His Beloved Ex-Wife

Chapter 424
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Chapter 424

Chapter 424 Not The One She Loves

Tiffany became even more distressed. “L.”

With a bang. Josiah set down his cutlery, his tone laced with impatience as he snapped, “It’s not yourplace to ask that question, is it?”

Though the words were delivered with an air of nonchalance, they held a somewhat intimidating force.

The moment he put down his cutlery, Howard, who had just scooped some greens, was so surprisedthat his hand trembled, and they fell right off. Even Susan was somewhat startled, raising her head tolook at


Josiah meticulously peeled a shrimp, his slender fingers revealing surprising strength. With just a fewdeft movements, he had the shrimp completely peeled, which he then placed on Tiffany’s plate.

“Have a shrimp.”

Tiffany bit her lip, not daring to speak.

Josiah peeled another one, placing it on Susan’s plate. “Mom, you should eat too.”

“Ah, okay.”

“Mr. Thorne, I remember you’re allergic to seafood, so I won’t peel one for you. Please, take whateveryou


With a cough, Howard said, “All right. We’re all family here, so no need for such formalities.”

Josiah said calmly. “We used to be family, but not anymore.”

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone at the dinner table turned their attention to Lysander.

No one paid any attention to the individual sitting alone on the living room couch.

Howard, fearing that Lysander might feel awkward, gently patted her arm in a comforting manner. Hethen took the initiative to smooth things over. “Josiah, even if you’re not my son–in–law, you’re stillsomeone Molly and I watched grow up. We share so many years of bond, and you’re still considered.family in the future.”

Josiah didn’t say much. He picked up the red wine glass by his side. “Mr. Thorne, let me toast you.”

“All right then.”

When the glasses clinked together, their rims were perfectly aligned.

Josiah had no intention of moving his wine glass lower than Howard’s and immediately moved awayafter clinking their glasses.

Howard took a small sip of his drink, gradually regaining his affectionate elder persona. “Josiah, basedon what I heard from your mother just now, you’re considering having a child?”

“Yes,” said Josiah. “Various things have kept me occupied in the past. Now that I have the chance, Iwant to seize it as soon as possible.”


22:56 Mon, 3 Jun


Chapter 424 Not The One She Loves

“When are you two planning to have the wedding? Tiff’s father and I go way back, so I’ll definitely bethere to support you.”

Josiah looked at Tiffany with a smile. “What do you think? When shall we have it?” he asked.

Only then did Tiffany regain her composure, a faint blush painted on her face. “What are you talkingabout?”

“Didn’t you hear what Mr. Thorne said? He was asking us when we’re getting married.”

“I’m not ready yet!” Tiffany playfully pushed him away. “Don’t mention this in front of Lyss…”

With a chuckle, Josiah turned to Howard and said, “I’ll have to discuss the wedding plans with Tiffagain. After all, this is our first time planning a wedding, and neither of us has any experience. We’lldefinitely let you know once we’ve set a date.”

Tiffany suddenly expressed her confusion, “Huh? Jose, I heard from Aiden that you were married oncebefore. Did you not have a wedding ceremony then?”

Josiah cast his eyes down. “No, there was no time.”

“Did that girl agree as well? She didn’t object?”

“I don’t think so.”

“What do you mean by that? Every girl surely dreams of having the most romantic and grandestwedding.”


“Definitely! Nearly every girl has dreamed since childhood of walking down a path strewn with flowersalongside her Prince Charming, passing through a balloon arch, receiving the priest’s blessings, anduttering I do. If you don’t believe me, just ask the two ladies across from us!”

Daphne immediately waved her hands. “I believe in staying single, so I might be an exception.”

Daphne’s rejection only made Tiffany more desperate in her search for an ally. She quickly turned toLysander. “Lysa, wouldn’t you agree?”

Lysander was solely focused on eating her meal, her eyes fixed on the food before her. She hadresigned herself to being invisible at today’s dinner, planning to leave as soon as she finished eating.Unexpectedly, she found herself called out by Tiffany.

Her hand awkwardly hovered mid–air. “I think… for most girls, it’s probably like that.”

At last, Tiffany found a sense of belonging. “See, Jose? Lysa feels the same way too.”

With a smirk playing on one corner of his lips, Josiah let out a soft chuckle. However, he didn’t respondto Lysander’s words. Instead, he shot back a question, “Do you want a wedding with a floral balloonarch?”

Tiffany was both embarrassed and annoyed. “I was talking about you! How did the conversation turnback

to me?”

“Me? I don’t really have any thoughts.”

“You must have! When it comes to marrying the on you love, who wouldn’t wish for everyone’s


Chapter 424 Not The One She Loves


Josiah’s expression turned slightly frosty. “Perhaps, I’m not the one she loves.”

Tiffany hadn’t expected his response to be like this. Subconsciously, she felt as if she had stirred uptrouble. “Jose, did I say something wrong?”

“Quickly sit down and eat your shrimp. It will taste off if it gets cold.”


“Listen to me..


Perhaps the advantage of a significant age difference between partners was this.

The petite wife was pure, adorable, and obedient, while the husband was dominant, doting, yet gentle.

Observing the interaction between the two, Lysander suddenly gleaned some insight into the dynamicsof male–female relationships.

If two people wanted to be together for a long time, they had to be two connected puzzle pieces. Whereone stuck out, the other had to have the accompanying groove. Only in this way could they fit togetherseamlessly.

In that marriage, she was the piece that stuck out, tirelessly striving for her career and being so busyshe could hardly breathe. On the other hand, Josiah made a conscious effort to suppress his truenature, transforming himself into a gentle and considerate man.

Perhaps it was because he had loved Lysanne back then but couldn’t have her. He had finally found:substitute with a similar name and had no choice but to settle for second best, accommodating herlifestyle. As a result, he had thoroughly concealed his domineering and fiery nature, all in the hopes ofspending a lifetime with a person named close enough to the woman he couldn’t have.

But in the end, she was not the sharp and assertive Lysanne.

He wasn’t exactly the tender and warm–hearted man either.

To put it simply, the roles they played in their marriage were self–assigned, as if they were bothperforming in a play titled “The Loving Couple.”

It was truly laughable.

“Lysander, what’s on your mind? What’s making you smile?” Susan asked, her voice filled withaffection. “I owe you for last time. Thanks to you fetching the doctor and adjusting my medication, myblood pressure has significantly improved lately.“,

Lysander said, “The key thing about blood pressure is stability. For now, please follow the currentmedical advice and take your medication. If there are any changes, let me know.”

“Got it. Your words put my mind at ease. We should ensure our families interact more in the future.Wouldn’t want us to grow apart.”

Lysander reassured her, “Madam Susan, you can co on me. I’ll do my best wherever I can be of help.


22:56 Mon, 3 Jun:

Chapter 424 Not The One She Loves.


However, due to the nature of my job, I might often be busy and may not be able to visit frequently.”

“That’s no problem. We can just as well keep in touch over the phone. What I’m trying to say is, don’tcut off contact with me just because of all those messy incidents in the past. It doesn’t matter if youdon’t come. visit me here. We can always meet up somewhere else if you want to see me.”

Lysander nodded. “All right.”

Howard picked up on the underlying message and asked, “After Josiah marries Tiff, will they be livingnext door?”

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