His Dark Obsession

Chapter 153
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Chapter 153

Continuation from His Dark Obsession by Moonlight Muse to

His Fated Obsession (Book 2) Chapter 74. How Time Has Changed



“Thank you, your majesty.” Someone says as I steady them from tripping over their own feet.

We’ve officially hosted the coronation ball for both the Vampire King and his Queen and the AlphaQueen and her Alpha King. A combined coronation and one that showed the beginning of unitybetween the two species.

The night had gone well, and both sides had been cordial enough. It had taken place at the MoonStone Pack, but we have begun building a castle, halfway between both territories which will be usedfor state affairs.

Now, I think I’m ready to turn in for the night. I have talked to many and danced the night away. I gatherup the white net skirt to my glittering dress as I step out into the warm night.

“Alpha Queen Evangeline.”

I turn to see Sinclair leaning against a pillar, alone. He’s dressed in a tux, hands in his pocket as heapproaches me.

“Alpha Sinclair.” I say formally. I noticed there was no sight of Celia tonight. I guess she wouldn’t wantto come to my coronation, anyway.

He lowers his head. “I wanted to apologise properly and genuinely, for everything I have done in thepast.” He says.

Are we doing this again? I’m about to speak when he speaks again.

“Please, just hear me out.”

I give a polite nod as I smooth the fabric of m y dress. My hair is pinned up, and a crown adorns myhead. One that I can’t wait to take off and have Zed’s f*ingers running through my hair instead.

I’m wearing nude coloured gloves that are covered in jewels, they match the bodice of my dress. Overmy arms is draped the same white net fabric that covers my dress from the knee down.

I allow him this chance, waiting patiently as he continues.

“I did a lot of wrong in my life. I was selfish and acted spoiled, and in turn, I hurt you. I do apologise forthat, and I want to make sure that I uphold the same reputation of the Silver Mountain Pack that Dadhas always kept. He’s there to guide me and going forward, I will listen to him. For with age, there’swisdom.”

“That is true.” I reply, smiling slightly.

Alpha Aeron is on the mend even though he will always need a walking stick for support.

Sinclair’s words surprise me, but I can sense the sincerity in them. “I’m also… divorcing Celia. She isn’tthe right person to become the Luna of our pack.”


He isn’t wrong… Celia is an ugly person through and through and not the kind to make a good Luna. Ilook up at Sinclair and I see a glimmer of the boy who used to treat me so well growing up. The one

who had a kind loving nature, and was protective of those weaker than him…

“I’m not telling you this to win points or anything, but the Silver Mountain Pack will always be at yourservice and hopefully become a strong ally to you and your king,” He says quietly.

I smile gently as a soft wind blows past us, reminding me of the night of my eighteenth birthday. A timethat felt so long ago…

“Thank you. I will look forward to that.” I say. “Does Celia know?”

“Yes, we have applied for a divorce already and although she was not pleased, she did not argue.” Hesays.

I give a small nod as I sense Zedkiel approaching. We both turn and Sinclair gives him a nod as Iadmire my man. He’s all in black and that waistcoat…

I resist the urge to l*ick my lips and instead swallow, my throat feeling rather dry…

Ziahra had picked out his outfit, a traditional formal wear for vampires… and I cannot complain. Theemphasis it makes on his sexy body…

Zedkiel c*oc*ks a brow as he approaches, but I see the glimmer of amusement in his eyes as hewatches me.

“Am I intruding?” He asks.

“Not at all, King Zedkiel.” Sinclair says.

“Good to know,” Zedkiel says, his hand snaking around my waist as he pulls me close ratherpossessively.

I smile, placing my hand on his chest, although I have half a mind to squeeze his a*ss… in that tightwaistcoat and those fitted pants, his sexy b*utt looks even more incredible and I had spotted manywomen checking him out tonight. i

“I will leave you both to enjoy the evening.” Sinclair says before he bows his head and turns to leave.

“Have a good night, Alpha Sinclair.” I say politely, it’s time to let bygones be bygones. “Thank you.” Hereplies before taking his exit and Zedkiel wraps his arms tightly around me, placing his hand on mya*ss.

“Now how about we return to our quarters s o I can help you undress.” He growls in my ear as hesqueezes my a*ss.

“You’re in a rush.” I say softly, although I want to do the very same.

“Do you know how h*ard it was to keep myself in control, when other men dared to look at you?” Hiseyes flash as his hands run up my waist.

