His eternal love

Chapter 8
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Chapter 8

Aadhya's pov

I'm waiting for the time that will come and make my life hell..

Suddenly someone came to my room.. And I see my friend Rai has come to meet me..

" Aadhya you know you can still elope from here. I will help you" she said...novelbin

"and I told you I'm marrying him with my consent.. I don't want to elope." I said.

"cut the crap Aadhya were childhood friends what you think I don't know that you love Akshar vai andthat's why you never call him vai.." she said make me shocked

"please shut up you know na today Is his wedding also so don't make a fuss about it.." I said

"OK do whatever you want to do but believe me you will regret your decision" she said

"I know I will regret my decision" I thought in my mind

"OK now put this chain in your neck it's my late maternal grandma's chain" she said giving me apendant

"but your maternal grandma is alive right?"I asked in confusion

" yes she is but she is not my real grandma.. My maternal grandma and my grandma were friends..

And my grandmother who is alive is my mom's aunt and my real grandma's friend also. my realgrandmother died when my mom was 2 years old" she said

" OK but why are you giving me this? It's your grandma's you should take care of it.. "I said

" yes but you're like my sister so I'm giving it to you.. I don't know why but I want to give it to you.. "shesaid

" OK I will wear it with other things I will never remove it"I said and put the chain in my neck

Suddenly my head started to spin.. And I saw some images of a girl getting married forcefully then sheis getting raped..

"Aadhya are you ok?" she asked

"yes I'm OK just my head starts to spin that's it" I said not wanting to tensed her

"Now I need to go. I don't want to see my friend's life getting destroyed with my own eyes," she saidand left me alone.

After some time Asmita came back and we started talking but I can't forget the images I saw in mymind sometimes ago..

And then the time came when they came to take us for the wedding..

I was nervous not for this marriage but after it I needed to leave my house.. And go with him...

Soon the priest started the rituals.. And the time came when he put the sindoor(vermilion) on my hairpartition..

We started with varmala then saptpadi and then He put vermilion in my hair partition and I becameAadhya veer Roy from Aadhya sengupta..

With this my love also belongs to someone else.. They're also married.. I need to be loyal to myhusband after all he has Married me ..

"welcome to my world wifey.. You know what I was waiting for this day to come and it came and nowyou're mine.. Mrs. Aadhya veer Roy sounds perfect" he said slowly in my ear

"Listen carefully Mr. Roy I will never accept you as my husband never in my life.." I said and went totake blessings from my parents and relatives..

He also follows me.. And take blessings..

And here comes the bidai part. I need to leave my home and Asmita also needs to leave her home tocome here..

I'm not sad that I will miss my parents.. I don't care about them anymore.. They did what they wanted.now I will do what I want..

"mom dad I will never forgive you both.. I will never come here again if my life depends on it.. You willregret every second when you will know the life I'm leading.. Maybe you don't care about me that's whyyou did it but one day you will regret your decision mark my words.. "I said while crying

Me and Asmita both are crying like there is no Tomorrow..

But then veer give me a tug on our gathbandhan (a bond that made by groom and brides dress)

I know he is silently saying to stop this drama..

I stopped crying and saw my house for the last time. Because I will not come here ever till my lastbreath.. Now I need to leave it and go with this devil..

We sat in his car and Ragini Di also Came with us much to my relief..

The ride is silent till Ragini Di decides to break it...

"so boudi (sister in law) how are you feeling now? I know you're sad but don't worry about it.. I will beyour sister not sister in law. And dada(brother) will also take care of you.. You will take care of her rightdada ? " she said

And veer nodded his head in positive.. Such a liar...

"yes Ragini di I know you will be my sister. I hope you will be everything I need in my sister.." I said

Then after some talking with her I understood that she is really good not like her brother...

We reached there I mean from now my home..

Well did I mention it's a freaking mansion..

One can get lost in this place if they don't know their way..

We are about to enter the house Ragini did ask us to stop here and she goes inside..

I was standing with him and his hands around my waist.. Can't this man take his hands to himself...

I was about to remove his hand but his grip became painful like he is giving me a warning to removehis hands.. So I didn't do anything..

Ragini di came with a plate that contains alta and milk (alta is a red liquid that women use in their feet..Mostly married women do it) and place it in front of me.. And she also placed a kalash filled with rice..

I kicked the kalash and then I placed my feet in it and entered the house leaving my footprints on awhite Saree according to bengali tradition..

Then Ragini di took me to his I mean our room..

The room is decorated with flowers.

" Why is this room decorated so much? "I asked

Ragini's di's face became red.. She stammered "boudi (sil) it..s it..s yo..ur wed..ding nigh..t..Tod..ay.."she said

" then realisation hit me oh shit its our wedding night. No in hell I'm going to let him touch me.."Ithought

" Ragini di can I get a separate room I don't want to stay here.. You know your brother forced me tomarry him please help me I don't want to stay with him.. "I pleaded

" boudi (sil) I know what dada (brother) did to you.. Belive me he has a reason to do it but I can't tellyou the reason.. I'm sorry boudi (sil) but I can't help you in this.. But believe me I will take care of you.."Ragini di said and started crying

" Ragini di please don't cry I know you're also helpless I'm sorry I shouldn't ask you this "I said

Ragini di is about to say something but the devil aka my husband Mr. Roy came and ask" what ishappening here? Why are you crying Ragini? Did Aadhya say something to you? "

" No dada (brother) she didn't say anything. I just got emotional after so long when someone came intoour life.. That's why I was crying nothing else.. Now I will leave you both in privacy.. Bye and goodnight.. "Ragini di said and leave me with my husband

" so my wifey finally we're alone.. Let's celebrate our wedding night.. By giving up your virginity to me..Like other couples do "he said


Word glossary......

Dada- means brother in bengali

Boudi - means sister in law in bengali.

Keep this meaning in mind it will be used in the story..

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