His Beloved Ex-Wife

Chapter 530
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Chapter 530

Chapter 530 High Alert

Lysander glanced over, only to see Aurora clutching her tiny fists, yawning, appearing somewhat wronged as if on the verge oftears but not quite crying.

Lysander resignedly closed the video, found Aurora’s small quilt and pillow, and meticulously arranged them in the middle of thelarge bed.

With a gentle touch, Josiah carefully placed Aurora on the bed. Then, he climbed onto the bed himself, lying next to Aurora. Hegave Lysander a look, telling her to hurry up and get in bed.

Aurora rolled over, lifting both of her tiny clenched fists. She was so tired that she could hardly keep her eyes open, yet she stillfussed, resisting sleep.

Left with no other choice, Lysander took off her shoes and climbed up as well, lying down. side of Aurora.non the other

Josiah cast his gaze down at the child nestled between the two of them. His large hand gently patted the tiny quilt, rhythmicallyand unhurriedly, each pat deliberate and soft.

Lysander asked. “You learned how to soothe a child to sleep?”“Eleanor showed me how to do it, but I’ve never actually done it myself, replied Josiah.

Eleanor’s method worked pretty well. After all, if it managed to put Josiah when he was little, it would surely be effective onAurora, too.

Aurora’s hums quieted down, and her eyelids grew heavy, eventually falling shut.

Lysander hummed a lullaby she had once heard at the hospital. After Aurora was sound asleep, s whispered to Josiah, “Aurora isasleep. I’m leaving now.”

Josiah was gently patting Aurora to sleep, having positioned himself carefully so as not to disturb her. He had been sitting withoutchanging his posture for so long that he was feeling numbness in his hands and aching in his back. Thus, when he heard thosewords, he was unable to react immediately.

Lysander spoke again. “Thank you for taking care of Aurora in advance. I'll come over again tomorrow. morning.”In a subdued voice, Josiah responded, “I left the keycard on the shoe cabinet by the entrance.”

He was afraid Aurora would cry again, so he didn’t dare make a move. He was cautious, fearing that even a slight lift of his armmight cause the mattress to shift and disturb the baby sleeping in the middle.

Left with no other choice, Lysander had to take the longer route by getting off the bed from the other side, intending to bypasshim to retrieve her keycard.

It seemed as if Aurora could sense Lysander. The baby woke up with a soft cry just as the latter slipped into her slippers.

Josiah promptly extended his large, warm, and comforting hand to adjust the small blanket. He gently patted Aurora, reassuringher, “Don't be afraid. She isn’t leaving!”

Of course, Lysander dared not leave her bed. She hastily moved back to the head of the bed, barely daring4/4

Chapter 530 High Alert

Josiah was tirelessly comforting Aurora throughout.novelbin

The two adults worked together, and finally, they managed to soothe the baby again.

Lysander lifted her gaze to meet eyes with Josiah.

Even the sweetest angel of a baby could get quite temperamental when it was time to be lulled to sleep.

Josiah’s voice was so soft that it could only be heard in such a tranquil setting. His thin lips barely moved as he whispered, “Let'swait a bit longer until she’s sound asleep.”

Lysander was left with no options but to gently pick up a pillow and lie dowfully clothed.

Josiah waited until Aurora had drifted off to sleep before he dared to slightly shift his position. His arm was numb from fatigue,and the moment he lifted it, he felt a prickling sensation that was both itchy and painful.

Once he had endured the initial discomfort, he unfolded the blanket. With the gentlest touch he could muster, he draped it overthem.

Once Aurora appeared to be sound asleep, Lysander silently mouthed to him, “Let’s switch rooms tonight. I’ll stay here withAurora. You can leave now.”

Josiah retorted in the same low voice. “Are you burning bridges right now?”

Lysander didn’t deny it and simply stretched her hand toward the door, making a gesture to usher theguest out.

In the dead of night, a man, a woman, and a baby shared a room.

Asense of déja vu stirred up memories long thought to be dead within Lysander’s mind.

Even though their sex in Apex City was unintended, she was on high alert against him.

