His Beloved Ex-Wife

Chapter 384
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Chapter 384

Chapter 384 Deceived By Others

Josiah looked toward Lysander.


At first, his eyes revealed shock, which quickly gave way to confusion, only to finally settle on a senseof


At that moment, Josiah desperately wanted to confirm something.

“Lysanne was adopted? At what age?” Josiah questioned.

Howard sighed and answered, “When Lysa went missing, she was just over four years old. Mollyblamed herself, believing she had failed to look after her daughter properly. She was filled with guiltevery day as we waited for news after reporting to the police. We waited for more than half a year, butin the end, the police told us that the chances of such a young child surviving alone outside for so manydays were very slim. They asked us to face the reality…”

With that. Howard cast a glance at Lysander.

Lysander stood there quietly, her head bowed down. Her lips were tightly pursed, and no one knewwhat she had on her mind.

Howard then uttered with a hint of bitterness, “The way you look now, it’s just like how your mother waswhen you went missing. For more than half a year, she sat idle, waiting for news every day. Every timethe phone rang, she would shout out, believing it was news about you. I was no different. But every

time we picked up the phone, it was either a relative or friend checking in or the police saying there wasno progress. The worst part was that most of the calls were telemarketers or scams…”

Josiah’s hands, hanging by his sides, clenched and unclenched repeatedly. “You never told us aboutyour daughter going missing…”

“Your mother knew all along,” Howard said. “After we adopted Lyss, we were concerned that she mightfeel she didn’t belong. Hence, we made it clear to all our relatives and friends that they had to treatLyss like our own biological daughter from then on. We wanted to make up for everything our biologicaldaughter missed out on by giving it all to Lyss.”

Josiah turned toward Susan. “Mom, you’ve known all along?”

Susan gave a nod. “Yes.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Josiah questioned.

“Back then, you were just a kid. What good would it have done to tell you? Besides, children arenotorious for not keeping secrets. Imagine if you had accidentally let it slip and Lysanue heard it. Itwould have upset

her, too.

Anxiously, Josiah said, “If I had known it wasn’t her, I wouldn’t have-”

Right then, Lysanne called out to him, “Josiah!”

Her eyes were filled with pleading, and she cautiously wanted to grasp his sleeve. “I…”


22:44 Mon, 3 Jun


Chapter 384 Deceived By Others


“How old?” Josiah roared.novelbin

Lysanne was startled, and tears quickly welled up in her eyes.

Howard answered on her behalf, “When Molly and I went to the orphanage, we originally wanted to finda girl about the same age as Lysa. However, we searched through several orphanages in Harborbrookand couldn’t find any girl the same age as Lysa, except for one, and that was Lysanne. When webrought her back, she was already seven years old.

A wave of paleness instantly washed over Lysanne’s face when she heard those words.

A child at the age of seven was already capable of remembering things.

In other words, from the moment Lysanne arrived at the Thorne manor, she was acutely aware that shewasn’t Lysander. Instead, she was a child adopted from the orphanage.

The look in Josiah’s eyes shifted gradually from indifference.to anger as he gazed at Lysanne. “Whydidn’t you tell me?” he thundered.

“Josiah, it’s not that I didn’t tell you. It’s just that I-”

“Why didn’t you deny it when I mentioned we met once as children?” Josiah was p*ssed off.

Lysanne was so nervous that her whole body was shaking.

“Lysanne, I told you I hated being lied to the most, didn’t I?”

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