“I know how that feels.” I say, I’m about to reach up to kiss him when the sound of footstepsapproaching makes me stop and by the sound of it, I know it’s someone with crutches.

I turn, trying to free myself from Zedkiel’s iron grip, but he refuses to let me go, and when I feel himthrob against me, I don’t struggle further.

My cheeks are burning as Alpha Aeron approaches us.

“Ah, before you go, I know it’s late but there’s something I wanted to give you.” He says as Zedkieltakes a few steps towards him, guiding me along, making it easier for him.

He has stepped down as Alpha because of his injuries, happy for Sinclair to take over.novelbin

“You should have called for me,” I say, feeling awful he had come to find me.

“No, I need to keep walking to get better.” He says, smiling warmly. “I want to be done with thesecrutches soon!”

“I’m sure you will be. You are making great strides in your healing.” I reply.

He balances on one crutch as he reaches into his pocket and takes out a leather box with goldembellishments on it. The crest of the Welhaven family sits right in the centre.

He holds it out and I accept it hesitantly.

“What is it?”

“Open it.”

I oblige and flip open the box to see the large diamond necklace that sits on the velvet bed.

“This… Mother wanted to give it to you. It’s a precious heirloom, one that goes down through thewomen in the Welhaven family …” He says.

“This should go to Sinclair’s wife or daughter, then,” I say with surprise, looking up at him, my heartskipping a beat.

He shakes his head. “No, Mother always said it’s rightfully yours. Mother was sharp- tongued andharsh, but she meant well… she wanted to do the right thing and I know she may never have admittedit, but she did love you.”

I stare down at the pale yellow diamond that sits in the middle of the necklace, my eyes blurring withtears.

Sometimes we do misunderstand people and although we may have clashed, this gesture was enoughto prove she cared. Her ways were not always right, but to know she considered me one of them wasenough…

I look up at Alpha Aeron and smile as I close the box and step closer, I hug him tightly around theshoulders. “Thank you for being that father figure in my life, for always being there for me.” I whisper.

He smiles down at me warmly and kisses my forehead. “You have become a woman that any fatherwould be proud of.” He says before looking at Zedkiel. “Please always keep her happy. I know you willbut allow this old man to say it still.”

“I assure you, I certainly will.” Zedkiel replies confidently before I step back.

Alpha Aeron bids us farewell and I turn to Zedkiel.

“So, how about we-”

The sound of multiple footsteps makes Zedkiel growl in frustration, but when he sees the three highvampire lords who were now chosen to serve until he does, he s*uc*ks i n a breath to calm himself.

“Sorry, but it’s important,” Ziahra says from behind them, and I turn to see her with Kash. Both lookgood together. She’s wearing a blood-red gown and Kash is in grey, complimenting one another.

The perfect couple. I’m glad they worked things out.

Everyone aside from Evelyn and Isa are present for the coronation but I understand that neither is ableto return. We had managed to contact Isa, but she had requested we don’t, as it was too dangerousand if she needed help, she’d contact us.

“Excuse me for a few minutes.” Zedkiel says, and I nod as he and three men step to the side as one ofthem shows him something on a tablet.

“The northern side requests a meeting…. To the left fort… Yes, absolutely…” They converse quietly.

“Sorry about this,” Ziahra says apologetically. “There’s a lot a king must do.”

“It’s fine. You’ve been doing a lot to make it easier.” I reply with a smile on my face. I watch Zedkiel givehis opinion. “Zed learns fast, and he has effortlessly fallen into his position. He will make a great king.”

“He already is one, just don’t tell him I said that.” Kash mutters, making me smile.

“I’ll try not.” I whisper, making Ziahra chuckle.

I brush a strand of my hair back. It still turns white at night, and by morning it’s back to black.

Chasyn and Lucia are to marry next month, Maryka’s execution is in a week’s time and Ragnar andKayla have taken their place as Alpha and Luna of the Irisian pack.

Life is good.

The vampires leave, and I vaguely hear Kash and Ziahra excuse themselves.

I look up at the twinkling night sky, and I wish my child was with me. Absently, I place my hand on mystomach.

I hope Selene and Raziel are watching over m y beautiful baby.

I will always miss you, my baby angel… always…. And I will always look for a way or a chance to seeyou…

A strong pair of arms wrap around me, and I gasp, coming back to reality as the pain in m y chestreaches intense heights.

“Hush Little Mouse… We will be reunited one day.” He whispers as he kisses me, so intensely I’munable to respond, as he consumes me entirely.

One day….

I will await that day.

Until then, my love.


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