His Dark Obsession

Chapter 75
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His Dark Obsession By Moonlight Muse Chapter 75

75. Blood Play


She tastes divine. The feel of her lips against mine is an addiction, something that keeps pulling me formore. Her jealousy only adds to how hot she looks. I like seeing her voice whatever bothers her andeven more when it’s her possessiveness of me. Knowing that its her staking her claim satisfies me.

I kiss her hard, ravishing her mouth with my tongue as I rip off whatever item of clothing she’s wearingfrom her perfect body. She gasps when her breasts are free of their confinements. Moving back, I tearher pants off too, appreciating her a*s in those tiny panties before they too are gone, leaving her lyingthere entirely naked, an image of perfection.

I grab her breasts, enjoying the feel of her large, firm breasts in my hand, her nipples already hard asshe sighs with pleasure. The urge to taste her blood is calling me…

It can be pleasurable if she allows me to, even if it is f*cking taboo…

“Tell me Beautiful… do you trust me?” I ask, breaking away from her lips as I run my tongue over herear and down her neck.

A soft moan escapes her and she nods.

“Words…” I murmur, as I squeeze her breasts.

“Yes. I do…” She whispers, tugging my head up and staring into my eyes. “Why?”

“I want to have a taste. You’ve teased me enough…” I run my hands over her waist and hip before

returning to her breasts. “And I can’t get that scent or taste out of my mind.” I say as I suck on her neckslowly, twisting her nipple in my finger teasingly.

Her heart is racing in excitement, but she’s considering it.

“OK.” She whispers and I smirk, my eyes flashing and as much as I want to bite into her neck and tasteher blood, I’m going to play….

I make my way down her body, kissing and touching every inch of her body, not leaving any partuntouched as I worship the body that I’m going to devour in more ways than one tonight.

I reach her p*ssy but instead of devouring it as she parts her legs, I flip her onto her stomach beforepulling off my own top and throwing it to the ground.

Kissing her over her shoulder and down her back as I play with her breasts from behind. She wrigglesbeneath me, her arousal only making the hunger within me rise. I pepper kisses down her back,running my tongue between her a*s. A satisfied moan leaves her and I squeeze her a*s before makingmy way up her back again.

This time I pause, letting my claws come out and create a single cut along her spine from her neck,stopping just above her a*s.

Her heart’s pounding but she doesn’t pull away, as she lays there, her head resting on her arms.

I lick my lips, relishing in the three scents that I f*cking love the most. Her own, which has become myobsession, the smell of her arousal that intoxicates me and the sweet scent of her rich blood that bringsout the hunger within me.


I run my tongue along my lips as I massage her p*ssy, slowly licking her between her a*s up to wherethe blood has begun trickling down between them.

A low growl escapes me as I run my tongue up her spine, licking up every drop as her wound begins to


“How was that?” I ask her quietly, kissing her neck.

“I liked it.” She whispers, and I can feel her cheek heat up at her admittance.

“Perfect,” I whisper, getting off her. I walk to the draw and take out a small dagger, spinning it in myhand as I turn and look at the woman on the bed.

I hesitate, remembering her nightmare of me killing her.

She’s rolled over onto her back, her eyes on me as I place the knife down on the edge of the bed andslowly remove my pants. Her eyes flash as they look me over, and she licks her lips with desire. I pickup the knife and her gaze falls on it.

I get on one knee on the bed, wrapping my other hand around her neck and kiss her softly.

“The only time I will ever cause you pain will be that which is connected to pleasure… remember that.” Isay quietly, looking into those hazel eyes. She nods, her hand wrapping around my wrist as shereaches over and kisses me.

“I know.” She replies.

For a second, her aura darkens, her eyes flashing black, but it’s not for long as her light energy exudesfrom her, and I slowly push her back onto the bed.

Things are about to get messy…

I place the knife to the centre of her breasts, keeping my eyes locked with hers as I break the skin,running the blade down to her pubic bone. I glance up at her but her eyes are shut as she sensuallyparts her legs. I run my knife lower until it reaches her p*ssy, stopping when I reach her lips. I squeezethem together, letting her blood spill over them.

So f*cking beautiful…

“F*ck Zed…” She whimpers. I lean over her, kissing those lips before I make my way down, staringfrom between her breasts, lapping up all the blood.

Intense pleasure courses through me and the urge for more only grows. Her moans and whimpers ofpleasure only fuel me as I don’t let even a drop go to waste. Reaching her p*ssy, which is now stainedat pretty red, I run my tongue over every inch before I plunge my tongue into her hot core. The taste ofblood mixing with her juice makes me growl and I slip my tongue out and twirl it along her c*it as Ishove two fingers into her.

She cries out as I move back and with the knife, create a deeper cut along her lower stomach. The redliquid stains her cream skin in the most beautiful way… I toss the knife down, pressing my hand aboveher wound and let the blood pour out faster.

She whimpers as she arches her back, and the liquid leaks down between her thighs and over herp*ssy.

“That’s it, baby…” I growl, smearing the blood over her stomach.

“F*ck Zedkiel…” She whimpers as I continue to f*ck her with my fingers, my own hands are covered inher blood and I go down on her again, licking up all the blood that is running over her p*ssy and thighsbefore I begin my assault on her c*it. She cups the back of my head, pushing me against her, hermoans becoming louder.