Josiah found himself at a loss for words. With Aurora asleep, it wasn’t appropriate for him to argue with Lysander. Resigned tohis fate, he could only get up and leave.

Just as he arrived by the coffee table, a sudden cry echoed from behind him.Suddenly, Aurora woke up, crying in agony. Her tiny face quickly turned red.

Lysander was immediately flustered. She quickly scooped the baby up, gently rocking Aurora in an attempt to soothe her. Fromtime to time, she would pat Aurora’s back, finally managing to calm the latter from her hysterical crying to mere sobs.

Josiah’s plan to leave was thwarted/so he returned to the bedside and sat back down where he had originally been.

Upon seeing that there were people on both sides accompanying her, Aurora gave a little sniffle and then, comforted, closed hereyes again.

Lysander suspected she had found a pattern and asked Josiah, “Do you want to try standing up again?”Josiah did as Lysander asked.


Chapter 530 High Alert

Unsurprisingly, Aurora cried out even faster than before, the wailing remarkably loud.

Lysander sighed. “What kind of habits does this child have? Ms. Lionhart raised her alone. How did she end up with a kid thatcan only sleep while lying between two people?

Josiah said, “Perhaps there’s a nanny at home too.”

“When Ms. Lionhart came over, | didn’t see her bringing the nanny along.”

“Could it be because her mother isn’t around that she lacked a sense of security and have to rely more on adults?”Lysander was unsure what to say to that.

Josiah grinned. “There’s a kid here. What can | do? Just sleep.”

Lysander was genuinely tired, and what he said did make sense to her.

There was a child between them, serving as a natural barrier, ensuring that Josiah wouldn't stoop to the level of a beast.

Having understood that, Lysander felt slightly relieved. Breathing in the sweet, milky scent of Aurora, she quickly fell into a deep,blissful sleep.

Listening to Lysander’s gentle breath, Josiah glanced at the blissfully unaware baby sleeping in their arms. Suddenly, he felt as ifhis heart was filled with an unbelievably warm, fuzzing feeling.

With great care, he gently pulled the blanket over, covering the two figures beside him. Then, with a sense of contentment, heclosed his eyes.

The following morning, the room door was pounded on so loudly it could have shaken the heavens.

The three people on the large bed were roused from their sleep almost at the same instant.

Before Josiah had even fully opened

his eyes, he had swiftl ScoORSd HP

Aurora tohis arn large hand

cbvele her cars, preventing her from

being startled into tears. The content

is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

Lysander, groggy from sleep, sat up, her expression filled with confusion as she asked, “Who could it be this early in themorning? Did you call for room service?”

Josiah regained his composure quickly. Amidst the noise, he stated seriously, “It shouldn’t be. Room service wouldn’t knock onthe door this force-”

The harsh voice echoing from outside interrupted his displeased words. “Lysa! Are you in this room?”

Lysander was the first to react, paling. “It’s my dad!”

Josiah was rendered fully awake.

“Lysa! | know you're in there, Guerra! What have you done to my Lysa? Open the door immediately!” the voice outside shouted.

Lysander first glanced at the bathroom and the wardrobe, then directed her gaze out the window, striving to find a place where aperson could hide.


23:54 Sun, 9 Jun

Chapter 530 High Alert

Before she could say anything.Josiah spoke first. “We're on the topfloor. Escaping franyhete isn® ae!feasiblésBesi eS, if | try to concealmyself, won't it seem like | havesomething to hide? It'll only makeyour father angrier.” The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

Lysander was at her wits end. “What should we do?”

After all, Josiah wasn’t the only one facing an issue. There was also Aurora.

Lysander knew Maverick’s temper all too well. If he witnessed that scene, he would have surely tried to kill Josiah on the spot.The commotion outside had already alerted the hotel staff, with the noise growing increasingly chaotic.

Someone stepped forward, advising, “Sir, please calm down.”

Maverick wouldn't stand for that.Infuriated, he said, “I’m here for ydaughter. and ne. one €ah-Stop me!\@tyol Koss named Josiah? Tellthat scoundrel to come out and seeme!” The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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