in his arms, and kissed her forehead.“Serena, please promise me you won’t take her away from me.”

“Take her away?” I frowned my eyebrows. “Christian, I grew up without a family-I would never dosomething like that, you know that!”

“Yes, yes, I know,” Christian spoke in defense. “I mean, I want to believe that you know that-but there’sclearly a lot you don’t know about me.” I spoke and pointed my head to Siena’s car seat. “Time’s up.”

Christian took a deep breath and took a minute with Siena before he buckled her up in her car seat andshifted his attention to me. “If you know what’s best for you, you won’t look at me.” I lowered my headand did my best not to look at him.

Looking at him would only make me feel sorry for the decision I made, and I did not want that. I had todo what was best for Siena and could not forgive him.

“Serena…” Christian took a step forward and wrapped his arms around me. I was in a battle withmyself and leaned in to hold him, but just as fast as I held him, I realized what I was doing and pushedhim away. “No, you can’t fix this!”

“I’m sorry.” He whispered. Christian letting me go my own way and not trying to stop me was enough toprove that he

that he was aware of his disgusting behavior. I knew what I had to do, and there was nothing left to say.There was nothing to cry about.

Vernon, who looked back and forth from me to Christian, seemed extremely uncomfortable. “Are youokay?” He asked me while I nodded my head. “Fine, let’s go.” I smiled at Vernon to reassure him andgot in the car without giving Christian another glance.

“So where to?” Vernon asked without asking any questions.

It was a spontaneous decision, but I decided to go to the people who would ask me the least questions.I

was not in the mood to discuss everything and still needed some time to process everything.

“To my parents.”

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