His Dark Obsession

Chapter 3
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His Dark Obsession By Moonlight Muse Chapter 3

3. A Shock

EVANGELINE. I walked through the crowds, thanking people for coming and for their gifts. They werepleasant to me, because Grandmother Philomena had eyes everywhere. After a while whenGrandmother Philomena left the room, I walked over to the refreshment table and helped myself to arefreshing iced drink. I was so disappointed that Sinclair wasn’t here… he promised me. “Evangeline.” Iturned to look at the group of she-wolves who had approached me. They were all older than I was, intheir early twenties, and luckily, they weren’t some of my bullies. I could see Celia across the room,talking avidly, or more like showing off to the others. But she was a high-ranked she-wolf after all. Imove a little further over, hoping they want to help themselves to food and not bother with small talk.“Hello.” I said, smiling politely at the women in front of me. Two of these were of Alpha blood, and Ilowered my head in submission. “Where’s Sinclair?” One of them asked, helping herself to a drink. I sipmy drink, quickly. “I don’t really know. I’m sorry.” I said, looking around. Another two rolled their eyes,whilst one of them shook her head. “Can you call him? We were really hoping he’d be here.” My handsbegin to tremble with nervousness, my eyes darting around. It was no surprise they were here for him.No one showed up for me, only him, and now I was wasting their time. Another reason for them todislike me, yet still my eyes burned at the back, knowing the one person I thought would never let medown did. Sinclair broke his promise. “I’m afraid I don’t know where he’ll be.” I mumbled, feelingawful. “Obviously, you’re just an omega. She doesn’t have any right to call him Katya.” “So we came forno reason…” Katya murmured. “I’m sorry. Excuse me…” I said politely, trying not to let my emotionsshow. It hurt when they said that… I was a person with feelings… I get it; no one wanted to come to myparty. I didn’t either. Unable to handle more of their snide comments and judgy eyes, I excused myself,no one really cared, carrying on with their conversations without even sparing me a glance. “Great. Icame here for him.” I heard one of them complain to the others. “Same, why else would we attend anOmega’s party.” A third whispered. “Shush, you don’t want Lady Philomena to hear you.” I left the halldisheartened. I wanted Sinclair here too. He promised me, but I hadn’t seen him since last night atall… Entering the bathroom, I felt disappointed. He said he’d be here… I looked in the mirror. Staring

back at me was a woman who looked beautiful in a red gown, with black hair, tawny grey eyes, andpale skin, with a dusting of freckles over my slender nose and cheeks. I had more meat on me than theaverage woman. I prodded the top of my arm, very consciously aware of the curve of fat there. Evenmy cheeks weren’t refined… I am of age now but… I didn’t have a wolf; would it make a difference tohim? Is that why he wasn’t here? I had grown up around Sinclair, and over the years, the admiration Ifelt for him soon changed to something more… I had even dressed up in the dress he purchased forme without complaint. Even put makeup on tonight too, hoping he’d realise I wasn’t just the little omegagirl he had saved. I fixed my hair, smoothing my dress, before I slipped out of the bathroom, knowingthat Grandmother Philomena wouldn’t be happy if I was gone for long. Walking down the hall, Ihesitated, really not wanting to return to the room of young women who didn’t want to be aroundme. Silently I turned and walked towards the garden, I could use some fresh air. The best part of beingan omega was that your presence wasn’t noticed. “…Aeron I assure you, we need her gone.”Grandmother Philomena’s voice came. It was filled with irritation and warning, and I froze, unsure ofwhat was going on. But something told me this was not a conversation I should be listening inon. Wasn’t the Alpha meant to be out for work? Should I leave? “Mother, I understand, but are youcertain?” “Of course I am son, Sinclair’s eyes have been on her for a while now… and I fear it might bemore than just a sexual attraction.” “I don’t know, I can’t get my head around that. Evangeline is-” I wasabout to tiptoe away when I froze, hearing my name, placing a hand to my chest. “A beautiful youngwoman, and as much as I wouldn’t care if Sinclair kept her as his, on the side. An emotionalattachment to an omega is dangerous. She needs to go.” There was finality in the old Luna’s voice, andI wondered if Alpha Aeron would agree. Terror began seeping into me as I waited, with bated breath forhis reply. He wouldn’t agree… right? That pause felt like an eternity. “You’re right, he is the only heir Ihave… I will have Evangeline gone soon. But do not speak a word to her, I will do it myself.” “Good andmake haste. You know the charm of these Omegas.” She added distastefully. It took everything in meto not break down. My world was crashing down just when I thought my birthday couldn’t get anyworse. “Yes, so I’m assuming you have potential women lined up for him?” “Yes, ones that will makeideal Lunas.” my stomach sinks further and my eyes burn viciously. My heart was thundering as I

