His Beloved Ex-Wife

Chapter 586
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Chapter 568 Nothing You Must Do


Seeing him drenched in sweat, Lysander couldn't let fear at the moment if it was from the pain. She quickly checked his knee.

Joseph couldn't bear watching any longer. He strode through the crowd of onlookers to stand before Joseph. Looking down at the extensive scrapes on his knees and arms, he said in a cold voice, "It's just a minor injury. For a man, it's nothing at all. Stand up and take off!"

The basketball hit the ground with a soft thud.

Lysander couldn't stand listening anymore. "He's in his senior year, preparing for the college entrance exam. If this affects it, who can bear the responsibility?"

Josiah threw Joseph a cold glance. "He's a sports science student. Do you think he has suffered little bumps and bruises on the court?"

The people nearby exchanged glances, feeling that there was merit in his words.

"It's true," Joseph suddenly interjected, his face pale. "He's right. I may fall, I was just anxious to defend and lost my balance."

Josiah patted gently his furrowed cheek dry. In a tender tone, he said, "It's great you understand."

"It's better to go to the hospital for an X-ray, it's best not to complicate things at such a crucial time as your senior year."

Lysander signaled, "See a doctor at once!"

Among the people, the classmate that helped him to his feet instructed a student at the side, "Help him over there for a seat first."

Hearing this, Josiah trembled.

After taking a deep breath, he demanded with suppressed rage, "It was just a friendly match between high school students. Did you have to scream so loud?"

Cheated, he hastily asked around, "Was this a competition? Shouldn't be taken seriously!"

Lysander's glare instantly fell on him. "Behavior should be within acceptable limits no matter the manner. He is in his senior year, and you're just in your first year. Do you harm each other that bad for this!? He's going to hurt Granpa Zhou, relying on examination and half work. The consequences would be severe for both of you. with his not rely firmly apply?"

Josiah sneered and showed no sign to concede, "Since this is only an accident approved by Miss Humor. He merely sprained his knee, and there's nothing wrong with his arms. Why so emotional?"

Lysander didn't reply, he said, "I've never played basketball, and I don't understand the rules. but I could tell you two were obviously trying to tackle that gentleman over there."

After observing a little, she turned and checked on Joseph again, "Can you walk?"

Lysander kneeled down and gently squeezed his shoulder. Joseph sighed with a pale face, "The bleeding seems to have stopped, but my right leg hurts very much. It's the same as always."

As he spoke, he grimaced and tried to demonstrate it to Lysander. However, no sooner had he taken a step forward

68.open Chapter 568 Nothing You Must Do


Lysander studied his knee intently and suggested, "I'm not an orthopedic doctor, so I can't determine the exact condition, nor do I dare to ascertain it. It would be better to go to the hospital as soon as possible for treatment. By the looks of it, I don't see any reason to be troublesome if it's dislocated."

Seemingly frightened, Joseph asked, "How troublesome?"

"Your advantage as a sports science student will be gone, and just like everyone else, you'll have to rely solely on your performance in your cultural courses to get into university," Lysander answered solemnly.

Joseph plunged into a calm like a boarding accident, and faintly my family isn't bleak. Mr. Thorne, could you please take me to the hospital? Relying solely on my academic performance in my cultural courses really wouldn't work. I'm done for. For…”

"I'll call a taxi for you."

As Lysander spoke, she pulled out her phone but was hit words aside.

Suddenly, the phone was snatched away.

In a cold voice, Josiah said, "Doesn't the school have a school doctor? You shouldn't meddle in things that don't concern you.

"The school's infirmary isn't equipped to perform X-ray scans, so it's best to go to the hospital."

"Then, let his homeroom teacher take him!"

"The homeroom teacher has no students. If he leaves, who will teach the rest of the students? Return my phone. I'll contact my colleagues at Granback Hospital to rush him in fine. Has radiology department is crowded recently." Lysander said.

"Why?" Josiah's face turned ugly. "Only!"

