His Beloved Ex-Wife

Chapter 510
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Chapter 510

Chapter 510 Sparks

“Indeed, nothing escapes your keen eyes, Josiah,” Aiden flattered before asking sheepishly, “Whosechild is


Josiah explained to Aiden what happened before his arrival. The Lionharts‘ granddaughter. Nieva isgoing hiking, so she entrusted her daughter in our care for a couple of days.”

Aiden visibly relaxed. His tense back, which was pressed up against the back of the chair, eased. Helet out a relieved chuckle and said, “I remember now. So she’s Nieva’s child, huh? I was wonderingwhy she seemed somewhat familiar. Her eyes don’t look like Nieva’s, though.”

Aiden’s mood lightened after he found out about the child’s identity. Making faces to cheer the baby up,he said, “Josiah, I’ve heard that Nieva isn’t much involved in the family business lately. Is your meetingwith her this time about something serious?”



phone suddenly started ringing, and he said apologetically. “Excuse me, I need to take this.”

With that, he pressed the answer key without a second thought, pressing the phone against his ear.Then, a visible change overtook his expression.

Josiah turned to look at Aiden solemnly.

Aiden, who had just relaxed a few minutes ago, became tense again. He tightened his grip on thephone as if he was afraid that others might overhear what the caller said.

After a moment of silence, Aiden spoke up, but his words were succinct. “Okay, I understand.”

He even stopped responding with words after that, humming and grunting in response.

Josiah wasn’t the only one surprised. His unusual behavior even caught the attention of Lysander, whowas engrossed in perusing documents. She lifted her head to look in his direction, curious.

Aurora, the baby, who was gurgling incoherently, looked at the strange newcomer curiously as well.

Before long, the phone conversation came to an end. Aiden lowered his voice to a whisper, making ithard for the caller to hear him. “I’m at a holiday resort right now.”

After he said that, he hastily ended the call. When he looked back at Josiah, his gaze was filled withunease.

Aiden and Josiah were close. The look on Aiden’s face was enough to tell Josiah that somethingcomplicated was up. He seemed restless, wanting to leave but not daring to..novelbin

Josiah had been in a relatively good mood lately. Seeing him so distressed, he expressed his concern,“Who was that on the phone? An ex–girlfriend of yours?”

“I wish,” Aiden said, observing Josiah’s expression and saying cautiously, “That was a call from mybrother. He’s coming over too.”

Josiah seemed unbothered, playing with Aurora. “So what? Why are you so nervous?”

The sight of Josiah playing with Aurora was heartwarming, but Aiden still couldn’t shake therestlessness


Chapter 510 Sparks



He knew all too well that Josiah and Adrian were romantic rivals. Sparks will fly, and chaos might breakout if the two of them meet! Wire still, I can’t afford to offend either of them. I’m practically sandwichedin the middle, caught between a rock and a hard place!

Aiden scrutinized Josiah’s expression closely, noticing that he seemed unfazed, still playing withAurora. Josiali’s lack of reaction only made Alden even more unsettled. After much consideration, hesuggested, “Perhaps I should give him another call. If there’s nothing urgent, I’ll talk to him.”

With that, he could at least keep Adrian out of the restaurant, and perhaps the impending chaoswouldn’t happen. His mind raced as he stood up and said, “Then I’ll—”

“Sit down,” said Josiah without a change in his expression. “Every visitor is a guest. The hotel’s abusiness establishment. There’s no reason to turn away a customer.”

He didn’t seem fazed, and his tone sounded normal too, which was all the more abnormal in such asituation.

A volcano always seemed particularly calm before an eruption.

Aiden slowly turned his gaze toward Lysander, who was more composed than Josiah. She kept herhead lowered, perusing the documents while chewing on the fruits on the plate, so calm that it was as ifwhat was about to happen had nothing to do with her.

The mental fortitude she displayed was truly admirable.

Seeing that, Aiden broke out in a cold sweat.

Before long, Lysander finished her breakfast while Aurora got bored and started wriggling around,wanting to go somewhere else.

Josiah seemed to have forgotten about Adrian’s impending arrival as if he truly didn’t mind. Hesuggested, “Even the toys can’t entertain her anymore. I bet she’s going to make a fuss if we don’tthink of something. The hotel has a playground specifically designed for families with kids in thecourtyard ahead. Should we take her there to play for a while?”

Lysander glanced at the clock, noting there was still plenty of time and that she could always read thedocuments later. “All right.”

When Aiden saw that they were about to go somewhere else, he hurriedly followed them, prepared tohandle the situation when Adrian appeared. Trailing behind Lysander, who was pushing the stroller,and Josiah, who was holding the baby, he observed them and thought that they seemed like a family ofthree.

I bet Adrian will be heartbroken when he sees this. It’s better if they don’t see each other.

The children’s playground was not particularly large, resembling the courtyard of an ordinary preschool.Inside, apart from a sandbox and recreational facilities like swings and slides, there was also acharming maze–like castle constructed with a hint of childlike whimsy. It was incredibly appealing to thekids.

Aurora’s eyes lit up when she saw that, and she extended her chubby little hand, babbling inexcitement, wanting to play.

Josial smiled and quickened his pace, cradling her in his arms as they stood by the wall decorated withcartoon characters.

Aurora let out a short, unintelligible noise, seemingly eager to go in and play.



Chapter 510 Sparks

Lysander reached out to shield the baby from the wall with a radiant smile adorning her face as shesoothed, “You’re still too young to play with the other kids. How about we just watch?”

Aurora didn’t quite understand her words but could detect the tenderness in her tone, settling down andbehaving.

The baby was still too young to play and couldn’t even stand. Her only way of expressing joy was toclap her chubby little hands.

Lysander playfully joined her, clapping along twice.

Aurora giggled joyfully, muttering new words she recently learned amidst all the cooing and gurgling.

“Ma… Mama.”

Lysander froze.

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