His Dark Obsession

Chapter 134
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Chapter 134

(Book 2) Chapter 55. Monsters in the Woods


My gaze snaps back to the tattoo on his torso, realising it’s not just any snake but the symbolic seaserpent of Hades… The symbol of the Night Shade Pack, how did I not realise!

I look up at him, grasping onto the fact that I had gone straight from the wolf’s den into the monster’slair…

Title of the document

“I am not asking you to bow down to me Alpha Godric Astorath, as future Queen of the WerewolfKingdom, you will be wise not to upset me.” I say calmly, but I let my aura radiate off me. Those aroundcan sense it and I know he can too. “Our packs hold a treaty of peace and Queen Luna DancianaVilkas is from your pack. Let’s not mar our deal.”

My words don’t seem to mean anything to him, as he simply c*oc*ks a brow as if he is bored.

“And do you think a mere piece of paper will stop me from cutting you up, offering you to Hades as af*uc*king tribute and then feeding your remains to my dogs?” He sneers, forcing my chin up with theblade.

I c*oc*k a brow, pushing the blade away as I let my aura radiate off me.

‘Wow, and I thought I was unhinged.’ Evelyn murmurs. ‘That is kind of sickening. I think the next personI kill I’ll do that…’

“You get offended fast… the thing is, you’re the traitor here.” He says, as he begins circling me. I clenchmy jaw.novelbin

“I will not stoop to your level, and neither will I entertain you. War is brewing and your pack sits right inthe middle of the battlefield, doesn’t it? I need to contact the King, before it’s too late. Don’t be sofoolish. We don’t have time.” I say urgently.

His jaw clenches and his anger emanates from him, but I keep my gaze locked on his.

“A war that you and your mate have only fuelled,” He sneers as he looks away. “The Moonstone Packhas already clarified that.”


“Are you saying I’m branded a traitor?” I ask. It doesn’t surprise me.

“Of course, so what to do with a traitor…”

“Without knowing the full story, you cannot say that.” I reply as I cross my arms. “There’s a hugemisunderstanding and I need to stop this war before it gets worse. Choose your side, Alpha Godric,and choose wisely.”

I let my aura fill the forest around me, keeping my eyes fixed on him.

The only way he will help is if he actually realises who I am and so I let my aura radiate off me.

Despite the crackling thunder and lightning in the sky and the violent winds of the brewing storm, themoon suddenly shines through, my eyes blazing a dazzling blue. His arrogance fades from his faceand I see a flicker of unease in his eyes as he looks at me and this time it’s different.

‘The Goddess commands you.’ I say through the link. He stiffens, and he places his hand on hisforehead for a moment. His eyes flash dangerously before a menacing growl leaves his lips, but I canfeel his submission. He’s fighting it but his wolf bows to me… after a moment he closes his eyes andlowers his head slightly to me.

“I was told that the hybrid prince and his Luna have decided to join hands with the vampires, and asyou said, my pack sits in the middle of the battlefield.” He snarls lowly, raising a hand as he gives hismen a signal.

Two men rush from the trees and toss two bodies at my feet. I stare down at them, realising one is avampire and the other…

My heart skips a beat as I realise who he is… one of Zedkiel’s trusted guards…

“These two are in pretty decent shape.” He remarks, and I stare at the bodies. Decent?!

The vampire has several limbs missing and the werewolf… his guts are spilling out of him, his skull iscracked open.

“It seems even now some werewolves were trying to reach you. Some foolish enough to want to betraytheir pack, he sneers. And if anyone disturbs our peace, and we will f*uc*king retaliate.” He continues.

I stare down at the bodies, my heart thumping before I kneel down.

“Then you are a fool to believe whatever comes your way, Alpha Godric! You are being played for afool! How dare you!” My voice is stronger, and more powerful, and many of the werewolves tremble infear as they fall back, bowing their heads. “Why did you kill them!” Godric is struggling too, but themoment I command him to answer, no matter how much he hates it he has to.

“They were trying to get through to the vampire kingdom, and we were told to intercept them,” Godricsays.

