His Beloved Ex-Wife

Chapter 454
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Chapter 454

Chapter 454 I Knew He Has Good Taste

Whitney still seemed to remain cautious around Lysander, even after confirming her identity as a doctorShe couldn’t quite let her guard down.

With a polite tone, Lysander said, “Please give me a moment.”.

Known for her intelligence and caution, traits well–suited to her profession, Whitney maintained an

unfaltering expression she simply replied, “Okay,”

Lysander dialed Lynn’s number on her phone in front of Whitney and Daphne.

Lynn, who was having dinner in the lounge, immediately answered the call when she saw Lysander’sname

on the screen.

Surprised, she exclaimed, “Dr. Thome, how’s your recovery? I haven’t seen you at the hospital sincethen. The obstetrics and gynecology department has been incredibly busy lately, so I haven’t had thechance to call and check on your condition.”

“I’m feeling better,” Lysander replied with a faint grin before getting to the point. “By the way, Lynn, Ineed your help. Do you remember a patient named Whitney Spears who had a check–up in thedepartment?”

Racking her brain, Lynn recalled, “Yes, if I remember correctly, her case was rather unique.”

This confirmed everything Whitney had said earlier.

After Lysander succinctly explained the situation to Lynn, she clarified the purpose of her call. “Couldyou possibly take a photo of Ms. Spears‘ medical records and send them to me? Without theexamination report, it’s difficult for me to assess her condition.”

“But…” Lynn lowered her voice, sounding troubled. “You should know it’s against the hospital.rules andregulations.”

Understanding Lynn’s concern and not wanting to cause trouble for her former assistant, Lysanderreassured her. “Don’t worry, Ms. Spears is here with me. She’s giving me permission to review hermedical report. I’ll let her speak to you directly.”

As she spoke, she handed her phone to Whitney. “Ms. Spears, could you please talk to my colleaguefor a moment? Just a simple verification.”

Whitney retrieved the phone and cross–checked her personal information with Lynn. After theverification, Lynn sent over her medical records.

Upon seeing her medical report on Lysander’s phone screen, Whitney heaved a sigh of relief.

“I knew it,” she said, “I knew Mr. Guerra had good taste.”

Lysander asked, “Sorry?”

Whitney chuckled. “It seems there are two Lysanders with similar pronunciations but differentcharacters. I’ve encountered the other woman with a similar name, but she didn’t leave a greatimpression on me. That’s why I was puzzled at the time. Mr. Guerra is known for his decisiveness andefficiency in other matters, so I couldn’t comprehend how his taste in women could be so poor. Now Ifinally understand it was all just a misunderstanding. The Lysander standing in front of me is not theLysander I encountered



Chapter 454 I Knew He Has Good Taste

“It might not be a misunderstanding.” Lysander uttered all of a sudden.

Whitney was somewhat taken aback. “What do you mean?”

Daphne brushed it off with a laugh. “Oh, let’s not dwell on the past anymore since it’s hard to explain.Besides, he has moved on and is seeing someone else, hasn’t he? We should just let bygones bebygones.”

Whitney, too, decided it was best to not dwell on that further. “Ms. Everhart is right. Everything isunpredictable these days, and change is the only constant in life.”

Conversing with an intelligent individual can be both relaxing and draining simultaneously.

Whitney’s words were eloquently articulated, yet her underlying principle remained steadfast–the solereason she was willing to sit down and allow Lysander to review her medical records was solelybecause of Josiah.

Moreover, it appeared that Whitney didn’t hold Tiffany in high regard. In fact, she seemed to be onLysander’s side.

Nevertheless, Lysander refrained from making any comments as Whitney had not explicitly stated hersentiments.

She meticulously examined the medical report, a plausible guess forming in her mind. Carefully, sheelaborated, “Ms. Spears, the doctors you’ve seen before weren’t wrong. Based on this report, your

physical functions are all normal. There’s just a slight case of anemia,”

Her remarks drew Whitney’s attention back a little. “What does anemia have to do with me not beingable to conceive a child?”