Joseph was in so much intense pain that sweat trickled down his cheeks.

The sight of the pale Joseph made her frown. "Or otherwise, I could drive him to the hospital. He’s had to get a taxi here at Harfordsback Hill High School, thanks to the heavy traffic."

By then, Lysander had already snatched the phone back.

When everyone heard a sigh, the queue had found Daphne was right. There were thirty-five people in the queue.

As the phone call came to an end—

Joseph was immersed in great pain when he gazed to Josiah.

Josiah was so infuriated that his shadow was up. He gritted his teeth and hissed, "You're not going to suggest I drive him to the hospital, are you?"

"The patient comes first. I'm counting on you, Mr. Guerra."

His eyes were bewildered.

Lysander decided to help Joseph's close teammate. Together, they rode in Josiah's car to the nearest hospital from Harfordsback Hill High School.


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Chapter 568 Nothing You Must Do


Heading off the drive, Joseph constantly worried that he might end up crippled in the future. He frequently called out to Lysander and expressed he was uncomfortable. Lysander treated him jovially if not as a patient, as he also comforted him with general chatter.

When getting out of the car, Lysander moved to support Joseph, but Josiah beat her to it.

With a dark expression, he blocked her and helped Joseph into the hospital with his sister's tammuala.

In no time, the results of the examination were out.

The doctor, looking at the X-ray, reassured, "Don't worry. His knee is fine. At most, he has a minor soft tissue bruise. Just be careful not to get it wet in the next few days. He will make a full recovery in no time."

Standing outside the consultation room, Josiah let out a cold laugh before he turned around and left.

After ascertaining that Joseph was fine, his teammate headed back to school for night class.novelbin

Lysander stayed to accompany him as his wounds were doctored.

The nurse had begun his treatment room. Seeing that the forlorn and bleeding skin had already been rinsed with clean water, she immediately used a pair of tweezers to dab a toxin-soaked cotton ball on his injury for disinfection.

"OUCH!" Joseph gasped in pain.

The nurse eased her touch, but as soon as she made contact, he winced in pain and leaned back. He looked at Lysander pitifully and said, "Mr. Thorne, you're sure a doctor, you must know how to soothe swelling words. Could you perhaps doctor my wound as well? At the campus medical class, it's just I had someone calling!"

Lysander glanced at the young nurse. The latter seemed a bit conflicted. "It appears there was a car accident on the highway today, and we've depleted quite a lot of patients. The ER department is ab short-staffed."


"Alright, then. Go ahead and get busy, I'll handle things here."

"Sure, sure. Thank you, Dr. Thorne."

The nurse left after leaving the necessary supplies for disinfection, leaving them to manage on their own.

When Josiah walked into the examination bed, clad only in his thin jerseys, with his school jacket draped over his it injured arm and legs and bore wounds.

Lysander picked up the tweezers and gently continued cleansing his wounds. As she dabbed the dirt and blood, she asked Joseph, "Does it still hurt?"

Joseph looked at her intently and shook his head. "It doesn't hurt anymore. Mr. Thorne, are you always this gentle with every injured player?"

"I’m a gynecologist, so I typically work at the operating table. Lysander explained patiently.

Joseph was speechless, before and declaring, "I've made up my mind. I will study hard from now on. I'll strive to attend Harfordsback Medical School.

Lysander merely smiled without responding, careful applying the salve for him.


GB Of J? 21 Jun


Chapter 568 Nothing You Must Do Finished

Joseph looked around and realized they were the only two left in the room, so he asked solemnly, "Mr. Thorne, you still haven't answered me. Who do you really like?"

Lysander smiled in replying the swell.

"Then why are you afraid to answer?"

"Then, how have you thought about remarrying?"

Lysander asked seriously without utter suppression. "Why must I remarry?"

Joseph was left speechless by her question.

"Isn't everyone supposed to get married?" he asked, utterly perplexed.

"I used to think the same, leading to a detour at the end of the day. You're still a student, and you haven't truly begun. Soon, you'll realize

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