His Beloved Ex-Wife

Chapter 98
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Chapter 98

Chapter 97 What Are You Doing? Lynn’s expression darkened immediately. “What? Scarring? Mr.Foreman, can’t you find a way? Dr. Thorne has been through a lot lately. It would be too tragic if sheended up with a scar.” Dr. Foreman’s expression turned stern. “Now you’re afraid? As a doctor, youshould prioritize protecting yourself first and then treating others. Did you forget the first lesson inmedical school?” Lysander gritted her teeth, enduring the sting of the disinfectant. “The patient suffereda stroke. Between scarring and the aftermath of a stroke, I’d rather choose scarring.” As soon as Dr.Foreman heard this, he understood. A stroke was even more serious; it could be fatal. So, he eased upa bit, and Lysander finally felt a little better. After bandaging her wound, Dr. Foreman admonished herearnestly. “You absolutely cannot move around recklessly, understand?” Lysander knew Dr. Foremanwas looking out for her and obediently replied, “Yes, I understand.” “Also, be careful when you’re….withyour husband. Don’t be too reckless; consider your wound. Cough, cough…” Lysander was takenaback, licking her lips. “Oh, okay! Exiting the surgical operating room, Lynn supported her as theyslowly made their way back. “Dr. Thorne, why didn’t you mention that you’re already divorced? I can’tbelieve that Mr. Foreman sti blushed despite his age. Hehehe…” Lysander gave her a sharp look. “Isdivorce something to celebrate? Should I announce it to the wor with drums and trumpets, that I’vebeen cheated on?” Lynn stuck out her tongue. “Well. Hey, Dr. Sutton.” Lysander raised her head andsaw Adrian, clad in a white coat, hurrying over from a distance. He frowned slightly. “What’s going on?”Lysander smiled and greeted him. “Dr. Sutton.” “I’m asking you, what happened?” Lysander hesitatedfor a moment and replied, “When I was drawing blood, I received a call from the hospital about apatient in urgent need of care. However, the emergency department was short-staffed, and I happenedto be free, so I went with the ambulance.” “Has the wound been treated?” She nodded. “Yes, Dr.Foreman took care of it herself 1/3 10:04 Fri, May 31 M Chapter 97 What Are You Doing? 48% Adrian’sexpression improved slightly. “Can you walk” “I can.” “No, you can’t.” Lysander looked at Lynn, warningher with her eyes. I can walk.” Lynn’s eyes sparkled, eager to try. “Dr. Sutton, Mr. Foreman informed Dr.Thorne to minimize movement. Walking involves movement, which will affect her wound.” Upon hearingthis, Adrian immediately squatted down and effortlessly lifted her up. Lysander was startled, andnovelbin

instinctively exclaimed, “A- “Don’t worry, I won’t drop you.” “I’m not scared.” “Then what’s wrong?”Lysander felt a bit uncomfortable. “I’m afraid of rumors spreading.” Adrian chuckled. “Don’t worry. Ifrumors spread, I’ll explain. I won’t let you get involved in any scandals. “How will you explain?” “Justsay we’re friends?” Lysander shook her head. “If we’re friends, then let’s keep our distance as friends.Put me down.” “Lysander, do you want to be friends with me?” An Tan paused. She looked into hiseyes and shook her head. “Don’t want to?” Lysander said, “You confessed to me at the karaoke bar lasttime. Under these circumstances, we can’t be friends anymore.” “Not even friends?” Lysander said,“For me, there’s a clear line between friends and lovers. I don’t want to pretend to be friends whilesecretly being someone’s backup plan.” She pushed against Adrian. “Dr. Sutton, please put me down.”Adrian didn’t move. He even slightly jostled her upward, holding her more securely. 2/3 10:04 Fri, May31 M

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