Lysander could empathize with the emotional roller–coaster Whitney was experiencing, yet she chose.honesty in her explanation. “Not from a medical standpoint, since, your anemia isn’t too severe.”

Her reply got Whitney even more confused. “Does that mean my husband and I have just beenunlucky?”

“I’m afraid so. Lysander cautiously speculated. “But there could also be another possibility.”

“Tell me more, Dr. Thorne.” Whitney was eager to hear more.

Lysander explained, “I suspect that what you’re experiencing is immunological infertility.”

Whitney knitted her brows slightly. “Could you explain further?”

“In simple terms, it’s a case of gamete incompatibility,” Lysander continued. “This has nothing to do withyour health status, but it does indeed prevent you from conceiving a child naturally”novelbin

Whitney couldn’t accept the diagnosis. She, in disbelief, asked, “Are you sure that’s the reason? Couldthere be any other possibilities?”

“I can’t give you a definitive answer right now, but the possibility is certainly there.” Lysander carefullyworded her response. “The specifics would depend on the results of the upcoming tests. I assume you.haven’t had any reproductive immunological tests done before, right?”

Whitney sighed. “Not yet.”

“It’s hot uncommon

Overlook this test,” Lysanderrified, “after all, the probability of immunological


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Chapter 454 I Knew He Has Good Taste

infertility is quite low. If a couple doesn’t visit the doctor together, it’s unlikely that the doctor wouldconsider this possibility.”

Whitney began to contemplate the worst–case scenario, her voice filled with despair. “I work in aninvestment company, and my work schedule is hectic. It’s really challenging to coordinate hospital visitswith my husband. Dr. Thorne, if it’s indeed a case of immune infertility, does it mean I would need tofind another man if I still want to have a child?”

Lysander was taken aback. “Ms. Spears, are children the only consideration on your mind? What aboutyour marriage and your husband?”

Whitney chuckled lightly. “We met through a blind date. In our carly years, we were both engrossed inbuilding our careers and didn’t have time to truly fall in love with someone. When we reached a certainage, we went on a blind date. After realizing we were somewhat compatible, we decided to get married.There wasn’t any profound emotional connection between us.”

Upon hearing that, Daphne subtly nudged Lysander’s arm.

Lysander could empathize with such an arrangement, finding parallels to her relationship with Josiah.

“If that’s the case…” Lysander hesitated for a moment. “You should get a medical check–up first. If it’sconfirmed that you’re dealing with immunological infertility, and if both of you truly desire a child, thenthe simplest solution would be to consider divorce and find yourselves new partners.”

Upon hearing that, Whitney fell silent for a while before asking. “Is that the only option left? Are thereno other alternatives?”

Lysander quickly suggested, “You can consider in–vitro fertilization if you’re open to the idea. However,the process is rather complex, given some of the restrictions in the country. Moreover, the womanwould have to endure significant emotional stress and physical discomfort.”

“I’m prepared for this.” Whitney hesitated before speaking. “But I’ve heard that in vitro fertilizationinvolves multiple attempts, consuming a significant amount of time and money, and it’s not evenguaranteed to be successful. Is that true?”

Lysander, speaking from a doctor’s perspective, advised, “The process might take longer than youmight imagine.”

The gravity of the discussion seemed to have overshadowed the festive atmosphere of the banquet.

Whitney appeared extremely conflicted as she confided in Lysander. “I’m at a point where my career’sreally taking off. Having a child could slow things down for me. I worry I won’t have the time or energyto commit to medical treatment.”

Upon hearing that, Lysander shared her opinion. “I’ve met plenty of women in your shoes during my atCentral Hospital. It’s a valid concern. Going through in vitro fertilization is a big commitment, and it’sbound to impact your career. It’s a tough call, but ultimately, it’s about what you want.”


Lost in her heavy thoughts, Whitney couldn’t help but gaze around the hall aimlessly, unaware thatsomeone had been observing them from a stone’s throw away.

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