I’m f*cking lost in her too. The pleasure is far too intense not to consume me. I can feel Zerachiel’semotions, and his satisfaction in seeing her like this.

“I’m going… Ah, f*ck!… oh…” She trails off, saying something incoherent as I feel her tighten aroundmy fingers. A scream of euphoria leaves her as her juices squirt from her, mixing with the blood. Theperfect

c*cktail of the two most delicious tastes ever. Her back arches and she lets go of my head, gripping thesheets beneath us as she rides out her release.

I move back, still f*cking her with my fingers as I admire her.

She’s beautiful… that expression on her face as she’s lost in the throes of pleasure is breathtaking… Islip my fingers out massaging her p*ssy and leaning over, I kiss her, plunging my tongue which iscoated with her juices into her mouth.

“Taste yourself, Baby… you’re f*cking delicious.” I murmur.

She whimpers as she slowly pushes me onto my back. “My turn.” She whispers.

I c*ck a brow, not arguing when she wraps her hand around my c*ck. She’s still trembling from her ownrelease, as she runs her hand along my shaft, about to run her tongue along the tip when I stop her.

“Come here,” I groan as pleasure rushes through me at her touch, like electrifying sparks of ecstasy.

She pouts and I smirk as I sit up, making her turn and lift her on top of me.

“Oh, goddess…” She moans, her face is now level with my c*ck as her s*xy a*s is in front of mine.

I hold back a groan when she wraps her mouth around my c*ck, sending pleasure rushing through melike a f*cking explosion. For a moment I can’t focus on anything but the way this feels… I squeeze her

a*s before massaging her p*ssy.

e’s f*cking good. She finds her rhythm pretty fast, the natural instinct clear in the way she’s driving mef*cking crazy by running her tongue along every inch before she wraps those lush lips around the tip.

“That’s it, Baby, you got this.” I groan, my own finger rubbing her c*it before I begin eating her out.

She moans, her mouth still stretched around my c*ck.

Ah f*ck…

I’m so f*cking close, and I begin meeting her thrusts, at the same time plunging my tongue into hercore.

“I’m near…” I growl, as she speeds up and I reach down, grabbing the back of her head and shovingher down on my c*ck.

The s*xy sounds of her slurping and choking on my d*ck are a f*cking turn-on. I’m on the edge,hanging on the brink of pure f*cking ecstasy and then I’m tipped over and I slam down her throat,releasing my load into her as she gags, pulling back, her hands pumping my c*ck until it becomesflaccid in her hold as I release every last drop.

“F*ck.” I curse, my heart still racing from the aftermath of my release. I s*ank her a*s, lifting her off meand turning her. I tilt her pretty face up.

She’s a hot mess, from the smudges of blood that are all over her body, the h**keys and my milkywhite. c(m that managed to get on her neck and chest. She licks those raw red lips clean as she looksat me with lust and love, like a good little princess waiting to be praised.

“You’re a natural… I f*cking loved that.” I murmur huskily.

“That was delicious.” She murmurs.

“F(ck yeah it was.” I say pulling her onto my lap as I begin kissing and sucking on her neck.

I’m already hardening under her. She grinds against me, moaning as she reaches down and wraps herhand around my semi-hard shaft.

“F*ck me Zed.” She begs, kissing my jaw as she guides my c*ck inside her, moaning in satisfaction asshe begins to ride me without even having to be told.

I can’t help but smirk at her confidence as I tug her head back roughly and look down at her bouncingt*ts.

She braces her hands behind her on my thighs as she continues to hold her rhythm. I run my hand upher stomach, letting what remnant of blood there’s left, rub over her breasts as I fondle them, beforewrapping my arm around her waist, the other tangling into her hair as I yank her head to the side andsink my teeth into her neck, on the opposite side to where her mark would sit…

She lets out a moan, one that blends with my own. I’m unable to hold it back… as the delicious hotliquid. fills my mouth. Pleasure and strength rejuvenating me. This This is f*cking better than I couldhave imagined.

I’m f*cking hard as I thrust into her, slow and deep, each time I’m burying myself deep into her as shemeets me, grinding down onto my c*ck. Her nails dig into my shoulders, her moans getting louder. Theillicit sound only driving me crazier.novelbin

I no longer have control over this. The pleasure combined of f*cking and drinking from her heightensand I’m so f*cking close. So is she; I can feel her walls clamping around my d*ck.

And the moment her release hits her, I slam into her hard and fast, releasing my own load into her andcoating her walls. It takes all my willpower to pull away from her neck, but I do, kissing her neck and

shoulder as we both get our breath back. 3

That was f*cking heaven… 1

She locks her arms around my neck, and I press my forehead to hers as we stay there, I’m still burieddeep inside of her, our hearts pounding, panting for air, our noses brushing against the others, therefreshing aftermath of our lovemaking consuming us.

“I may not know what it means to love… but if it means doing anything to protect them, to see themhappy


you would kill for them and even die for them… want to be with them every passing minute of each day,to fall asleep with them by your side and awake every morning to their smile… Then I’m definitely inlove with you, Evangeline… somehow… without even knowing it I’m yours.” 13

Her eyes meet mine, her heart thumping wildly, her emotions clear in those gorgeous eyes before abeautiful smile graces her face and her lips mould against mine in a burning kiss as she murmurs thewords that hold so much power within them.

“I love you too, Zedkiel… I do with all my heart and soul…”

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