silently backed away from the slightly ajar door. Why was she so hateful towards me? Didn’t she likeme? But it made no sense, she had never let on anything of the sort, that she wasn’t happy with me…Unless she saw it from Sinclair, and not me. I placed a hand on my thundering heart, suddenly feelingvery alone when I realised I was about to lose the only family I had. Lose the only life I couldremember. Alpha Aeron would make sure I was gone… Maybe it’s best I leave before then. How couldI be so foolish? Obviously, Grandmother Philomena would want only the very best for her grandson.After all, he was the only heir and the future Alpha. Only an Alpha-blood female would be fit for Luna,since he never found his chosen mate… He couldn’t just have anyone, let alone someone likeme. Goddess, I was so stupid! I brushed the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes away as Iturned, hurrying down the hall. I didn’t want to return to that party anymore. I ran into the back garden,staring down at the water in the fountain, my heart racing rather fast. The weather was cool, and themoon was shining, but I felt devastated. I didn’t think the day could get any worse, but it justhad. “Evangeline.” I froze as I realised who had called me, and I wasn’t sure if I should turn. Sinclair… Iturned, knowing it would be disobedient to my future Alpha if I didn’t, and so I turned slowly and gazedup into his handsome face, trying not to let my anguish show. Was the Moon Goddess out to get me?Not only did I lose one family, but now two. And now I was being removed from the one man I wantedwith every fibre of my being. Was she trying to break me, because I can assure her right now there wasnothing else to break. He tilted his head, those sexy eyes observing me. “Is something wrong? What isit, Angel?” He asked using the pet name that got me every time… I opened my mouth, wanting to tellhim what was said inside, when I remembered Grandmother Philomena’s words. I observed Sinclairintently, not missing the way his eyes flickered to my breasts. I liked him too… and I would love to be apart of his life, but there could be nothing between us… Now that I couldn’t even shift, I really was of nouse… It would be selfish of me to even beg that of him. “Nothing’s wrong.” I mumbled quietly. I realisedthis was the first time I had lied to him. His eyes narrowed calculatingly, before he reached down andcaressed my cheek. “Are you sure?” He asked, stepping closer. My heart was racing as his gaze wentto my lips. “Yeah…” I replied, trying my best not to back away. His hand didn’t move from my cheek, histouch making my body react. “You’re lying to me.” He said quietly in a raspy voice as he leaned closer,novelbin

his gaze dipping to my lips. “Sinclair…” I whispered softly, as he cupped my face. I knew weshouldn’t… not after what I had just heard inside. He didn’t respond, his lips pressing against mine in atender, deep kiss that stole my breath away. I gasped, daring to place my hands on the much tallerman’s chest. Sinclair was kissing me… I should make him stop, but I couldn’t bring myself to push himaway. The kiss that started off gentle, suddenly became hungrier and rougher, and I felt him throbagainst me. I tensed, only for him to plunge his tongue into my mouth, and it was then that fearenveloped me. His hold became tighter, painful even, and I no longer was enjoying this. I forced myselfback, unable to stop myself from pushing his chest with what little strength I had. He stared down at mewith his eyes blazing. “What’s wrong?” He asked, his voice sounding almost harsh. “You were late, youpromised me.” I murmured. His eyes flickered darkly, his jaw clenching. “Sinclair..I–” I try to speak yetwords fail me as the look on his face turns darker. I shook my head, feeling scared, and I stepped back,my heart thundering. For a moment, I didn’t recognise the man before me. “I asked you a question.What is wrong, Evangaline?” He was looking at me with an animalistic hunger that was so differentfrom the Sinclair I knew… “It’s nothing-” “Isn’t this what you wanted?” He asked, sounding frustrated. Ishook my head, making his frown deepen. “No, I mean! It is… it was… but- but don’t you need to takea Luna of Alpha blood?” I asked quietly. He raised an eyebrow. “And? What’s that got to do with you?”he snaps angrily, making me flinch. It would have hurt less if he had just been slapped, and realisationdawned on me. He just wanted me for my body… a toy. Exactly what Celia said. A side bitch. One toworship his cock when his Luna couldn’t be bothered. Nothing more and nothing less. Why did I thinkthere was more? Why did I believe he would want me for more than what my body could offer? I wasjust something to use to him now. Grandmother Philomena was wrong… This was nothing more thanjust sexual for him. Alpha’s needed strong Lunas, but they enjoyed submissive omegas… “Evangeline,you’re an omega. Your body is made for me, and all I’m doing tonight is making you mine.” My eyes liftto his, and he steps closer to me, hands reaching for me. His! How for so long I wanted to be his, wanthim to be mine. But not like this…

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