“And you blindly agreed… I thought a piece of paper wasn’t enough for you to obey like a dog!” I hiss.My heart hurts for those trying to help us and ending up like this.

I stand up as Godric frowns. Despite his anger, I know he is understanding what I’m saying.

“The one heading the army of the united packs… I will raise the dead to fight if I have to and if I’vebeen played … then he will die by my hand.”

His eyes are cold, and I frown. “Was it yourselves or this new leader who commanded the poison to killso many vampires to be spread through the trees?’ I ask coldly. “No one has passed through thisforest… I can assure you we have held the centre point and my men are posted 20 yards apart in everydirection. What poison do you mean?”

I glare at him sharply. He’s telling the truth, but then who did it?

“There’s been a grave misunderstanding. I need to make a call.” I say, holding my hand out. Hehesitates before he motions with his head, and someone passes me a phone.

‘Where is your mate?” He asks me sharply. “Zedkiel Vilkas, right?”

I frown, “He’s… with the vampires.” I say quietly. He raises an eyebrow. “Care to f*uc*king explain?” Hewas letting me use a phone, but at the same time, I can’t speak ill of Zedkiel. How do I tell someonethat Zedkiel has, in fact, joined the dark side?

‘I will fix this,’ I add quietly as I dial Kash’s number. ‘You will need to tell them.’ Evelyn murmurs. ‘I willwhen I’m united with those of the Moonstone pack. Luna step forward.’ I command, my voice soundingharsher than I wanted it to, but this was not the time for pity! How do we kill a Lycan? ‘I want theanswer… How do you kill a Lycan…’

She refuses me once again and I hate that I will have to resort to my powers to get her to answer me.I’m brought out of my thoughts when the phone goes to the answering machine.

“The number you have dialed is currently switched off.”


Kash… is he ok?

I really need to get in contact with someone… whose numbers do I know?

The Welhavens…

I stare down at the phone before I dial Sinclair’s number. Something is off.

“The number you have dialled is currently switched off.” With every passing second, I realise thatsomething big is at play.

‘That’s weird, I agree,’ Evelyn says. Godric is watching me, but Evelyn is right he needs an answer.

“Have you heard of the scriptures, of the Gemini Bane?” I ask him as I think who to call next.

“Yes,” He frowns, but he’s listening and he seems to know what I’m going on about

“We need to end that curse and we are close to ending it.” I say quietly.


Taking a deep breath, I dial her number, my heart squeezing when it rings. Please pick up… pleasepick up…

The phone keeps ringing and Godric frowns. “If you expect me to assist you, I need way f*uc*king morethan that.” He growls.

The phone goes to the answering machine again, and I let out a growl of impatience.

“Do you have anyone’s number from my pack?” I ask Godric hesitates and I suddenly look at himsharply “You know something that you aren’t telling me?” I say quietly.

He frowns. “I’m not sure you have allies there… Several of those close to the king himself were foundas traitors, including some of the royals… a new leader is now leading the pack.” He says calmly.

I frown as I switch to the mind link, quickly filling him in on the curse and what I must do. ‘We need tofind out who spread the poison that is killing the vampires, and it will calm Zedkiel… as for him … I willdeal with him.’ I say quietly, knowing I would have to force Luna. I didn’t want to, but time is runningout.

‘If what you’re telling me is correct… then you are in danger.’ Godric says quietly through the link,there’s anger on his face and I know it’s not directed at me. ‘The army is ready to cross through thisforest and when they do, there will be a bloodbath. The front line has already passed our line ofdefence.’

I think he’s forgetting who I am. ‘Danger? From whom, tell me, who is leading the army of the unitedwolves?’ I ask before I look around, his words filling me with unease. “Who is leading the attacks on thevampires and on whose command!” I say out loud, my power rolling off me.

‘How about I tell you, Luna Evangeline.” I turn sharply to see the man that walks through the trees. Helooks different from what I’m used to. His hair is braided and pulled back. He’s wearing all black andthere’s a cold gleam in his eyes.


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