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I snap my head up, meeting Beatrice's burning gaze. She appears amused yet it's so clear in her eyesthat she's lying intentionally to snitch on me. I feel my throat tighten, my breathing becoming restricted.The rest of the class are now glancing between Beatrice and I, waiting for the explosion to happen.

Will I stand up for myself or will Beatrice win as she usually does?

"Is Beatrice telling the truth?" The teacher sighs, her hand still outstretched ready for my phone.Beatrice is challenging me with her narrow beady eyes, waiting to see whether I'll stick up for myself ornot. I tear my eyes away from her, squaring my shoulders up bravely. I won't let her win.

"No I wasn't texting, I'm aware of the rules. I was checking the time, I swear."

I can practically see Beatrice seeping with anger from the corner of my eyes but I will myself to keepmy back turned on her. The teacher glances between Beatrice and I one last time before she sighs anddrops her hand.novelbin

"Very well but if I catch a glimpse of it again, I will confiscate it Bella."

I nod quickly, letting her know I understand. At least she knows my name now . . . I slump back in mychair in relief, grateful to have the attention diverted away from me. I spend the remaining part of thelesson trying to avoid catching Beatrice's burning stare.


The bell rings and I stand up, grabbing my books and putting them inside my bag. As usual I wait a littlelonger before leaving the classroom so the students can disappear out of the corridors. The second Istep outside, I'm surrounded by three girls . . . Beatrice & Co.

Beatrice towers over me and her two friends stand on either side of me, keeping me trapped. From thelook on Beatrice's face, she's very angry at me.

"What is your problem mute? I can feel you glaring at me all day." She hisses, closing the spacebetween us.

"I d-don't have a problem with you. Can't you just leave me alone?" I whisper, hating the way my voicebecame so mouse-like around her. Her lips curl up into a sneer and she takes another step forward,her heels clicking against the floor.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to?"

I feel myself beginning to shake in fear, I hate confrontation. Beatrice continues to take steps towardsme until I'm cornered between the wall and a locker. I have nowhere to go. Being confined in smallspaces limits the amount of oxygen filling my lungs and I can feel panic begin to settle in.

"Let me go, I need to go." I plead with her, my voice trembling. I don't want to have a panic attack infront of Beatrice and her friends, not here. Beatrice scoffs, her eyes running down my body and backup again.

"Weren't you wearing the same clothes yesterday? Oh my god, you're disgusting!" She teases, holdingher nose and wafting the air in front of her. Multiple students pass us and choose not to help despiteseeing the terrified expression plastered across my face. I guess I'm not good enough or popularenough to defend.

"It's a different hoody." I answer her, my eyes glued to the floor. My hands begin to tremble by my sideand I force myself to remain calm despite it becoming increasingly difficult to breathe.

"Do you always shop in the boys section?" Beatrice asks me, giggling at her own joke. Her friends oneither side of me burst into laughter on cue and I feel fresh tears prick the back of my eyes. I bite theinside of my cheek, forcing myself to block out their laughter. It doesn't work and the sound continuesto ring inside my ears mockingly.

"Oh my god, she's going to cry. Look at her girls, she's turning into a crying mess." Beatrice scoffs,flicking my cheek with her pointy acrylic nails. Her floral perfume invades my senses and I squirm,backing up into the wall. The dull ache in my body begins to throb and I let out a small whimper,clutching it with my hand. At this point I'm beginning to breathe in short little pants, desperate foroxygen to relieve my strained lungs.

Beatrice's eyes widen at my distress and before I know it, she's disappeared from my view. I finallyhear the click clack of her heels descend down the corridor. . I let out a deep breath, feeling like I canbreath once again. The pain in my side continues to throb and I close my eyes, grateful that thecorridors are beginning to empty.

I don't know how long I remain slumped against the wall, grateful to gather my thoughts in the silencewhilst I have the chance. The thought of going to my next lesson causes my stomach to stir and Igroan, doubling over slightly.

"Hey, are you feeling okay?"

The voice is low, lined with concern. I quickly snap open my eyes and when they land on the personstanding in front of me, my mouth drops open too.

Brody Baxter.

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